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Port Angeles, Washington
October 3, 1995
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Sargent called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
SPECIAL MEETING: at 6:20 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmembers Braun, Doyle, Hulett,
McKeown [6:50 p.m.], Ostrowski, and Schueler.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Becket, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, B. Titus,
and Y. Ziomkowski.
Public Present: L. Darling, D. Welch, and K. Davis.
Informational Informational Kiosks
Mr. Bernard Ryan, State Department of Informational Services, was present to
submit information to the Council concerning the Washington Information Network
(WIN), which is a computerized, networked client-server system offering a variety
of information to Washington citizens. The Council viewed a videotape concerning
the program and heard Mr. Ryan summarize the different aspects of the program.
A kiosk is placed in a covered location and is intended to be accessible to as many
people as possible for as many hours as possible.
All information is controlled in Olympia, and changes to the system are entered by
staff in Olympia. The State is interested in knowing if Port Angeles is interested in
acquiring a kiosk and, if so, where it would be placed. Mr. Ryan noted the State
will soon be replacing current kiosks and will be adding several more, for a total of
approximately fifty Statewide.
Lengthy discussion followed concerning the different types of information available,
to include: employment, recreation, business, education, vehicles & transportation,
social and health services, and environment & resources. Manager Pomeranz
inquired as to whether the system could involve the payment of City utility bills.
Mr. Ryan responded the vendor (IBM) could design such a system for City purposes.
He further indicated the City could also provide information concerning City-specific
In the ensuing discussion on a possible location, Manager Pomeranz indicated he had
invited a representative of Safeway to the meeting, as a Safeway store would be a
logical location in that it would be open twenty-four hours a day. Councilman
Schueler queried as to the amount of vandalism experienced thus far, and Mr. Ryan
indicated there had been no such problem. The kiosks have been located in very
. public places, so vandalism would not be likely.
Mr. Ryan continued to share information with the Council, and Mayor Sargent
inquired as to how the City could pursue this project. Mr. Ryan responded that Port
Angeles is already on the list to receive a kiosk. The State would proceed with this
endeavor once the City has offered information as to possible sites, with the final site
selection being made by the State based on certain criteria, which he then reviewed.
If, however, the City opted to not receive a kiosk, then the State would pursue it no
further. He advised the Council that the kiosks will be used in the future to offer
information from the Federal level, as it is logical to offer information to the public
from a single source, representative of all levels of government.
Manager Pomeranz advised the Council that he had long hoped to offer such a
service in Port Angeles and had talked to the City's computer vendor about this
possibility. He was pleased to now have the opportunity to utilize the State system,
and he felt it would be advantageous for the City to participate. Mr. Ryan urged the
Council to give further thought to ways the City could provide information in the
WIN system which would be specific to the Olympic Peninsula. He felt tourist
information would be especially helpful to the general public, particularly since the
information is available statewide. Manager Pomeranz agreed and suggested this
October 3, 1995
Informational could be pursued with the VCB, as well as the Chamber of Commerce.
Kiosks (Cont'd)
Mr. Ryan reiterated that if the City is interested in proceeding, it would be advisable
to provide the State with suggested locations. The State would hope to make a
decision on the final location by the end of October. He thanked the City Council
for the opportunity to make this presentation.
ADJOURN SPECIAL The special meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Sargent called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
REGULAR MEETING: at 7:20 p.m.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Sargent.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
MINUTES: September 19, 1995. Councilman Braun seconded' the motion. Councilman
Doyle directed attention to Page 5, 2nd paragraph, regarding the new phone system.
The minutes state that "two fiberoptic lines were installed", and he questioned if this
had already been accomplished. Public Works Director Pittis indicated the minutes
should read that the fiberoptic lines will be installed. A vote was taken on the
motion, which carried by a majority, with Councilman Schueler abstaining due
to absence from the meeting.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Doyle moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1) Contract
for elevator maintenance; 2) Payroll - September 24, 1995 - $357,788.49; and 3)
Voucher list - September 29, 1995 - $1,767,838.41. Councilman Hulett seconded
the motion. Discussion followed regarding maintenance of the elevator. Parks
Director Brodhun explained that the elevator has had numerous breakdowns since the
Senior Center opened, and he has been negotiating with Otis to keep the elevator
repaired. Due to the continuation of breakdown problems, staff recommends
entering into extended coverage maintenance. The cost of the contract will be
charged to the building maintenance fund, as well as funds that the seniors donated
to the construction project. After further discussion, a vote was taken on the
motion, which carried unanimously.
ITEMS FROM THE Councilman Hulett requested a brief discussion concerning the informational kiosks.
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ This was added as agenda item D.6.
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Schueler met with the Public Health Advisory Committee, which is
COMMITTEE moving ahead on developing public health reform plans in the areas of education and
REPORTS: prevention.
Councilman Braun had no report, nor did Councilmembers Doyle or McKeown.
Councilman Hulett attended a Chamber of Commerce Board meeting. The Board
will be traveling to Victoria in the near future for an exchange meeting.
Councilman Ostrowski announced that there will be a Washington Coastal Corridor
public meeting at the State Headquarters on 'C" Street, on October 12, 1995, from
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. He attended a Regional Transportation Board meeting.
Mayor Sargent attended an EDC meeting.
October 3, 1995
LEGISLATION: A. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
Ordinance Addressing City 1. Ordinance Addressing City Utility Accounts
Utility Accounts -
Ordinance No. 2889 Mayor Sargent reviewed information provided by the Finance Department and read
the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington amending Section 2 of Ordinance
2055 as amended and Chapter 13.16 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code to provide for deduction
of the State of Washington utility excise tax from
· bills for utility services consumed by the City of
Port Angeles.
Councilman Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion. After a brief discussion, a vote
was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Abolishing and 2. Ordinance Abolishing and Establishing Funds
Funds - Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Finance Department and
Ordinance No. 2890 read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, abolishing certain funds, estab-
lishing certain funds, repealing Ordinances No.
1474, No. 1550, Sections 2 and 3 of No. 1898,
No. 2014, No. 2337, No.. 2380, No. 2556, and
No. 2623, and repealing Chapters 3.08, 3.16,
3.18, 3.19, 3.23, 3.25, and 3.42, and Sections
3.21.030 and 3.29.050, and establishing
Chapter 3.15 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Hulett seconded the motion. A brief discussion followed, and
Councilman Ostrowski inquired whether there was a necessity to establish all these
funds separately, and if they must be established by Ordinance. Accounting Manager
Ziomkowski and Attorney Knutson explained that all funds do not have to be
established by Ordinance; however, the funds do have to be separated for accounting
purposes, and it has been established practice to do so by ordinance. A vote was
taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Civil Service Rule 3. Ordinance Revising the Civil Service Policies Relating to the Number of
Change - Candidates Certified for Entry-Level Position (Correction to Ord. F2887)
Ordinance No. 2891
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by Human Resources, and read
the Ordinance by title entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, revising the Civil Service Policies
related to the number of candidates certified
for possible appointment for entry-level
positions by correcting a mistake in Ordinance
No. 2887 and amending Chapter 2.22 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
OCtober 3, 1995
Civil Service Commission B. Resolutions not Requiring Public Hearings
Rule of Three -
Resolution No. 22-95 1. Resolution Amending the Rules of the Civil Service Commission Relating to
the Rule of Three
Mayor Sargent read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the
roles of the Civil Service Commission
related to the role of three.
Councilman Hulett moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Call for Bids - Sidewalk D. Other Considerations
Installation on 5th, Vine
to Albert 1. Request to call for bids - Installation on 5th, Vine to Albert
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Councilman Doyle moved to authorize the Public Works Department to solicit
bids for the Fifth Street Sidewalk and Street Improvements Project No. 95-22.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Discussion ensued, and Councilman
Braun inquired as to the condition of the culvert. Public Works Director Pittis felt
the culvert to be in good condition; however, he offered assurances that staff would
confirm this fact.
Manager Pomeranz reminded the Council that the sidewalk fund is a result of
Council action taken last year, wherein a portion of street vacation monies is used
for sidewalks. The fund has grown significantly, particularly in view of the
negotiations with Albertson's and Safeway in the matter of street vacation
compensation paid to the City. The sidewalk program will benefit greatly from these
funds, as well as funds to be received from the Transportation Improvement Board
this coming year for sidewalk installation in the vicinity of the schools.
After further discussion, Councilman Hulett requested that the motion be amended
to authorize the City Manager to award the bid and sign the contract. This will
save time, as winter is approaching, and it could make the difference in completing
the project in a timely fashion. Therefore, Councilman Hulett moved to amend
the motion as set forth above, in an amount not to exceed $50,000. The motion
was seconded by Councilmember McKeown and carried unanimously. A vote
was thi~n taken on the main motion, which carried unanimously.
Pacific Rim Electrical 2. Pacific Rim Electrical Generation Proposal
Generation Agreement
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information Provided by the Solid Waste Division and
City Light.
Councilman Braun moved to give permission to the Public Works and City Light
Departments to enter into an agreement with Pacific Rim, Inc. Councilman
Hulett seconded the motion. Discussion followed, and Director Pittis assured the
Council that the proposal has been thoroughly investigated over the past year. The
City's liability would be minimal, as the risk is all with the Contractor. At the
Council's request, Director Titus reviewed pertinent electrical rates for comparison
purposes; he stated that the estimated amount of generated power is worth
approximately $3,000. In the ensuing discussion, Director Pittis clarified that in
spite of a possible landfill closure, methane gas would still need to be extracted.
After further discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried
Camegie Library Building 3. Carnegie Library Proposal from Museum Board
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department
and informed the Council that Lee Embree was present to answer questions the
October 3, 1995
LEGISLATION: Council might have.
Lee Embree, 1675 Monroe Road, a Board member of the Historical Society and
Carnegie Library Building Chairman of the Museum Annex Committee, explained that the Historical Society
(Cont'd) would like to remove the 1962 addition and restore the Carnegie Building to its
original configuration. Manager Pomeranz reminded the Council that restoration of
the Library was part of the bond issue, but it was turned down by the voters. There
was some money set aside by virtue of the agreement between the City and the
Library for possible renovation of the Carnegie facility, but it may not be enough for
the entire renovation. A feasibility study is necessary to determine whether it is
financially feasible and whether it is possible to complete the renovation within the
available revenue.
Mr. Embree stated that the feasibility study would help determine the costs and what
is actually involved in restoration of the Carnegie Library itself, not the addition.
Money has been donated to conduct the study. Mr. Embree further explained that
the Historical Society must vacate the old courthouse building by October, 1998.
The Lincoln School site will not be restored and completed by that time. The library
could serve as an interim facility and when Lincoln School is completed, the
Historical Society would remove the addition to the Carnegie Library, restore it to
its original configuration, and maintain it as a permanent museum annex.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the Historical Society's request to
perform a feasibility study at their cost, and to ask the Real Estate Committee
to meet with the task force designated by the Historical Society to discuss their
full proposal. Councilman Schueler seconded the motion. In the discussion that
followed, Councilman Ostrowski noted that he made the motion with the
understanding that the City has made no commitment to this particular use of the
Carnegie structure. Councilman Schueler felt that both the North Olympic Library
System and the Council have expressed concern over saving the Carnegie Library.
After further brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried
Hotel/Motel Tax Grant 4. Hotel/Motel Tax Grant Program
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Manager Pomeranz stated that there was a change in the proposed membership of the
committee. Mike Larson will not be the recommendation, but John Platt, Manager
of the Olympic Lodge, will fill that vacancy.
Mayor Sargent, and Councilmembers Schueler and Ostrowski volunteered to be the
City Council representatives on the proposed committee. Discussion followed, and
Director Pittis briefly explained the process involved in the grant process. Manager
Pomeranz explained the process used in selecting the citizens recommended for the
Committee, but he forewarned the Council members that some agencies requesting
funding may not be completely satisfied with the committee membership and the
resulting recommendations.
Fireworks Permit - 5. Permit for Public Display of Fireworks - Homecoming
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Fire Department.
Councilman Braun moved to approve the issuance of a permit for Pyro
Spectacular Northwest to conduct a public display of fireworks on October'13,
1995, at Civic Field for the Port Angeles High School homecoming game.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried by a majority
vote, with Councilman Schueler voting in opposition.
Informational Kiosks 6. Informational Kiosks
Councilman Hulett felt there might be a potential problem if the Council were to
support one location for a kiosk over another. Manager Pomeranz acknowledged this
possibility and suggested placing an ad in the newspaper or the city newsletter
explaining the project and asking for suggestions for locating the kiosk. Councilman
Schueler felt the State should take care of finding a location of the kiosk. Manager
Pomeranz stated he would ask Albertson's if they would also be interested in having
a kiosk in their facility. He could then offer both names to the State for
consideration. It was the general consensus of the Council that Manager Pomeranz
should proceed as suggested.
October 3, 1995
LEGISLATION: On another matter, Manager Pomeranz invited the Council members to a presentation
(Cont'd) this coming Thursday, 8:00 a.m., at the Rotary Club meeting at Haguewood's,
where ARCO will be formally donating the interpretive signs on the Waterfront
Also, he announced the City will be receiving an award on Friday from the
Governor, as Port Angeles has been selected the municipal Employer of the Year by
virtue of its support of the disabled via the program with Diversified Industries.
Mayor Sargent, Manager Pomeranz, Finance Director Godbey, and the City's
telephone receptionist, Carol Neitzel, will be traveling to Bellevue to accept this
Break The meeting recessed for a break at 8:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:55 p.m.
ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session to discuss litigation for approximately
EXECUTIVE SESSION: 30 - 45 minutes.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 9:15 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
City Clerk ~1-- (4 - v -