HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/01/1985 408 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington October 1, 1985 I CALL TO ORDER Mayo~ Whidden called the meeting ~o order at 7:00 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Whidden, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Quast, Schermer, Stamon. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk Anderson, P. Carr, M. Cleland, R. Saville, J. Marsh, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, A. Rose, V. Clay. public Present: G. Miller, L. Sunny, S. Fahnestock, J. Hallett, F. McPhee, L. Ross. G. Kanalos, J. Going. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the September 17, 1985, meeting and the minutes of the Goals and Objectives meetings of September 7th and 10th. councilman Stamon seconded. Councilman Schermer suggested Councilmembers further review high priority goals and establish some time limits on them to provide staff with a more realistic list for budgeting. On call for the question, the motion carried. I IV CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the I Consent Agenda, including (1) Request permission to call for bids for transformer - u.s. Coast Guard; (2) Correspondence . from Washington State Liquor Control Board; and (3) Vouchers of $192,765.98 and Payroll of 9-22-85 of $213,283.31. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Following discussion of increased jailing costs for the Police Department, on call for the question, the motion carried. V 'FINANCE 1. Lauridsen Boulevard and Lincoln Street Intersection Revision Bid Awarded to Lakeside Industries Following discussion at length, Councilman Quast moved to accept the bid of Lakeside Industries, using Alternate Item No. 11, in the amount of $48,863.50. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. public Works. Director pittis explained that there would be a meeting on October 10, 1985, for members of the neighborhood to discuss their concerns regarding proposed revisions. 2. Bid Awarded .to Lakeside Industries for Resurfacing of Erickson Playfield Tennis Courts Councilman Schermer moved to award the bid to Lakeside Industries in the amount of $16,l41.97. Councilman Stamon seconded. Following discussion of the funding sources, on call for the question, the motion carried. 3. Riddell, Williams Bill of $1,391.30 Authorized Councilman Quast moved to approve payment of the September 17, 1985, Riddell, Williams bill in the amount of $1,391.30. Councilman Schermer seconded. On call for the question the motion carried. VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA None. I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 1, 1985 ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA Councilman Hordyk placed on the Agenda Item No. 13-A - Discussion of concerns at Civic Field. Councilman Stamon updated those present on the success of the "Get the Drift" cleanup program at the beaches in Port Angeles. She reported that 23 people had participated, collecting 50 bags of garbage from the Ediz Hook area and 2 bags from Hollywood Beach. she publicly thanked everyone who participated. VII LEGISLATION 1. Yard of the Month Recognition Awards Presented for September, 1985 Mayor Whidden presented Yard of the Month awards to the following: Ronald Lidster, Phillip K. Jackson, Jim & Ellen Caldwell, Rudy Hiener, .Chris & Joan Antolock, and W. R. Manning. 2. public Hearings A. DelHur Rezone Granted Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for comments from the audience. Gretchen Miller of Clark Associates addressed the Council, explaining the request for rezone of approximately .45 acres of Single- Family Residential and 1.58 acres of Arterial Commercial property to RMF, Residential Multi-Family. The location of the proposed rezone is imme- diately east of the Plaza Shopping Center on the south side of Highway lOl East. She explained that a purchaser wishes to construct a multi-family retirement-type facility on the property. She outlined the reasons this site had been chosen for the facility by the purchaser. Councilman Hordyk voiced concern over an adequate availability of utilities for the area, specifically water and sewer utilities. Ms. Miller stated that tlie draft environmental impact statement suggested a pump would have to be installed to provide adequate water pressure for hydrants. She stated that an alternative could be the installation of sprinkler systems, similar to those used by the Super B Motel. Upon inquiry from Councilman Haguewood, Ms. Miller indicated that City electricity is available for the project. She also discussed with the Council buffering for the development and traffic impacts. She stated that one car for every three apartments was anticipated for the development, having less impact than a family-type apartment. She also was asked about pedestrian access to the nearby shopping facilities for residents of the facility. Ms. Miller stated there were no specific plans for access at this time. Councilman Quast noted grave concern over vehicles driven by retired individuals crossing Highway 10l turning left in this highly trafficked area. Councilman Quast felt very strongly that an auxiliary egress from the retirement facility onto a safe street be developed. Ms. Miller indicated that a bus service was also planned for the facility. Councilman Schermer shared Councilman Quast' s concern for traffic safety and favored an auxiliary access. Neal peasley, administrator of Port Angeles Care Center, and proponent of the project, then addressed the Council, explaining this project was a private endeavor, not associated with his position at the nursing home. Mr. Peasley explained his proposal to construct a multi-unit retirement center, including three meals a day for residents, a weekly maid service, social and recreational activities, and a mini-bus service. He stated that all utilities - heat, water, light, and refuse, would be provided. He stated that clientele would be private clientele and that each unit would be either one bedroom or studio-type. He explained that nursing would not be provided at the facility but emergency devices would be provided for residents. Mr. Peasley also anticipated very few automobiles at the facility. He further described the proposed project, stating that safety for residents was a prime concern. Mr. Peasley then answered the Council's questions about the possibility of auxiliary access for traffic as well as pedestrians. Councilman Quast strongly urged handicapped access to the facility. 409 410 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 1, 1985 Following further discussion, Mayor Whidden asked for further comments from the audience. There were none; he closed the public hearing. Councilman Hordyk moved to grant the request for a rezone. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman Quast moved to amend the motion that the rezone become effective upon dedication of the street along which the development takes place (as far as the cul-de-sac); that the developer improve the capacity for sewer and water pressure or install a modern sprinkler system subject to Fire Department approval; and furthermore that an auxiliary access to Golf Course Road be facilitated. Councilman I Gerberding seconded for discussion. The Council then discussed with the City Attorney the proper types of con- ditioning that could be attached to a rezone. Attorney Knutson explained that conditions necessary to be mitigated in the public interest could be attached to a rezone; however, a condition on buffering would not be appropriate. Councilman Gerberding then discussed with staff the question of whether adequate sewer and water services would be available for future development in the area, should a facility of this nature be constructed. Following further discussion at length, Councilman Quast struck from his amendment the requirement for improved capacity of the sewer system and water pressure, as well as the installation of sprinklers, due to the fact that these provisions would be addressed in the building permit process. On call for the question the amendment requiring street dedication and the development of an auxiliary access to Golf Course Road carried, with Councilmen Hordyk and Haguewood voting "No". On call for the question, the original motion to grant the request of DelHur for the rezone carried, with Councilmen Hordyk and Haguewood voting "No". Manager Flodstrom stated there would be communication with the owner of the property, DelHur, of the City Council's serious concern that the development of this facility could limit future development because of the adequacy of utility service. Upon advice from Attorney Knutson, Councilman Stamon moved to adopt the findings of fact of the Planning Commission at the September 11, 1985, meeting as follows: Because it is removed from the Commercial liT", and multi-family would be an appropriate use, achieve Land Use Objective No. 1 and comply with Residential Policy No. 18. Councilman Stamon added that the proposal would also comply with Residential Policy No.4. Councilman Gerberding seconded. The motion carried, with Councilman Haguewood voting IINo" . 'B. Ha1eylSteward Rezone Denied Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for comments. Tim Haley, architect representing Dr. and Mrs. Steward, addressed the Council, request- ing the rezone of two lots at Seventh and Race Streets from RS-7, Single- Family Residential, to OC, Office Commercial. Mr. Haley reviewed the rezone request, citing various provisions from the Comprehensive Plan as reasons the applicant felt justified in requesting the rezone. He stated that Race Street is a major arterial, specifically a major traffic area to Olympic National Park and to Peninsula College as well as to the west end of the County. Craig Miller, representing Dr. Steward, then addressed the Council, reiter- ating Mr. Haley's comments that there are provisions in the Comprehensive Plan that could be pointed to as justifying the rezone. Mr. Miller stated that Office Commercial zoning could be used to phase from residential into commercial property, so it is consistent with the classification of the surrounding land. He felt this rezone would not have the effect of being spot zoning nor would it be arbitrary and capricious. He felt that the granting of the rezone was fully warranted. John Halberg, appraiser, felt this would be a zoning change in which every- one would come out a winner. He stated the residential zone does not really fit in this area. Dr. Bob Steward, applicant for the rezone, addressed the Council, stating that he wishes to build an office at the location. He stated plans include a building consistent with the design of the area. I I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 1, 1985 Councilman Hordyk moved to grant the rezone request, citing that the prop- erty is contiguous in zoning and that it meets the Comprehensive Plan requirements. Councilman Haguewood seconded. Tim Haley then discussed the proposal further with Councilmembers,' includ- ing intended construction and traffic impacts. Councilman Quast inquired of City Planner Carr if there was a shortage of Office Commercial property in Port Angeles. City Planner Carr answered that in 1982, 42%. of the Office Commercial property in Port Angeles was not being used for that purpose. City Planner Carr also submitted information to the Council on traffic in the area. He then updated the Council on changes in usage of the property over the last few years, stating that the usage had remained relatively the same with a variance of only a few percentage points. Attorney Miller then readdressed the Council, submitting the Council's finding on a rezone of the Seventh and Race area. He reiterated his opinion that the area is not attractive for residential use. Members of the Council discussed the matter further at great length with representatives of the applicant. Mayor Whidden asked for further comments from the audience. Don Bettger addressed the Council. Dr. Bettger felt this area ~as not residential due to the steady flow of traffic. He also requested the Council strongly look at traffic patterns being established in the City. Mayor Whidden then closed the public hearing. Deputy Clerk Anderson then re-read Councilman Hordyk I s motion to concur with the Haley/Steward request and grant the rezone as it is contiguous with the zoning of surrounding properties and it complies with the Compre- hensive Plan. Councilman Haguewood seconded. The motion failed, with Councilmen Hordyk, Haguewood and schermer voting "Aye", and Councilmen Stamon, Quast and Gerberding voting "No". Mayor Whidden cast a "No" vote to break the tie. Councilman Stamon then moved the Council direct the Planning Commission to consider the entire area of Race Street from Eighth to First that is presently zoned as residential for the possibility of a rezone in total to Office Commercial. Councilman Schermer seconded, requesting clarification. Councilman Stamon clarified that she did not wish to include the public facilities and parks in the area; just the areas that are presently zoned as residential. Councilman Gerberding requested an amendment that the Planning Commission also decide .whether there is a shortage of Office Commercial properties City-wide. Councilman Stamon concurred to amend the motion. Following further discussion, Councilman Stamon also added that the area to be reviewed for rezone would be two lots deep. She stated that other properties in the area were being offered for sale for commercial uses and felt the entire area should be looked at, rather than a piece-by- piece rezone situation. Councilman Schermer supported Councilman Stamon's motion, stating the Council cannot dictate the marketplace. Councilman Haguewood cautioned the Council that a blanket rezone might result in residential properties being taxed as commercial properties and warned the Council to guard against this. Following further discussion, on call for the question the amended motion carried with Councilmen Hordyk and Haguewood voting "No". Attorney Miller felt the Council should review the possibility of the rezone of an entire area upon receipt of an application for rezone by an individual to avoid a lengthy application process for the individual whose only alternative is to apply for a rezone of the specific area he owns. 3. Planning Commission Minutes of September 25, 1985, Accepted and Placed on File Councilman Quast moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of September 25, 1985, as written. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried. 4. Amendments to Right-of-Way Use Ordinance Denied Following a review of the Public Works Department's recommendation, Council- man Gerberding moved that the modifications not be passed and Mr. Lamoureux be instructed to modify his sign to comply with existing ordinances. Coun- cilman Schermer seconded. Councilman Haguewood suggested adopting the 411 412 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 1, 1985 right-of-way use ordinance amendment for future and staff discussed the matter at great length. the proposed ordinance by title, entitled situations. The Council Mayor Whidden then read ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles providing for a right-of-way use permit for sign structures and entrance awnings and amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2235, Section 2 of Ordinance 2318, and Section 14.04.030 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Following further discussion at great length, on call for the question the motion carried with Councilmen Quast and Haguewood voting "No". Councilman Quast also supported amending the ordinance. 5. paIA Annexation Resolution Passed Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 32-85 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles initiating the process of enlarging the Parking and Business Improvement Area. Councilman Quast moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman Stamon seconded. Attorney Knutson announced the inclusion of Attachment "AU, a description of the boundaries of the PBIA for inclusion in the record. Manager Flodstrom submitted copies of Attachment "A" to the Council. Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion I carried. 6. Resolution Passed Approving Issuance of Industrial Development Bonds for Hiller Helicopter Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 33-85 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles approving Resolution Numbers 4 and 5 of the Industrial Development Corporation of the Port of Port Angeles (Hiller Helicopters Project) . Councilman Schermer -moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Council- man Quast seconded. Councilman Stamon confirmed with the City Attorney that the City was assuming no indebtedness by the adoption of this Resolu- tion. Attorney Knutson explained that State law requires the planning jurisdiction approve the resolution which approved the industrial develop- ment bonds. On call for the question the motion carried. 7. Contract Authorized for Architectural Services for New City Hall Manager Flodstrom explained that he and Public Works Director Pitt is had rev~ewed the contract and had compiled a list of recommended changes in wording of the contract. Public Works Director Pittis then reviewed these proposed changes with Councilmembers. Following this review, Councilman Schermer moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with Arai/Jackson-Lindberg upon inclusion of staff's recommended changes. Councilman Quast seconded, adding the amendment that the Mayor receives the consent of the two Councilmembers who sat on the Selection Committee prior to signing the contract. Councilman Schermer concurred. On call for the question, the motion carried. I I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 1, 1985 8. Small Commercial Weatherization pilot Project Contract Authorized Councilman Hordyk moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with BPA and the Washington State Energy Office. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried. 9. Loan Closing Activities for Waterfront Associates - Mayor Authorized to Sign Loan Documents Jim Going of Waterfront Associates addressed the Council, requesting the Council take action on this matter tonight. Councilman Stamon explained to Mr. Going the reason for the delay at the previous meeting was because the Council had not received copies of the documents they were being asked to authorize. She explained that the Council did now have copies of these documents and had had the opportunity to review them. Following further discussion, Councilman Stamon moved to rescind the previous motion to table this item. Councilman Quast seconded. The motion carried with Councilmen Hordyk and Haguewood voting "No", and Councilman Gerberding abstaining, as he had not attended the previous meeting. Councilman Schermer then brought back before the Council the motion. to authorize Mayor Whidden to .sign the loan agreement along with other closing documents necessary to consummate the City's ioan to Waterfront Associates. He added to the motion that this be subj ect to the. approval of the City Attorney. Councilman Quast had seconded that motion. Following further discussion, Councilman Schermer added that a simultaneous closing with the primary lender take place. On call for the question, the motion carried, with Councilman Hordyk voting "No" and Councilman Haguewood abstaining. Finance Director Orton stated that copies of documents would be presented to the Council as they were developed. Jim Going then informed those present that all the pilings were in, the fill would be completed within the next two days, the foundation wall was in, issuance of the' building permit was anticipated at the end of.the week or during the following week. He anticipated the loan would close the next week and he reported the facility was presently over 40% leased. The Council thanked Mr. Going for his patience. Manager Flodstrom noted it was now after the hour of 10:00 P.M. Councilman Haguewood moved to adjourn. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. Legislation Agenda items Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13, 13-A and 14 were all continued. VIII LATE ITEMS None. IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA None. X ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Attorney Knutson announced that there would be an executive session for the purpose of considering litigation, which would last 10 to 15 minutes. Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting to executive session at 10:05 P.M. XI RETURN TO OPEN SESSION Mayor Whidden returned the meeting to open session at approximately 10:20 P.M. XII ADJOURNMENT Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting at approximately 10:22 P.M. ~~' C1e , ~ (J, ~~/1AJf C~~l~). rJJ~ Mayor .r ".. 413