HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/04/1944 r"" . 46 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October-4.-.o_.. 1944_ The Commh.ion met in regular .e..ion at dO A. 'M. and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call showed the following officers pre.ent, MayorO'Rilbin.on. Commissioners Beam and !.lasters. Attorney John.ton and Clerk Hawkins. The Minutes of the previous session were' read and approved. Uhder the head of applications for building permits and licenses the following were grllIlted. P. If. Hee.ld. Build garage. Lot 5. Block 102. Tho.. W Carter'e Sub. of Suburban lots number 11 and .ixteen. P. A. Towndte, 150.00 Harry Dunmire. Remodel hou.e, lot 4. Block 155. Townsite. 150.00 Lee Coffee Shop. Theodore H. Bates,. Restaurant Journeyman Plumber, 12.00 2.50 I: Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinance the following Ordinance was read by title and Pa.sed it. third re.ding and finally adopted. -\- An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1101. of the City of Port Angeles, adopted by the City Commission April 15. 19. 1942. declaring an emergency and making the Ordinance effective immediately. It was moved by Commis.ioner Beam that the foregoing ordinanoe be approved and adopted. Seoonded by Collllllissioner !taster.. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I v All eRDIIIAlIGS adopMng--snd-ttpprovi-ng~~d-4'ol'-the--Gi~y-01'-Por-t-Ang~les-fer-tlle~al- -y......-.-*945...nd-de~.1.ng-en--emeJ'ge~ The following Ordinances were introduaed. read in full and pas.ed their l.t and 2nd Reading.: \.C AN ORDIIIAlICE adopting and approving the City Budget of ll"d for the Cittr of port Anlt*'les for ths fiscal year. 1945. and deolaring an emergency. AN ORDINANCE oonfirming the e.timate. of expenditures for the City of Port Angeles for the year 1945. and fixing tax levies for said year1945 a. heretofore mede and levied by the City Commi..ion meeting and setting for that purpo.e on the 2nd day of October. 1944, and deolaring ancemergency. Under the head of Introduotion of Re.olutions the following resolution was introduoed. WHEREAS. The City of Port Andeles is the owner of the following de.cribed real property. having acquired the same by Trea.urer's Deed dated October 2. 1944. under and by virtue of the authority of Seotion 9393 of Remington's Revised Statutes. Chapter 143. of the Laws of 19s9. Page 365. to-wit. Lot Five(5). Boock Six (6). Puget Sound Co-operatioe Colony'. Subdivision of the T01ll1si te of Port Angele.. Washington 1 WHEREAS. Bob Fox has offered to purohase the abp.ve de.cribed real property from the City of Port Angelee for the sum of $150.!Xl, and WHEREAS. the City Commi.don Ila s viewed the .aid property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair ;1 ;~ ;,.;::;~Z;;'.;;' ;";;'~;~;'~';':;;;;:~:;:~:~;~;i:-:' ~;;:;"( valid liens again.t the .emel that the City Attorney be in.truoted to prepare a quit claim deed conveying 'I .aid property to the purohaser. and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angele. be and he is hereby instructed to execute .aid quit claim deed and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to oountersigh ....d ~it olaim deed.. [ Pa..ed by the City Commisaion and eighed by the Mayor this 4th day of Ooj;ober. 1944. I~ was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commi..ioner Masters. On roll oall all member. voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. Red's Tad Company having sold their bu.iness to Be..ie W. Mali.ky, requested the Commission tn writing, to transfer their taxi lioense No.6210 to the .aid Bessie W Mali.ky. There being no objection the Collllllis.ion instruvted the City Clerk to _ke .aid tran.Cer as reque.ted. The Commi.aion examined and aUowed the following claim. and ordered warrants drawn for lI&Ille. , City Trea.urer Port Angele. Evening Wews Olympic Stationer. Hoare &: Headrick City Light Dept. City Tre8liurer Tooker'. Motor Freight Ci ty Treasurer Pacifio Tel. cl: Tel. Co.. Stamp. Publication. Supplies Material cl: tabOr Hall Rent for Sept. Light &: Water Freight Charges Light &: Water Servioe 351-11' 5.00 24.43 15.50 4.18 50.00 1024.85 2.:H 105.98 4.75 I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND o' :'J1 - \ ./ I CITY STREET FUND Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Richfield Oil Co. Elk Drug Co. Inc. I Willson Hardware Co. Port Angeles Motor. Waoh. Saw Filing Work. Sand. Gravel. etc. Ga. Waterglass Harnes. Snap. Repairs & Water Pump Filing Sa.. 14.52 134.88 1.01 .49 18.73 4.38 ,1'"' - WATER M'D C1 ty Light Dept. Street De pt . WiU.on'1idire. Co. Rent & Litht Ga. & Oil , Sept. Supplies 32.43 53.20 8.19 I I I October 4, Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19ML.. P.. A. Concrete Products Co. Senttle Plumbing Supply Co. Valve Boxes Fittings LIC~ Homer Blaok A. W. Ward Ricilifield Oil Corp. Pacific Tel. I< Tel. Co. Olympio Printery Willson Hdwe. Co. Underwood Elliott Fisher Remington Rand Ino. KeeLox Mfg. Co. Garage Rent Car Expens e Gas Service 6-16-44 to 9-16-44 Printing &: Supplies Janitor Supplies Repair Adding Mach. Carbon Paper Off'i ce Supplies LIBRARY Ci t;y Treas urer Paoific Tel. I< Tel. Co. Charles Soribner'. Sons Light &: Water for Library Servi oe #W>7 Bcoke PARK Angeles Gr"vel I< Supply Co. Pacifio Tel. I< Tel. Co. Willson Hdwe. Co. I City Treasurer City Treasurer Sand. Gravel. I< Cement Servide 1503-j Globes Light &: Water at Parks Light I< Water I STATE AID I I. Pacific Tel. I< Tel. Co. ) City Treasurer City Treasurer Pacific Tel &: Tel Co. Automotive Parts Co. Epperson &: Sons Angelu Gravel &: Supply Co. C. A. Wolverton 1l1l11oon Hdwe. Co. western Auto Supply Co. I DR LIQUOR TAX FUND , City Treasurer II Pacific T.l & Tel Co. Olympi c Laundry George's Seni ce Station I Lerrick's Cafe' . Hoar~ &: Headriok I Radio Service &: Appliance Co. Willson Hdwe. Co. Serviee 1628. 1795. 1796-'1: Light Light U Water Fire Hall SerVioe #800 &: #872 Hose &: Cable Lumber Co ""rete Car IIxpens e Hardware Dust Cloths &: Pyroil Light at Police Station Service 1627. 12(l. 1332 Lsundry Servioe Shop Work Yeals for Prisoners Parts &: Labor Radio Tubes 1 Garbage Can L.LD. GUARANTY City Treasurer Taxes Lot 5, Blk. 6. P.s.c.C.. VICTORY TAX City Treasurer Victory Tax Withheld for Sept. ) s5 ~'1 23.18 31.04 3.00 13.05 21.60 42.00 31.00 1.85 2.27 10.19 i 1--~~\ 1.55 '}.; "). I " 6.45 4.25 1':17.55 ,..--1 7 ~ J_ 20.40 2.68 3.87 23.$ 26.48 j'U> q3 14.00 13.34 16.04 15.45 1.44 6.15 13.44 30.40 7.37 3.30 177',3 11.84 15.20 5.77 29.43 71.38 41.52 9.37 2.52 24.55 1577.84 The MIltter of Appointing A Sanitary Superintendent was then taken up end Mayor Robinson placed the nBlIle of' Frnnois Pearson in nomination for said position. On motion to confirm the above nomination Mayor Robinson and Commissioner Beam voted Aye, Commissioner ltasters Vbting Nay. The ,Mayor deolared the motion carried. There being no further bueiness the Commission adjourned. 71~~ City Clerk ~I:. r/f~ !.!ayor 47 .-.1 r"" 48 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19__ ~ I I I I t. j I { I I :