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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
October 2
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The City Council of the City of Port Angeles met in regular sessionl:t 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by
Mayor Smith. Roll call of officers revealed the following present: Mayor Smith, Councilmen Powell Brown
Neer, Saruiison, .Jolfe, and McFadden, City Mamger Vergeer, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. ' ,
It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the Council approve minutes of the previous meeting as 'received.
Motion seconded by Councilman Wolfe ani carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, bids for purchase of Lots as advertised were received as follows:
Lots 1 to 18, Incl, Block 434, Townsite, $1,200.00 by Harold S. Buck. As the appraisal price and minimum
,bid was previously fixed by the Council at $1,550.00, it was moved by CounCilman Brown that the bid be re-
jected and property re-advertised at minimum of $1,200.00 if assessments and costs against the prope~
do not exceed this amount. Seconded by Councilman 11eer. All voted Aye. Motbn carried.
J. K. Brown submitted bid of $356.00 for purchase of Lots 19 and 20, Block 150, Townsite. It was moved by
Councilman Neer that the bid be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried.
One bid was received fDr purchase of Lots 11 and 12, Block 292, Totmsite, the same being filed by J. M.
Davis in amount of $2,625.00. Frank l;ebster informed that the Lots are being used as playground by the
Queen of Angels School and requested that comsideration be given the School before sale is closed. It was
moved by CounCilman }''CFadden that the bid be tabled until the next meeting. Seconled by Councilman \;olfe
land carried. The Council agreed that the bid by Mr. Davis will be accepted if action by the School is not.
in better public interest.
IThe Council considered clai,ns paid as of September 23. It was moved by Councilman BrotlD that pao'IDent of the
claims be Ilpproved. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted Aye. Motion carri ed.
,Petition by Joe Jalush for vacation of First Street from Penn Street east to City
terred to the Planning Commission was returned with recommendation that the street
l~t was moved by Councilman Neer that the Counci 1 concurr with the recommendation.
rFadden.All voted Aye. Motion carried. .
(!'he Planning Conmission also returned petition for vacation of the alley in Block 190 from Liberty to Jones
~treets, recommending that the said alley be vacated with reservation of right-of-way for utilities. It
",as moved by Councilman Brown that the recolll!llenlation be approved, and accepted. Seconded by Councilman
Neer. All voted Aye. l{otion carried.
~he berm of Fred C. Strange, Chairman of the Planning Commission having expired, the council commended Mr.
Strange for faithful and efficient service with the commission. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that
tir. ~trange be re-appointed for a six-year tenn. Seconded by Councilmen Brown and Wolfe. Motion unanimously I'
limits as previously re-
should not' be vacated.
Seconded by Councilman
Under the head of new business the report of Police Judge Reynolds for September, showing $2153.50 fines
collected, was approved and ordered filed.
The Council postponed determining a minimum price for Lot 1, Block 244, at 7th and 1 Streets until the next
meeting at which time the Lot will have been appraised.
George Stokes, Neil Pendley, Frank .rebster and others representing the Central Labor Council appeared before
the Council. Mr. Stokes thanked the Council and. Manager for action taken regarding return services of the
T. B. Mobile Unit andinformed that a contract as signed by the League will assure services of the Unit.
~IT. Stokes then cited action at a meeting. of the Labor Council which no Co~cilmen had attended. It
[appears that about forty City Employees had met with the .L.abor Gouncil and requested recognition by the
Council of their Labor Unions and Bargaining llgents. Dr. }lc' adden asked in what way the City would benefit,
[to which "'r. Stokes replied, the majority of working people in the Citr belong to Organized labor and
benefits to them will benefit the majority. Also if employees do not have bargaining agents to represent
[them they have no guarantee of employment or wages and no recourse. With recognition they would have
backing of all organized labor. Councilman Powell questioned as to number of City emplorees eligible to
'belong to unions. Mr. Pendley cited percentage of groups he thought eligible. Manager Vergeer asked
'as to whether or not a truck driver would just drive the ttuck regardless of otherwork to be done, all
because he had only a truck driver I s card. Hr. Stokes advis cd tjat to his knowledge his group does not
have a record of such practices. Murray Randall, union official of the I'JIlp and "ulphite Workers informed I
that the City employees at the Tuesday night meeting had voted to strike if the"ouncil refused recognition. I
He estimated this group as about two-thirds of the eligible employees. Councilman Wolfe cited Council
m0eting as open to the public and any Labor member, bargaining agent or employee may appear and be heard.
Councilman Neer expressed the opinion that collective bargaining is not in its ir~ancy and was opposed
to personalities included in discussions as it is bad for the City, the CounCil, employees and citizens.
Mr. Neer ;;as also opposed to labor organizations trying to represent non-union members not entitled to
bargaining. After further discussion it was moved by Councilman 11eerthat this Council recognize various
labor organizations of the City employees and their bargaining agents, also that all city employees not
belonging to unions should be free to negotiate "d.th the Council. Motion seconded by Councilman l;olfe.
1I11 members voted Aye. "Jotion carried.
The Council discussed removal of traffic hazards and unsightly buildings on Ediz Hook. On recommendation
~y Hanager Vergeer, it was moved iYJ Councilman Drown that the City install no new utility services to un-
lawful constructed buildings on Ediz Hook and endeavor to cause removal of those present as soon as possible.
~iotion seconded by Councilman Pm-roll and unanimously car-ried.
}~ar:ager Vergeer subndtted estit'-.ate of cost for installation of curbing on South Side of Georgiana Street
in Hart and Cook Subdivision at $1125.00 and racormr.ended the installation. It was moved by Councilman
Brown that the recommendation be approved and improvement proceed. Seconded by Councilman Fowell. "11
~oted Aye. I~otion carried.
Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the fol101.d.ng was intro:iuced:
WHlliEAS, numerous citizens of the City of Fort Ar.geles have united in g"oups in order to better
evote their attention to various comrm.imity problems and have designated such organization as the Porl I
Angeles COm:J:uni ty Study; and I
WHEREAS, one of the projects undertaken by such group is the taking and compilation of a thorough
and accurate census of the pOl'ulation of the City of FoM; Angeles; and
h'lERS,\S, in the ol'inion ~f the City Council of the City of Port Angeles such census will be of
great adv~ntage a.."1d benefit to the City o!' Port l~ngeles in fixing am determi.ning the extent and status of I
th€ population of said City and should be deemed and considered as an official census; now, therefore, I
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
October 2 (continued)
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BE IT RESOLVED b;.-- the CityCouncil of the City of Port Angeles that the tahne of a census
by the City of Port Angeles ColllJ:lunity Study be, and it is hereby, endorsed and approved by said
Council; and it is further resolved that said census should be approved as and considered to be an
official census of the population of the City of' Fort Angeles, and the respective departments of the
Federal and State Goverrunents having jurisdiction and authority in such matters are hereby requested and
petitioned to take such steps as may be necessary ~~d,appropriatejto give such census official status
i and recogni tilim. .
It was moved by Councilman Bro.~ that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Neer. All voted Alle. Motion carried.
Under the head of reading and passage of ordinances t he following was read by ti tle and placed on final
reading: . o.".e/:YllJ..".,c, ~ #0._
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles providing for the improvement of certain streets and
alleys in the City of Port Angeles by the construction and laying therein of certain trunk and lateral
sanitary sewers, all in accord with Improvement Resolution No. 161 of the City of Port Angeles; creating
a Local Improvement District for such improvement; and providing that payment for said improvement be made
be special assessments on the property in said District especailly benefited, payable Cy the modo of
payment qy bOndS, all in accord with maps, plans and specifications prepared by the C~ty Engineer and
approved by the City Council. ' -
It was moved qy Councilman Brown that the foregoing Ordinance be passed final reading ana adopted. Seconded
by Councilman l'!cFadden. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Council approved transfers andJrenewals of beverage licenses as follows:
Beverley 101. J:;"tes John E. Farrington and Leona ~!. Farrington
Harold Y. Brown ' William O. James
Guy W. Oel ana Jeanette J. Oel
Earl Davidson' William A. Blagdon
Port Angeles Salmon Club
Errett a. Fleener Charles Dweitt Stoner and Opal J. Stoner
James E. Robinson, John B. Robinson and Walter W. Warren
F. O. E. Glenn a. Hurlong
George A. Pearce and Waldo E. Evans
George S. Linkletter Ralph A. Gallacci
IOyer Cohen, Sol G. Levy, Har y Shore and Sam Shore
Walter E. Dier
I It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing requests for transfers and renewals be approved.
I Seconded by Councilman Powell. All v oted Aye. Motion carried.
'A recess was declared after which Mr. Pendley of the Teamsters Union spoke on behalf of City employees
I he represents. It was his opinion that the budget could be juggled to make increases possible not only
Jfor teamsters but all City employees a cost of living increase. Manager Vergeer explained that there is
just so much money and if increase is allowed the only alternative is to 1"3' off employees. Ed. B. Taylor
I' former Conmissioner questioned legality of dues payable to Chamber of Commerce from the Light and Water
budgets to which "r. Vergeer replied that no criticism has beenbpre6aed by the State Examiner who is
examining City records at the present. After further discussion Mr. Pendley- asked if the answer wall no
raise, to which the Council answered until more revenue is available, no increase can be granted.
No further business appearing, the meeting was adjourned.
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Ci ty Clerk
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