HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/02/1969
I (October 2, 1969~
The C~uncil met.inregu~ar session at 7:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Wolfe,
Counc~lmen Maxf~eld, Thorne, Bettger, Schroeder, Basom, and Cornell; Acting Manager
Warder, Attorney Moffett, and Acting City Clerk Hobbs. .
A motion wa~ made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unani-
mously. carr~ed to. acc~pt and place on file minutes of September 18, 1969. It ',,\10
OffiflRJ.GlZOa tflJ.t CO\J.flc~1ntaR IlJ.cOIll \lac appointed as a s~an fop the Ge1:11:;eil ~
thc lJ.boF ncg~"M~lIim;j"l;.;t:~e-am;1-R-9t-4H-s-t-a~-J,.i&~l'l~"'" ~tfbl.-rlV 1t/6'f.
The public hearing, on the vacation of the west 220' of alley in Block 186 TPA,
tabled from last meeting, was again brought before the Council. A motion was
m~de by Councilman'~ornell, seconded by CounciIman Bettger ,and unanimously car- I
r~ed to accept a pr~ce of $200. at the time the application is made'for hearing
onaadditional 20', with the understanding that an easement be granted the City
into the light pole, the cost of relocating guy wires on the light pole be paid
for by Mrs: Priest;. and an easement be granted the City on the road going down
to the City's Water 'Line. (The Council appointed Committee, Councilmen Cornell,
Schroeder and Basom, met with City Manager Herrman, Mrs. Priest, her son Rod, and
Mrs. Ross and looked over the site and recommended as to above motion.)
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Cornell and unani-
mously carried to approve payment to N. G. Jacobson and Associates $870. for pro-
fessional services' 'rendered i<n-.cteveloping an off-street parking study and reCOm- '
mended traffic improvements. -
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unani-
mously carried to approve and pay to J. D. Shotwell Company the eighth (September)
estimate of work done and material furnished by said company in construction on
the "East Lincoln Heights L.I.D. No. 189; in amount of $118,000:00, and the second
(September) estimate of work-done and.material furnished in construction of East
Lincoln Heights L.I.D. No. 189-A in amount of $5,000.00.
A motion was made 'by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and unani-
mously carried to approve and pay to Owens Brothers $67,000.00 for work done and
material furnished on Ediz Hook repair, rock rip rap.
A motion wa~ made by Councilman Cornell, sec~nded ~; Councilman Maxfield and unani- I
mously carr~ed to have a letter of commendat~on wr~tten to Owens Erothers expres-
sing the City's appreciation for their cooperation in the matter of time in placing
and rearranging the rock rip rap on Ediz Hook.
A motion was made by Councilman Schroeder and seconded by Councilman Basom to approve
and pay $17,618.43, the retained percentage less liens and costs, to Teeples &
Thatcher in connection with work done and materials furnished for Waste Water Treat-
ment Plant. Councilmen Maxfield, Thorne, Bettger, Schroeder and Basom voted "Aye",
Councilman Cornell, "No". Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne, and unani-
mously carried to approve for payment Claims Vouchers in the amount of $42,229.86
(holding $217.90 due Janco United until clarification report received on this);
L.r.D. #190 in the amount of $398.73; Interdepartmental Transfers, $70.175.65 and
Payroll Transfers, $50,869.89.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unani-
mously carried to authorize the Engineers Department to proceed with establishing
an L.I.D. for the purpose of grading and installing drainage, curbs and gutters,
and asphalt paving on Ennis Street running from alley between 4th and 5th Streets
to the Boulevard, and that portion of 5th Street from Liberty to Ennis Streets.
A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and unani-
mously carried to concur with the Director of Public Works' recommendation and I
authorize the City Attorney to draw up a resolution designating "M" Street as an
Letters from Senator Jackson and the Corps of Engineers reo authorization for a
small beach erosion control project were read and noted.
A letter from Westinghouse Electric Corp. reo A.E.C. 's Fourth Round Demonstration
Plant Program was read and the Council asked that Mr. Pohl, Light Superintendent,
meet with them at noon, Friday, October 3rd and give a report on this.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Cornell and unani-
mously carried to table action until the next regular meeting on Clallam County
(October 2, 1969 Continued)
Veterans Center's monthly water usage charge for further study.
A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and
unanimously carried to acknowledge receipt and table any action on the letter
commending Mrs. McNeece for the 1968 Financial Report until the November 6th
regular meeting.
A letter from the Mt. Angeles View Manor thanking the Council for the bench
installation for the convenience of the residents of the Manor was read and
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and
unanimously carried to accept and place on file Minutes of Clallam-Jefferson
County Community Action Council, Inc.; Minutes of the Human Relations Commission;
Out-of-town reports of Director of Public Works and Recreation Department.
A letter from the Clallam County Auditors Office re.certification of vote cast
for office of City Councilman at the Primary Election held on the 16th day of
September was read and noted.
Other subjects of discussion were new meter maid; letter from Governor reo drug
abuse and mention that County Commissioners will set up committee and City
will help to try to crack down on this problem; noise surpression committee
meeting October 9th at 8:00 p.m.; L.r.D. #190 tour and general ~nspection of
area; restricted deed covenants and CityTs responsibility towards enforcing;
and a written report requested on Lee Hotel situation reo fight outside of
A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unani-
mously carried to concur with recommendation of Light Superintendent reo elec-
tric load shedding schedule, in event B.P.A.ls new line not being finished un-
til October.
A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Bettger, and
unanimously carried to concur with the recommendation of the Fire Chief to
try to obtain an Assistant Fire Chief and wait awhile longer for a Lieutenant.-
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and
unanimously carried to refer to the Engineering Department for recommendation
the problem of the barricade at 10th and Boulevard.
A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and
unanimously carried to direct and authorize the cutting of Penn Street through
from Front to First Street.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
~ L~ ~ ,LtJ.(J~
Acting City Clerk. 0 ...;r'~Mdyor