HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/03/1960 46 Procee~ings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington OCTOBER 3, 19~ '...,.,."...., ""'M ~ The City Council met at 7:30 P.M. with the following Officers present: Mayor Maxfield Councilmen Richardson ,,'-Thorne, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood, Manager SlIankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. Pursuant to Statutes governing, the Mayor dedared the public hearing for the 1961 Budget open. I Councilman Haguewood reminded of consultations with the Library Board and County Commissioners regardin9'l' merger of Libraries. The Council hereby recognize the fact that should such merger for a Regional Library I materialize, at such time the amount to be appropriated from the Library budget will be as provided by Statute and Council Resolution. I Councilman Thorne noted more improvements which could be made on Ediz Hook, It was his opinion that any,,: i surplus 'budget funds could be s pent in that area for recreational purposes. I' NO objections to the Budget having been made or filed, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. The following Ordinance was then introduced and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1462 AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the budget of the City of Port Angeles for the fiscal year 1961; I It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the foregoing OrdinanCE be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. No other business appearing the meeting was declared adjourlled. Q. G. :i!-.~ (I CITY CLERK ~-x.J "' ~ ~lAA MAYOR NOTICE 01' BEABUrG OR rurAL r ASSDSBMElfT BOLL jLOCAL IMPROV.I!IMENT DISTRICT INO. 17ft, CITY 01" PQRT AXGELES, , XOTICE 1'i\.~fEGlyO~lVEN tMt ithe a.sses.sment roll for Locnl lm- )ll'o\'emflnL District No. 17() created by Ordln~m;e ~u. 1436 for the con- !strucHon find insmlla.tion of certain. -:;torm sewer, street Knr] nllr.y :Im- hn'ovements 1s now on file am] llpen. l1'or puhllc- inspection at the of'ftr:e ,<)f the City Clerk Port Angeles, I'v~~~tl~~fln'ha8 been Bet for heating I :out a m~l)ting of the City Uouncll at ',:30 o.clock: P.i\.L on the i,7th day of lNove,nber, 19511, at tile City Coul1cll "I~~~~~~~'el~;~ ~~~~~n~~~kD. s~l~etpe~~ J t:NI1H who way del;Jre to objecl to 1 said aSf>oosments are notified to. make such objection in writing and II) f,ne the same with the City Clerk 1 ; at or prior to the du.tc and tlme Iffxp-r1 rUl" such hearing. A t the time and place fixed nnd at such otheT times ~<; the hearing may 00 eontlnuell to, lhe Clty c()un-j oil will sit ns a B(ll'Lr(] of EQunllza- Hon for the purpose of oom;idcTlng f';uch roll nnd :U such hCIU"/Jlg or ht'aJ""lngs will (l(}nslder ~uch olJjE'C- LlOllS macIc thereto or all)' pUrl thereof a.nd will correct, l'eV1SC," change or modify stich roll or nn)' I i~:~~t Oll~e:~ofh:;: l"~e;h ~~s~s~~~t 't~ jma.de (Ie novo, t2killg such action n:.o II) Rl!('h body shall appear just and t "", ultaNo and, then proceed to con-l ;t1rm the roll b~' ordinance. . Pu~.~]~~ I I I I