HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/03/2006 e CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PRESENTATIONS, CEREMONIAL MATTERS & PROCLAMATIONS: Proclamation Honoring James Abernathy ProclamatIOn Honoring CIty Employee Incentives CommIttee Members ProclamatIOn in RecogmtIOn ofDisabIhty Awareness Month e Proclamation in Recognition of Communities m Motion Day 5967 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington October 3, 2006 Mayor Rogers called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:02 p.m. Members Present. Mayor Rogers, Deputy Mayor WIlhams, Councilmembers Braun, Headrick, Munro, Petersen, and Wharton [arrived at 6:05 p.m.] Members Absent. None. Staff Present: Manager Madsen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, T. PIerce, S. Roberds, N. West, B Coons, C. Dehkat, and M. Puntenney. Public Present. P. Ripley, E. Tuttle, M. Bower, P. Gagnon, O. Campbell, K. Laidlaw, E. Hopfner, P. Lamoureux, M. Robuck, and S. ZenovIc. All others present in the audIence failed to SIgn the roster. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilmember Munro. 1. ProclamatIOn Hononng James Abernathy Mayor Rogers read and presented a proclamatIOn recogmzmg the contributions of former City employee James (JIm) Abernathy m the estabhshment of the James Abernathy Outstandmg Pubhc SerVIce Award. The proclamatIOn was accepted by Jim's widow, Kathy, and daughter, JennIfer, both of whom were Jomed m the presentation by Human Resources Manager Coons. 2 ProclamatIOn Honoring CIty of Port Angeles Employee Incentives CommIttee Members. Mayor Rogers read and presented to Human Resources Manager Coons a proclamation hononng all past members of the Employee IncentIves CommIttee 3 ProclamatIOn in RecognItIOn of DIsabIlzty Awareness Month' Mayor Rogers read and presented to Peter Ripley a proclamation declaring the month of October, 2006, as DIsabihty Awareness Month 4 Proclamation In RecognItion of COmmUnItIes in MotIOn Day Mayor Rogers read a proclamation declanng October 13, 2006, as "Communities in Motion Dayl" The proclamatIOn was accepted by Mary Bower, Clerk of the Board, Clallam Transit. - 1 - 5968 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 3, 2006 Presentation on Harbor Management Plan 5 Presentation on Harbor Management Plan' Manager Madsen reported that he and Pnnclpal Planner Nathan West had been partlcipatmg m the reVieW of the Port Angeles Harbor Resource Management Plan. Others present in the audIence who also partIcIpated were Martha Hurd, Department of Natural Resources, John Miller, Executive Director of the Lower Elwha Tnbe; and Orville Campbell, Port Angeles Business AssocIation. At thIS time, Orville Campbell, on behalf of the Port Angeles Harbor Plan ReVIew Steering CommIttee, submitted a report on the commIttee's deliberatlOns pertinent to the review ofthe 1989 Harbor Plan, the need for a new plan, summary of ItS pubhc outreach workshop, and recommendations for the next steps leading to the development of a new Port Angeles Harbor Resource Management Plan e Mr. Campbell informed the Council that the report bemg presented thIS evening IS representative of a two-year effort, mvolving representatives of the City of Port Angeles, Port of Port Angeles, Lower Elwha Tnbe, Washmgton State Department of Natural Resources, Clallam County EconomIC Development Council, Port Angeles Business AssocIation, and Clallam County. By the foresight ofthe various sponsoring entities, the Steering Committee was formulated to reVIew the 1989 multI-agency report that descnbed the Harbor Resource Management Plan, WhICh contained goals and objectives for twenty years. Mr. Campbell indicated the 1989 plan IS outdated and obsolete; however, there were many accomplishments and success stones, such as an expanded Waterfront Trail, installatlOn of a sewer lme on Ediz Hook, renovation of the Coho dock, filling of the K- Ply log pond, and creation of the Sml & Paddle Park on EdlZ Hook, just to name a few. He noted some projects were not completed for vanous reasons, but It IS now time to consider a new and updated Harbor Plan. To make sure all interests are represented, representatives from the Lower Elwha Tribe and Penmsula College have been added to the Steenng CommIttee. Mr. Campbell descnbed m detail the dehberatlOns ofthe Steering Committee in terms of research undertaken and a study of economic and envIronmental changes that have Impacted the waterfront. He summarized the public outreach that resulted m strong support for an upgraded plan. It was the unanimous declSlon of all partIcIpants to have a new plan wntten in the mterest of creatmg future gUldance, clear goals and expectations, ldentificatlOn of new harbor uses and development, and greater certainty for economIC development He stressed the importance of creating commumty consensus for a future VlSlOn for the harbor and waterfront. He lauded the aSSIstance of Bob Lawrence, Penmsula College, who helped assemble the public outreach efforts The Steering Committee is now m the midst of submitting ItS report to all of the entities with the hope of gaining further mput and gUldance. Mr. Campbell felt it important to proceed WIth a new plan in order to maxImize the potential of harbor resources whIle protecting cultural and environmental health. Martha Hurd, 1729 E 4th Street, Straits Dlstnct Manager for the Department of Natural Resources, provIded the CounCIl WIth an in-depth reVIew of the plan document that was distributed to the CounCIl thIS evening DiscusslOn followed, and Mayor Rogers shared mformation relative to the involvement ofthe Association of Washington CIties in water issues. Ms. Hurd reviewed recent and future presentations that WIll be made to the participating entitles, after WhICh dlscusslOn centered around who WIll take the lead m the formulatlOn of a new plan, the financial impact to all agencies involved, the possibility of a leadershIp caucus to dISCUSS the future plan, changes seen in the waterfront over the years, and what potential dIrection the new plan mIght take. Manager Madsen added that some ground rules were established in that thIS group had no authonty nor was it tasked with the assignment of determining what the future plan would look like. One ofthe key ... elements m the beglnnmg is for representatives ofthe decislOn-making bodies to appomt ., people with authonty to detenrune the next steps, who WIll do the work, and provide dIrection on future uses of the harbor. e PRESENTATIONS, CEREMONIAL MATTERS & PROCLAMATIONS: (Cont'd) PresentatIOn on Harbor Management Plan (Cont'd) WORK SESSION: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS & PUBLIC COMMENT: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Break PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: Belle Aire Subdivision - Final Ordinance No. 3257 e CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 3,2006 5969 John MIller, 2832 Mt. Pleasant Road, Executive Director ofthe Lower Elwha Tribe, was pleased when thIS process began, and he expressed appreciation that the Tnbe was invited to partiCIpate. He felt that agreements SIgned this past August WIll provIde for the cultural aspects of the new plan. Mayor Rogers then addressed the need to estabhsh a time frame for the Council to provIde mput and dIrectIOn for a new Harbor Management Plan. She suggested that the first Council meetmg m November be targeted for a letter of endorsement, to WhICh all agreed by consensus None. Manager Madsen added the Laurel Street SIdewalk Project as Agenda Item K.l Ken LaIdlaw, a County resIdent residing at 222 LIljedahl Road, was present to encourage the CIty CouncIl to adopt a skateboard helmet ordinance and to consider funding for a full-time attendant at the Skate Park. He has observed the use of bIcycles m the Skate Park and, smce hIS grandson's aCCIdent, he has noticed a mIxed use of helmets. Mr Laidlaw was dlsappomted that the matter wasn't on thIS evenmg's agenda. Mayor Rogers explamed that two committees are presently reviewmg these issues, and Police Chief Riepe reported on the deliberations with the Law Enforcement Advisory Board andjomt discussIOns with the Parks, Recreation & BeautificatIOn Commission. He stressed the CIty'S commItment to safety. Paul Lamoureux, 602 WhIdby, sought clarification concemmg an agenda item, and he expressed opimons relative to the cost ofthe 8th Street Bridges and antiCIpated results of the bid process. None. None. None. None Mayor Rogers recessed the meetmg for a break at 7.02 p.m. The meetmg reconvened at 7:14p.m. 1 Belle Azre SubdIVISIOn - FInal. Plannmg Manager Roberds reviewed the 16-10t subdIVISIOn located at the intersection of Milwaukee Drive and 10th Street in the RS-9 Residential Single Family Zone. She noted that all improvements have been made, to include the completion of Milwaukee Drive WIth curb, SIdewalks, and a bicycle lane. There are no outstanding condItions, and the applicants were present to answer any questions that may arise. Mayor Rogers opened the public hearing at 7:16 p.m., at WhICh time she remmded the CounCIl thIS IS a quaSI-JudICIal matter that IS subject to all apphcable rules. Deputy Mayor WIlliams mdlcated he has been workmg WIth a chent on the west SIde of town and has likely shown this partIcular property. To avoid any appearance offaImess issues, he chose to recuse himself from the consideration of the final plat. - 3 - 5970 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 3, 2006 PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: (Cont'd) Belle Aire SubdlVlsion - Final Ordinance No. 3257 (Cont'd) Cathleen Estates SubdivislOn - Final PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: Hopfner Street VacatlOn PetitlOn Ordinance No. 3258 Steve Zenovic, with a home address of767 Black Diamond Road and a bUSllless address ono 1 E. 6th Street, advised the Council that the subdivision has been completed for final plat; he was available to answer questions. e Discussion was generated about the width of the sidewalks, the street, and the bicycle path, especially as they relate to the proposed route for the Discovery Trail. Mr. Zenovic and Planning Manager Roberds clanfied the sidewalk with a curb is 6 feet Wide, the asphalt is 43 feet Wide, and the bicycle lane in the street is 8 feet wide. The trail could cross over to the north Side, and parklllg could occur on the street; however, a final decision has not been reached as to the route for the Trail. Director Cutler reported that the City is working on a project with an lAC Grant, looking at the possibility of the Trail going up Dry Creek and down to the Elwha River. DiscusslOn also focused on safety needs for the bike trail, as well as the fact that the proXimity to the airport Will be noted on the face of the plat. Mary Robuck, 2508 W. loth Street, was not concerned with Milwaukee, but she asked about sidewalks, curbs, and gutters along loth Street. She indicated she is directly across the street from the project, and she now has a ditch right in front of her property for drainage. Planning Manager Roberds responded that the east Side has a walklllg path, and the west Side has a dralllage ditch as reqUired by the Suburban Low Impact Development Standards. She added there won't be any further development and, unless Mrs. Robuck develops her property, the ditch will remain Should Mrs. Robuck proceed to development, then the Low Impact Development Standards would apply to that development as well. There being no further testimony, Mayor Rogers closed the public heanng at 7:32 p m. Councilmember Munro moved to waive the second reading of the Ordinance. Councilmember Headrick seconded the motion, which carried 6 - 0, with Deputy Mayor Williams having recused himself. Mayor Rogers read the Ordlllance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3257 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, approving the Belle Aire Estates Subdivision. Councilmember Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, to include Condition 1, Findings 1 - 15, and Conclusions A-B. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Wharton and carried 6 - 0, with Deputy Mayor Williams having recused himself. 2 Cathleen Estates SubdiVISIOn - Fznal' Planning Manager Roberds lllformed the Council that the applicant failed to fulfill certain requirements, and she asked that the matter be continued to the next City CounCil meeting. Councilmember Headrick moved to continue the matter of the Cathleen Estates Subdivision to October 17, 2006. Councilmember Petersen seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 1. Hopfner Street Vacation Petition - STV 06-06' Plannlllg Manager Roberds presented informatlOn relative to a petition for the vacatlOn of a small portion of platted "Old" Liberty Street Situated west ofthe currently deSignated Liberty Street. USlllg a PowerPolllt slide to show the area under consideratlOn, she llldicated the abutting property is totally owned by Dr and Mrs. Edward Hopfner. The e property is 10' x, 80' and is of no use to the City. The Plannlllg Commission recommended approval of the vacation, as did the Real Estate Committee. Mayor Rogers opened the public heanng at 7:38 p.m. - 4- e PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: (Cont'd) Hopfner Street VacatlOn PetltlOn Ordinance No. 3Z58 (Cont'd) FINANCE: Laurel Street SIdewalk Project e CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 3, 2006 5971 Edward Hopfner, 1234 E. 6th Street, mformed the Council he was present to answer any questions they may have. He expressed his willingness to purchase the property and put It on the tax roll. There being no further testimony, Mayor Rogers closed the public hearing at 7:41 p.m Deputy Mayor Williams moved to waive the second reading of the Ordinance. Councilmember Petersen seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Rogers read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3258 AN ORDINANCE of the CIty of Port Angeles, Washmgton, vacating a portlOn of the 6/7 alley nght-of-way abutting Lot 9, Block 212, Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington. Councilmember Wharton moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Condition 1, Findings 1 - 11, and Conclusions A - C, as set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached to and becomes a part ofthese minutes. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Braun and carried unanimously. 1. Laurel Street Szdewalk Project: Public Works & UtilIties Director Cutler presented information relative to deSIgn work on the Downtown Phase III Water Mam Replacement Project, specIfically related to the need for further dIrection on the deSIgn features ofthe sidewalk on the west SIde of Laurel Street between Front Street and First Street. It was previously determined that a portlOn of the Port Angeles Underground would be preserved DIrector Cutler showed a PowerPomt slIde of the area under conSIderation, reviewmg the dIfferent optlOns and financial conSIderations before the Council He felt the challenge is to identify financing for the Laurel Street sidewalks. He expressed hope that a decision could be reached qUIckly m order to finish the design and begm construction m 2007. The cost of the sidewalk portion of the project, Railroad to FIrSt Street, would be $775,000, WIth a 15% match of $116,250, and an annual payment of $34,522. ThIS includes the portion of the structural SIdewalk from Front to First Street at a cost of $400,000, which would preserve the underground. DIrector Cutler met with the members of the Lodgmg Tax AdVISOry Committee, seeking fundmg for the structural sidewalk in VIew of the fact the underground would be a tounst attraction. He asked for $41,250 in lodgmg taxes for a one-time match; however, the committee felt the CIty should be responsible for sidewalks and matching funds Therefore, the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee approved an amount that was subtracted from what would have been the City's match If the money had been placed m a traditlOnal sidewalk. The lodging tax funds approved were $17,880 annually for the next 20 years, so the City would need to fund the one-time match and annual payments of $16,704 for the next 20 years. ClarificatlOn was proVIded by the Mayor that these funds would come from the General Fund. She noted, too, that the Council could consider optlOns other than those recommended by the Lodgmg Tax Advisory Committee. Lengthy dIscusslOn ensued, after WhICh Deputy Mayor Williams moved to proceed with the structural sidewalk plans, to fund the $41,250 match, and the $16,704 for the annual shortfall, from the General Fund. For purposes of dIscusslOn, Councilmember Munro seconded the motion. Lengthy discussion and debate followed, with staff provIdmg clanficatlOn on such matters as the addItional costs for the structural SIdewalks, as well as the importance of proceedmg WIth the project and achwvmg completlOn by the end of May. Manager Madsen indIcated the questlOn IS how much should be taken from reserves. DISCUSSlOn also mvolved a descnption of what IS part of the underground at this time. - 5 - 5972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 3, 2006 FINANCE: (Cont'd) Laurel Street Sidewalk Project (Cont'd) CONSENT AGENDA: INFORMATION: Break EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: Kevin Thompson, a downtown merchant, felt that thIS portion of the underground is all that IS left, as the remainder was filled in during a previous project. He encouraged the CounCIl to take actlOn to save the underground, noting there are presently two tours per _ day through hIS store. He encouraged everyone to envision the potential, feeling that the _ use oflodgmg taxes for thIS purpose would fit very well as a tounsm-related project. Further dIscussion ensued, and it was suggested that staff should proceed with the deSIgn, but a decision on the funding should be addressed later. Another opinion expressed was that the lodgmg tax funds should underwrIte a larger portlOn ofthe project because of ItS relahonship to tounsm. Finance DIrector Ziomkowski recommended that the match and annual payment be taken from the 2007 CIP and the Real Estate Excise Tax Fund. It was reIterated that $17,880 is a firm commitment for 20 years from the Lodgmg Tax Advisory Committee Clerk Upton repeated Deputy Mayor Wilhams' motion, after which a vote was taken on the motion. Mayor Rogers and Deputy Mayor Williams voted in favor of the motion, and Councilmembers Braun, Headrick, Munro, Wharton, and Petersen voted in opposition. The motion, therefore, failed. Councilmember Munro moved to have staff proceed with a design of the underground on the west side of Laurel between Front and First Streets and further, that staff prepare a funding recommendation for the Council meeting of October 17, 2006. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Headrick and carried unanimously. Councilmember Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City CounCIl Minutes dated September 27,2006,2.) City Councll Minutes dated September 22,2006; 3) CIty Council Minutes dated September 19,2006; 4.) Approval of Public DIsplay of FIreworks Permit; 5.) Appointment of Alternate to North Olympic Penmsula Resource Conservation & Development Council; and 6.) ExpendIture Approval LISt: 9/9/06 - 9/22/06 - $1,083,283.10. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Munro and carried unanimously. Manager Madsen directed attention to the report from Jim Haguewood, Director of the Clallam Business Incubator. The complete report is in the CIty Manager's office for the CounCIl's reVIew. Mr. Haguewood will be submitting a formal report to the CounCIl at a future meetmg. DIrector Cutler reported the City IS at Stage II m the Water Response Plan because of the current drought. He summanzed the City's cooperahve efforts with the Elwha Tribe and the Parks Service. Brief discusslOn followed. Mayor Rogers recessed the meetmg for a break at 8:47 p.m The meeting reconvened at 8:53 p.m Based on mput from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Rogers announced the need for an Executive Session under the authority of RCW 42.30 110(1 )(1), to discuss potentiallitigahon for approximately 15 minutes WIth no action to follow. The Executive SesslOn convened at 8:53 pm and, at 9:09 p.m, the Executive Session was extended to 9:30 p.m. by announcement of the Mayor. The Executive Session concluded at 9:30 p.m., and the Council convened m regular open session. No action was taken. B~~~a:.!~^--- . - 6 - 5973 CONDITION, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF STREET VACATION PETITION STY 06-06 - HOPFNER: Condition: 1. Property owned by the petitioner and acquired through the subject vacation shall be combined into one building site per Zoning Lot Covenant prior to the issuance of a quit claim deed for the right-of-way. Findings: 1. A petition requesting the vacation of that portion of the 6/7 Alley situated west of Liberty Street abutting Lot 9, Block 212 Townsite of Port Angeles was submitted on July 28,2006, by abutting property owners Dr. and Mrs. Ed Hopfner. 2. RCW 58.17 requires the signatures of two thirds of abutting property owners to be valid when the vacation of right-of-way is proposed. The subject petition is signed by 100% of the abutting property owners. 3. The subject area is zoned RS-7 Residential Single Family and is developed with single family structures. The RS-7 zone allows the basic single family development uses including accessory structures with lot coverage up to 30% on minimum 7,000 square foot lots. 4. Abutting properties to the east, north, south, and southeast were replatted into what is commonly known as the Cresthaven Subdivision in 1975. During the subdivision development process, previously platted alleys and streets in the subject area were vacated and the area was replatted. The south one-half of the 6/7 alley abutting the applicant's property was vacated along with that portion of the alley east of the site leaving the subject right-of-way as the only unvacated portion of alley in the block. The remaining one-half alley width of right-of-way serves no utility or access purpose. Surrounding properties are served access from other rights-of-way. 5. The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map were reviewed for consistency with the proposed vacation of right-of-way. Land Use Element, Map Goals, Policies, and Objective Element Goal A is relevant to the proposal. 6. The Port Angeles City Council's Real Estate Committee met on September 18, 2006, and established a value for the unopened right-of-way at $2.06 per square foot based on the value of surrounding property assessments. The subject area is approximately 10' x 50' for a total of 800 square feet in area. 7. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) review per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 8. The site was posted regarding the proposed land use action on September 14, 2006, with required publication notification appearing in the Peninsula Dailv News on September 17, 2006. 5974 9. Consolidation of the right-of-way (approximately 500 square feet) following vacation can be accomplished by the filing of a Zoning Lot Covenant which would combine the vacated property with the abutting lot owned by the applicants into one building site. 10. At its September 19, 2006, regular meeting, the Port Angeles City Council established a public hearing date by resolution for action on the street vacation petition as October 3,2006. 11. The Port Angeles Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed street vacation on September 27, 2006, and forwarded a recommendation to the City Council for consideration. Conclusions: A. The unopened right-of-way serves no purpose to the current or long range transportation needs of the City. The vacation will place unused, unneeded property on the City's tax roles and is therefore in the public interest. B. Consolidation of the petitioners' property ownership with the vacated right-of-way is in accordance with expected land management and development policies and is consistent with development standards of the RS-7 Section 17.10 ( RS- 7 Zone) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. The site consolidation will appropriately designate the vacated right-of- way as part of an acceptable building site. C. The proposal is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan specifically Land Use Map Goal, Policies and Objective Element Goal A. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of October 3, 2006. &~~J~Q^ Becky J. U n, ty Cle