HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/29/1948 [484 ~ Proceedings of tbe City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington September 29, 19J.!L The Commission met in regular session at 10 :00 A.!.~., and 1'las called to order by Ea,cor Epperson. Officers present wcre: Layor 2pperson, Com~ssioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson, and Clerk Law. l'inutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of application~ o · P ild' 't "15~ - wU lng Perrr~ s: j I Sheila B. Astley & Dorothy J(.. Hogg Dick Owen Charles H. Ketchum E. g. Benedict Jerry Haldeman Petersen & Craver Robert .i!.,vanson Dell O. Downing Jack'OelGuzzi Jack DelGuzzi I'. .J a ck DelGuz z i I Jack DelGuzzi Jack DelGuzzi Jack DelGuzzi Jack DelGuzzi Inez V. 1:cLaughlin ". Licenses: 8(,- Annex Hotel ~'!illmer I s Cafe ~'lil1Jner I s Cafe .,/ illmer 's Cn! e 'ilillmer's Cafe Annex Cafe for building permits and licenses, the following Yiere granted: Construct Utility Room; S~ Lt. 1, Blk. 382, Townsite Build 5-Roor.1 Dwelling; Lots 7-10, Blk. 106, Townsite Build 4-11oom Dwelling; Lot 4, EL~. 2, kIdwell's Subd., Blk. 35 Remodel; Add Room to Present House; Lot 12, Blk. 231, Toymsite Remodel & 3 Rooms to Present House; Lot 17, Elk. 277, Tovmsite Build 5-Room DNelling; E 30 I Lt. 13; Lot 14, Blk. 261, Townsite Build I-Car Garage; Lot 7, Blk. 192, Townsite Build Garage & ShoPi S~ Lts 8 and 9; Blk. 39, N.R. Smith Add. Remodel Dwelling; N2 Lots 19-20, Blk. 164, TOYlnsite Remodel Dwelling & Garage; Lot $, Blk. 379, T01'msite Remodel Evening News Bldg.; Lot 18, Blk. 31, N.R. Smith Add. Remodel llwe1ling; Lot 19, Blk. 1, Cain's 18 Build Garnge--2 cars; Lot 3, Blk. 331, Townsite Build I-Car Garage; Lot 7, Blk. 387, Townsite Build I-Car Garage; Lot 11+, Dlk. 107, Baker Add. Construct Porch; Lot 9, Blk. 223, Townsite 100.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 100.00 1,500.00 6,000.00 ;, 150.00,1 1,000.00 ': 2,500.00 : 3,000.00 5,000.00 ' 2,500.00 900.00 800.00 800.00 200.00,. Hotel Operator Amusement Pachine Restaurant 30ft Drink J;:usic j.illchine Restaurant 21.00 24.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 fencing for sub-stations Vlere submitted as Contesti, $4,193.00; Allemn Eill & Supply, The bids as submitted were referred to the after due consideration it was moved by $4,165.00 be accepted. Seconded by Under the head of unfinished business, the bids for industrial follows: Angeles Building Center, $4,165.00 and $3,835.00; A. ~4,239.21 and j~J,955.33; Owens Bros., $4,722.00 and $4,374.00. acting Licht Superintendent and City Engineer for cheCking, and Commissioner Steele that the bid of ~~ngeles Building Center for Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. ;Cotion carried. Under the head of new business ,.:rs. ','Jiltse appeared before the Cor.1mission for the Hwnane Society regarding care of dogs. lirs. Wiltse was infonr.e:! to appear at the next session Vihen the Corr;nission will have had opportunity to consider pro;oosals and an Ordinance as presented reGarding the same. J. W. Caven requested permission to substitute copper tubing for material not available in their sub- contract on the City Fire Station. 1~. Caven was informed that if the Architect did not object, the CO!1'.mission "ould grant their approval. .j The report Df Police Judge Taylor for the month of August showing 91 cases tried and $838.00 fines collected was approved and ordered filed. Commissioner Steele informed that $72,000.00 in Port Angeles ,'iater Revenue Refunding Bonds are available from Blythe and Co. at 98~, and that the City could realize a saving of approximately ~16,000.00 by redeeming the same. It Ylas moved by Comm.issioner Steele that the City purchase the bonds with surplus now accumulated in the Refunding Bond Fund, and that the Attorney be instructed to present a resolution authorizing the same. Eotion seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. l!.otion carried. Fire Chief ':!olverton informed that the County officials contemplate moving the r..A.R. Hall to a new location. The Commission instructed the Chief to contact Commissioners regarding the Game, and report at the next session. lfOTIOE 'TO BIDbl'laB ;-';otlce is hereby gl\'en that blds will bo r~celveC. by the City Clerk or the City of PClrt Angeles, Wash- I Ill! l1m, at the City ~n of said CIty, not later tllan 1Q A. .M., OCtober 13, J!l48, to furnish tor the City Light ~o~P~~f~~\4~~~i%a~~gS~fr~r~I~~~i OWl.Jr Plant. 'l'he CommiAAion reo >le!'\'M the rlght to reJept an)' Qr If-Il Ids. J. E. Law, \1 PulJll~ll ~ellt(!mber :I~lgrc(~~r~4l!. Commissioner Steele requested that bids be published for one year supply of Diesell Oil and Lubricati'lg Oil for the Diesel Power Plant, bids to be opened October l3th~ It \'Ias moved by Commissioner ,Johnson that the said bids be published. Seconded I by Commissioner Steele. All voted Ayc. l',:otion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same. CURRSNT EXPZN53 F'l'l'ID: 1lfJ ~:2.. ,Andrew Severyns City Treasurer City Light Dept. Clallam Grain Co. R. H. Hoyt I K &: ], Fine Foods Stewart Filion Loris Sales Co. Natural Gas Corp. of nash. HOVlard-Cooper Corp. Acting as Police Judge Cash for Ste.mps ilent Grass Seed, Straw, Dog Food, etc. Handcuff Case 30# Centanoz Floor ':Iax Canvas Case Telephones" Switchboard, nire Gas Parts 10.00 2.00 50.00 15.89 2.77 6.16 3.61 631. 50 2.41 18.78 7# CITY STIl.~T FUND: ..< / ;' Clallam r.rain Co. Puget Sound j,avieation Co. Automotive Parts Service Eageol J/otors, Inc. H. Z. Dodge 56064 75.00 6.51 75.52 52.67 9.04 Lime Frt. 164068, Parts Shaft, Drum ZXpense Trip to Seattle ,,0 ';,ATEi! FUHD: f31' Lindgren Bras. Tri-County Tyoewriter Go. City Light Dept. Pueet SOW1d Havigation Co. P. E. Burke Decals l1achine Service Rent and Lights Frt. Chgs. Pipe 80.97 187.26 30.87 .85 28.80 I I I , :1 I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ',';ATER FUND, continued: Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 2pperson & Sons James Hardware CO. IF . LTGHT Fmm: 7'1'1- Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. I City Water Dept. ,Gene~al Electric Co. ~ ptiget Sound Navigation Co. I!~estinghouse Electric Supply Co. General Electric Supply Corp. Thos. Hutchings HOr.le Planning Service '1S- t SANITATION FUXD: 32. - Automotive Parts Servic e I PARK FUND: .( 0 r ~5' i Ancieles l:illwork & Lbr. CO. [I !los s & Beasley, Inc. I D & B Battery & Electric Station I Angeles ]'ilbwrk & Lbr. Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Clallam Grain Co. .J 'i I P.J.C. & T.C. FUND: 3'- 7 - : Airport Highway Maintenance System Autor.1otive Parts Service I Puget Sound Navigation Co. I Washington State Penitentiary II: :~:~~~g:::v:~:c;:~:: S:~; !i . City Treasurer 00 September 29, con:t.inued, Pipe Lumber Tools Phone Servic e Yi a ter Lamps I'rt. Chgs. Tram;f. Hangrs. Hard't'lare, l::eters Expense Plans Parts Lumber & Supplies 'rower Parts J:'achine r/ork Lumber, ':Tiring l{aterial Service 1051 Gypsum Traffic Striping, Paint Thinner Frt.; 55878; 52568 Signs Parts Assessments Paid FlRill.lEI'I'S PENSIO~I FmJi): .33 Clallnm County l,edical Service Corp. l1edical Service Fees for Oct. ! There being no further business, the session was declared ndjourned. ~c, iQ4/" . City Clerk 19.EL 485 83.691 7.97 18.19, 63.761 72.34 141. 83 1.00 10.38 326.84 6.62 171.41 32.95 131. 01 17.19 1.03 41. 95 7.57 10.50 ,~ 268.75 8.241 10.47 I 46.86 ! 33.02 , 356.78 I 33.00 II ,'J~-~ ~- Eayor