HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/05/1949 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 589~ Oct0.eI-5, 19-.4L I I I I I ,~.. ~."._'~on_H.'U'"", ~ IThe.Commission met in rq;:ular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. 1'he lpresent were: lI.ayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. lfJ.nutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. 'junder the head of applications for wilding permits and licenses, the following were granted: , ~o 'Building Permits: I{SSO '- Ic. L. Clearwaters Reroof House; Lot 15, Blk..542, Townsite I'DelOuzzi Bros. Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 12, Blk. 207, Townsite 'Perry L. Harrington Construct Garage; Lot 17, Blk. 205, Townsite 'John R. Bland Addition to J!;xisting Dwelling; Lot 9, Elk. 277, Townsite W. H. Bogue Addition to Existing fuilding; 1.ot 14, Blk. 349, Townsite John S. Hansen Adding Front Room to Existi!)g Home; Lot 12, Elk. 4, Townsite !Arthur Hsher Build NeVl House & Garage; W2 Lot 4, & Lot 5, Elk. 5, P.S.C.C. ,Boyd Chapman Put New Foundation under House & Reroof; Lot 6, Blk. 59, Townsite 'M. L. Thoen Move House; Lot 7, Blk. 559, TOTmsite 'Frank Vlolny Construct Dwelling; S2 Lots 19 & 20, Blk. 165, Townsite I a~ Licenses: I" 11'he .Electric 'Co. Mary Hughes Officers 250.00 6,000.00 150.00 lSO.oo 2SO.OO 400.00 4,000.00 150.00 200.00 7,000.00 Master Electrician Place of Refuge 10.00 2.00 Under the head of unfinished business, bids for extension of Pine Hill trunk sewer were considered. Commissioner Taylor inforlIJ3d .that according to statutes governing, the assessment roll was not computed :correctly, and it mIl be necessary to draft new roll, notify property owners as to cost, fix date for he,!ring, and call for bids, which may include both trunk and laterals. Attorney Trumbull infoIlIled that the Ordinan::e did not comply with assessment rolls, and it will be necessary to notify property owners if laterals are included as first notice was for trunk only. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that in as 'much as the assessment rolls were not correctly presented, the bids be returned to the bidders. Motion seconded by Commissioner llobinson. i111 voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of new msiness, Mr. Johnson of Vancouver, Washington, requested that his application for llicense to operate a popcorn wagon at First and Laurel Streets be approved. Mr. Johnson also informed , ;that he hae permission from Olympic Recreation as required by Ordinance. The Commission questioned advisa- 1 Ibility of sacrificing parking space and it was decided to ~hold decision until the next session. Bill Gellor appeared regarding installation of flood lights on Race ::itreet at the Civic Stadium' for 'protection of pedestrians attending night games. The matter was referred to the Park Boerd. I The report of Police Judge Phillips for the month of September shorlng pl,B18.50 fines collected, was 'approved and ordered filed. IClaUde Carlson requested that the Commission consider posting stop signs on Cherry Street South of Eighth Street, thereby eliminating traffic hazard. Chief .Ide informed that traffic chart shows minimwu of 'accidents as compared to other streets in that vicinity. The Commission and Police Department decided to make a study of the situation before defiuite action taken. I:The Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same I Nt? ('f CURRENT EXP<:NSE FUND I Olympic Stationers Jack T. Hanken Co. ICi ty Street Dept. Pacific Tel. &. Tel. Co. City Treasurer Forrest O. Reed Hazel's Cafe Willson Hardware Co. Rich;f:[e ld Oil Corp. :}~ tcha rd I sAss. Service Luvsas Firestone Service Angeles Building Center I at CITY STHEET ~UND: II 0 :l:t Richfield Oil Corp. 1I.llsn Dist. Co. luvaas Firestone Service ;b & B Battery & Elec. Stn. Service Eejuipment Co. Port Tie &. Lumber Go. Port Angeles Concrete Products Go. />ngeles Gravel & Supply Co. Willson Hardvffire Co. llray & Ra ber 3'3 I WATER FUND: ~ 3(,. 5' , ., Allan Dist. Co. Olympic Stationers City Treasurer ~lensselaer Valve Co. J. M. Bruch Co. A. Contesti rort Angeles Concrete Products Co. Willson Rardware Co. Rich field Oil Gorp. I I' tlImrr FUND: ::? I, ISO __ Clallam Co. P.U.D. No.1 Olympic Printery Zellerbach Paper Co. Willson Hardware Co. Boyd's Wood Specialties Genersl Electrio Supply Corp. I Office Supplies Repairs to Ourley Gas Telephone Services Fire Hyd. & St.Lites; Traveling Expense Meals for Prisoners Tools and Hardware Gas, Oil, etc. Car Repairs Tire s Lumber Sts. & Sew., L.W.G. 11.18 41.20 8.55 27.91 1,559.29 15.20 12B.19 I 10.08 ' 169.19 , 58.27 ro.05 3.95 Gas and Oil Diesel, Permazone Tire & Tire Repair Battery, etc. Parts Lumber Supplies Cement, etc. Tools and Hardware Keys, etc. 540.22 141.'14 20.54 29.68 95.97 15.75 142.52 23.12 10.11 I 2.65 Anti-freeze Supplies Cash for Postage Hyd. Parts Ditching Contract Sewer Boxes Tools and Hardware Gas: and Oil 25.24 6.55 300.00 1 25.67 565.80 1,547.08 , 32.75 ' 29.62 56.82 Sept. Power Supplies Towels Supplies Cross Arms Insulators 20,590.50 80.04 11.01 14.00 88.58 271. 92 ....4 ,.. 590 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington CJ.c..tober 5, continued, 19~ "1cn11eJ.<l ()1J. \;orp. Gasoline 89.72 ',Crown Zellerbach Corp. Couplings 4.59 SANITATION FUNDI ,j1 ,t1 - City Treasurer Water 1.60 ,City Street Dept. Ga s and Oil 155.65 , (, LIaRARY WIID I '!if., 3_ ILee - Hods on Tra veling Expe nse, ~..L.A. Conference 48.18 'Alice Swanson Tra veling Expense, A.L.A. Conference 48.18 I I 'fo '!...? , I PARK FUND: I Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Cement 2.58 !Crown Zellerbach Corp. Scrap Iron 2.06 Eklund Lumber Co. L\llllber 2.57 'I~i ty Street Dept. Gas and Oil 19.87 'Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephone Service 16.45 : Ci ty Treasurer Light, Water, Oarbage 97.06 PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUI.'D: .:nt' I I Johnson & Bork Paint, etc. 18.27 Olympic Sta tioners Stene ils .98 Willson Hardware Co. Rope, Lag Screws 2.45 ',C i ty Street De pt . Gas 6.15 L I. D. GEI'/ERAL PUNDI fJ7 :;t- Olympic Stationers 8.Blue Prints 2.88 I !'There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. {? r: ;;f.0UAr. t-ul ~ ~t- 1 (I City Clerk Mayor I' II , , I , I ,I i I I,' :' I ,I, I 'I II I , II I !' II I I i I I Ii I " ,I I I I " i I , I ..... , I I I I I ., Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington /{)91 October 5. 19-.1L ...."'~. .lUl."......,-......_....n..'" '1.7711 ~ jThe Commission met at 1:50 P.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor I Feeley, ~ommissioners llobinson and 'faylor, Attorney TrUIIlbull and Clerk Law. , .Pursuant to recess declared Monday, October 5rd, the budget hearing was re-opened. IFiremen Nichols and Thompson, members of' Firemen 's Local No. 656 requested that firemen be granted increase ,to equal truck drivers on other departments. It was decided to eliminate tha item of *720.00 for sleepers 'and increase salaries Of 5 firemen and 7 patrolmen $5.00 per month. . Commissioner Robinson read recommendations for budget changes as follows: , Additions to Budget: Realth Dept. Recreational Program Civic Advertising Fire Dept .-Hose Police Judge-Salary 500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 750.00 6,250.00 Deductions from Budget: Police Dept .-Unifonns Capital Outlay-Engineers Dept. Attorney-Rent 450.00 Stenographer 100.00 Transfer to Cur. Exp. Fd. from Water Fd. Transfer to Cur. Exp. Fd. from Light l!"d. 1,500.00 400 .00 550.00 2,000.00 2.000.00 6,250.00 Fire Dept. Sleepers eliminated $720.00. Fire Dept., 5 Firemen, add $5.00 par month, salary. Police Dept.. 7 Patrolmen, 5rd year, add $5.00 per month, salary. Light Dept., 2 Apprentice Linemen, add $.06 per hour for eacn 6 months service. : It was moved by COIllll'J.ssioner Robinson that the recommendations be accepted and the budget bs adopted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. On roll call, all members voted Aye. The Mayor declared the ):moti on carried. t ~ Departments Mayor . Commie sioner of Finane e Commis~i'oner of Streets and Public Improvements . Treasurer. . Clerk Engineer i1ttorney Police Court Miscellaneous Police . Fire . Planning Commission Health . Humane Soc iety School District No. 17 . Chamber of Commerce . Total Current Expense Fund Estina te Less Estimated Receipts 2,550.00 2,045.00 2,570.00 6,750 .00 9,420.00 7,585.00 4,610.00 3,110.00 5,108.00 71,055.00 55,015.00 700.00 4,500.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 184,518.00 151.934.00 City Street FUnd Less Estimated Heceipts 109,580.00 62,676.00 Library Thnd Less Estimated I~ceipts 18,160.00 5.840.00 Pa rk FUnd Less Estimated Receipts 25,540.00 5.300.00 Ceme tery FUnd . Less Estimated Receipts 7,610.00 1,450.00 4,550.00 126 .00 Eighth Street Bridge dond Fund Less Estimated Receipts Firemen's Pension Fund Less Estimated ~ceipts 10,000.00 2,000.00 Fire-Gumulsti ve Reserve ,FUnd Less Estimated Receipts 5,968.00 3,000.00 8,400.00 8,400.00 49,700.00 49.700.00 Library-Cumulative Reserve Fund Estiraated Receipts Current Expense-Cumula ti ve Reserve Fund Estirra ted Receipts Light Fund EstiJllated Receipts 532,429.60 532.429.60 Water Fund Estima ted Receipts 250,599.00 230.599.00 Port Angeles Water Rsvenue Refunding Bond Fund Estima ted Receipts . 45,490.00 43.490.00 Sanitation FUnd . Estimated Receipts 42,500.00 42.500.00 17,890.00 17,890.00 Parking Meter and Traffic Cant rol Fund Estimated Receipts . City of Port Angeles Fire and Police Station, State Devel oj:lllB nt Fund Estirra ted Receipts 51,000.00 51,000.00 32,384.00 48,904.00 12,320.00 20,240.00 6,160.00 4,224.00 8,000.00 968.00 152,000.00 ] ...... ,.. 592 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 5th. continued. 19~ ,The salaries as fixed in the l:udget. were again discussed by Mrs. iihelleberger. and others. Commissioner ,Robinson informed that salaries ss fixed in the budget are maximum. That the Cit.)- is not required to pay Ithe maximum, but salaries and wages will be set by Salary Ordinance passed before payments are made. IThere being no further busioess, the session was declared adjourned. v.G'~ V ' City Clerk ~...d d /Jl' Mayor I I I I I. ....