HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/01/1956 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington SPECIAL SESSION Oetase!' 1, 1956 19_ .... . .".... ''''M ...,,_.. ."",,.. no.. .." The City Council met at 7:30 P.ii. and was called to order by l"wyor Neer, all officers beir.g present. Pursuant to Statutes governing the public hearing on the preliminary lYJdget for the year 1957 was opened. After due consideration budget items in scverlill departments were fixed as follo"s: ~eneral Administrations, delete lurimal Control, ~12,000.00. City Treasurer, City).latching,CE.R. & OASI, l;;>~30.00, C.E.R. and OASI, delete $350.00; City Clerk, Deputy, $315.00 to $325.00; c. E. Receipts, Avail- able Cash. Balance, $50,259.00 to $48,259.00. Light Fund, Line Foreman $572.68, Linemen Helpers $400.68' Line. Truck Driver $422.35, Servicemen, $493.18, Heterman, $481.88, Electric Inspector and Subst~tion ' Attdt., $481.88; Surveying and Engineering, $4,000.00. Legal and Rights-of 1-Ia;v E:>pense, $1,500.00. 'later Denartmcn~: Caretaker at Dam, $330.00. . Manager Vergeer recommended that the budget be approved as amenied and hearing closed. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that reconunendation be accepted, the proposed budget approved and an Ordinance prepared adopting same. Seconied by Councilman 'riolie and. carricd.. \'1. H. G:l'Ynn inquired as to ,.rhether or not reports and results of tests had been received from the Pollition C.ontrol Board. Hr. Vergeer advised that to his knowledge :the City has rilceived no reports. l"~. Vergeer informed that Clalla~ Theatres, Inc., have requested elimination of Admission Tax on Theatres. It was moved by Councilman J.iatthieu that the request be tabled. Secomed by Councilman \'lolie am carried. There being no further business, the IIIee~ng ,<as declared adjourned. /~// )~~ )V"", ~~or ~ . ff,. ;;L~ City Clerk REGULAR SESSION OCTOBER 4, 1956 The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P .11. ani was called to order by Hayor i'ieer. Officers present .rere: Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Matthieu, ]'lolie, }:cFadden am l.Jaxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney 3cvcryns am Clerk Law. It Has moved by Councilman ]'iatthieu that minutes of the previous meeting be approved and placed on file. Secon:led by Councilman Holie and carried. Under the head .of unfinished business, o~e hid was received from Howard Doherty in amount of $501.00 for Lot 13, Blk. l4l, TO\ffisite. It was moved. by CounciL~n HcFadden that offer be accepted. Seconded' by Councilman Maxfield and carried. Pursuant to notice3 published, the hearing on assessment roll for L.I.D. No. 167 was' opened. Council con- sidered adjustment of ro;U to conform with O\<nership in Habor Area" North of Blocks 2 ani 3, Tidelands ]iest. Jack Hogan, Port Man~,ger, informed that the State is responsible for a portion of same. I.lanager Vergeer recomm~nded that the roll be adjusted in the Harbor Area North of Blocks 2 and 3, Tidel~,ds West, so as to reflect t)1e change in lease hold interest of the Chicago, lfdlwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, the Dept. of Public L11ms of the State of U!,shington ani the Port of Port Angeles, to conform ,'lith interests betueen parties. It was moved by Councilman \'Tolie that recommendation be approved. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. . Louie Cnockaert complained as to condition of blacktop in alley back of skating rink ani requested correct- ion before he is expected to pay. . Al Beckner of fort Angeles Hotel thinks assessment all inequitablo and decreases property value. l~rs. L. L Hyde, Lots 2, 3, 4, Blk. 42, also Hr. and 11rs. Byron \'linter, 425 E. Front, protested making secondary higll"a;v' of Front Street and routing log trucks through the business district. Also cited hck of sidm/alks on Front Street from Lincoln to Peabody Streets ani suggested that logs be dumped at booming location ani towed to various destinations. Haj'or Neer cij;ed near tragedies averted by routing1rucl<s to eliminate sharp corners. Howard Haddux prot~sted assessment against certain lots being more than adjoining property. This being clerical error on /lotice mailed, no change >Tas necessary on Assessment roll. Esther Webster of Beaver Hill, protested charges against several lots in blocks 211, 220, and 280, same being inaccessable and 1iithout value. !'[r. Vergeer 8),:plained that ausessment roll was prepared by special- ist, not according tc(<ralue, but on area basis, plat of the City, ani proximity of the truck route, business and industrial property pa;ving higher assessments. Council examined numerous written protests which rec- eived due consideration and were ordered placed on file. No other objections appearing, it was moved by Councilman 1-4:Fadden that the hearing be olosed, all protests, denied and the assessroont roll am ell assessroonts therein confirmed as amended. ].lotion seconded by Council- man Sandison and carried. The follO\'>"ing Ordinance was then introduced and read in full for Council consideration: ORDINANCE NO. 1377 AN ffiDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Hashington, approving and confirming the assessments and assess- ment roll of Local Improvement District No. 167 for the improvement of a hign.ray, alley am drive ani certain streets 1'.ithin the city "by filling, clearing,draining, grading, ballasting a:1d paving, tog"ther 1'lith all necessary appurtenances thereto ani by doing all .lOrk necessary in connection thermlith, levying and assessing the amounts thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property as sho>:n on said assessment roll, providing for the pa;yment of such assessments into the Local Improvement District No. 167 Fund created by Ordinance No. 1338 of the city, and declaring an anergency. It was moved by Councilman HcFadden that the foregoing urdinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman ]'folie and carried. . Nanager Vergeer read reconunendation by the Planning Commission on request for variance of Zoning Oriinances by Vannausdle Furniture and HardloJare at 914 South Eunice Street. Reconnendatioil being favorableJ it '-tas moved tJ;;' Councilman j"olie that Council concur with same. Seconded by Councilman Sandison end carried. ., 515 I -oOllll