HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/03/1932 66 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 3 193~ TO"". .."n.'Y."ArTUl.n.~'OM:...._'nTt.., ...:0 The Commission met at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll oall showed the fOllowing officers preeent. Mayor Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. Pursuant to Law and published notioes the Commission took up the matter bf2Hea~ing the Budget for the year 1933. Following is the County Assessor's Certifioate of Assessed valuation,- September 26th.1932 City Clerk,City of Port Angeles, Port Angeles,Washington. Dear Sir,- In aooordanoe, with the law, I herewith submit the assessed valuation of all Heal and Personal property,subjeot to taxation,within the oorporate limits of the City of Port Angeles,Clallam County,State of Washington,as equalized by the County and State Boards of Equalization,for the year 1932, as follows to-wit: City of Port Angeles -----------------~ $4,364,267. Respeotfully submitted Will H.Taylor, County Assessor By R.H.Priokett Deputy After carefully going over and aon~~dering the various items of the Budget,- It was moved by Commissioner Filion that the Bidget for the year 1933 be approved and adopted as fOllows,and that the City Attorney be instruated to bring in Ordinanoes approving and adopting the Budget and Confirming the est~mates of Expenditures and fixing the tax levies,- 1,070.00 IJ070.00 Revenue - Elwha River Bon Fund Estimated Expenditures 59,000.00 Estimated Receipts 59.000.00 Port An~eles General Obligation Bon~ Fund !Estimated ExpenditUres ,182.13 Amount to be Raised by taxation 2.182.13 ' Port An~eles General Obligation warrani ~d 'jEstimated Exp end i tures 4, 6 . 7 ,Amount to be Raused by taxation 4.364.27 I Guaranty Fund ( L.I.D. Bonds ~ ~stimated Expenditures 2,1 2.13 'Amount to be raised by taxation 2 182.13 :1 The Motion was seoonded by COmmissioner Beam. on ;011 call The Mayor deolared the motion carried. Current Expense Mayor Commissioner of Finanoe Commissioner of Streets and Publio Improvement Treasurer Clerk Engineer Attorney Polioe Court City Hall Misoellaneous Polioe Department , Fire Department Public Pound Health Department Street Department Estimated Reoeipts Amount to be raised by taxation Light Fund Light Department - Operation of 'lant Light Department - Sales Division Estimated Reoeipts Water Department - Estimated Estimated Estimated Expenditures Estimated Reaeipts To De raiaed by taxation Estimated Expenditures To be raised by taxation Water Fund Expenditui'ea Reaelpts Library Fund Park Fund Estimated Expenditures Estimated Reoeipts Cemetery Fund There being no further Duaineas the Commission '/;.'711. 7L~ City Clerk 110..- Fund $ 2,125.00 1,872.50 1,872.50 2,175.00 2,630.00 5,140.00 2,050.00 485.00 450.00 4,500.00 10,930.00 12,365.00 285.00 795.00 27,835.00 '75,i:llO.00 14,410.27 61,099.73 126,275.00 16,200.00 14~,4'7b.OO 142,475.00 86,390.00 86.390.00 6,564.00 200.00 6,364.00 3,.215.00 3,215.00 all members voted aye. then a~j ned. {<l~ , Mayor I 1 I I I