HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/01/1945 ,..-- '148 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 1 _____19._ 45 The Commission met at 10 :00 A. M. and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Ilasters and Clerk Hawkins. Pursuant to Law and published notice, the Commission took up the matter of the hearing of the Budget for the year 1946. Following is the assessed valuation of the City of Port Angeles as submitted by the County Assessor: SepteTl\ber 11, 1945 Mr. Nat Hawkins, Clerk City of Port Angeles, Port Angeles, Washington I ~ear Sir:- In compliance with statutes governing, I herewith sulJnit the assessed valuation of all the Real and Personal propertYrsubject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles,Washington for the year 19453 as equalized by the State and County Boards of Equalization as follows, to-wit: Total valuation of all Real end Personal property---------..:---------$5,905,855 Respectfully subnitted, I A. J. Cosser County Assessor After examining and considering each item of the Preliminary Budget it was moved by Conmissioner Beam that the Budget for the year 1946 be approved and adopted as follows, and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare Ordinances approving and adopting the fudget and confirming the ,estimates of expenditures and fixing the tax levy. Departments 6,725.00 4,945.00 3.520.00 $ 2,500.00 1,895.00 1,895.00 4,560.00 6,580.00 4,945.00 2,605.00 2,260.00 55,095.00 51,740.00 ,55,280.00 6,900.00 1,SOO.00 155,555.00 152,075.00 5,480.00 158,095.00 116 .055.00 22,040.00 10,774.00 2,654.00 8,120 .00 24,272.00 5.972.0.0 20,500.00 5,090.00 740.00 4,5SO.00 7,500.00 1.700.00 5,800.00 2,030.00 20 .880.00 87,000.00 252,024.00 252 ,024.00 209,000.00 209 ,000.00 42,150.00 42 ,150.00 15,190.00 15 ,190 .00 25,610.00 26,610.00 I Mayor Commissioner of Finance Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvement Trea surer Clerk Engineer Attorney Poiice Courts Miscellaneous Fire Departljllln t Police Department Street Department Planning Commission Total Current Expense Fund Estimate Less Estimated Receipts City Stree't Fund Less Estimated Receipts Library ThiId Less Estimated Receipts Park Fund Less ~stimated Receipts 8th Street Bridge Bond Fund Less Estimated Receipts Firemen r s Relie f & Pension Less Estimated Receipts Library - Curmm1lati ve Res. Fund Current ExP. - Cum. Res. Fund Light Department Expenditures EstimBted Receipts I Water Department Expenditures Estiw~ted Receipts Port Angeles Water Rev. Refunding 80nd Fund Estimated Receipts War Liquor Tax Fund Estimated Receipts Police Department ' fire Department Health Department Estimated Receipts Sanitary Department'Expenditures Estimated Receipts I Motion seconded b,r Mayor Robinson. On roll call. Mayor Robinson and Commissioner Beam voted Aye, Commissioner Masters voted Aye for the Budget as shown above with the exception of an item of $5,000.00 in the Perk FUnd on page 28 for.Recreation and Athletic Supervision, which he believed should be $2,SOO.00 instead of $5,000.00. The Mayor declared the motion carried. ~ There being no further business the 17,~~ City Clerk Commission then adjourned. , U~ JYor~