HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/04/1954 I ~I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 413~ October 4, 19~ ,... . "-". _..~ .".-.... ..,.".. ..... .... The City Council met at 7,ZO P. M. aIll was called to order by Mayor Neer. Officers present were: Maoror Neer, Councilmen Brown, Powell, Wolfe aIll McFadden, City Manager Vergeer, A tterney Severyns aJ. d Clerk Law. PurGuant to .Statutes .governing and publications, the hearing .was spaRed on the ~get for the year 1955. Manager reviewed the budget citing amendments recomnended and chamges requested. Oharles .l.irykeaad Norman Pollock appeared for Roy Duncam, employee of the Street Dept., considering Mr. Dun- can entitled to the 2% increaee as the others received. The Council approved increase as requested. . Dr. Kitner spoke on behalf of the Police Dept., personnel citing the depart!IB nt as up to State Patrol stand- ard, al:,o their respons:bility as very hazardous, ther~loY entitiling them to a substantial salary increase'l Chief Kochanek recollll1ll3nded a 2% adjustment for the Identification Clerk and Police Matron. Marguerite Miller informed of duties other than clerical as fingerprinting, filing am photogr;p hy. Also duties as Police ) Matron. After due consideration, the Council approved the salary increase. , ,No other objections appearing, it was moved by Councilman Brown that the hearing be continued until l'hursday evening when the budget hearing will be closed alld an Ordinance introduced adopting same. No' further oosiness, appearing, the meeting-was adjourneGl. O. t: (J Lau...r Gity Clerk ~.- , )1'/;./ r . r glTOJw.R 7 1954 ,The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was cafled to order by Mayor Neer. Roll call re- Ivealed the follollli.!M: officers present: Mayor Neer, Councilmen Brown, Powell, Wolfe and McFadden, Manager IVergeer, Attorney Severyns. aIll Clerk Law. ,It ,as moved by Councilman Wolfe that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded ,1:>y Councilman Powell and carried. I ;Under the read of unfinished business, the budget hearing was continued. lI.anager Vergeer cited adjusbents i necessary, after which the budget was declared in balance aIll approval of the same was in order. It was : moved 1:>y Councilman Brown that adjustments as noted be approved. Seconded by Councilman McFadden. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I ORDINANCE NO. 1535 . AN ORDlNANJE approving and adopting the budget of the City of Port Angeles for the fiscal year 1955. i . lIt was mar ed by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Secomed by Councilman Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried. . . P<lI'auant to c8'11 for bids published, to furnish one ladder truck for the Light Dept., the following were 'receivedl . I RUDllEIJ. OLOOMOBILE OADILLAC, 11'0. . Bid. No. I, I.H.C.R. 112 truck, 2346.10, 3Lft. ladder 825.10, ,total $5,171.20 Bid No.2, I.H.C.R. 112 .truck, 2557.50, 30' 611.ladder, 1064.00, total $5,421. .00. 52'6" ladder, ~wm . .' Bid No.3, I.H.C.R. 112 truck, 2317.50, Model 2251 Holom Ladder 1488.60, total $3,806.10 Bid No.4, I.H.C. truck 2460.00, Hall 32' Aerial Power Lift, 1540.00; total $4,000.00. Add 3% sales 'tax. Federal tax to be deducted. - PRIEST LOGGING AND EQUIPMENT CO.l G.M.C. 152-24, $1,440.55, extras, $532.45 G.M.C. 152-24, $1,440.55 plus $532.45, Morrison Utility Body, $685.00, total, $2,658.00 G.M.C. 152-24, $1,973.00, Power American 44-90 Body $-608.00, total $2,581.00 G.M.C. 152-24, $1,973.00, Power. American Body 35 M. Series, 565.00, $2,536.00 Ladder to be Mounted: Power America!, Revolving 32 '6", $1,125.00 "" n 30'6" 1,064.00 Worman Turrut ~odel M. H., M.O. 28'6", $825.10 Holom Aerial, "odel 2231, $1,521.05 Add 3% sales tax, Federal excise tax to be deducted. SWANSON MorOR CO.: Studebaker 3/4 ~., $1,561.75, Morrison ~, $625.00 Horman Ladder, 907.61, total ~3,096.56 Studebaker 5/4T, $1,646.23, Morrison Body, $62!7.00, Worman ladder, $907.61, total $3,180.83. Add 5% sales tax., deduct federal excise tax. JANISH MOTOR CO.: Dodge 1954, B/4T., $l,550.00,Morrison Carryall Body, :iP655.00, Wo~ Ladder, $825.10, total$B,010.00 Dodge 1954, 5/4T., $1,550.00, Hall BOdy, $703.00 . Hall 52 ft. Power lift ladder, $1,605.00, Total t~j858.00. Add 3% sales tax, deduct federa. excise tax. SCHREINER CHEVROLET CO. I 1955 Chev. 5/4 T., $1,435.86, Morrison Body aIll Woman Iadder, $1,562.00, Total, $2,997.86 1955 Bhev. 3/4 T., $1,455.86, lla11 Body, $703.00, Hal11adder, $1,605.00, total, $3,745.86. Add 5% salas tax. Deduct federal excise tax. lIt was moved by Coumilman Brown that all bids be made of record a! d award be postponed until the next I'meeting. Seconded by Councilman Powell and carried. : IA group of Senor Hi School students appeared before the Council, the group being representatives of the ! 'Associated student Body expressing objections to implication of responsibility for recent Juvenile complaints. Mayor Neer read a letter from Judge Church conunending the Student Body on their activities ald clarified a ;recent incident as not involi:ing high school students. The Mayor informed that it is not the intention of i I I .....