HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/04/1937 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 4. 19:37 193_ 529 ., I I I I I The Commission met at 10 .i.l,[. and was called to order by Mayor Lavis. Roll cflll showed the follo'linA: office~s l'resent: J,[ayor Davis, COmmissioners Henson and Masters find Clerk Hawkins. ~ . Pursuant to LaVl and published Notices the 00mmission took up the matter of Hearin~ the Budget for the year 1938. Following is the assessed vflluation as submitted by the County ^ssessor: Port Angeles, Hash. October 4, 19:37 Ci ty 01erk Port Angeles, i'lashington Dear "ir: In accordance wi th the law. I hereb~! subr:lit the assessed. valuation of ,fill Rcr.l and Personal l'roperty, ,subject to taxation, within the corporate limits ,of the Uity of Port Angel..s, Clallam Uo'mty, State of Washincton, as el[ualized by the "tate and Count~' Boards of Equalization, for the year 1937 , as follows, to-wit:- City of Port Angeles, - - - - - - - - - - - - - .:14,753,5"1:'.00 Respectfully submitted, Vernon J. Robinson, Clallam County Assessor. After going over the varioup items of the budget and carefully considcrin~ the same, it was moved by Coml~issioner Masterstnat -:;he Bud.:et for the year 19:38 be apl roved and fldopted as follows, and th'lt the City .'ttornev be instructed to b::,inl' in ordinances approving and adoptin" the budget and confirmln,,: the estimctes of espendi tures and fixing the tax levies,- Ma yor Commissioner of Finance Commissioner of Street & Public Improvem~nts Treasurer Cle~k Engineer '. "Attorney olice l.;ourt Ci ty Hall 'Useellaneous ~olice Departm~nt ire De'Jartment i blic :Pound eal th Depal'tm.~nt Street Department e.250.00 1,945.00 1,995.00 3;000.00 3, 1.'),~. on 5,141).0(: e,,370.o0 930.00 61l0.0r 1,560.00 2[) ,475,,')9 17,6<,9.91) 385.00 l,<:lo.or 4,895.00 67,01.5.51 -2Q...,600.('0 28,415..5:, ~ess Estimn ted ileceipts ity :;ltreet Fund Less Estima ted Receip ts 44,267.00 _!!.2~QQ 26,567.00 Library fess Es":ima ted R~ceip ts ~ark ~h ~treet Bridge Bonds e,titing Bonds and ,{arran ts .A. Gen. Oblig. Bonds .", Gen. Oblig. \/arI'ants f.r;D' Guaranty Bonds otal to be raised by taxation ight Departm'Jnt - Expenditures ~stima ted Ree~j pts later Department - Expenditures stimated Recej'Jts ~lwha ~iver Bond ~~nd - Expenditures Estimateu Recei i.ts ~he motion was seconded by Commissioner Henson. llavllr declared the motion eal'ried. ~h:re being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 7,371.95 ~80.00 7,091.95 3,lb1.E9 5,470.00 70,726.38 1,188. ,38 4,753.,53 '1,753.53 10.69.5,44 81,421. 8e 150 , roo. or. 1.50,000.00 l'oo,~ 100,ooC'.on 57,9:3lJ.00 57,9:30.00 On roll call all m~mbers voted aye. The ~~ -0- ~-< l)~ ()i ty Clerk Mayor ....4