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Port Angeles, Washington
October 2, 1984
Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7 01 P.M.
. . '.,
Members Present: Mayor Duncan; "Councilmen Gerberding, Hordyk, Schermer,
Quast, Whidden.
Members Absent:
Councilman Haguewood.
Staff Present:
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk
Anderson, P. Carr, M. Cleland, R. Saville, J. Hicks,
L. Glenn, A. Rose, R. Orton, B. Jones, K. Ridout,
G. Booth.
Public Present:
L. Sunny. G. Mattson, M. Merrick, L. Torres, D. Price,
J. VanOss, J. Toser, R. Bronsink, L. Lee, D. Moe,
H. Buchmann.
Councilman Whidden moved to accept and place on file as written the minutes
of the September 18, 1984 meeting and the September 25, 1984 special
meeting. Councilman Hordyk seconded. Mayor Duncan referred to Register
Page 210, and corrected the spelling of Evelyn Peterson's name in paragraph
6 under LegiSlation. On call for the question, the minutes, as corrected,
were approved.
Councilman Schermer moved the Council accept the items listed under the
Consent Agenda as follows: (1) Payment to CH2M Hill for EIS on DelHur
Westside Annexation, $7,833.17; (2) Payment of $109.73 to Clallam County
EDC for Block Grant Administration Assistance; and (3) Vouchers of
$228,652.50. Councilman Whidden seconded for the sake of discussion. He
then questioned Assistant Public Works Director Rose on a $50 expenditure
for a pedestrian railroad crossing application. Mr. Rose explained that it
was an integral part of the Waterfront Trail. Following further
discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried.
1. Final Payment Authorized to J. B. Excavating for Bluewater view LID
Councilman Quast moved with some reluctance to approve the final payment in
the amount of $486 to J. B. Excavating for construction costs on Bluewater
View LID No. 206. The total expenditure for this LID. was $28,169.35,
$5,551.85 over the original bid. Councilman Quast stated this was the
reason for his reluctance in making the motion and that there were a number
of things that occurred there which should not have occurred. Councilman
Schermer then seconded the motion. Following discussion, on call for the
question, the motion carried.
Progress Payment Authorized to Lakeside Industries for the Race Street
Councilman Gerberding moved to authorize progress payment No.' 2 to Lakeside
Industries in the amount of $50,408.70 plus retainage in the amount of
$2,653.09 (to be placed in an escrow account) for a total of $53,061.79.
Councilman Whidden seconded. Following discussion, on call for the
question the motion carried.
George Mattson of 1006 East Front Street, addressed the Council regarding a
letter he had sent to the Council in reference to Item No. 14, Discussion
of Civic Center Proposition Election Results. He informed the Council that
he was available for questions.
October 2, 1984
Councilman Quast added Item No. 13-A, Park and Recreation Board Minutes of
September 13, 1984, and August 19, 1984, report. He then moved that the
Park and Recreation Board minutes henceforth be included on the City
Council agenda. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried, with
Councilman Hordyk voting "No".
Certificate of Merit Presented to Councilman Gerberding
Mayor Duncan then presented a Certificate of Merit to Councilman Gerberding I"
for Outstanding Excellence and Achievement in the research and development
of a comprehensive demographic study of Port Angeles and Cla11am County.
Mayor Duncan stated that this study was very much appreciated and would be
of a great deal of help in the future.
l. Resolution Passed Authorizing Annexation Petition - Hare
Mayor Duncan read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION authorizing circulation of a
petition to annex 4.5 acres contiguous to
the east City limits, south of Lindberg
Councilman Schermer moved to pass the Resolution as read by title, with
Councilman Quast seconding. The motion carried.
City Planner Carr then presented a signed petition on behalf of Mr. and
Mrs. Alan Hare.
Resolution Passed Setting Public Hearing on Alan Hare petition for
Annexation for October 16, 1984
Mayor Duncan read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION fixing the time and place
of a public hearing to consider the
annexation of 4.5 acres east of Lindberg
Councilman Schermer moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Council-
man Quast seconded. Councilman Hordyk inquired as to the exact location of
the 4.5 acres to be annexed. Councilman Gerberding requested that a
regular street map be used in the future to ascertain locations of proposed
annexations. On call for the question, the motion to pass the Resolution
3. Resolution Passed Setting Public Hearing for Gerald Austin Annexation
for October 16, 1984
Mayor Duncan read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION fixing the time and place of
a public hearing to consider the annexation
of approximately 3,400 square feet west of
Fairmount Avenue, north of Spruce Street.
Councilman Whidden moved to pass the Resolution as read by title, with
Councilman Gerberding seconding. The motion carried.
4. Planning Commission Minutes of September 26, 1984
A. Short Plat Appeal - Tabled - Watt
Appeal has been made of the condition requiring a contribution of $14,000
to the Craig/CampbelljPorter Improvement Fund for future street develop-
October 2, 1984
ment. In order to bring the matter to the floor, Councilman Schermer moved
to concur with the Planning Commission's Recommendation that Condition No.
3 of the Short Plat Approval not be applied to this Short Plat (SP-84(4)4)
and that the City Council review Ordinance No. 2175 and its application.
Councilman Gerberding seconded for the sake of discussion. Jerry Cornell
of the Planning Commission addressed the Council, stating that he felt
Ordinance No. 2175 is not workablej that it poses a lot of questions and in
some cases would be very unfair to property owners. Councilman Quast
reviewed reasons for the establishment of Ordinance No. 2175 in the early
1980's. He stated that because of a slowing down of construction and the
lack of arterial funds from the State, the Ordinance should be reconsidered.
~e then moved to amend the motion that Condition No. 3 be amended in this
case to require a non-protest agreement be executed with the stipulation
that it is for the one LID in that area and on that street only. Council-
man Gerberding seconded the amendment and questioned staff on the City's
authority to request the non-protest agreement. Attorney Knutson stated
that the City did have such authority under the Short Plat Ordinance, but
staff was looking into adopting an ordinance similar to one used by the
City of Everett regarding non-protest agreements. Mr. L. Torres then
addressed the Council, stating that if the Council's action imposed an
undefined cost at an undefined point in time, it would impede real estate
sales. Mr. Torres requested that the Council not pursue the amendment to
the motion further until there is an equitable way to define conditions for
prospective purchasers. Councilman Hordyk stated that he favored doing
away with the Ordinance and returning the money currently held in the
Street Improvement Fund. Following further discussion, Councilman Quast
moved to table the matter until staff, at the next meeting, has brought
forth more specific wording for the non-protest agreement. Councilman
Gerberding seconded. The motion to table carried, with Councilman Hordyk
voting "No".
B. City's Policies Defined Regarding Multi-Family Housing in "c"
Street Extension
The Planning Commission, at its September 26, 1984, meeting, reviewed the
City's policies regarding multi-family housing in the area generally
referred to as the "c" Street Extension (that area generally considered to
be between Fairmount Avenue, S.R. 10l, the Truck Route, and Lauridsen
Boulevard) .
Councilman Quast voiced concern over the condition of the streets and the
extensive 'development of multiple-family dwellings in that area. Council-
man Gerberding stated that a property owner of a double-sized lot should
not have to suffer for the problems in that area. Councilman Schermer
stated that as long as the area is not heavily concentrated, the Council
should be encouraging the development of undeveloped areas. He then moved
to concur with the Planning Commission recommendation that the policy in
the "C" Street Extension area should be to encourage duplexes that are
proposed for areas in excess of two single-family lots and discourage
duplexes that occur on the minimum area allowed for a duplex, until all
City facilities are installed. Councilman Gerberding seconded. General
discussion regarding the motion followed. Councilman Gerberding felt the
builder of a duplex on a full double lot should not be required to go
through more extensive permitting than the normal home builder would go
through, reasoning that if construction of a residence is not increasing
the density of the area, it does not seem that it would have to go through
the permitting process. Councilman Whidden voiced concern over construct-
ing too many duplexes in the area and the poor road conditions that exist
there. Councilman Quast stated that in the case of the application of
Northwest Territories, where a 24,000 square-foot lot was proposed, the
problems he had commented on earlier would not apply. He remained' con-
cerned over a rental neighborhood with absentee ownership of property.
Mayor Duncan encouraged the Council to plan a joint work session with the
Planning Commission to review the City's policies in matters such as this.
The Council, staff, Mr. Torres and Mr. Cornell discussed the matter further
at great length. On call for the question, the motion to concur with the
Planning Commission's recommendation regarding duplexes in the "c" Street
Extension carried.
The Council then concurred to reach decision on the Conditional Use Permit
of Northwest Territories, 4105 "c" Street Extention, at the October 16,
1984, City Council meeting, and to hold a work session with the Planning
Commission, to be scheduled at the convenience of the Planning Commission.
Councilman Quast also requested that staff arrange a bus tour of the "C"
October 2, 1984
Street Extension for City Councilmembers and Planning Commission members in
order that all parties become familiar with the area.
Planning Commission Minutes of September 26, 1984 Accepted
Councilman Whidden then moved to accept and place on file the Planning
Commission minutes of September 26, 1984, as written. Councilman Schermer
seconded and the motion carried.
5. Certification of Property Taxes - Authorized
Councilman Schermer moved to authorize Mayor Duncan to sign the letter of
certification of property taxes. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion
carried. Councilmen Whidden and Gerberding were not present in the meeting
room during this vote.
6. Solid Waste Revenue Bond Ordinance Adopted - Mechanized Collection
Mayor Duncan read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, adopting and specifying a plan for
making additions and betterments to the solid
waste utility system of the City; authorizing
the issuance and sale of solid waste utility
revenue bonds in the principal amount of
$565,000 for the purpose of providing part of
the funds required for acquiring, constructing
and installing certain additions and improve-
ments to the solid waste utility system of the
City; establishing a special fund of the City
for collection of solid waste utility revenues
and a special fund for the payment of solid
waste utility revenue bonds; providing the
covenants, terms and conditions under which
such bonds and future parity bonds shall be
issued; and approving the sale of such bonds.
Finance Director Orton noted minor amendments necessary in the Ordinance.
Councilman Schermer moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title and
amended. Councilman Quast seconded. The motion carried, with Councilman
Hordyk voting "No",
7. Resolution Passed Authorizing Mayor to Sign Bond Sale Contract
Mayor Duncan read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
accepting the purchase offer and authoriz-
ing the Mayor to sign a purchase contract
on the 1984 Solid Waste Utility Revenue
Finance Director Orton noted that the interest rate had now been included
in the agreement. Councilman Quast moved to pass the Resolution as read by
title, Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried, with
Councilman Hordyk voting "No".
8. Ordinance Adopted Changing Hours of Operation of City Pier
Mayor Duncan read the Ordinance by title, entitled
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October 2, 1984
Street Extension for City Councilmembers and Planning Commission members in
order that all parties become familiar with the area.
Planning Commission Minutes of September 26, 1984 Accepted
Councilman Whidden then moved to accept and place on file the Planning
Commission minutes of September 26, 1984, as written. Councilman Schermer
seconded and the motion carried.
5. Certification of Property Taxes - Authorized
Councilman Schermer moved to authorize Mayor Duncan to sign the letter of
certification of property taxes. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion
carried. Councilmen Whidden and Gerberding were not present in the meeting
room during this vote.
6. Solid Waste Revenue Bond Ordinance Adopted - Mechanized Collection
Mayor Duncan read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, adopting and specifying a plan for
making additions and betterments to the solid
waste utility system of the City; authorizing
the issuance and sale of solid waste utility
revenue bonds in the principal amount of
$565,000 for the purpose of providing part of
the funds required for acquiring, constructing
and installing certain additions and improve-
ments to the solid waste utility system of the
City; establishing a special fund of the City
for collection of solid waste utility revenues
and a special fund for the payment of solid
waste utility revenue bonds; providing the
covenants, terms and conditions under which
such bonds and future parity bonds shall be
issued; and approving the sale of such bonds.
Finance Director Orton noted minor amendments necessary in the Ordinance.
Councilman Schermer moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title and
amended. Councilman Quast seconded. The motion carried, with Councilman
Hordyk voting "No".
7. Resolution Passed Authorizing Mayor to Sign Bond Sale Contract
Mayor Duncan read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
accepting the purchase offer and authoriz-
ing the Mayor to sign a purchase contract
on the 1984 Solid Waste Utility Revenue
Finance Director Orton noted that the interest rate had now been included
in the agreement. Councilman Quast moved to pass the Resolution as read by
title. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried, with
Councilman Hordyk voting "No"a
8. Ordinance Adopted Changing Hours of Operation of City Pier
Mayor Duncan read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
changing the hours of operation for the
use of the City Pier and Waterfront
Park, amending Section 11 of Ordinance
2169 and Section 12.12.100 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
October 2, 1984
Councilman Schemer moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried, with Councilman Hordyk ~
voting uNolI.
Remote Metering System Contract - Authorized
Mayor Duncan read the Resolution by title, entitled
Councilman Hordyk moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the contract Wit~~ tU ~ -a
Westin Power Consultants, Inc., to provide engineering services for the \' ,$ >< e
remote metering system at a cost of $36,560. Councilman Quast seconded ] ~~ ] 1:
and the motion carried, with Councilman Whidden voting II No II . .'~;~ i :. ~
,S",u ..
10. Resolution Passed Setting Electrical Permit Fee Schedule ~
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A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
establishing new fees for electrical
inspections and rescinding Resolution
No. 22-84.
Councilman Gerberding moved to pass the Resolution as read by title, with
Councilman Quast seconding. The motion carried.
Contract Authorized - Gardner Engineers, Inc. - Water Comprehensive
Mayor Duncan reviewed a memo from the Public Works Department recommending
authorizion of the contract with Gardner Engineers, Inee, for development
of a City of Port Angeles Water Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Gerberding
moved to authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Gardner
Engineers, Inc., for development of a City of Port Angeles Water Comprehen-
sive Plan, not to exceed $40,000. For the sake of discussion, Councilman
Whidden seconded. Councilman Schermer noted concern in regard to the price
of consultant's services. Councilman Quast questioned the need for such a
formal study. He stated that the City must be sure that they receive a
high quality product. Assistant Public Works Director Rose stated that
this Plan would surpass State requirements and was needed by the Public
Works Department for day-to-day operation. Councilman Quast then instructed
staff to be sure that the information received from the consulting firm was
not information that the City already has available. Mayor Duncan also
instructed staff to provide all possible information to the consultants to
save research time. Assistant Public Works Director Rose stated that the
City would be providing all of the information to the consultants and that
the consultants would just be putting together the package. On call for
the question to authorize the contract, the motion carried, with Councilman
Hordyk voting "Non.
Resolution Passed Setting Public Hearing for Water/Sewer Cost of
Service for October 16, 1984
The Council scheduled a work session for October 9, 198
the purpose of discussing compliance with Federal handi
plans for a future Civic Center/Tourist Bureau, and pJ
Burton Memorial Community Center.
~ - -RESOLUTtO"N NO. 32.94 -.
A RE~OLUTION of the City
Council of the City of Port
Angt'l~s, culling for 0 public
~ heering on proposed rate
cdjvstr:.ent:!o by Port Angeles
Wuler/Sewer Utility.
WHEREAS, Port Angeles Wa.
~f;rISewe;- Utility has rec-
crr.'-;~9n"&d that there be an
cdjus~r: '..~t in the rlJt9s for
wn~r C:1C" .:;pwer ~ervjces
cr.d charges, ond .
Vl~it:R~;\S. cJlI,'~ugh ;;~t req-
~;.~;d C~~n~~l ~ ~~elo~;y t~~
P~rt Ange;l~s d~si,e:;. 10 ,-F;f'
Councilman Whidden moved to pass the Resolution as ! eeiv;,; inp'Jt f,-om the pubiic
Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. ~:r~~~ ~~~,s;~;::;o~~.ust~
tit ri n;:SOL VED 8Y THE CITY
PORl ANGElES, that Ci oublic
ho:or.:ring will ba- held before
th~ Chy Council of :h~ Ci"1
"I rort i~ng~Jes l.:omme:lcil1g
:J: 7:00 P.M. on October 16,
19Z'...;, f{lr th9 purpos~, of ree.
"Jiving t"'mmant from the
p.lb!k 0<1 the proposed role
<:iJ;<J$tm<":n1'::' for tne Port An.
gele~ Weter/Sewer LltiHty.
thl.lt Q c.opy Df this Ra!':o!lItion
be r:t,bP~hed in a leg()J rlBW.
sr.;r.pe,.. of thoa CHy of Porf
,lVlgl):~S at 1~t1:':1 on? trlllp.,
'" r.:;~-i _ r'flt "I<:>s!" fh,..,,., H....... is\
doys pri:Jr t,:) :he dote sch~d:
J~~~d l~or ~~~f~;~ic ~~~~~ED
that copies or the proposed
~a~e adjustments of Port An.
geles Wafer/Sewer Utility
shall Ol'! available to any
COI1:>umEor who wishes to re.
ce;vu a cOP'! of that proposal
01. Port AngeJes City Hall,
140 West Front Stn~~t.
PASSED by the City Council
of the City of Port Angele$
ot [J regulor mgeting of sajd
COfwdl held on tne 2nd day
of Or.;ober, 1984.
r::orothy DunC':cn, MAYOR
^r;-~-5T: ;~\,,?rd ..o..-,-!G'!l~c~'<;!' _
C;;y Cfe,:,
Cmig D. Knutson
City Attorney
rJ...b,; Oct. 12, 1984.
Mayor Duncan read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, calling for a
public hearing on proposed rate f
adjustments by Port Angeles Water/Sews,
Utility. i
Work Session Set for October 9, 1984
October 2, 1984
Councilman Schermer moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried, with Councilman Hordyk
voting "No" ~
9. Remote Metering System Contract - Authorized
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. ""Mayor Duncan revIewed a memo from the Public Works
authorizion of the contract with Gardner Engineers
of a City of Port Angeles Water Comprehensive Plan.\
moved to authorize the City Manager to execute an a
Engineers, Inc., for development of a City of Port A
sive Plan, not to exceed $40,000. For the sake Of~
Whidden seconded. Councilman Schermer noted concern
of consultant's services. Councilman Quast questio
formal study. He stated that the City must be sur
high quality product. Assistant Public Works Dired\
this Plan would surpass State requirements and was
Works Department for day-to-day operation. Councilm~
staff to be sure that the information received from t-- - - .
not information that the City already has available.
instructed staff to provide all possible information \
save research time. Assistant Public Works Director.
City would be providing all of the information to the
the consultants would just be putting together the pl
the question to authorize the contract, the motion cai
Hordyk voting "No". f
12. Resolution Passed Setting Public Hearing for Wa
Service for October 16, 1984
Mayor Duncan read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, calling for a
public hearing on proposed rate
adjustments by Port Angeles Water/Sewer
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Councilman Whidden moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried.
13. Work Session Set for October 9, 1984
The Council scheduled a work session for October 9, 1984, at 7:00 P.M. for
the purpose of discussing compliance with Federal handicapped regulations,
plans for a future Civic Center/Tour~st Bureau, and plans for the Vern
Burton Memorial Community Center.
A RESOLUTl9N of the City of Port Angeles establishing
~ew fees for electrical inspections and ~,escinding Resolu.".
tlon No. 22-84. . ,,,' , .. ..~\.
WHEREAS, the City Council of t~e City of Part Angeles, by
Section 7 of Ordinance 2232, requlfe(l tile establishmeHt of
fees fOI" required electrical inspections by resolution;
J Section 1. The fees For I"equired electrical insp&ctions shall
) be as stated in this Resolution; provided thot said fees
~ shall not exceed those established in RCW 19.28.210.
(A~ NeY'" Service Fees:
Single Phase Other Than Single Phose
less than Over 601
. 600 Volts Volts
1 Amps 3 Phose 3 Phase
i 1. 100 $ 26.00 $ 40.00 $ 72. 00
101 - 200 30.00 60.00 112.00
201 . 300 40.00 80.00 156.00
. 301 . 400 52.00 108.00 200.00
.1 401 - 500 72.00 132.00 240.00
I 501 - 600 80.00 152.00 288.00
I 601. 800 95.00 176.00 332.00
801 -,1200 100.00 192.00 352.00
1201 - 1600 108.00 208.00 376.00
1601 - 2000 116.00 212.00 400,00
l 2001 - 2500 120.00 228.00 416.00
2501 . 3000 128.00 236.00 440.00
3001 - 4000 132.00 257.00 472.00
400 1 - 5000 140.00 268.00 496.00
5001 . 6000 ~ 148.00 268.00 512.00
Over 6000 160.00 340.00 560.00
The fees for a temporory service for lighting and power
sholl be 50% of the new service fees, except that there
shall be a minimum fee of $16.
(8) In addition to the inspection fees as determined in
Sub-Section (A) of this Section. the fee for feeder installa-
tion shall be twenty-five percent of the fee for service in-
stallations of like ampacity with 0 minimum fee of $10 for
each feeder when inspected at the same time os for the
electrical p.erm!t.
(C) The tee tor new circuits, circuit extensions, and cir-
cuit alterations. where the service or feeder is not
modified, shall be $16 for one to four circuits inspected at
the some time on the same premises under a single permit
and $4 for each additional circuit. The total fee shoJi be no
greater than the fee for 0 new service of like ampaclty in
Sub-Section (A).
(0) To calculote the tees, the following sholl be c1assi.
fied as separate services: ...
1. Feeders that terminate in 0 separate building.
2. Secondaries of transformers that (0) power burglar
alarms; (b) power fire alarms; or (c) hove a capacity
greater t"-on 600 VA.
(E) The fees for fire and burglar alarms and all other low
voltage systems sholl be calculated according to the num-
ber of zones used for the premises. Zones 1 tl1rough 10
sholl be $16 when inspected at the same time and on the
some premises under a single permit and $1 for each addi-
tional zone,
(F) In addition to tile inspection fee of Sub.Section (A) of
this Section. a fee of $10 sholl be charged for inspection of
the following additional units when inspection is at the
. the--same-"tlme' os for the electrical
1. Mobile home service in 0 mobile home park.
2. Mobile,l1ome feeder wl1ere service is existing In 0
mobile home park.
3. Each lot in 0 recreational vel1icle pork to which
power is supplied..
4. Yard pole meter loops or similar isolated metering
installations. . .
5. Each unit of transient worke'jo housing.
6. Outbuildings on residential property for residential
purposes served by a circuit(s) such as garages, green.
houses, workshops. etc.
7: Motor 10 HP or larQer.
. (G) The fee for sign and outside lighting circuits is $26
for one'to four circuits inspected at the some time on the
some premises under a single permit and $1 for each addi-
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.--(HY'lnOdiJition to the service and !eeder ~nsta~la!ion
fees the fee for inspecting each electm:ally driver Irrlga.
tion 'machine is $32 plus $5 for each tower or drive motor.
(I) 1. The fee for electrical plan re....iew when required by
Electrical Inspector per Article 215-5 of the N.E.C. shall be
at the rate of $32 per hour with 0 minimum charge of $32.
2. The fee for altering of on existing service or feeder
sholl be 50% of 0 new service of the some ompodty, pro.
....ided that the fee for Increasing or relocating of ony ser-
vice sholl be the some os new services.
(1) An additional fee of $32 minimum and $16 for each
one.holf hour sholl be paid before approval of the Instolla.
tion if the following services are necessary.
I. Trips to inspect when the permit opplicont hos given
notice to the inspector that the work is ready for inspec-
tion when it is not. or if the applicant has given erroneous
2.. More than one additional Inspection permit to in-
spect corrections required by the inspector os 0 result of
carelessness or neglect, or for Improperly responding to a
corrective notice.
3. Trips required to remove a red tog from the job site
posted because uncertified electricians were working on
the job site.
4. Trips required when corrections ha....e not been
mode in the prescribed time, unless on exception has been
requested and granted.
(K) The fee for emergency, standby, ond resource recov-
ery generators up to 50 KW is $32. The fee for a generator
installation larger than 50 IW-I that constitutes the main
power source shall be the same as for the applicable ser-
vices and feeders in Sub-Sections (A) and (8) of this
(L) A person or business that foils to submit a fee and to
obtain on electrical wiring permit for 0 completed electri-
cal job before the Deportment inspect the work sholl pay
double the fee of a new permit.
(M) On jobs requiring partial or progress inspections,
"one" inspection Is allowed per $32 fee in Sub-Section (A).
~Additionol inspectionLwill be otthe fee in Sub.Section (J)
of this Section.
(N) Fees f.or carnival.electrical inspections:
1. At the option of 0 carnival operator, the Deport.
ment will, for $32 on hour, inspect carnival rides. conces.
sions, and generators before the first local opening each
2. If a ride, concession, or generator has not hod 0
pre-opening. inspection, a carnival, circus, or traveling
show must pay 0 fee of $16 for each ride, concession or
generator. which uses or supplies power. An insignia of in.
spection will be oHixed to each ride, concession, and gen.
erotor to indicate the inspection date and whether the in.
spection was passed or foiled.
3. Each additional time the ride, concession or generator
is set up, for those rides, concessions, and generators that
hove been inspected and hove insignia of inspection, the
fee sholl be $64 for up to the first ten rides. concessions or
generators, and $1 for subsequent rides. If 0 ride, conces-
sion or generator has no Insignia of inspection, the fee for
that ride, concession or generator sholl be that charged in
(2) of this Sub-Section.
... (0) Inspection(s) requested by the customer for any
existing electrical facilities sholl be $32 for single phose,
$b4 for three phose of less than 800 amps, or $80 for three
phose equal to or greater than 800 amps.
Section 2. Resolution 22-84 is hereby rescinded.
Section 3. This Resolution sholl toke effect immediately.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at 0
regular meeting 0 Said Council held on the 2nd day of Oc.
tober, 19s.s.
Dorothy Duncan, MAYOR
ATTEST: Merri A. Lonnoye, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
Pub.: Oct. 12, 1984.
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October 2, 1984
13-A. Park Commission Minutes of September 13, 1984, Approved as Amended
Councilman Quast requested that the Park and Recreation Commission minutes
be placed on the City Council agenda in the future. He directed the
Council's attention to Item No.2 under Legislation of the September 13,
1984 minutes. He discussed with the City Attorney the Constitutionality of
allowing free use of a public facility, such as the Vern Burton Gymnasium,
for a parochial school activity. Following discussion, Councilman
Gerberding noted that a correction was needed in the Park Commission
minutes. Councilman Quast also requested that staff present to the Council 1-
the slide show presentation that had recently been presented at the Clallam
County Fair. Councilman Quast then moved to accept the Park and Recreation
minutes of September 13, 1984, as corrected. Councilman Whidden seconded
and the motion carried.
14. Discussion of Civic Center Proposition Election Results
The Council discussed the failure of the Civic Center Proposition to
receive 60% voter approval in the September 18th primary election. Mayor
Duncan reviewed correspondence from the City Manager, the Park Commission,
and George Mattson regarding alternatives for the City Hotel/Motel Tax
funds. Councilman Whidden reported that the Civic Center Committee favored
investing the $450,000 HotellMotel tax funds and drawing interest on the
funds. He stated that moneys should be made available to stimulate eco-
nomic growth and tourism-related industries in the Downtown area of Port
Angeles. Councilman Hordyk questioned the legality of investing Hotell
Motel tax money. Councilman Quast indicated that he had heard from
reliable sources that the legislature, at the request of the Governor, was
considering pulling unused Hotel/Motel tax funds from communities which
have not properly used the tax moneys. Manager Flodstrom stated that the
legislation was for an add-on hotellmotel tax available to communities with
a population of 25,000 or more.
Councilman Quast then stated the Council should, at this point, put the
Civic Center issue behind them. He then made the following motion: In
keeping with established intentions, namely to stimulate the economic
climate in our community, this Council go on record to expend moneys accu-
mulated in the Hotel/Motel Reserve Fund for the purpose of establishing or
assisting in the establishment of a tourist visitor information center in
the Central Business District. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman
Whidden emphasised that the tourist center should be in the Downtown
Central Business District only. Mayor Duncan emphasized that a tourist
bureau differs from and is more comprehensive than only a visitor informa-
tion center. Councilman Quast then added in his motion that this would be
a touristlvisitor information center/bureau and would include the activity
of attracting conventions. Councilman Hordyk noted the importance of a
facility of this nature being open late hours and on week-ends and provid-
ing adequate parking for recreational vehicles. Mayor Duncan maintained
that the HotellMotel tax funds were still being set aside for a future
civic center, but that the purpose of the motion was to expand on and allow
for extended hours of operation for a tourist center and to begin the
activity of attracting conventions. Councilman Hordyk then brought up the
idea of constructing a concrete pier at the City-owned pier on Oak Street
for cruise ships. Following further discussion with Finance Director Orton
regarding the commitment of the EDC in this effort and discussion with
Harriette Buchmann, also of the EDC, on call for the question, the motion
l5. Interviews Scheduled for Candidates for Board of Zoning Adjustment
The Council scheduled a special meeting for October 16, 1984, at 6:40 P.M.
for the purpose of conducting interviews of candidates for the Board of
16. Proclamation Designating Fire Prevention Week
Mayor Duncan proclaimed October 7th through October 13th, 1984, Fire
Prevention Week and asked all citizens of Port Angeles to show their
concern and learn not to burn.
17. Request from KONP Withdrawn for Street Closure for Loggers I
Appreciation Day October 20th
Mayor Duncan indicated that the request had been withdrawn by KONP and that
there would not be a Loggers' Appreciation Day parade.
October 2, 1984
Manager Flodstrom directed the Council's attention to Item No. 3 on the
Information Agenda, a report on the condition of the Sanitary Landfill
equipment. He also drew the Council's attention to Item No.9, a
Residential Sprinkler System workshop, and asked for volunteers to
participate. Fire Chief Glenn has volunteered to sit inside a burning
building where the sprinkler system has been installed.
Goal Setting Workshop Scheduled for November 16, 17, 1984
The Council scheduled their upcoming work session on goal setting with Lyle
Sumek for November 16th beginning at 4:00 P.M., .and November 17, 1984, all
day. +
Councilman Hordyk thanked the City Manager for the letter to the Washington
Truckers' Association and inquired if there had been any response. Manager
Flodstrom indicated there had not yet been a response.
Councilman Hordyk then discussed with staff the Solid Waste equipment and
the excavation of the next pit. He recommended that the City purchase
their own rock crusher and set up a crushing operation and stated that the
City should consider very seriously purchasing a track bulldozer for the
Councilman Whidden inquired on the status of the recently proposed part-
time public relations position with the City. Manager Flodstrom stated
that it would not be recommended for the 1985 budget.
Councilman Quast recommended that the Council consider a communications
person, either part-time or under contract, in the 1985 budget for the
purpose of providing factual, objective information to the public of the
City of Port Angeles.
Councilman Whidden indicated that he was pleased with the progress being
made on the acquisition of the Ediz Hook property.
Councilman Quast discussed with staff the need to discuss real estate
matters in executive session.
Mayor Duncan read a letter from Governor John Spellman congratulating the
City on the William Shore Memorial Pool conservation measures, and inform-
ing the Mayor that the City of Port Angeles had been selected to receive a
Washington State Energy Innovation Award, to be presented October 8, 1984,
at 10:30 A.M. Mayor Duncan stated that she would not be able to attend.
Councilman Whidden indicated that he may be able to attend.
Mayor Duncan also informed the Council that they had been invited to attend
a Clallam County Public Utility Board of commissioners' presentation on
October 15, 1984, at 1:30 P.M. regarding model conservation standards.
Mayor Duncan also directed the Council's attention to letters she had pre-
pared to Representative Ebersole, a letter to Duane Berentson, Secretary of
Transportation, to be attached to the September 25, 1984, minutes, and a
letter to Representative Swift thanking him for his efforts in assisting
the City with the Ediz Hook property. She asked for the Council's approval
of these letters.
Mayor Duncan also directed the Council's attention to an invitation of the
Toastmasters' International to the Counci1members and any other interested
parties, to the celebration of the 60th anniversary of District 32 on
November 3", 1984.
Mayor Duncan indicated her desire to discuss the EDC local hire agreement
that had been recommended to the City. She stated that perhaps it could be
discussed at some future date.
October 2, 1984
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting to executive session for the purpose of
discussing real estate matters at 9:35 P.M.
The meeting returned to open session at approximately 10:10 P.M.
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at approximately 10:20 P.M.
~Clerk .
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