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Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington
October 4.J9~15
TIle Collll\ission at at 10 A,M. and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call shOlled the fo110lling
officers present: lIayor Robinson, CoIlllll1Bsloner Mssters and Clerk Hawt1ns. PurBWlllt to law and JIllblisbed
notice, the Commi8810n took up the matter of beering the welget for tbe year 1944,
Follo1r1ng is tbe assessed valuation of the City of Port Angeles as subDitted by the County Asesssor:
September 13, 1945
J.Ir, Nst Hawkins. Clerk
City of Port Angeles
Port Angeles, Baahington
Dear Sir:
In compliance with 8tatut88 goveming, I bsrewith sutmit tbe assessed valuation of all the Real and
Personal property subject to taxation within the corporate limits ot the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
for the :rear 1945. a8 equalized by the Board of Equalization of Clallam Count:r and the State Board of
Equalization of the State of Washington, as follows. to-wit:-
Total assessed valuation of all Real and Personal Propert:r. 15,725,955
RespectfUlly submitted,
Harve;y E, Haggard. County Assessor
Tbe bearing was tban continued untUll A.M., Wednesday, October 6, 1945.
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Clty Clerk
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