HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/01/1947 I I I' I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 383 OcJ<9Jm'_4----.--_ 19.1L !The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steels and Johnson, Attorney Wilson and Clerk law. :M~utes of the previous session were read and approved. ~nder the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: I . ~ ~ . IBuilding Permits: ~,?t1t1 ,John I.IcFadden Build Addition to Bath Room; Lot 10, Blk. 282, Townsite 150.00 iEdward Eldridge Build 5-Unit Auto Courts; Lot 8, Blk. 25, N.R.Smith Md. 7,500.00 'D..J. MacFadyen Remodel Present ])v;elling; Lot 10, Blk. 122, Townsite 3,000.00 /R. .E. Renshaw Remodel Utility Room; Lot 1, Blk. 330, Townsite . 250.00' Clifford Swan Build 5-Room Dwelling; lot 1 andE~ Lt. 2, Blk. 421, Tcmnsite 9,000.00: ID. W. furwell Remodel Present Dwelling; Lot 1, Blk. 227, Townsite 500.00 IHugh Govan, Contractor Build Machinery Shed; lot 20, Blk. 97, Townsite 2,40.0.00, I' I' ~ 00 'Licenses: IS- i' 1. Johnson Se cond Hand Dealer 15.00 lunder the head of unfinished wSiness, the bid by Graybar Electric :Co. to t\lrnish light line truck which was' opened at the previous session, was again considered. It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the bid be lapproved and accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. !I!'~ht Supt. Lean presented a condensation of Clallam County P.U.D. report as filed Sept. 10th. Mr. Steele !expressed apprecietion of the Commission to Mr. Lean for effort spent on report submitted. It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the report be filed for fUrther consideration and copies be given to the Port ,IAngeles Evening News and Peninsula Herald. Motion seconded by W..yor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion II carried . ,Under the head of new business, Mrs. Olga Anderson spoke before the Commission regarding lack of drainage 'near 8th and F Streets. Mr. Johnson informed that the situation will be corrected as soon as possible. 'I I)Jiss NorriS, City librarian, and members of the Library Board also appeared before the Commission. A letter', Iwas presented citing need for building expansion bj' remodeling or new construction. The letter was ordered II filed for further consideration by the Commission. i,Bessie Malesl<'J and Allen Thomas met with the :Commission requesting transfer of Black and White and City Cab I 'ICo. licenses to Mrs. Malesky, new owner, as the Cab companies had not been sold to Mr. Brimmer, former 'I [interested plrchaser. It was moved by Mayor Epperson that the request for transfer be granted. Seconded by :Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. LeRoy Jagger informed the Commission that several Insiness establishments have been negligent in putting out garbage for collection. lIr. Jagger was informed to report offenders to the Police Chief who will inforce ,Ordinance. '-I '. n"I., KUTH'E, i~' h"l"I~lJy gi\"eJl tlwt Sf'fll_ f.1{.:tl~,tn~!.lJr'1;~,~.t:~r.l!H~~ti::~~;i~\t Fire Chief Wolverton requested permission to publish bids for the purchase and ~;~linl'll:I~\.\:;~ ~'IIL:t'(JI:~~n.l!:,f Ir4i~l, \:il~;1 installation of a neVf oil turner in the fire hall, bids to be opened October 15th. I~~l:;)~t:,,:;~:,~:::;:i;ilg~~1~:;~:~~:~~ ~ ~:;o~o~~~e~;o~~mm;~i:~~ds:,;::e ~~~o~~a~~i;d:or bids be published. Seconded 1 b." 11l~t1l.Jh'd ..t.th.. ('tt)l 1"11"\' Ihll. Th., ('Ulllm;~}'1611 r....l!.,r1.'~'" th(' !'l,..-ht Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the I Iu reJI"l't an~' CO,i. ;J~~ t"~\,., 1~~ll~l~V,~lr i~l';~'H CitY"1 the follo-.Ying were introduced: 'I 'Daniel and Mabel F. Beutler Lts. 15-16, Blk. 2, Hartt & Geoke's Subd. of Sub. Blk. 31, Townsite 300.001 'George R. and Nelda D. Lewis Lts. 13-15, Elk. 9, P.S.C.C. Subd., Tovmsite 525.00, lIt was moved by Commissioner Steele that the resolutions be approved and the property sold. Seconded bY. ,Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. Ilotion carried. 1 IThe Commission examined end approved ,I .s .h CURRBNT EiPENSE FUND: .330- City Light Dept. Multigraph Sales Agency ,'Jerry Nelson Agency I:North Coa st Chemical & Soap Works :Hazel's Cafe Washington State Penitentiary ,Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. !Ci ty Trea surer :CITY STREET FUND: ".115:1'3 \erry Nelson Agency WATER FUND: d/7"~ b a 'Janish Motor Co. {;ity Light Dept. Palmer Supply Co. 'Caven Plumbing Co. Marckmann & Williams Sound Equipment Corp. Forrest Hansen James H. Lindley Forest H. Waldron , '" (,/ LIGHT FUND: --<7Ac:. " ~Addressograph Multigraph Corp. .Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. 'City Water Dept. 'Graybar Electric Co. 'James C. Martin "C.ll.St.P. & P. Railroad Co. (~ the follcming claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: City Rent Pink Duplimat Masters Ins. Adjustment Wax, Soap, Sponges, etc. Meals for Prisoners Street Signs Gas Fees for 2 members, Vol. Firemens Pension & Relief , i I 00.001 4.861 20.601 22.15 165.36 60.681 2.90 6.00 Ins. 8th & Valley Bridge, Ins. Adjustment 315.4511 187.471' 55.5.5, 23.26' 14.52: 794.62. 5.52 191.10ji 98.281 98.28' , , 35.95 46.85 1.90) 30.90 81.15 4.191 1,253.41 : Truck Parts Rent & Light s Fittings Pipe Pipe & Fittings Repairs Truck Hire Truck Hire Truck Hire Supplies & Repair Phone Water at store Rope Expense Frt. Charges Pole s "'" 384 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington 1951- October 1, continued, 'tIGHT roNDo continued: 'flood Canal Auto Freight ~estinghouse Electric Supply Co. +Terry Nelson Agency t.ine Material Co. ! .4 35 SANITATION J!UND: .( t . leRoy Jagger i II iPARK MID: 3'" Iport Angeles Sign Shop ~. .& L. Paint Supplies ;l'acific Telephone & Telegraph Co. PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: Marguerite Vane Welix (jallacci ~. H. Rhodes, Inc. L. or. GUARANTY FUND:,Q yf ?7 City. Treasurer it. I. liE VOL VING rollD I "'~.r '! ~ !Ci ty Trea surer Hardware Fixtures Ins. Premium Transformers Car Mileage for Sept. 4 Signs Green Paint Service 10~ ?.J.3 .::J Counting Parking Meter Money Car Mileage for Sept. Co.'s Share of Sept. 'Collections Taxes Paid Taxes Paid There being no .further business, the session was declared adjourned. a.tL (J City Clerk L r 1.00 I 22.77 ! 186.01 1,062.47 ~~ ~<4'~'_~ 1 yor 28.35 20.09 ll.02 5.00 15.00 24.99 793 . 22 99.77 i I 28.38. I :1 I: "' :.~";' ~..:\ I I