HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/04/1933 ""-150 Proceedings of the City Commission. of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Ootober 4,1933 193_ ..... The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the fOllowing offioers present . May or Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion,Atmorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the last regular session and the minutes on October 2,1933 of the 1 Hearing of the Budget for the year 1934 and the minutes also on October 2,1933 of the j City Commission as oanvassing Board of the Bond Eleotion of 'September 29,1933 were read. an and approved. , License was granted Eunioe M.Thomas for 1 Beauty Parlor Chair 1.00 Polioe Judge Thos Geisness reported 11 cases tried and $93.00 oolleoted in fines for the month of September 1933. Report ordered filed. Under the head of New Business,- J.M.Sylvia,owner of the Dig Plaoe by writen request asked the Commission to transfer Ci~y Lioense No.294l for Soft Drink and 4 Card Tables and City Lioense No.2942 for 1 Pool Tables to Carl de Barros the new owner of said plaoe. Said lioenses having been issued for year,commenoing July 1,1933 and ending June 30,1934. It moved by Mayor Davis that the City Clerk be instructed to transfer the above desoribed lioenses as requested. Seoonded by Commissioner Filion. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Introduotion of Ordinanoes the Following Ordinances were introduoed and plaoed on thei~ First and Seoond Readings,- AN ORDINANCE Adopting and approving the City Budget of and for the City of Port Angeles,for the fisoal year,1934, and declaring an emergenoy. AN ORDINANCE Confirming the estimates of expenditures for the City of Port Angeles for the year 1934, and fixing tax levies for said year 1934 as heretofore made and levied by the City Commission meeting and sitting for that>p~pose on the 2nd day of October, 1933, and declaring an emergenoy. The Commission expemined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrahts drawn for same,- Current Expense Fund R.E.Davis Chas.J.Fllion Frank C. Twaddle A.W.Shelleberger C.A.Wolverton J.R.McDonald Ray Dorall Expense aooount Expsnse aooount Speoial Police Extra Fireman Expense Acoount Killing and disposing dogs Painting street flusher $15.05 4.85 21. 00 15.00 30.89 25.00 /.:I,'1.?.i 17.50 I I r Light Fund F.G.Whaley R.L.Prioe Examination of Light Department aooounts Janitor servioe 290.00 ~ Y$l~ 4.00 Blthel Osterhout Thelma Hall Gaylord Bro.s Inc. Gaylord Bros.Ino., Poker-Soott Co. Paoker-Soott Co. Willson Hardware Co. Paoifio Tel & Tel Co. Jennllu Norris Puget Sound News Co. American Library Ass'n The Union Library Ass'n Library fund Emergency help Emergenoy help Supplies Supplies SUpplies Supplies Lamps Servioe Petty Cash Books Books Books 11.00 . 2.25 7.70 29.41 3.85 6.90 3.96 4.25 2.25 27.66 1.50 jD'Iys-4.06 Park Fund M.W.Caskey Fred Johnson. Salary Salary Water Fund Payroll 90.00 u;7!,o 67.50 977.63 'J 7 I,r.- ') Water Department There bein~no further business the Commission Oetober 6th, ~33 at~o A.M. then Adjourned, to meet J:J /1 ('-<9~ ,-" 77.111, 1J~ City Clerk Mayor I , I I I I I I i