HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/04/1939 II""" 92 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 4. 1939 19_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a .m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the follow.l.ng officers present: Mayor Dsvis, Commissioner Beam, Attorney Conniff and clerk Hawkins . The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Police Judg~, Thos. Geisness, reported 72 cases tried and $510.00 collected in fines for the month of September, 1939. Report ordered filed. Under the head of Applications for fuilding Permits the follow.l.ng were granted: W. Blagdon, Garage, Lot 10, Block 127, Townsite .Mrs. Julia Jewett, Residence, Lots 1 and 2, Block 65, P.S.C.C. SUbd, of Sub. Lot 23 150.00 2000.00 I Under t he head of Introduction of Ordinances the follow.l.ng ordinances were introduced, read in full and placed on their first and second readings: AN ORDINANCE adopting and approving the City budget of and for the City of Port Angeles for the fiscal year 1940, and declaring an emergency. I AN ORDINANCE confirming the estimate of expenditures for the City of Port Angeles for the year 1940, and fixing tax levies for said year 1940 as heretofore made and levied by the City Commission meeting and. sitting for thet purpose on the 2nd day of iDJctober, 1939, and declaring an emergency. Under the head of R~ports fromCity Officers the following was read: October 2, 1939 To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission Port Angeles, Washington Gentlemen: I herew.l.th sul:mit the first monthly estimate (September) of work done and material furnished by Sig Larson, Contractor, on Peabody Creek Culvert at Third and l'eabody Streets. Less 15% retained $ 169.02 ~ $l624.02 243.60 31.380.42 I 125.2 cu. yds..Structural Excavation @ $1.35 per cu. yd. 22,385 lbs. re-inforcing steel @ .065~ per lb. Amount due Contractor Yours very truly, H. E:. Dodge, City Engineer It was moved by COl1llIlissioner Beam that the foregoing &lgineer's estimate of work done and material furnished by Sig Larson, contractor, on Peabody Creek Culvert be accepted and that the City Clerk be instructed to issue a warrant on the City Street Fund to the said Sig Larson in the sum of $l380 .42 the amount due said Contractor as shown in the foregoing estimate. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I I calli , Under the head of New Business,- It appearing that in the investigation of the E. R. McKnight case the sum of $170.00 had been found in a desk in the office of Water Department at 116 West 8th Street and was taken posseasion of by Chief of Police R. O. Ide, and it further appearing from the fact that the money belonged to the City. It was therefore moved by Commis sioner Be8lJl that the said J170.00 be turned into the City Treasury by Chief of Police R. O. Ide and credited to the Water Works Fund. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. the Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EKPENSE FUND Fire Department " II Volunteer Firemen " Service Supplies :wmber, etc. " '! 2.40 216.00 28.00 15.99 4.12 10.87 454.80 128.00 50.00 5.00 ll.12 57.19 5.00 5.00 40.77 5.99 5.30 8.06 4.40 5.75 2.60 2.75 3.00 199.06 154 .46 I Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. City Treasurer Port Angeles Iron Work~ Universal Tool & Mfg. ~o. Win. M. Rafter City Light Department City Treasurer Olympic Stationers Port "ngeles Evening News F. W. Breakey R. S. Bray Thos. T. "ldwsll Hoare & Headrick George's Service Station George Priebe Pacific Telephone & ~elegraph Co. Oi ty Treasurer Olympic Stationers Pacific Telephone & Telegraph /!o. City Treasurer AngelesGravel & Supply Co. n "" 'I " Extra Men Back for call Boxes Express Shop Work Fire !Alarm Boxes State Examiner Office Rent Stamps SUpplies Publications Services n Insurance Repairs II I Service Supplies " (,"0 ),p'{ - CITY STREET FUND Sig Lars on 1st Monthly estimate 1380.42 ll.. October 4, 1939 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ .... 93 I I I I I S. Besselman Earl S~einert Gordon 'F. Wendell W. A. McCorkle D. A. Masters Automotive Parts Service Port klgeles Iron Works James W. Caven Johnson Tug & Berge Co. Street Department Equipment Hire n Car Hire Parts Shop Work Lilbor & Material Steaming Tank Cars Pay Roll WATER FUND Marckmann & Williams n n Pipe & Fittings II II n n Montgomery Ward & Co. City Light Dept. Shell Oil Co. R. M. Morgan Water WoIks Engineering fort. Angele s Concre te Products Olympic Stationers Hooker Electrochemical Co. Howard-Cooper Corp. Rensselaer Valve Co. Dempsey's Service Station Union Oil Co. Middleton Motor Parts Family Shoe Store Port Angeles Iron Works V. 1\. Samuelson & Co. Ci ty Light Dept. C. H. McDonald Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Angeles Coop. Creamery James Hardware eo. Paris Motor Co. City Treasurer The Duck Inn Supplies Office Rent Gasoline Lumber Subscription Service Boxes Duplicator & Supplies Chlorine Repair Parts Hydrant Extensions Gasoline Kerosene Bearing Boots Shop Work Truck Repair & Oil Lights at Reservoir Gasoline Store Phone Pipe Fittings Cups Supplies Truck Repaira Cash Payments Meals LIGHT FUND Line Material Co. n . n Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. Automotive Parts Service " " " Line Hardware Ground Rods Meter Sockets Lamps & Batteries . Street Light Lamps Soap Machine Parts Water at Store Freight Servi ce Meter & Meter Cases Meters lr<1ck Repa:lr s Wire' . "Paper Towels State Examiner Advertising Expense Car Hire Pencils Lamps Printing Gasoline & Lubricant Supplies Envelopes & Pads Park & Shop Store Addressograph Multigraph Corp. City Water Dept. Puget Sound Navigation Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. General Electric Co. General Electric Co. E. A. Thomas General Electric 9DPply Corp. Graybar Electric Co. Zellerbach Paper eo. J. A. Varley Port .Angeles Evening News S. H. White s. H. White United States Pencil Co. City Electric Co. Olympic Printery Shell Oil Co. Montgomery Ward & Co. Quick Print LIBRARY FUND Gaylord Bros. Inc. Demeo Library Supplies Zellerbach Paper Co. Lowman & Hanford R. L. Polk Co. Edwin Allen Co. James Hardware Co. J ennilu Norris New Method Book Bindery, Inc. The Puget Sound News Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Books Supplies Paper Towels Book City Directo ry Book Lamps Petty Cash Book s Service L.LD. GUARANTY FUND City Treasurer Assessments There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 7J~ City Clerk 1)7/ \'!"J: ,}. &t1 I~ J.:f -/ \11(11' 1" ./' I,f ~~ 12.94 12.94 12.94 12.94 33.80 10.14 .46 2.20 271.25 84.50 717.02 302 . 52 14112.00 OOJ.16 437.52 .56 25.00 38.75 4.93 3.00 14.03 37.23 14.86 .92 21.86 .60 7.16 4.93 46.10 42.43 ll.68 2.94 2.00. 4.25 106 .34 2.96 18.29 29.91 73.46 3.92 32.43 206.04 35.44 43.58 29.38 11.02 .55 .82 2.01 .85. 33.00 161.90 109.26 1.79 204.83 390 . 52 5.80 303.35 2.00 5.48 29.85 6.83 37.94 23.05 30.30 1.68 32.94 24.93 2.46 4.59 7.65 10.:iO 1.44 1.22 3.47 24.64 29.85 4.25 9.31 Mayor ~