HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/02/1950 52 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 2 , .; .. , i 19~ ".. . ""... ......~.....- ............. ~ The Commission Ill!t in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and Vlas called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Minutes of the ~'evious session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits, the following were granted: ;:1.5tJ 7.2~ o~ DelGuzzi brothers' Construct Catholic Bldg. & Relocate Present Garage; 1 Lots 19-20, Blk. 326, Townsite 111,520.00 DalGuzzi Brothars Build Garago; Lots 17-18-19,. 81k. 2, Yrms. & Cramer Add. 30,000.00 DelGuzzi Brothers Constr~et Dwelling; S 70' Lots 11-12, Elk. 541, 1'ownsite 7,000.00 DelGuzzi tirothers Construct Dv,elling; Lot 15, Elk. ~, Cains Add. 9,000.00 DelGuzzi Brothers Construct ]),'elling; Lot 5 & 162/5' of Lot 6, Blk. 535, Townsite 9,000.00 II. L. Larsen Reroof Dl'lelling; Lot 5, Blk. 207, TOVl/lsite 258.00 School Dist. 110. 17 fuild Add. to l;xisting Gym.; Lots 17-18, Blk. 28, Toymsite 2,00 .00 School Dist. No. 17 Build Add. to Existing Gym at Jefferson uchool; Lots 10-11, rl~l;;n~rt~ 2,000.00 IRussell F. Smith Addition to Garage; Lot 6, 8lk. 2, Sub. Lot 17' 200.00 Dr.'Gene Dutro Construct Home Office, Dental Bldg.; Lots 10-11, Perkins Add. 4,000.00 F. R. Phillips Remodeling Interior of Apt. House; Lot 15, 8lk. 40, N.R.Smith Md. 800.00 .James Cavanaugh Put Siding on Existing Dvrelling; Lot 13, Blk. EO, Tovrnsite 200.00 l'v.A.Samuelson & Co., Inc. Remodeling Service Stn" etc.; Lot 10, illk. 17, N.j{.~;mith Add. 400.00' Sig Larson HelOOdel House; Lot 10, elk. 351, Townsite 1,500.00, iHenry E. C;'T Build Garage; Lot 2, dlk. 286, l'ovmsite 600.00 IJosephine lJruett Vlestlund Build Garage, Storeroom, Bedroom; Lots'lO-11, Blk. 51?, Townsite 1,500.00 .Urs. Geneva Gilliam Reroof Existing Dvrelling;. Lot 4, Blk. 540, Townsite 250.00 'Arthur Davis Build Garage; Lot 10, Glk. 2,~Cains Sub. 700.00 [Petersen & Craver Construct Dwelling; Lot 18, Jlk. 292, TOVlilsite 10,000.00 Pllrsuant to notices published, the hearing on the budget for the year 1951 was opened. Claude Bradford of .the'Chamber of Commerce, and Leo "hite, Chairman of the I.dvertising Committee, requested that the amount IreqUested or $5,000.00, be restored to the 1951 budget for advertising purposes~ A~. '~ite cited uses for which money is spent in advertising and benefits derived. Also informed that the program provides potential line orne as being built up now and in the future which could be a year around inco"" provided by vacationists and winter activities. Mr. Stoner cited recreation and advertising in Michigan, Arizona, California and 'other localities, informing that advertising should be a sustained program which the City cannot afford to 'discontinue compared to benefits derived. Mr. Ustler'of Angeles Creamery, Mr. Ca~lson of Doranian Motel, .Mr. Timberlake and others also requested thet advertising be continued. 1 :Mayor "eeley asked if any had figured out where money would be obtained. Some suggested diverting from lorriee maintenance, telephone, Police Department, ,'ire Department, and others, Ylhich Ylould not impair 'efficiency of the departments. Commissioner Robinson informed that no sane person would eppose advertising, ' ibut the City is scraping the oottom of the barrel and will heve to operate accordingl;j'. Also suggest that ! ,money might be taken from the Street fund, but his present answer is no. Commissioner Taylor thanked I Mr. Lamoureux for investigating the bJ.dget, but pointed out that no explanation has been submitted as to " [how the City could get its share of money derived from advertising. Mr. Taylor informed that when the City I ihas sufficient for its needs, then he is willing to contribute. Mr. Taylor did not consider advertising ~money ill spent, but under present conditions did not think voters and citizens would approve taking from I ithe street fund for advertising. .)i.lbul.rt' Vlhi te offered assistance from the committee to hcaeulPsef.ind ways and means to raise advertising funds, I if this is not possible, nmst let go as a lost I ' ,The Commission set final hearing for Friday at 10:00 A.M. " IBob Sullivan and other members of the Humane Society requested that City contricr~tion to animal control be 'increased to ~\l,500.00. Mr. Sullivan cited accomplishments of Societv' concernin/; animal control, compared [to amount spent. After further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Robinson that tJle requested amount Jbe restored. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. Commissioner Taylor would not vote without evidence of money being aveilable. IAl Lamoureux spoke regarding repair and replacement of reJ:lectors and flood lights at Civic Field. Cost :would be H,700.00 for material and t61,500.00 for labor, which he requested be fixed in the i'ark l<und budget. 'Mr. Lamoureux suggested reducine items in other funds from which amounts could be derived. Commissioner [Taylor considered request reasonable, the same to be considered with others. [ , Harold Thompson from the Fire Department requested that the Commiseion study structure of their budget and 'consider the same at a meeting Wednesday evening. I Don Ilorrison of the Health Department requested thet "WO.OO be added to the City's share of the Health ,Pool, thereby enabling employees in that department a salary increase. Neil Pendley, representative of the Laoor Union, also appeared on behalf of City employees, roque sting that salary increase be considered. :Lee Hodson, Librarian, also spoke regarding the Library budget and reductions from items as submitted by Ithe Boa rd. Commissioner Taylor informed that the above requests are worthy of due consideration, the problem being 'source of revenue requested. It was then moved and secon:led that the discussion as set for Friday at '10:00 o'clock A.M. be limited to the department requests, being the Advertising, Animal Control, Health, .Park, Fire, and Library. Commissioner Robinson moved that the hearing be recessed until Friday, at .10:00 A.A!. Seconded ~ Commissioner 1'aylor. All voted Aye. llotion carried. I IUnder the head of new business, the bid submitted by Hugh Brovrn for Lot 16, Blk. :::01, TOVInsite, in amount of $200.00 was reconsidered. It was moved by Commissioner Ito1>inson that the bid be accepted, and property Isold. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. Motion carried. i Meyor Feeley reported on meeting in Seattle with the State Fisheries Department regarding the EIYlha River 'project for jetty and channel as required by the Industrial Water System, which must be completed before winter storms and high water. The Mayor also informed of approval by the State Game and Fisheries Depart- 'rnents. Commissioner Taylor expressed approval and requested that the action of publishing bids for the project be approved at this session. The call for bids as published was approved by the Commission. COllllnissioner Taylor then requested that before any contract be awarded for the proposed project, there be a written agreement or contract Vlith the Rayonier, Inc., setting forth all details of fonner verpal agreement. i 'Under the head of new bJ.siness, the City l'reesurer reported thet on Jarru.ary 28, l[)48, lI.argaret J. Mead contracted to purchase from the City, Lots 6 and 7, Block 145, Townsite, and as the said purchaser has not 'complied with tenns of contract, the Treasurer recommended thet the contract be cancelled. It Vias moved by .Commissioner Robinson thet the contract be cancelled. Seconded ~ Mayor feeley. J.ll voted Aye. Motion carried. I I, I I I I I I Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington October 2. continued. 19~ . ".. . ...... ..,,~. ..'''"m....''.. ..... ..... I. Under the head of reading and p<lssage of Urdinances, the follOVling VlaS placed on third and final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1238 I ~~ ORDlNAJIK;E stating the f~cts of an emergency affect~ng the public safet~, .welfare and convenience of the C~ ty of Port Angeles; requH~ng the unforeseenexpend~ture of fun:ls; proVJ.d:l.ng for tl}3 issuance and payment I of emergency Vlarrants and declaring an emergency. I It was moved by Commissioner hobinson that the foregoing Ordinace be passed third and final reading and adopted. :;eeonded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I The Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: 0'1 CURRENT EXPENSE :FUND: 3 - Aiken Motors iP'f ~~3 - L.i be Cyc Ie ..-...;' WATE!l W lID : It.E:-Dodge E. F. Houghton & Co. Western Utilities Supply Co. Hooker Ele ctrochemical Co. Angeles Gra vel & Supply Co. Federal Pipe and ""arlit CO. Sf> LIGHT FUND: ,!,- 7 - Eugene E. \1illiams Westinghouse Electric Suppl;,' Co. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. h. E. Uptegraff Mfg. Co. },ine Material Co. Graybar Ele ctric Co. Angeles Gravel &. Supply Co. Car F;xpense Oil Tapping Saddl,,(l, Chlorine Cement, etc, Pipe and lJa.nds Tubing Cutters 17.50 5.50 9.16 52.66 51.36 137.51 Car Mileage Me ters Charts Transformers Service Screw Knobs Service Screw Knobs Sand 27.58 419.50 61.58 298.25 86.36 71.98 2.51 There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. until rriday. ~L~ ~ City Clerk -,It-/ ~ ?tj llayor 1 Octo ber 6, 1950. The Commission met at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by .~yor Feeley with all officers present. I Pursuant to recess declared, the hearing for the 1951 tudget was re-opened. I I Donald Lutz" Library Board member, appeared regarding items i.n their proposed tudget having been reduced in the prelininary budeet, requesting that salaries, grounds and certain other items be restored in amount of approximately t700.00. I It was moved by Commissiot,er Robinson that the meeting be recesse<i for thirty minutes while the Commission I rechsck certain budget itums. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. Motion carrieo. After the recess declared, Commissioner Robinson suggested certain corrections and moved that funds and items be fixed as follows: Animal Control, restore ~l,OOO.OO. Park tUnd, provide li5,500.00 for flood light repair. Library, restore ~500.00 to the item of books. That increase of $15.00 per month be pro- vided for employees paid out of Current ~xpense FUnd. Source of revenue for increases would be derived as follows: Parking Meter and Traffic Control F\.lIld. ..elirr,inate $9,500.00 from Parking },ot it err. , reduce Paint and Repeir item ;12,000.00, reduce New Meters item ;;500.00, reduce Traffic and Control item (;1,000.00 .. .total $13,000.00. Light Fund to assume l;l,700.00 labor for flood lights. Light Fund, increaso Lieu of 1'axes, $550.00. Vlater fund, increase Lieu of Taxes, .i>550.00. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. On roll call, all members voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I Commissioner Taylor then made the follovring motion: that salaries for perk employees be increased $15.00 per month which applies to all up to and not exceeding $4,200.00, increase to be derived by transfer from I Light and ,Tater Funds. Cemetery: salary of sexton increased $15 .00 per month, to be derived from ~:atching ContribJ.tion item. Street Dept.: salary increase of 4i15.00 per month except those receiving I ;14,200.00 or more, to be derived from l,\20,755.77 item for l[aintenance, etc. I Water Dept.: increase salaries li15.00 per month except those receiving $4,200.00 or more, to be derived from Salaries and flages item in Capital Outlay. Atr. Taylor explained that increase is definitely for offset to advance of cost of living, and it was his opinion that those receiving from ~4,200.00 up are i getting sufficient. "he foregoing mot ion was seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Library ~und was next considered, and it Ylas moveo by Kayor Feeley th&t an increase of ;115.00 per month be added to salaries. "his and the 3500.00 restored to books item to be provided by increasing I the estimated cash balance to ~2,500.00, if necessary. The motion was seconded qy Commissioner Robinson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. I Sanitation Dept,: Mayor ~'eeley moved that an increase of ~;15.00 per month be addsd to salaries, derived I from increase in estirr,ated income. Parking ~_!eter Dept.: ~;15.00 increase in salary item by increase in l estimated revenue. The motion vms seconded by Commissioner P.obinson. Commissioner Tdylor voted no) I I informing that he thinks they are being paid sufficient. Commissioner Robinson informed that it is now a I matter of getting the \.udget fixed for year 1951, the same being subject to change when the salary ordinance is dra fted. 5.09 53 " ..