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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Was~ington
October 1, 1959
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The Port Angeles City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order
by Mayor Richardson. Other officers present were: Councilmen Smith, Sandison, ,Maxfield,
Thorne, Randall and Caldwell, Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law.
It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved
as received. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and ,carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish one 500 KVA Transformer for the
'Light Department were received as follows:
, General Electric Supply Co. 3,900.00 .' Graybar Electric Co. 3,900.00
, Maydwel1 & Hartzell 4,240.00 Central Transformer Co. 3,873.24
Love Electric Co. 4,240.00 Home Electric Co. 3,628.00"
Love Electric Co., Alternate 3,720.00 Utility Supply Co. 3,830.00 Ii
Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 3.900.00 Line Material Co. ,Inc. 3,900.00 ,
The Manager recommended the offer by Home Electric Co. at $ 3,628.00, this being a stand- I
ard type and now used by the City. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that recommendation
be approved and offer by Home Electric Co. accepted. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and i
carried. I
The petition requesting Local Improvement District for improvement by curbs, drainage and I
'paving from Race Street to Peabody Street and brink of Peabody Gulch and from First Street,
to Eighth Street having been checked, it was moved by Councilman Randall that the petitio~
be returne& for more signatures and better representation of the area included. Motion II
seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried.
Communication from Arnold Levy suggested that ,the Council consider improvement of parking I
lots on Front Street before investing City Funds in Port property West of the City Jail to
Cherry Street. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the re~uest be referred to the I
Planning Commission for further study. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried.
The Manager read recommendation far acquisition of the property by surplus Light Funds,
construction of a centralized City Garage and repair service, various departments to pay
the Light Fund for repair services and material. It was the opinion of Councilman Smith
that the City would benefit by purchase of the property for future expansion and recom-
mended that sufficient funds be included in the 1960 Light Department Budget for purchase
of the property and construction, It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the preliminar~
budget of the Light Fund be amended to include the necessary funds. Seconded by Councilm~n
Sandison and carried. , . . I
The City Engineer submitted for Council approval, the second (September) estimate for work
done ~nd material furnished by Milone and Tucci, Inc., in L.I.D. No. 179, $ 19,000.00.' II
It was moved by Councilman Smith that the periodic estimate (September) number two be
approved and warrants issued against L.l.D. No. 179 in total amount of $ 19,000.00,bearing
interest at the rate of 4 3/4% per annum and dated October 5, 1959, the proceeds to be de~'
posited in the L.I.D, No. 179 Construction Fund and that a warrant be issued on said Con- I
struction Fund in favor of the Contractor in payment for work performed. Motion seconded'
by Councilman Caldwell and unanimously carried.
The Council consfdered proposed annexation of areas South and West of the City. It was
moved by Councilman Caldwell that the Manager be requested to prepare the proper informatfon
con€erning the Annexation and send the same to all individuals living within the proposed
annexation Area. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried.
Under the head' of new business, the following reports were approved: Monthly Budget Re-
ceipts, Light work and billing, Water work and billing, Water and Light Operating. It was
moved by Councilman Thorne that all r~Ports be approved and placed on file. Seconded by ,II
,Councilman Smith and carried.
:Claims against City Departments were approved as follows: General Funds, $1,464.93. Wate~1
,Fund, $2.).7.94, Light Fund, $12,013.04. It was moved by Councilman Smith that claims be l,
: approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried.
lIt was moved by Councilman Caldwell that payrolls for September in total amount of
$51,284.60 be approved. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried.
A.p~tition signed by thirteen Police ~epartment employees a~king for a hearin~ on the pre~I'
IlmInary Budget was referred to the Crty Manager to be conSIdered at the PublIC Budget ,
Hearing. " ' I
The Salmon Club requested in writing that no more equipment or material be removed from I
~the Salmon Club building on Ediz Hook, and that all having been taken, returned. Harry
'liLe Gear asked the Council to postpone any action until more information is available and
!OWnerShiP clarified. Councilman Smith informed that the Salmon Club having no use for the,
,building, gave it to the Amateur Radio Club and they gave back to the City. It was moved I
:by Councilman Sandison to postpone anyvfurther action until the Salmon Club has an oppor-
itunity to clarify title and a full report is available and both bodies in accord. Seconded
'!by Councilman Smith and carried. [
ICommunication from Conrad Dyar, Secretary of the Park Board. was read. The Board was of
the opinion that the City should not be in the Cemetery business and for better service '
and operation, lease or sale of the Cemetery should be considered. After due considerati~ ,
it was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the matter be referred to the Planning commissioni
for study with the Park Board. the City Attorney to assist concerning legality. Seconded:
by Councilman C~well and carried. '
The Mayor cited extensive travels of Councilman Randall who gave brief resume of the same.i
. 1 I
matena i
Mayor ap-i'
Councilman Maxfield informed of unsightly dumping ground for heavy machinery and
~ back of Tradewell Store. The Manager volunteered to investigate.
~ouncilman Caldwell spoke regarding classification plan for City employees. The
pointed Mr. Caldwell as Chairman of a committee to study the plan, he to appoint
assistants to help.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
October 1. 1959
.""""'000, ",u.. ~
IThe City Engineer advised of dissatisfaction in'the Engineering Department concerning
salaries as provided in th~ preliminary budget and compared to Contractor employees, thei~
Iwage scale to be $3.00 per hour January 1st. Councilman Randall considered the compariso~
as a guaranteed annual wage against the wage of employees not working full time. The Mayo,r
risuggested that Mr. Warder submit a wage comparison to be considered at the Budget Hearing.
Under the head of introduction of Ordinances, the following was introduced, read in full.
and placed on first reading:
AN ORDINANCE granting to Jack Chapman a franchise to
stretch wires and cables and appurtenance structures over
and under the streets and alleys of the City of Port
I' Angeles and to maintain and use the same as a coaxial
I, cable distribution system for television distribution
to subscribers' residences and to business and public
I establishments.
jIt was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the foregoing Ordinance be approved first reading.
Iseconded BY Councilm3R by Councilman Thorne and carried.
:There being no further business. the meeting was declared adjourned.
NO'l'tO.E 01' CAL:r.. FOB BIDS
. ~otic~ is Ill~l"I::by gIven that sealed
bids Will llt, rcrelvC!d by the GUv
Manager of t]le Clty of Port Angclc:'3
at the eft), HalI of saId City untll
5;()O o'('loelc P. 1\1. 'l'uesdav Novem-
hf'l' 3, 195~ for furnishing' the foI.
lowlng tranJ.!formerg:'
l-I(jj K"A TmllHfotmer
1,::"," iii KYA Tl'nnsformer
G- !iOK\'ATranstormen:
5-:) j.Ji KV A Tnl u~ormers.
All tl"all~r"l'm('rl! to he nlled at
2-100/11(:0 't:" 120-240 volls wlth <4-
2 % '1 tnp", be-low normal.
All bid:; f']mll be opened and tabu-
Inted for the, Cll:r Council with a
rr-e~;nmell'diITfOr'l nttnchecl for-crJll8Id.
I eration by Iltlld C()uncll at the regu-
lar Coundl meeting to be held 111
the Council Chamber to be ht'lu all
Thursday, No,"cmbcl" Ii, 1!Hi9 f:om-
mendng at 7::10 o'clock P. 111
The Cil.lr Council re!';erves the
right to accept or reject llIlS or all
bios or Rn~' part thereof and pur-
chase the tI'am'!ol'meI's on the open
City ManagE-I'.
PubliShed: Octobe.r 22 and 2P; 1!Hnr.~ '-