HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/30/1937 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 527 " Sepbmb~ ~9, 19~7 193_ The COMmission examined "nd Ftllowc:l th~ fol1o"iin:: claiMS 'I"'"' ord red Wa"'r8nt" dl'r'l\'In fop SR.me: 'I CURq~1ri' E:a>El: J S FUNTI ! H. ~. Dod2e Pacific T;l . 1'.,_,1 Co. n II If 11 " " Ey:p~nse tccount S~rvice " 5.60 1.25 1. 25 1.('0 8.00 1. 00 1.10 6.90 6.9[1 6.90 7.3fJ . j,5 I " " ~ 11 11 . " " " f'" .... I Ci ty Treasur~r . CITY S'PREET FUND P. O. Box Rent !l" Jas. n. Covne IsaHcson I;on ~orks ';iashino:ton Pul~ & l''Iner ~orp. Howard:Co~per torr. . Dirt Grader I'arts Lime. e tc . Angledozer Blad~ ~'\ ./ t.. 3 28S.90 55..1 (\ If,(1.47 '('".or . ,'/A'i'E,( MiD City Treasure~ Paeific Tel & Tel Co. , rm'ma id "',dl'Y I,lisc. Cash i''lymen ts 3ervi ce Store 'tent ,j'l or; 4.~1 .\. ;~5 10.(10 LI ~.HT FUND I City Treasur~r Generql El~ctric Co. ,Albert J. Kni,;ht Co. , General ~lectrie Su~pl;' Co. Line Mc'lteri'll Co. ~estinehou'e Electric & Uf~. Co. Pacifie Tel & Te~ Co. LIB":.11 ?U1'1D Pacific Tel & Tel Co. l.lisc. Cas h Payments 1,let~rs Meter Boxes Ma t~!. i'll s 11'1 te- ia 1 ;)uDPlies Service J:? pi' 4.94 2U.ll 11.63 465.78 ~3.[;6 35. ,16 11...8[; S er v i '~~ t ..5 GUA:i U;l'Y "'l'lm City Treasurer " ... II >;- 27'.410 1. 1,0 Taxeo Filing Deeds The Commission then ad~ourned to meet September 30, 19~7, at 10 ,f p /~ c?~ ~~, A.M. ~~ /)~ d: U,q ~7or gPTEJ.rnS~ 30, 'S37 The ComclissioI' met pursuant to adjol1rnment at 10 A.I.!. 'lnd wan c'.rlle' to ord~r b:J 1.i8;vor Davis. llol~ call ShO"lel] the fol10"lin" officers nr~sent: ~h;lor Davis. Commissioners Henson and !.lasters and Cler:: Ha-;,':ins. . I The Commission examined and nlloweJ the follol'JinZ claims and ordered -,.'arl'ants dr'Fill for same: CUIlRSU';' EXPENSE Flnm !ilareuerite "Ue Sala ry 75.00 Ci t,: Treasur"r ':I", t~I' 3,,0.00 u u 58.0r IJ. R. McDona ld Services i~ <:'i.On 1.1artin J. .;chnnriger 3alar~T '1 ~ '3 lOr'. (') I Street Depar.tm"n t Pay Roll 115.88 CI7Y Sr::::t~~T<~rr I?Ulffi D. A. !.Ias t~r s Car Hire -0 ~..j,C:O Stre~t D~partment Pay noll 1~86.77 Harr'Y Johnson Truck H~re <+ ,~ 185.00 I, For]"es~ :'Ialdron " <.00 ':'1..:\T~1 ~~ .later DP-rafrt~m'" nt P~~1 rtoll *': 1'127.60 " 1\,..... ,,8~. CO A. 1.:cKni"ht Gara~ Rent I ~.0(1 \r. LI'}llT MID 1---- ILiCh t Departme n t PAY rtoll 1~34 ..51- .... r'" 528 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington SeJ1tember__~,c.. 1937 _193_ ~ I Ruth -". BeaT:1 S. H. ,Ihi te I L. T. Guy I Chas, Beam II T" J . D. GEN~rlAL MID Ruth "'. Beam Salary Ca' Eire Janitor Garafe Ii 'nt There beini; no further busines,j the Commission then adjourned. Salary ?Jlnj~ . '. ~ Ci ty lile rl{ SI ),~1 - /(~~ M'lyor 10.00 3;; .00 5.00 3.0(' 86.67 I I l I I I I