HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/05/1932 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 67 " October 5 193~ 1 I 1 ....1C~ .. ~o"'''. "",n.... 'TATID~'"". ..""U" ..0:. I 'The Commission met in Regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll Gall showed the following offioers present. Mayor Davls,Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Polioe Judge Thos aeisness reported 9 oases tried and $46.00 in fines colleoted for the Mon;h of September,1932. Report ordered filed. Under the headoof applications for permits and lioenses the following were granted,- Ellen Hanify Addition to dwelling Lot 12 Blook 41 N.R.Smith's Subd. G.Giuchot Addition to dwelling Lot 7 Block 157 Townsite Mrs;S.W.Richards (My Lady Beauty Shoppe) 2 Beauty Parlor Chairs '100.00 150.00 2.00 Under the head of unfinished business the following Resolution was introduaed. RESOLUTION TO EXECUTE SUBLEASE FOR ~UlliUFACTURINa SITE CALS-I-DINE CORPORATION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS,The CALS-I-DINE CORPORATION has applied for a sublease of Five hundred (500) feet of Ediz Hook Spit for a period of fifty (50) years to be used for industrial purposes, at a rental of One hundred ($100.00) Dollars per year,and' Whereas,Said company has plaoed before the City Commission a statement of its plans for'oonstruotion and maohinery installation,and it appears that the application is made in good faith and with the intention of proaeeding with an industry,and WHEREAS, A sublease has been prepared providing for the payment of the annual rentals and for forfietures under oiroumstanaes customarily required and in all respeots p~oteoting the rights of the City in holding said property for industrial purposes,and being also drawn to oonform in al~,respeats to the requirements of the lease from the United States and subjeot thereto, and subject to the approval of the Department of Commerce of the United States Government. ~HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Mayor and City Clerk of. the City of Port Angeles be,and the said offioers are hereby authorized and instruoted to exeoute the said sub- lease on behalf of the said City on the payment by the lessee of the annual rental reserved; Also that the City Clerk be instruoted to transmit the said sublease to the Dep~tment of Commeroe of the United States Government for the approval of said Department in acoordanae with the terms of the original lease from the United States Government dated August 17,1914. It was moved by Commissioner Filion that the foregoing Resolution be adoptijd. Seaonded by Commissioner Beam. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. Under the head of Intr&duotion of Ordinanoes the following Ordinances were introduoed and.plaoed on thier First and Second readings,- An Ordinanoe adopting and approving the budget of ahd for the City of Port Angeles, for,the fisoal year,1933 and deolaring an emergenoy. An Ordinanoeoonfirming the estimates of expenditures for the City of Port Angeles for,the year 1933,and ~xing tax levies for said year 1933 as heretofore made and levied by the City CommisBion:meeting and sitting for that purpose on the 3rd.day of Otober,1932 and.deolaring an emergency. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for.same,- Current Expense Fund City Treasurer Light & Water 924.70 Thos J.Soott Commissions 22.00 George's Servioe Station Repairs 2.00 Customs Top & Body Shop Repairs 1.20 Cresoent Securities Blue Prints 1.26 City Treasurer stamps .50 Paoifio Tel & Tel Co. Servioe 4.25 " " " 1.25 1 Evening News Publioations 2l.21 ~uick Print Binding 1.25 PaoHia Tel & Tel Co. Servioe .14 Western Union Telegram .78 Washington State Bank Rent 50.00 M.R.Alleman Lumber 13.84 Lamoureux & Son aas 305.45 P.A.Concrete Produots Co. Pipe 17.50 Willson Hardware Co. Hardware 10.95 1 City Transfer Co. Oil 6.60 Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Delivering Road Oil 48.00 Taylor & Caven Nipplies & Unions 3.28 Johnson & Bork Board Sign 0.00 , Erio, Anderson Hauling Roak 177.75 , Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Lumber 109.60 Lysall Welding & Forge Vlorks Repairs 17.6'0 " " " " Repairs 8.35 , Jame,s Hardware Co.. Powder etc. 22.30 Penn,' s Garage Repairs 42.00 Laura Burns Rent 10.00 "" J.E.Patten Labor 7.00 Fire. Department Pay roll 60.00 Ci ty. Treasurer Water 3.66 M.R.Alleman Lumber 10.75 ~ ".. 68 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Ootober 5, 1932 193~ T~tO.. "U"'''..t.nH..~>T'CN'... .""TO"'. ..... 11" urrent J>xpense .I!~Oli't'Ii. Packer-Soott Co. Paoifio Tel &: Tel Co. Frank Camello , James Harliware Co. Sili Stsele Walkling Motor Co. Lee Cafe Paoifio Tel &: Tel Vo. Lamoureux &: Son Central Maohine Shop Howarli-Cooper Corp Thos.D.Estes Taylor &: Caven Willson Harliware Co Bobs Philoo Servioe Gehrke &: Johnson State Treasurer n n ...... Frank C.Twaddle Ida J.Morse V.A.Samuelson &: Co. Lamoureux Service McDonald &: Nailor Rensselasr Valve Co. Fsderal Pipe &: Tank Co. Lysall Welding &: Forge Works Angeles Gravel &: SUpply Co. Seattle Plumbing SUpply Co. Hartzler & Metoalf Puget Sound Navigation Co. P.A.Concrete Produots Co. Lysall Welding &: Forge Works Quiok Print Lake &: Boye SlIiste Treasurer W.P,O'Day Puget Sound Navigation Co. Willson Hardware Co. V.A.Samuelson & Co. Lamoureux &: Son Johnson &: Bork Quiok Print Angeles Co-operative Creamery Zellerbaoh Paper Co. Blaokburn Printing Co. Byron Winter Paoipic Tel &: Tel Co. n n City Treasurer S.T.Eddy Calvin Mart;j,n Washington State Bank L.W.Kooh i'I J.Lloyli Aldwell Ino. Clifford Cowling Bobs Philao Servioe General Eleotric Supply Co. Line Jaaterial Co. Graybar Eleotrio Co. Atlas Paaking &: Rubber Co. Westinghouse Eleatric &: Mfg.Co Pacifio Lamp &: SUpply Co. J.R.Bartlett A.B.MoCart Frank B.Knoph Graybar Eleotria Co. Line Material Co. City Treasurer Wayne Williams City Treasurer City Treasurer IV.W.}Ebbett Puget Sound Navigation Co. C. IV.Alexander Floyd Barnett Byron Winter J.C.Breitlauah B.Phlllips FODes Supply Co. General Eleotrio supply Co. Graybar Electric Co. Faalfio Lamp &: SUpply Co. F.S.Lang Mfg.Co. J.Lloyd Aldwell Inc Evening News Lake &: Boye C. IV. Gormley City Treasurer State Treasurer Supp11es Servioe Wood SUpplies Speoial Polioe Repairs Meals for Prisoners Servioe Gas Repairs Hose Wood 1 Gauge Hardware SUppl1esm Tires Med Aid &: Ind Ins. n n Speoial Polioe Water Fund Rent Rep~irs Gas Repairs Valves ;:: Piece Bands Repair to Gate at Intake Cement, eto. Meter Parts,eto Lumller Freight Servioe boxes and Caps If Rake,Wedges,eto. Supplies Chart Med Aid &: Ind Ins LiAAt Fund Salary Freight SWi tch eto Repairs Gas Top Dressing SUpplies Drinking Cups SWeeping Compound Supplies Lamps Servioe n Water Rent Wood Rent IVood Rent Car hire Radio Repairs Radio batteries Refleotors etc. Poroelain Pins Friation Tape Transformers eto Copper Wire Poles Poles Poles Sozol Fuses Federal Tax Labor Express Filing Fees Car hire Freight Wiring Range Wiring Range Wiring Range Installing Water Heater Refund for Filterette Mdse Mdse Swi tches eto Coils Kitohen heater Insuranae Advertising Ad vertising Wood Federal Tax Med Aid &: Ind Ins f..J .L.!:>...y. -;y.""" $J ;;..5"7 .. J7 V1/$7 - 13.67 7.40 3.00 3.54 50.00 2.75 17.15 3.00 63.75 2.75 42.00 25.00 3.60 4.21 1.70 230.00 33.17 9.52 18.00 1 1 10.00 .75 1.05 1.75 66.00 35.72 4.45 5.66 75.86 3.95 2.70 7.20 6.25 12.50 4.00 19.69 75.00 6.70 .90 .95 78.20 .40 .50 2.95 9.46 ll3.75 165.43 6.35 6.25 1.95 3.00 3.50 50.00 6.75 50.00 35.00 3.75 5.55 76.36 5.84 18.62 305.98 118.30 130.00 91.26 130.00 29.40 71.84 8.62 3.00 .69 4.50 15.00 3.67 25.00 25.00 30.00 10.17 15.00 15.79 130.45 24.95 1.16 v 26.85 20.94 33.30 31~00 4.50 201.70 19.94 1 I -I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 5,1932 193~ TRIC< . ..VR'...... ",,~T1I." .'UlaN.... ""ON',,",. a~~l' Library Fund Wm.Johnston Wood, .15.00 Paoifio Tel & Tel Co. Serviae 4e25j(j City Treasurer Light & Water :;01';:' ll.45 Park. Fund M .,IV . Caskey Salary of Care-taker 90100 Fred Johnson Salary of Care-taker 67.50 City Treasurer Lights 11.23 C'-LeRoy Sarf Repairs 33- 3.60 Fred Wescott Repairs I g-;) -- 8.00 L.I.D.General Fund Standard Oil Co. Liquid Asphalt 205.33 Evening News Publications 2.94 State Treasurer Med Aid & Ind Ins ;;.-"- 6.95 y/> -- Light Investment Fund City Treasurer Purchase of C.E.Fund Warrants No.16203-4 35.99 "'lIIIl .69 1 I 1 1 1 There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. n?71, -:J~ N/2~ Clerk Mayor ....