HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/05/1938 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ..... 633 October 5. 1938 193_ I I I I I The Commiss~on met in regular session at 10:00 A.M. and was called to order by Commissioner Henson, Acting Mayor. Roll call showed the following officers present: Commissioners Henson and Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The'minutes of the previous session were re~d and approved. Under the head of Communications, a letter was read from V. A. Swanson asking that the alley between Ist'and 2nd streets in Block 124 of D. W. Morse's Subdivision be vacated. The matter was referred to the Enfinee r . Under the head of Introduction ordinances the following Ordinances were read infull and passed their first and second readings: Al, ORDINANCE adopting and approving the City budget of and for the City of Port Angeles, for the fiscal year, 1939, and declaring an emergency. AN ORDINANCE Confirming the estimate of expenditures for the Uity of Port Angeles fpr the year 1939, and fixing tax levies for said year 1939 as heretofore made and levied by the City Commission meeting and sitt~ng for that perpose on the 3rd day of October, 1938, and declaring an emergency. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is desirous of purchasing the following described real property located within the corporate ;Limits of said City, to-wit: Lot 40, in Block Three (3), Doyle's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 20, Townsite of Port Angeles, CIBllam County, Washington; in 6rder to use the same for the purposes of a public playground and recreational center; and, WHEREAS, W-arie M. Franck, the ovmer of said property, has offered to sell the same to the ~ity of Port Angeles for the sum of $962.50; and WHEREAS, the City ~ommission of the ~ity of Port ~ngeles has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the price above stated is a fair and just price for said property, and that it would be for the'best interests of the ~ity of Port Angeles for said property to be purchased for said price; NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That said offer be accepted and that the City of Port' Angeles purchase the'said property at private sale from the said Marie M. Franck for the sum hereinabove set forth, and the 'City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in the sum of $962.50 in favor of the City Treasurer, and the said City Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the said sum of $962.50, less all comniissions and other charges, to the said Marie M. Franck upon the delivery by the said Marie 1(. Franck to the ~ity of Port Angeles, of a good and sufficient warranty deed to the above described real property. It ,vas moved by "ommissioner W-asters that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the moticn carried. RESOLUTION IVHEREAS, the City of Port ^ngeles is desirous of purchasing the following described realproperty located' within the corporate limits of said city, to-wit: Lots 16, 36 and 37 in Block 2; and Lots 6,7,8 and 9 in Block 3, all in Doyle's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 20, in the "ovrnsite of Port Angeles, Clallam Vounty, Washir~ton; in order to use the same for the purposes of a public playground and recreational center; and, WHEREAS, Peter Strang, also known as P. D. Strang, also known as P. V, D, ,Strang, the owner of said prcperty, has offered to sell the same to the Uity of Port Angeles for the sum of $1050.00; and WHERE~S, the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles has viewed the said property and Ls of the opinion that the price above stated is a fair and just price for said property, and that it would be for the beet interests of the ~ity of Port Angeles for said property to be purchased for said price; NOW, THEREFCRE, BE IT R"SOLVED That said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles purchase the said property at privato sale from the said Peter Strang" also known as P. D. Strang, also known as P. G. D. Strang, for the sum hereinabove set forth, and the ~ity Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in the sum of $1050.00 in favor of the said Peter Strang, also knovm as P. D. Strang, also known as P. li. lJ. Strang, and deliver it to him upon deliver! by the said Peter Strang, also known as P. D. Strang, also known as P. G. lJ. Strang, to the City of Port Angeles, of a good and suffi- cient warranty deed to the above described real property. It was moved by ~ommissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Henson, On roll call all memberw voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission e~~ned and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for sa~e: CURRENT EXPENSE YUN~ Eire Depart.ment Port A~ge~c s Eveing News Thos. . Idwell Fred P'. Henson Shell Oil ~o. Tidewater Acsociated Oil Co. I\'arshall-Wells' Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Jot~3on llfg. Co., Inc. PaJ. Roll Publications Insurance Expense P.ccount Diesel Oil Kerosene and gasoline Street Brooms, etc. Pipe Part 5 Co. ...... ./ 126.00 7.3S 40.77 32.60 21. 76 :35.54 10.15 8.05 2.62 '2J,{ City Street Fg~ H. Roy Nissly Joh~so~ Tug & Oarge Co. Liner and. BrUSh Coal 181.50 3.00 ~ ,... 634 October 5. 1938 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington D. A. llasters Angeles Gravel & ~upply Co. Olyregic Glass Co. Roy parks Angeles Gravcl & Supply'" o. Johnson lUg & darge ~o. " n 11 11 II Car Expense Spikes Install [,lass Labor Sand, Paint, etc. Stear.! for Heating Oil 11 II 11 tt WA TER FUND Angeles Cooperative Creamery Getchell & Gagnon II tl-' O<lpS Tire Repair 11 11 Seattle Plumbing Supply co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Purmaid Dairy Olympic Stationers Seattle Plumbing Supply o. Co. Gauge s Pipe Rent Blue Prmnts Pipe LIGHT FUND Ci ty Treasurer Westinghouse Electric Line Material Co. n fJ~ I' Cash Payments Supplies lI.aterials Connectors Street Light Parts Materials Supply Co. lAyers Electric Co. D & B Battery & Electric Station Qui ck Print S. 1:.White Condulct Truck Repairs Printing Expense LIBRARY FUND Rand !.!cNally & Co. V. A. Samuelson"& ~. lilorence 1,kLane Washington Bindery The Puget ::'oun:i I!ews "0. 'lhe Union Library Ass I n The Junior Literar; Guild, Corp. Treasure Nook Harle", Book ~o. Harxo' Hartmgn, Bookseller, Inc. Library of ongress Gaylord Bros. Inc. Demco Librar; Supplies Books Fertilizer Extra Help Binding Books II Supplies 11 " PA.RK FUND, J. C. Brei tlauch Repairs CITTIIIDE SIDEVffiLK CONSTRUCTION FU~~ Angeles Gravel &. ~upplY ~o LIGHT INVESTl.~EN'l' FUND Cement, etc. 'City Tre asUrer Warrants Purchased There being no further business the Conurission tOOn adjourned. /7?1rJL~ City qcrk ~ 193_ 26.53 15.80 3.50 11.:>5 .,,~ 110.46 f'll'. .-- 181. 25 65.00 2.98 .50 1.00 19.05 3.70 40.00 <It 2.94 *1,/ 177.77 2.18 24.33 23.97 55.08 41.13 93.90 216.06 $),- .61 1.,..1 12.03 22.95 35.~5 2.29 4.50 13.38 106.94 132.05 7.90 5.66 4.50 ~.83 q~ 3.06 8.33 3'Vb 24.50 9.05 4.:<0 936.58 6625.08 #~ Mayor I I I I I