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Port Angeles, Washington
October 2, 1979
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Duncan,
Hordyk, Wray.
Members Absent: Councilman Buck.
Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Caso.
P. Carr, D. Flodstrom, D. Frizzell, A. Rose, R. Orton,
J. Honnold, K. Rodocker, M. Cleland.
Guests Present: C. Curran, T. Haley, R. Kilmer, L. Sunny, P. Brady, J.
Rees, E. Tinkham, N. Tullius, R. Cook, C. Rich, F. Williams,
S. Knight, L. Murnane.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the
minutes of the September 1$ and 25, 1979 meetings. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Boardman and carried.
Mr. Leo Sunny inquired about his suggestions that public restrooms be required
in all future shopping centers, etc. Mr. Sunny was informed that his suggestion
was referred to the Planning Commission.
A. HUD Block Grant Development Program
Mayor Haguewood opened the joint City/County public hearing on the HUD
Block Grant Development Project, and requested comments or questions
from the audience or staff. Mr. Peter Simpson, Director of the Clallam-
Jefferson Housing Rehabilitation Program, then addressed the Council in
regard to the 1980 Rehabilitation program. Mr. Simpson outlined the
purpose of this hearing, the projected number of units in the County
to receive rehabilitation, eligible activities such as housing rehabil-
itation, public facilities, and economic development, amount of funds
requested, and the breakdown of these funds.
During discussion on the 1980 Rehabilitation Program, Councilman Hordyk
questioned Mr. Simpson in regard to the criteria used in determining
which dwellings are rehabilitated, and County Commissioner Harry Lydiard
noted that last year the number of units improved in Jefferson County
exceeded those improved in Clallam County; if the 1980 program is ap-
proved, Clallam County should received attention which is equal to its
needs. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed.
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 34-79
Resolution No. 34-79
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of
Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the signing
of an interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the
City and other municipalities and Indian Tribal
Councils on the North Olympic Peninsula for the
purpose of submitting a preapplication for Com-
munity Development Block Grant funds.
October 2, 1979
1. Cont.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as
read by title by Mayor Haguewood, and authorize the Mayor to sign the
Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Boardman and carried.
B. Safeway Alley Vacation
Prior to opening the public hearing on Safeway's request to vacate the
alley in Block 69, TPA, Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Plan-
ning Department outlining the action taken by the Planning Commission
on this matter. The Planning Commission recommended that the alley
vacation be granted to Safeway for the following reasons: (1) vacation
of the alley will not impair City-wide traffic patterns since it is
not an arterial or a street; (2) vacation of the ,alley will not impair
access to the new Courthouse; (3) vacation of the alley will have a
negligible impact upon Lincoln Street; (4) vacation o£ the alley would
increase the tax base of the community; (5) the proposed alley vacation
complies with Commercial Policies 2, 6 and 8 of the Comprehensive Plan.
The alley vacation would strengthen commercial development in an existing
commercial zone by encouraging Safeway to remain in that zone; (6) vaca-
tion of the alley and expansion of the store will stimulate development
of the adjacent commercially zoned ,lots which do not abut on Lincoln
Street, thereby strengthening the commercial core of the City by in-
tensifying the use of the commercial zone; and (7) the proposed alley
vacation and store expansion should not be detrimental to the residen-
tial area west of the store, with projected traffic increases west of
Laurel Street expected to be minor.
The Commission also suggested that the following conditions be attached:
(1) Safeway Stores, Inc. shall pay for the cost of relocating the utili-
ties presently located in the alley. Said relocation shall be to the
north side of the property in a location and manner approved by the
Public Works and Light Departments for the respective utilities; (2)
disposal of excavated soil shall be accomplished in a manner and loca-
tion approved by the Public Works and Planning Departments; (3) land-
scaping of the site shall include trees along Laurel and Lincoln Streets.
Landscape buffering that screens the car lights from the parking lots
on Third Street and Laurel Street. Landscaping of those areas within
the parking lot which are not used for parking spaces or aisles. Said
landscaping shall be of a type and height so as not to impair the vision
for the drivers entering and exiting the parking lot; (4) parking lot
lights shall not shine directly onto adjacent property; (5) parking
layout shall be subject to site plan review by the City and shall con-
tain a drainage plan; and (6) that Safeway Stores, Inc. pay to the City
of Port Angeles the sum of fifty percent of the assessed valuation of
the vacated alley.
During the public hearing Mr. Chuck Curran, Safeway's Real Estate Repre-
sentative, briefly explained the proposed alley vacation, and answered
several questions from the Council regarding the number of new parking
spaces in thelot across Fourth Street and if a cross-walk will be in-
corporated in this area, the loading and unloading zones on Laurel Street,
and the response from the adjacent property owner on the north side of
the alley to Safeway's proposal. Also during the hearing Mr. Leo Sunny
questioned the 509 compensation amount that Safeway will pay to the City,
the amount of traffic which uses the alley in question, and whether Safe-
way will be installing public restrooms in the area. During further
discussion on the 50$ compensation amount for vacated streets and alleys,
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department informing
the Council that the Public Works Department has reviewed the land values
in the area of Safeway's proposed vacation and has come up with two
average figures: (1) the average value of $11.19 per square foot, com-
puted on the sale of property within Block 69; and (2) the average
square foot price of $6.23 computed upon land values in the general
area. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed.
October 2, 1979
1. Cont.
Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2099
Ordinance No. 2044
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
vacating the alley from Lincoln Street
to Laurel Street, between Third Street -`
on the north and Fourth Street on the
Councilman Boardman moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as
read by title by Mayor Haguewood, using the average land value of $11.19
per square foot for the compensation amount, and with the aforementioned
conditions and reasons. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and
carried unanimously.
Mayor Haguewood read the Planning Commission minutes of September 2b, 1979
with the following action being taken by the Council:
A. Conditional Use Permit: Matthews
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Matthews' request for
an .extension of a conditional use permit for seasonal sale of bait and
tackle as a home occupation at 323 East Thirteenth Street, and requested
questions or comments from the audience or staff. There were no comments
and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Hordyk then moved the
Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and
approve a one year extension to Mr. Matthews conditional use permit, '~
on the same terms as the previous permit. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Anderson and carried. -
B. Subdivision Regulations Amendment
Councilman Duncan moved the Council schedule a public hearing date of
October 16, 1979 for consideration of an amendment to the Subdivision
Regulations, Ordinance No. 1631, requiring additional data for approval
of final plats. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and
carried. -
C. Conditional Use Permit: Port Angeles Physicans Clinic
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on a request by the Port Angeles
Physicians Clinic for a conditional use permit to establish an off-street
parking lot in a CSD-C1 zone, located on the third and fourth lots east
of Eighth and Peabody, and requested comments or questions from the
audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was
closed. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recom-
mendation of the Planning Commission and approve the off-street condi-
tional use permit for the Port Angeles Physicians Clinic, provided the
buffering features of woven-wood chain-link fence and landscaping shown
on the submitted site plan are conditions of approval; and that the
parking lot space arrangement and curb cuts be subject to review by
the Public Works Department. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Wray and carried.
D. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the Plan-
ning Commission minutes of September 26, 1979. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Boardman and carried.
2a. Maier Street Vacation
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum €rom the Planning Department informing the
Council that the Planning Commission has tabled Mr. Maier's petition for
Ol Legal NOTIeeR 01 Legal NotieoB
A'RESOIUTION of the city Council pf Iha Ciry
An17•lee, Washingron, dedodrg the itdentlon of the city '
II b
d•r t
d•welk r•
ryby poi pair an
Ih• d
b•aunlieaslen, providing street furniture, aM by doing all
other work n•csasary in connsctien therewith, and living o
Iim•, dare and plot. far o hedrirg on this resolution of in- '
Pk IT RESOLVED by the [try Council of Ih• City of Port
' Angeles. Washinglon, va follows:
~55~e<non__1~. Ir iz she intention of the CityCouncil of the City of
Port ~g•Tia, Washington, to order the improverrrenl. of that
~ prtoin area described in Exhibit A, mbched hereto and
' Incorporated in this resolution by reference, by deing
siduwelk Insbllallon where - sidewalk
g and beaunlicolion,
beautification, sty t side fond api
providing street furniture. amt doing all that rk
spry in connection wish the Improvements desuibed in
Ihia rnolmion.
~t gg3~, The area described in'Esrhlbit A hall be im•
prove cribed in Section 1 on the streere described In r
E hlbit B; attached hereto and Incorporated in this resolution
action 6. the Clry Engineer is hereby dirccbd to submit ro
iI at r prior to the dote lived for rho hearing on
skis rcmlufion the following:
1.) An estimab of the costa and expanse of the proposed
im1.) Allm•m: d information in his hln !
papers on possession taut g
she proposed improvement;
3.) A description of the bwndories of the district:
4) A aroremenl a4 the portion of the cast and expense of ~
Ihs improvement which should ba borne by the properly
within the pr posed boundori<a of the District:
5.1 A detailed slotemanl seeing o t the o onding and
the property
Ynp id Imol i p pvemenl assessments againsl
into proposeddistrici~, and !
l,j A alptement o1 the oggregote nutll voluatien of the
wl state In the district Including twenty live percent of the
t actual valuation of rh¢ impro ants in the proposed
lost placed upon II for the.
district, according to the voluatian
p poses of ge rat taxation. '
5 rion ~. All persons who desire t obiect to the forv
m ~iu[h'impro m district. ncluding the nature.
rhe impro a hereby
and territorial extent
a meeting
nolilied b appear and present then objections at
of the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers, 134
West Front Street, Port Anoeles. Washington. al ]:30 p.m. on
t December 18. 1979
Seaton 5. the City Clerk and Engineer are hereby dlrecled
o prepare and glue notice of ouch hebring in the following
m'In) By ~publlcelion of this resolution in et least two tom
ae of the official newspaper of Part Angeles,
wilhtthe 1 ist oublicotion ro be nt I•est'li}ICan I15J days prior
to Deeembe¢Ie, 7979.
7.) By givirg notice try moil of leoat fifteen cloys before the
day fixed for he ring to the owners or reputed owners of all
lots. Irocts and parcels of IorM o other property 16 he
impravemehl. os shown
specially benefiHed b1' the proposed
the rolls of the county'tr•asurer, directed to the address
thereod shown, which notice ifwll sal forth the n¢mre of the
roposed improvemem, the estimated casts, and the
stimoted benefits of the pant far Int, tro r or parcel. i
ardan with the form marked as Exhibit C, a ached
Mrcro end bcorparoted in this resolution by reference.
PASSED by the City Council of the Cityol Port Angeles of o
regular melting o1 the Council do the 2nd doy of October. ~
Samuel,J. Hogvewaod
rty a.rk
Craig L. Miller,
ury Attorney
Beginning at a point on the nosh Iina at Railroad Avenue.
•t'Ihe southeast comer of let e, Block 7'h. Port Angeles
iidelanda Eoas: Thm[e westerly along the north Ilne el
Railroad Avenue to Iha spat line of lincoln Street; Theme
o Mer1Y alone the soar line pf Lincoln street to the outer
horbpr line: Than<a weabrly along the older harbor line Io
the west fin. of Oak Street; Thence southerly on the west
line of Ook Street to the north line of Railroad Avenue:
Theme wesbrry aloe the north flee of Railroad Avenue top ,.
the west line of Ook Slreel; Thence
point 50 leer west o
oulherly porvllel to the west line of Oek Street Ip Ilre north
Iin• of Block 1. Port Angeles Tidelands west. theme
t rly along the ne th line of Block 3, Port Angees
Tit1•IOMa Wast projected to the west line al Cherry Street:
Th putherry al ng the west line a4 Cherry Street to the
eurh nn•'of Front Street; Thence westerly on the south line ~ --
t of Front Street to the eeuth line of Marine Drivv dtogonol:
' TA•m•southweaisrty-obng the south line of Medne Drive lo'
the rwst Ilne ntyalltw street .Thence southerly along the
eestTe o(Volley Street to thanprth line of the alley bet-
an First Street and Sxond Street: Thence epatarly along
the north line of the alley between First Sweet and'Second
Street to the soot heost corner of Lot 8, Block 30, N.P. Smith
• ~ Subdivision: Thenre northerly oleng the east line of Lot 8.
81o<k30.N.R. Smith Subdivision projected to Iha north line of '
Rodroad Avenue and the southeast corner of LOt R, Block 7'~i.
Port Angeles Tldelonds East. the point of beginning.
~ ~a Frnm ~
d Epat r/w line of Volley St. t00'Eaa olEmtr
Avenue line of lincoln Street.
Fr•nl Street Ease r/w line of Volley St. 100'East of Eastr w
` line of Lincoln Sheet.
First Street East r/w lineof Valley St. 106'East of East r~w
line of lincoln Street.
' Cherry Street Older Harbor line NorthrwUna of alley
between 1 at and Ind Sts.
Ook Slreat Outer Harbor line North r w line of alley
between Isl grid Ind SU,
laurel Street 'Outer Nerbor line Norrhr wline of alley
' between 1 st and 4nd SH.
lincoln Street Outer Harbor Lina North r•w lino of alley
~belween lst and 7nd'SH.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Iha CHy of Port Angelos,
Woshingbn, i ends fo order the impro ant o} the area
described in Exhibit A w this natl[e. attached hereto and
mrporabd by referonce. by doing sidewalk Instollolion
where n sidewalk beautification, s side
landxopingeond ~beautiliconon, Providing srreet14Yrnhure,
and doing all other work necessary in connection with these
improvements. all as more particularly described '
Resolution Ne.:,~ of the City Council of the Clty of PoYI
Angeles, posed and oppreved'on .
The total a mated c of sold improv<men( is ap~,
proximately s sL pal which- percentage is
proposed so be borne by assossmenU against the propaHy;
within the proposed Improvemem district specially
berrefllled by said improvements. ~'
A public hearing on the proposed improvamenn will. be
held before the City Council in Iha Council Chambers, 13<,
West Front Street. Port Angeles. Washinglon, of 7:3D p.m. on
Oecemhar l8, 1919. '
Any person who may desire to object to the iormotion alt
such improvement dlsiricl, ndludmq the n and'
riot extent of the improvement, ore hereby not'died to
appear and present (heir objections at the lima and pb[e
aba red.
The eefimoted benenla and the esYmoled amount ofef'.
the assessment which Is proposed so be levied against tho'
lollowing described'lols, tracts, er parcels al land, a1 which
you are the owner or reputed owner, os shown en the rolls of
the county treasurer, a re os fellows:
Lot_ Block- Addnlon Amaunt~
lor_-elmk _._'Addition Amount'
Lot ~.Block___.. Addision_ Amount_~~
Let_Bbck_., Addition Amount^
' - MARIAN C, PARpISH, City ClerRi
' City of Part Angeles
Pon Angeles. Weshingbn
'Pub.: Ocl 14, 7B, Nov. 11,.25, 1919
October 2, 1979
2a. Cont.
vacation of a portion of Vine Street until they have received additional
information from the staff. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council table
the Maier street vacation request until the Planning Commission recommendation
has been received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried.
Prior to Council discussion on this matter, Councilman Duncan left the Council
During the September 26, 1979 special Council meeting, Mayor Haguewood directed
members of the Downtown Development Group to circulate a petition showing
written support for a proposed downtown LID, and sutanit the petition at the
October 2, 1979 regular Council meeting.
During this meeting Mr. Bob Green submitted a list of property owners and
petitioners which favor a downtown LID. Mr. Green informed the Council that,
after deleting the out-of-town property owners who have already indicated
their support of an LID. plus the public owned pr-operty;.+local property
owner support of an LID in the downtown area came to a-proximately 52~.
Following questions from the Council regarding property owner support and
assessment of downtown property, Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title
Resolution No. 35-79 entitled,
Resolution No. 35-79
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, declaring the intention of the City Council to
order the improvement of a certain area within the city by
doing sidewalk repair and replacement, sidewalk beautifica-
tion, providing street furniture, and by doing all other
' work necessary in connection therewith, and fixing a time,
date and place for a hearing on this resolution of intention.
Councilman Anderson moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as
read by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of December
18, 1979. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried unanimously.
Councilman Duncan then returned to the Council Chambers.
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 36-79 entitled,
Resolution No: 36-79
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, retaining counsel for certain services in connec-
tion with the authorization, issuance and sale of bonds and
warrants of Local Improvement District No. 204 of the City.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
by title by Mayor Haguewood.. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman
and carried.
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Finance Director Orton outlining
computations for the certification of property taxes for budget year 1980.
In his memo, Mr. Orton pointed out his concern that the County Assessor's
office may be approximately 18 months behind in property valuation. If
this is true, the City is at, the present time not receiving tax revenue
in proportion to the actual City property valuation. This could become
critical when one considers the fact that the City has exhausted all of
its statutory remidies to raise revenue short of increasing its own nominal
fees and service charges, or reducing services. Mr. Orton recommended that
the County be notified of the City's concern in this matter.
op~e bi
October 2, 1979
5. Cont.
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign
the Certification to the Clallam County Commissioners of the City's Ad
Valorem Taxes necessary for the City Budget for the year 1980 in the amount
of $1,225,298.00. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried.
Councilman Duncan then moved the City draft a letter to the County Assessor '
expressing the City's concerns regarding overdue property valuations. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried.
Councilman Wray moved the Council grant the request of the Downtown Merchants
to close off Laurel Street from Front to First Streets, except for the alley,
for a new car show on Saturday, November 3, 1979. The motion was seconded
by CouncilYrt.~n Hordyk and carried. The Council then briefly discussed a pro-
posed "calendar of events" with Manager Wharton in which certain specified
events are scheduled throughout the year, and the possibility of using the
Municipal Pier and the Courthouse parking lot for events such as .this.
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Parks Director Frizzell recommending
that the re-roofing of the Roosevelt gymnasium be completed next year when
the overall gum renovation occurs. The Park Department received two in-
formal bids for the re-roofing project; however, both bids were well above
the $5,000 authorized by the Council for repair of the roof. Councilman
Duncan then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of Parks
Director Frizzell and wait until next year to re-roof the Roosevelt gym,
and in the interim repair the spot leaks as they are located. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried.
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Public works Director Flodstrom
outlining a proposal from the Department of Transportation to construct
a traffic signal at the intersection of Highway 101 and Golf Course Road.
The Mayor also read a letter to' the Department of Transportation from Mr.
Flodstrom in which he expresses several concerns regarding the proposed
signalization project. The Council then heard a brief presentation from
Mr. R. C. Cook, District Location Engineer, in which Mr. Cook further
explained the project and addressed several concerns raised by the Council
and Mr. Flodstrom. Subjects discussed included traffic counts taken by
the State in March, 1979; traffic volume and problems during the peak
summer months in this area; the possibility of a traffic signal on Front
Street also; the City's role in maintenance and operation of the traffic
signal; and cost of the project. The discussion concluded with Public
Works Director Flodstrom requesting that all comments and questions from
the Council in regard to this project be forwarded to him and he will in
turn forward them to the Department of Transportation. There was no further
Council action taken on this agenda item.
LID N0.204
NOTICE ISAIEREBY GIVEN that styled bids will be received
at the office of Me City Engineer ar t
Front Strwt, Port Angeles. Washington until 2:00 P.M.,
1. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS Septembrr.4R. 1979 and not later, and will be opened
publicly at that lime in the City Council Chambers for the
following approximate quantities of work and materiels:
A. LID No. 204: 14th and nKn 9,800 Lin. Ft. Sanitary Sevie rsB Pump Station
3.100 fin. Ft. Storm Drains 8 Appurtenances
~ 11,600 Cu. Yds. Und pssified excavation
Mayor Haguewood read a mem 3.400 Tons Aspho It Concrete Class "B" or "F" •Streets
hoit Concrero Class "g" or "F" Alleys
400 T
forming the Council that t p
14,600 Lin. Ft. Cem.ConaCurbBGutter ent
Ordinance No. 2041, 14th a
/ Detailed plans and specifications may be obtained from
the office of the City Engineer upon a deposit of twenty•five
` (545.001 dollars. Said deposit will be refunded to ell
It prospective bMdars upon return of the plans and
Oualificotions of bidders is rtnquirad and the t:lty reserves
the right to refuse to quoliiy any bidder.
The City reserves the right to reject any or ell proposals.
A five parent (5•/.) of total bid deposit check or bid bond
of equal amount must oaompany Both proposal.
Olflcial acceptance, rejection or continuation by the City-~
' Council will ba~mode in the City Council Chambers at 7:30
PM, ONobar 2, 1479. • ~
Bids must be sealed with the outside of the envelope
rttorked BID OPENING•DATE (date of opening) PROJECT (LID
Number and Dsacri ption). Name and address of tfre bidder
should also appear on the outside of the envelope. Bids.
should ba addressed to the City Clerk, 140 West Front Street,
Port Angeles. Washington. 98~
O. gpx 711
A'ndrew J. Rosa
Ctty Engineer
~:~~ J City of Port Angeles
Pub.: Aug. Z~79
October 2, 1979
5. Cont.
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign
the Certification to the Clallam County Commissioners of the City's Ad
Valorem Taxes necessary for the City Budget for the year 1980 in the amount
of $1,225,298.00. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried.
Councilman Duncan then moved the City draft a letter to the County Assessor
expressing the City's concerns regarding overdue property valuations. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried.
Councilman Wray moved the Council grant the request of the Downtown Merchants
to close off Laurel Street from Front to First Streets, except for the alley,
for a new car show on Saturday, November 3, 1979. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Hordyk and carried. -The Council then briefly discussed a pro-
posed "calendar of events" with Manager Whorton in which certain specified
events are scheduled throughout the year, and the possibility of using the
Municipal Pier and the Courthouse parking lot for events such as_ahis.
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Parks Director Frizzell recommending
that the re-roofing of the Roosevelt gymnasium be completed next year when
the overall gum renovation occurs. The Park Department received two in-
formal bids for the re-roofing project; however, both bids were well above
the $5,000 authorized by the Council for repair of the roof. Councilman
Duncan then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of Parks
Director Frizzell and wait until next year to re-roof the Roosevelt gym,
and in the interim repair the spot leaks as they are located. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. '
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Public Works Director Flodstrom
outlining a proposal from the Department of Transportation to construct
a traffic signal at the intersection of Highway 101 and Golf Course Road.
The Mayor also read a letter to the Department of Transportation from Mr.
Flodstrom in which he expresses several concerns regarding the proposed
signalization project. The Council then heard a brief presentation from
Mr. R. C. Cook, District Locatio neer, in which Mr. Cook further
explained the project and addre ~ "~ " '-'-° ^^^`~il
and Mr. Flodstrom. Subjects di~
the State in March, 1979; traff
summer months in this area; the ~t
Street also; the City's role in ~c
signal; and cost of the project
Works Director Flodstrom rogues m
the Council in regard to this p i ~n
turn forward them to the Depart --~__ irther
~0 JD ~~^-~~-
Council action taken on this ag ~~ a~un &~ 6aiyso
g 110 .B bti ~ a~unoZ£
None. 1QW7dd
Hsr~~ 3A1 ~n~17
A. LID No. 204: 14th and "K"
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from City Engineer Andrew Rose in-
forming the Council that the thirty day protest period on Improvement
Ordinance No. 2041, 14th and "K" Street LID, has expired as of September
October 2, 1979
1. Cont.
21, 1979 and as of that date three protests had been received represen-
ting $24,623.51 or 3.55 of the total estimated assessment. Councilman
Wray then moved the Council award the bid for construction of LID No.
204, 14th and "K" Streets, to the low bidder, J.D. Shotwell Co., Tacoma,
with a bid of $584,771.97 (excluding sales tax). The motion was seconded
by Councilman Duncan and carried. Other bidders included Rasey Construc-
tion, $691,773.84; Wilder Construction, $689,211.70; Seton & Sons, f
$643,591.75; and DelGuzzi Construction, $592,032.90.
B. Purchase of LID No. 201 and 202 Bonds
Councilman Anderson moved the Council concur with the recommendation of
Finance Director Orton and award the bid for purchase of bonds for LID
No. 201 and 202 to the low bidder, Grande and Co., Inc. with a bid of
7.15$, and authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the acceptance letter.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. The other
bidder was William P. Harper & Son with a bid of 7.375$.
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Light Superintendent Honnold advising
the Council that Mr. Robert Hill, 520 Golf Course Road, has expressed a de-
sire to Convert his residential service from overhead to underground. Al-
though Mr. Hill is within the City limits, he is now served by the P.U.D.
and they have agreed to sell this customer at the traditional five year
revenue amount of $2,019.90.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of Light
Superintendent Honnold and approve the transfer of the PUD customer at 520
Golf Course Road. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During
discussion on the motion, Councilman Hordyk questioned Mr. Honnold as to
the effect of annexation of the property west of Golf Course Road on the
engineering in the area, and Councilman Anderson questioned Attorney Miller
as the the legal guidelines in a situation of this type. On call for the
question, the motion was passed by the Council.
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council pursue the matter of annexation
of the area to the west of Golf Course Road, Blocks 3, 4, 5, & 6 of Greens
Belleview Addition. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mr. Leo Konoposki in which Mr. Konopaski
offered to sell or trade to the City thirty-four lots just south of Highway
101 at the intersection of Motor Avenue and Valley Street. Mayor Haguewood
then referred this matter to the Real Estate Committee for a recommendation.
Councilman Wray moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent
Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $422,734.04, LID's of 544,087.62 and Pay-
roll of $140,244.39. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried.
Items listed under the Consent Agenda are as follows;
1. Authorize payment of $9,558.92 as the final progress payment to Ervin
Gibe~tson for work done on Phase I of the Corporation Yard.
2. Authorize payment of $215,288.25 to General Construction as the 5th
progress payment for work done on the Municipal Pier.
3. Authorize payment of $2,072.43 and $1,295.21 to CH2M/Hill for engineering
services necessary to close out the DelGuzzi Construction contract on the
Elwha River Project.
4. Authorize payment of $894.20 to Olympic Electric as the retained percentage
on the Laurel Substation.
October 2, 1979
5. Authorize the Light Department to call for bids on transformers.
6. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor Control
Board of a transfer of license from BCEF Tavern to ACEF Restaurant for
the Chinook Cafe, 106 West Front Street; a special occasdn license
application for the Lady Lions of Port Angeles to sell wine on February
2, 1980 at Haguewood's Restaurant, 221 North Lincoln; and a liquor
license application for the Country Aire, 117 East First Street.
Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Dorothy Munkeby, Manager of the Chamber
of Commerce, informing the Council of a Corvette Club Convention of 500-700
delegates to be held in Port Angeles in August, 1980, and inquiring as to
the availability of the Roosevelt gymnasium. Ms. Munkeby also inquired
about the consumption of alcoholic beverages at the gym during a convention
or conference and asked if the City will be developing a policy on this.
Manager Whorton then advised the Council that the consumption of alcoholic
beverages at City facilities is prohibited by Ordinance. However, the
Council could investigate the possibility of amending the Ordinance to
allow alcoholic beverages by special permit for this facility. Mayor
Haguewood then referred this matter to the October 30th Council work-session.
Councilman Boardman: Questioned Public Works birector Flodstrom in regard
to cost estimates on another access to Golf Course Road.
2. Councilman 6dray: Thanked Public Works Director Flodstrom and the Street
Department for repairing the intersections at First and Front Streets on
3. Councilman Duncan: Reminded the Council of the October 4th meeting at
Washington State University for local government officials to help plan
for rapid growth in small rural areas.
4. Attorney Miller: Informed the Council that the City of Port Angeles has
been granted intervenor status in the Trans Mountain Pipeline application
by the Canadian National Energy Board.
The meeting adjoured at 9:30 P.M.
~~~ ~, ~;~
City Clerk
Mayor ~