HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/03/1949
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
October 5.
19 1949
I'The Commission met.at 10:00 Il.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor
FeiHe;r, Commissioners. Robinson and Ta:;lor, Attorney Truinooll and Clerk Law.
Pursuant to statutes governing ~nd notices publisl~d the Commission opened hearing on the budget for the
year 1900.
Police Judge Phillips informed that his work had been increased by state requirements. Also cited amount
Ilof time spent in police co~t and requested increase in salary.
"The. budgets as sul:rnitted by the Mayor, Commissioners, Treasurer, Clerk and Engineer received little or no
'cormnent. The Attorney's I11dget was questioned by committees and taxpayers present, and Attorney Trwnooll
'explained additional work required about one-third of his time. Others present were opposed to office
'rent and salary for stenographer.
The budget for the ~isoellaneous department was then discussed, and the Commissio~spoke favorsbly toward
,.providing ~,500.00 for the County Health Pool. The item for Humane Society was favorable. The Recreational
['Program appropriation' met with opposition and after discussion, Mrs. Janish went on record as requesting !
:that the amount be restored to $5,000.00, which request was supported by others present. Claude Bradford
'and others commented on Advertising item, insisting that $1,500.00 was not sufficient to accomplish purpose
Ifor. whicn intended, and proposed that amount be increased all possible. 1'he Commission agreed that if any
saving could be made in other items it will be used to increase advertising program. The item for uniforms
in the police departrent was discussed and Chief Ide informed as tD hours worked in uniform and hazard to
the same. Fire Chief Wolverton and Walt Madsen spoke in regard to the fire department, requesting that the
firemen be increased $100.00 each for Wlifonns and the $1,500.00 item for hose be increased to $5,000.00.
They explained the hazard to firemen's uniforms and unsafe condition of fire hose. The Commission agreed
to increase amount for hose if possible. Fred Hipkins was opposed to the City furnishing uniforms.
IIn the departmnt of Parks and PlE,yfields, request was made for a tennis court at 10th and Oak Streets now,
:Ias volunteer labor is available. It was the opinion of some present that the salary of an unnecessary
'Park Superintendent should be used for improvement of parks and benefits to children should not be denied
by the extra salary. Fred Hipkins also cited need for ..estrooms at Pine Hill ball park. The Commission
decided to meet with the Park Board befors the next Budget Hearing.
~t this time the meeting was recessed until 2:00 F.M.
;IOctober S, 1949; 2:00 P.M.. Tne Commission continued with budget hearing after recess declared.
Planning Commission Department, functions and duties explained. No budget changes re<;.uested. Street
Fund: Taylor discussed several items and reason for changes made. Walt Madsen requested' that firemen's
salaries be raised on equal with truck drivers and equipment operators. Jerry Metcalf questioned
advisability of salary raise in face of fslling economy. It was the opinion of'Mrs. Nailor and
Mr. Christman that if employees belong to the union, the union scale should be adhered to instead of paying
'The. Libra2Y department was next considered, with no changes requested. Miss Hodeon, Librarian, info rmsd
'that the extra item for book charging machine may not be used, and if not, will not be spent, and is not
there for budget padding.
Ipemetery: Mr. Christmas questioned necessity for Superintendent of Cemetery, and Commissioner Taylor
'informed that the Superintendent will give part tille to that department and ttB t the Cemetery ,'und should
pay for same. After further discussion there was no change: anticipated.
!r.ight Department: Mr. Christman requested information regarding progress on connection with ~onneville and
P.U .D. Commissioner Robinson informed that nothing is definite as yet, that contract is still in force,
'and that the City is attempting to re-negotiate. A request from the Secretary of Electricians I Union cited
automatic increase per hour "for apprentice linemen, whicn Commissioner Robinson agreed tD consider. No
I:other changes were contemplated.
'Water Deplrtment: Supt. Dodge commented regarding present and future repairs and replacements necessary.
N.... budget alterations noted.
Sanitation Department: Amount of salary item for Superintendent questioned due to lack of experience and
time of service. Supt. Davidson informed that no increases had been made in preliminary budget. That the
Y.aintenance Supervisor serves as a relief driver, keeps equipment in repair, and furnishes his own tools.
IAlso that the men .,ork at all jobs, drivers or helpars, and all hours. The collection of garbage by
,contract was also discus sed.
Parking Meter and Traffic Control: JAr. Gallacci informed that ~50.oo increasa in his salary was not a raise,
but to compensate for overtime. The Commission pointed out :$5,000.00 item for street lighting, informing
that this was done to relieve the Current Expense fund. No changes were requested.
Having considered each budget item by departments and funds, it was regulerly moved and seconded that the
'meeting be recessed until Y1ednesday at 1:50 P.Il.
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