HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/02/1933 ,.... 148 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Ootober 2,1933 193_ U'O' & "UR.'V, ",,~n"'. .n".""M. ~""lT.'''. _..'''. The Commission met at 10 a.m.and was oalled to order by Mayor DaTis. Roll oall showed the following officers present. Mayor DaTis,Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. Pursuant to Law and published notioes the COmmission took up the matter of Hearing the Budget for the year 1934. Following is the County Assessor's Certifioate of Assessed Taluation,- September 26th.1933 City Clerk City of Port Angeles,Washington. Dear Sir: In aooordanoe with law,I herewith submit the assessed Taluation Personal property,subjeot to taxation,within the oorporate limits of the AngeleStClallam County,State of Washington, as equalized by the state and of Equa ization,for the year 1933,as follows to-wit: City of Port Angeles -------- $4,228,283.00 of all Real and Ci ty of Port County Boards RespeotfUlly submitted, Will H.Taylor, County Assessor By R.H.Priokett Deputy After going o..-er the Tarious items of the budget andoarefUlly consi~Fring the same,- It was mOTed by Commissioner Filion that the Budget for the year 193~be approTed and adopted as follows,and that the City Attornay be instruoted to bring in Ordinanoes approTing and adopting the Budget and Confirming the estimates of Expenditures and fixing the tax leTies,- Current Expense Fund Mayor Commissioner of Finanoe Commissioner of streets and Public ImproTements Treaaurer Clerk Engineer Attorney Polioe Court City Hall MisGellaneous Police Department Fire Department Publio Pound Health Department Street Department 2,:1:25.00 1,872.50 1,872.50 2,575.00 2,830.00 4,94.0.00 1,950.00 485.00 4.50.00 2,500.00 10,930.00 12,465.00 335.00 307.50 27,74,1.15 73,378.65 - 18.950.00 54,4.28.65 Eatimated Reeeipts Amount to be raised by taXation Light Fund Estimated Expenditures Estimated Receipts Wa ter Fund Estimated Expenditures Estimated Receipts Library Fund Estimated Expenditures Estimated Receipts Amount to be raised by taxation Park Fund' Estimated Expenditures Estimated Reoeipts Amount to be raised by taxation E1wha Ri..-er Bond Fund Estimated Expenditures Estimated Reoeipts Port Angeles General ObliKation Bond Fund Estimated Expenditures Amount to be, raised by taxation Port Angeles aeneral Obligation Warrant Fund Estimated Expenditures Amount to be raised by taxation , Guaranty Fund (L. I .D. Bonds) ! Estimated Expenditures Amount to be raised by taxation . Eight Street Bridge Bonds Estimated Expenditures Estimated Reoeipts - Amount to be,raised by taxation The Motion was sesonded by Commissioner Beam. The Mayor deolared the Motion earried. There being no. further business the Commission then 90,000.00 90,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 6,159.00 280.00 b,tl7!:1.00 3,590.50 600.00 2,990.50 59,000.00 59,000.00 2,114..14 2.114.14 4.,228.28 4,228.28 2,114.14. 2,114.14 3,171.21 3,17l..21 O~ roll oall all members ..-oted aye. ad~~d. , /\' kJ~ ?)m~ City Clerx Mayor ..... I I I I I Proceedings of the City CommissiQ!t~fJh_eJ:ity- of Port Angeles, Washington 149 ", Ootober ",1933 193_ I I I I I MINUTES Ow CITY CO~rMISSION AS, CANVASSING BOARD BOND ELECTION OF SEPT.,,9, 1933 On Monday,October 2,1933, the CITY CO~Th!ISSIONERS,together with the City Clerk,met jointly with the members of the Clallam County Election Eoard for the purpose of canvassing the vote cast at the Speoial Bond Eleotion held in Port Angeles September 29,1933,to submit to the eleotors the ~uestion of issue of Bonds for reconstruotion of Eight Street Bridges over Valley and Tumwater gulches. o The members of the County Election Board,to wit: Albert Draper, Chairman,Board of County Commissioners, W~W~Bruce, Prosecuting Attorney, and W.B.Smith, . County AUditor; also R.E.Davis,Mayor, J.L.Beam and Chas,J.Filion, City Commissioners, and N.M.Hawkins, City Clerk, met at the office of the County Auditor, at the Court House in Port Angeles to cansass the vote and determine the result of the said Special Eleotion; The Board first examined the reports of the eleotion officers of the various preoinots, and it appeared from the reports that there were at all times sufficient votimg booths and ballots,the polls were open from eight o'clook, a.m.,to eight o'olook p.m., as re~uired by law; and all election officers were duly qualified. The Board then proceeded to oanvass the result of the ballot in the several preRinots and found the results of the vote to be as follows; Total number of votes oast in all preoincts Total number of votes in favor of the Bonds 1880 1633 Total number of votes against the Bonds 247 It appearing that the vote at the last general state and oounty eleotion, November 8, 1932, was 3693; that the vote at this speoial eleotion was more than one-half of the said vote at the last general eleotion; that more than three-fifths of the numoer voting at the speoial bond election voted in favor of the said bonds; It was therefore found th~t the bonds were authorized by the vote of the qualified eleotors. ,There being no further business the meeting then adjourned. ~ ?) , 0 /Y?~ \ City Clerk Mayor <, ~