HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/02/1935 ,.... 3'26 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 2. 1935 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to ordp.r by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Police JUdge Thos. Oeisness reported 20 cases tried and ~102.00 collected in fines for the month of September, 1935. Report ordered filed. Under the head of "pplica tions for Building Permi ts and Licenses the foll owing were granted: 50.00 3.00 2.00 lOa-: 88 Harold T. Fr~tz, Build Sun Porch, Lot 2, Block 277, Townsite Doc Yak, 3 Barber Chairs E. Madis on, 2 Barber Chairs F. H. Ader 1 Barber Chair Mrs. Rose Baer, 1 year license for dance Under the head of New Business, the following Resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION ,,,0 PAY GENERAL TAXES WHEREAS there is due incertain improvement districts of the lJity of Port Angeles c~rtain s;uns Of, money for local improvement asses:;ments upon certain property, a descrip- t10nof Wh1Ch, wlth amounts due for local improvement assessments, is as follows, to-wit: Lots 5 and 6, Block 149, Townsite Assessmentsin L.I.D. #142 ' Lots 5 qnd 6, Block 164, Townsite, Assessments in L.I.D. #102 n n L.I.D. 1104 Cond. 114 Slip 1. #104 32.26 Total 41&.86 31. OG 10.42 15.7<; 474.02 506.%8 .~H~REAS the said property has been taken over by Clallam County f~r general taxes and l~ lS about to b~.SOld at general treasurer's Sale to the highest bidder, whereupon any r1ghts that the ~lty mi~ht have would be extinguished; DHEREAS the.propert? has been appraised and its value carefully oonsidered by the members of the Clty Comm1ss10n and seems to be well worth the aggregate of the ,-eneral taxes and local improvement assessments and jUstifies investment from the funds in the Local Improvement Guarantee Fund to protect the interests of the City in said Local Improvement assessments. THEREFORZ BE IT RSSOL 'ED that the "ity ~reasurer be and she is hereby authorized to pay the '3eneral taxes upop the said property from the proper fund, taking the deed I thereto and holding the same in trust for the improvement districts on which assessments are due as provided by law. It was moved by Mayor Davis that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz, On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING BID ON PROPERTY ...iHEREAS, for some years past the Adminis tra ti ve, Street, Vlater and Ligh t Dcpartmen ts of the City of Port An@Sles have occupied building on the property described as follows: North Eighty (80) feet of Lot Ten (10), Block Fifteen (15), Townsite of Port nngeles, fiashington, which property is suitably equipped with vaults, skylights, and other e~uipment necessary for the proper conduct of the City's affairs and all of said property is necessary and desirable for strictly municipal purposes; mIERSAS, the Supervisor of Banking of the State of \'lashirr,ton has offered the said property for sale and called. for sealed bids to be made thereon at private sale; VIHEREAS, the said pro:gerty, if purchased at a reasonable price, presents a satisfactory and desirable investment for the Electric Light Department Investment Fund and can be entirely utilized by the different City Dep3.rtments for strictly municipal purposes VIi th appropriate rentals to be paid to the Electric Li,o;ht Investment .'und; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the City of Port Angeles rn3.ke and file a cash offer for merchantable title to the said described premises for and on behalf of the Electric Light Department Investment Fund of said City; that the amount of said bffer be hereafter determined by the City "ommission after further investigation of the condition of the building; provided, however, that said offer shall not exceed the sum of ~12,OOO.00. .It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the foregoing resolutiob be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On rclill call aU membel's voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION FOR CANCELLING CONTRACTS ~HERZAS, In the contracts for furnishing materials for the cDnstruction of the EighthStreet !tridges in Port "n@Sles it was provided that, in the event the:City of Port ;'ngele s was unable to secure labor necessary to complete the cons ':ruc t10n of the said bridges from the Washmngton Emergency Relief .~mini5tration or its legal successor, the right was reserved to cancel said contracts in accordance VIi th the terms therein, and ~JHERZAS, The Bity of Port .'ngeles has been unable to secure a suffticient amount of labor for said purposes from the Works proeress Administration, which is the legal suc- cessor to the ilashington Emergenc;jl Relief Adminis tra tion, and it is ther cfore necessary to cancel the said contracts . . KO", THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That, owing to the existence of the condltlons above referred to the following designated contracts be and the same are hereby. cancel- led and terminated and that the Oity Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to notlfy by. letter the persons and firms who are parties to said contracts, encl03 in.o; a copy of th1S resolution therein: Olympic Fores ts Products Corp., Port Angeles. '.'Iash., Specific a tion No. 1 Pacific lJoast Forge Co., 3800 Iowa Ave., Seattle, Vash., Specification No.2 .... 1 I I I I. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 2, 1935 193_ ""Ill 327 1 I I .,1 (I The ~est Coast ITood Preserving Co., 1118 4th Ave., Seattle, dash. Speoification #3B Johnson Tug & Barge Co., ,Port Angeles, "lash., Specification #3C Angeles Gravel & Supply vo., Port -~ngeles, ':/ash., Specification :14 Northwest Steel & Rolling Mills, Inc., 4.315 9th Ave. N.\'/. Seattle, ~/ash. Specifi- cation ,15 Olympic Utili ties Supply Co., % Ci ty Ele ctric Co., Port ..ngele s, '!las h. Specifica- tion #6B It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission exemined and allmved the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CUll RENT EXP Eli S E Mill Fire Department Hugo Olson F. M. Godding Art Burnside J. fl. McDonald Frank L. Plummer George Rothwell Street Department Pay Roll Extra Fireman Special Police Badges Servic es as dog ca tch~lI' Expen se "ccoun t Labor Pay "011 7-?-1..5;:.. nAT~R FUND Water Department OIashington State Bank Ulmer Office Equipment Co. Pay "~oll Rent Office Supplies ,J .3 11 '....... LIGHT ?Ul1D Ulmer Office Equipment Co. Nashin'Ston .:ita te Bank J. C. Breitlauch S. H. :!hi te L. '1'. Guy Filion~Mill & Lumber Co. Hunting ~ealty Co. Chas. Beam Herman U. Steel Co. , F. L. Plummer The States Company General Electric Co. Filing Cabinet Rent Plumbing ;Tork Car Hire Jan:itor "ervice Cross .t\.rms Insurance Premium Garage Rent Testin[!; Rule Expenses Meter Enclosures Trans formers (.1. 7;5 -' 8TH STREET BRIDGE ?UND Nettleton Lumber Nettleton Lumber Nettleton Lumber D. "-. Masters D. ie. Masters R. "'. Davis R.. ~. Dodge H. "'. Dodge h E. Dodge R. E . Davis City Treasurer Company vompany Company Lumber Lumber Lumber Expenses i!:xpens e Accoun t II II Cash Advanced for Express & )~ postage']'?) There being no further business the tlommission then adjourned. 7)~ /~~ City Clerk. Mayor. 72.00 15.00 60.00 6.06 25.00 17.00 12..50 19.00 273.00 45.00 1.28 7.35 85.00 35.90 35.00 5.00 95.47 47.28 3.00 1.0,3 11.30 Gl.:~9 367.94 1313.76 1168.23 5306.70 8.52 15.02 54.05 13.55 n.40 20.50 15.50 8.11 ~