HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/02/1944 P" '44 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Octobel"--2,---- - 1944- L The Commiuion met at 10 A. Iol. and was ....Ued to oi'der, by Mayor Robinson. Roll c!l11 showed the following officers present. Mayor Robinson, Commio.ioners Beam, and Masters, and Clerk Hawkins. Pursuant to Law and pubUohei nof:ice the Commission took ill' the hearir.g of the budget for the year' 1945. Followint is the assesoed valuation of the City of Port Angelee as submitted by the County Asoesoor: Septembolr 8, 1944. Mr. Nilt Hawkino, Clerk. City of Port Angelee, Port Ange les. Waoh.. I Dear Sit,,- In complianoe with otatuteo governing. I herewith submit the aose.oad valuation of all the Real and Peroo~-prap8!~~ subject to Taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles, Waohington for. the yeatJl'944, &8 wqua lioad by the County and State Boards of Equali,zation as follows, to-wit.- Total asoessed veluation of all ReaL and Personal Property - - - - - - - - .5,798,389 I Respectfully submitted, A. J. Cosser County Assessor. After examining and considering eech item of the Preliminary Budget it was moved by Commissioner Beam that the Budget for the L. I. D. Guaranty fund as shown on pages 4a to 43 Inc.. of said budget be cut from 3.00 mills to 1.5 mills making the ~t to be raised for the L. I. D. Graranty Fund $8,700.00 instead of $17,400.00. Motion seoonded by Mayor Robinoon. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. It waS then moved by Commiooioner Beam that the Budget for the year 1945 be approved and adopted ao tollo.... and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare ordinances approving and adopting the budget and confirming the estimates of expenditures and fixing the tax levy. Departments Mayor Commissioner of Finance Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvement Treasurer Clerk Engineer Attorney Polt,ce Court City. Hall lolisoeUa neous Fire Department Publi c Pound Street Department Garb&ge Collection i Planning Commis81on Total Current Expense Fund Estimate Less Estimated Receipts City Street Fund . Less Estimated Receipts I Library Fund Leos Estimatsd Receipts Park- Fund Eotimated Receipts 8th St. Bridge Bond Fund Estimated Receipts Firemen's Relief & Pension Eotimated Receipts I Library _ Cumulative Res. Fund Current Exp. - Cum. Res. Fund L.r.D. Guaranty Fund Total to be raised. by Taxation ~.....;~ '" tight Dept. Expenditures Estimated Receipts I Water Dept. Expendi tureo Estimated Receipts Elwbs River Bond Expendi tures Estimated Receipts State Aid Fund Expenditures Fire Dept. Civilian Defense Health Dept. Estimated Receipts 4,050.00 1.110.00 3,490.00 8.640.00 8.640.00 -.., , Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 45 ----- October 2. 19bL .nlC;~."~""n._Al""'.'.I__Tus, 11.77~. ~ II War Liquor Tax Fund Expenditures I , Police Dept. 40,025.00 I' I Eotillated Receipts 40,025.00 I' . , Motion seconded by Mayor. Robineon. On roll call all members voted aye . The Mayor dedued the. motion I oarried. j There being no further busineu the Commies ion then adjourned. I 11 mJ~~ ~J'or~ 1 , ' , City Clerk Iolay I II i j I , , I: _. I ,I I [I I' I I I! I I I II i ,I I I I , ,I i I " ~. , ., I , , , I I : , I I I I I .... I' .