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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
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The City Council met at 7:30 P .H. am was called to order ITJ lf18;Vor Neer, all officers being present.
Pursuant to Statutes governing the public hearing on the preliminary budget for the year 1957 was opened.
After due consideration budget items in sever!>l departments were fixed as follo",s:
?eneral Administrations, delete Anil11al Control, ~12,000.00. City Treasurer, City Hatching,CE.R. & OASI
$~30.00, D.E.R. &~d OASI, delete $350.00; City Clerk, Deputy, ~315.00 to $325.00; C. E. Receipts, Av~l-
able Cash, Balance, $50,259.00 to $48,259.00. Light Fund, Line Foreman $572.68, Linemen Helpers $400.68'
Line, '!'rock Driver $422.35, Servicemen, $493.18, Heterrrcan, $481.88, Electric Inspector am Subst~tion '
Attdt., S481.88; Surveying and Engineering, $4,000.00. Legal and Rights-of Hay Expense, $1,500.00.
'later Denartl'".ent: Caretaker at Dam, $330.00.
Manager Vergeer reconnnended that the budget be approved as amemed and hearing closed.
It ",as m~'ed by Councilman McFadden that recommendation be accepted, the proposed budget approved and an
Ordinance prepared adopting same. Secomed by Councilman vlolfe am. carried,.
H. H. Gwrm illCJ.uired as to 1;hether o.r not reports and results of tests had been received from the Pollution
Control Board. I.u.. Vergeer advised that to his knowledge the City has r,ilceived no reports.
v~. Vergeer informed that Clall&~ Theatres, Inc., have requested elimination of Admission Tax on Theatres.
It ',;as moved by Councilman Jiatthieu that the request be tabled. Secomed by Councilman j'[olfe am carried.
There being no further business, the meettng was declared adjourned.
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City Clerk
OCTOBER 4, 1956
The City Council lOOt in regular session at 7:30 P .11. am was called to order by Mayor j,jeer. Officers
present were: Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Matthieu, lJolfe, ~:cFadden am I!,axfield, Hanager Vergeer,
Attorney Sevcr;ms am Clerk Law.
It was moved by Councilman Hatthieu that minut es of the previous meeting be approved and placed on file.
Secomed by Councilman VIolfe ard carried.
Under the head pf unfinished business, o~e bid >ras received from Heward Doherty in amount of $501.00 for
Lot 13, Blk. J4l, T01ffisite. It ",as moved, by CounciL~n HcFadden that offer be accepted. Seconded' by
Councilman 11axfield am carried.
Pursuant to notice.> published, the hearirl{l on assessment roll for L.r.D. No. 167 was' opened. Council con-
sidered adjustment of ro;U to conform with mmership in Halbor Area. North of Blocks 2 ard 3, Tidelands jfcst.
Jack Hogan, Port Hano.ger, informed that the State is responsible for a portion of same. l'<anager Vcrgeer
recomm~nded that the roll be adjusted in the Harbor Area North of Blocks 2 and 3, Tidel&~ds West, so as to
reflect tpe change in lease hold interest of the Chicago, lo!ilwaukee an:l St. Paul Railroad, the Dept. of
Public Lams of the State of 1i!,shington am the Port of Port Aneele", to conform with interests bet1;een
parties. It ';as moved by Councilman Holfe that recommendatioD be approved. Seconded by Councilman
Sandison and carried. '
Louie Cnockaert complained as to condition of blacktop in alley back of skating rink am requested correct-
ion before he is expected to pay. .
AI Beckner of ?ort Angeles Hotel thinks assessment all inequitable and decreases property value.
I~s. L. I. Hyde, Lots 2, 3, 4, Blk. 42, also I'lr. and t1rs. By-ron \'linter, 1+25 E. Front, protested making
secondary highway- of Front Street and routing log trucks through the business district. Also cited lack
of sidewalks on Front Street from Lincoln to Peabody Streets and suggested that logs be dumped at booming
location am tewed to various destinations. Hayor Neer cited near tragedies averted by routing 1rucks to
eliminate sharp corners.
Ho",ard Haddux protested assessment against certain lots being more than adjoining property. 1'his being
clerical error on notice mailed, no change ,ras necessary on Assessment roll.
Esther vlebster of Beaver Hill, protested charges a::;ainst several lots in block's 211, 220, am 280, same
being inaccessable am without value. I{r. Vergeer explained that assessment roll';a8 prepared by special-
ist, not according tcf.ralue, but on area basis, plat of the City, and proximity of the truck route, business
am industrial property paying higher assessments. Council examined numerous '<ritten protests ..,hich rec-
ei ved due consideration and ,.ere ordered placed on file.
No other objections appearing, it waS moved by CounciJJna.'1 McFadden that the hearing be closed, all protests,
denied and the assessment roll am all assessments therein confirmed as amended. Hotion seconded by Council-
man Sandison and carried.
The following Ordinance was then introduced and read in full for Council consideration:
AN CRDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, approving a.'1.d confirming the assessments an:l assess-
ment roll of Local Improvement Diotrict No. 167 for the imprOVEment of a high1'lay, alley an:l drive and
certain sh'eets ,Jithin the city .by filling, clearing, draining, grading, ballasting and paving, together
with all necessary appurtenances thereto and by doing all '""rk necessary in connection ther8\;lith, levying
and assessing the amounts thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property as
sho;:n on said assessment roll, providing for the paymsnt of such assessments into the Local Improvement
District No. 167 Fund created by Ordinance No. 1338 of the city, and declaring an anergency.
It was moved by Cow1cilman HcFadden that ti1e foregoing iJrdinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman j'!olfe and carried.
Hanager Vergeer read reconunendation h'J the Planning Commission on request for variance of Zoning Oriinances
by Varmausdle Furniture and HardNare at 914 South Eunice Street. Recomnendation beil1ij favorable, it was
moved by Councilman Holfe that Council concur ,nth same. Secomed by Councilman Sandison am carried.
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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
October 4, 1956
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I Concerning the legal authority to improve Cherry Strect South of 15th St.,' Attorney Sevcryns advis ed
that a petion is necessary, and signed by all propcrty owners to be assessed am effected, othenrise
bonds could not be sold. It was decided that petition ,~11 be made available.
I The following pay estimates for work done aad material furndshed in L.I.D. No. 171 during the month of
September were'filed by thc Engineer:
HA.'\RISOI~ BROYrlERS CC., :rhird estimate (September) L.r.D. No.171 $52,000.00
MILONE & TUCCI, INC., '!'hird estw.ate (September) L.I.D.No.,171 16,000.00
It was ,moved by Councilman "rolfe that ths fo,regoing estilfiltes be approved am ,;arrams issued on L.r.D.
No. 171 Construction Pum in paynent of same and the City Clerl, authorized to issued warrants numbered
26 to 31 for li5,OOO.00 each, and Vlarrants numbered 32 to 36 for $3,000.00 each; and warrants numbered
37 to 44 for 92,000.00 each and finally, warrants n'"",bered 45 to 51 for ~ll,Ooo.oo each, on L.I.D. I,o.
171 Funl, beffi'ing interest at the rate of 4 5/8% per annum, dated October 9, 1956, proceeds to be deposit-
ed in the L.LD. No. 171 Construction Funl. I.lotion secomed by Councill'lan Haxfield ani carried.
I Fixed estimate claims against L.LD. No. 171 Vlere approved as folIa-Is:
Lowman & Hanford, Steel tape am p. bob sheath $17.67
Olympic Printery, Office supplies ,53.65
Dept. Labor & Industries, indo ins. and Med. Jlid. 1.4.47
It was moved by Councilman Hatthieu that claims be approved and llarNnts issued
ion Fund in payment of same. Seconded iJy Councilman l'iolfe ani carried.
on L.LD. No. 171 Construct-
Umer the he:ld of !!e'" business claims paid September 24 am 25 were approved in total amount of $22,167.13.
It was m\i'Wd ~'Councilman l'iolfe that 'claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Hatthieu and I
'carried'. I
The monthl,y budget reports of expenditures am receipts for City DepartlIDnts, also operating reports ,;ere
, filed for approval. It Has moved by Couocilman HcFadden that reports be accepted and filcd. Secondcd by
Councilman Maxfield and carried.
Tne foUCl'<ril1(; der::e.rtment reports werc also filed for approval: POLICE, FIRE, LIBRARY and POLICE JUDGE. I
I It was moved by "'ouncilman iiolfc that t:,e report3 '~~ ,,~\)::"""od and placed on file. Seconied by Councilman I
! liatthieu and carried.
I J.Ianager Vergeer read correspondence from Wilson and Chamberlin regarding the l;ooden side1-lalk on Secom i
I Street between Oak and Cherry Streets confirming the same as not a legal sidewalk. It was moved ~- Council..
! man McFadden that the matter be referred to the City Attorne,'. Seconded by Counc ilman Sandis on and
I earned.
I Council discussed vacancy on Library Board and appointment to same. It was moved by Coumilman 11atthieu
that Mrs" Don Cornell be appointed to said Board. Seconied by Councilman Smith and carried. Council
also commended fQss'Hodson, Librarian, for job analysis submitted.
I James Haynes of 1325 E. Front St., appeared before Council complaining of disturbance caused by loud
I speaker sourrl cars when shift lforkers are trying to sleep. It >Ias unlerstcod that the City of Everett
has Ordinance regulating such disturbance, a copy to be obt"ined for consideration.
A petition sigred by six property a-mers requested that permanent grades be established for Tenth St.
arr! Lauri:lsen Blvd. bet\'leen Washington and Clw,nbers Streets am said streets opened for public use. It
was moved by Councilman ,'folfe that petition be referred to the City Engineer. Seconied by Councilman
Sandison and carried.
Umer the head of introduction of Resolutions the follO'.dng Nas introduced and read:
, A RESOLUTION confirming supplemental contract for, the increased purclBse of 31300 Kilowatts of, firm power
by Crown Zellerbach Corporation as of September 30, 1956 and authorizing the Hayor and J.lanager of the
City of Port Anseles to execute such supplemental contract ,lith Crown Zellerbach C?rporation. 1 ~
It ';as moved b.r Councilman Sahdison that the foregoing Resolution be approved. ,Seconded by Councilman
Hatthieu am carried;
Umcr, the head of introduction ani reading of Ordinances, the follo,'Ting ",as introduced ani read in full:
AN ORDINANCE approving am adopting the budget of the City of Port Ar<Jeles for the fiscal year 1957.
it was moved by Councilman Sandison that the foregoing Ordinance be approved ani ado)?ted. Seconded by
Councilman Smith and carri ed.
I There being no further b)lsiness, the meeting ,,'as declared adjourred.
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City Clerk
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2lld, ~t the office of -the. City Clerk
~a~1n:~\;, ~~'~r}nP~~ ~~f:lb~
1he Cily to the hlghes~ ~~er~r orte
11) onl~' Htil1'two -ttm DOClge-Truck:
with two speed rear~eI,)d and five;
sp~ed trahsmission wlth 9 Ga.mage
ady of iliirtP.en {tal Yi8-rd capa-
city. Moto:r No. Tt20.B0364, Serial
G. S, Vergeer
eub: ~~l ~~n2a6~ei956T