HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/05/1953
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
October S
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The City Council of the City of Part Angeles met at 7:30 P. M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith.
~e officers present were: t-la;vor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Powell, Neer, Wolfe, and McFadden, Manager
Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law.
Me;yor Smith informed that pursuant to Statutes governing, the meeting is called for the first public
hearing on the budget for the year 19511-.
I Manager Vergeer advised that he has been requested by the County Commissioners to increase the appropriat-
. ion for Civil Defense from $2590.00 to $2,677.50 as the towns of Sequim and Forks have decided not to
participate in. the defense program. Lyle l'latson, County Commissioner, explained that it is the
opinion of Sequim and Forks they do not benefit much by participation and decided to withdraw. Also
what the 60unty does will depend on decision of the City. t~nager Vergeer advisl'd that the amount
could be arranged if the Council so desires. !twas moved by Councilman Brown that the Civil Defense
, item remain at the $2500 mark. Seconded by Councilman Neer. All voted kJe. Motion carried.
Manager Vergeer requested budget alterations as follows:
Page 4, City Manager, indicate monthly rate as. $800..
Page 5, Office Equipment from Maintenance and (lperation to Capital Outlay
Page 6, Delete bonds and telephone from office^supplies
Page 7, Line 14 changed to Due Surplus Account- l'later Dept.
" 11 . 15 changed to Due Surplus Account, Light Dept.
Page 10, Line 23 change Office Equipment item of ~345.oo from Maintenance to Capital Outlay and Line 24,
Fumigator, f rom ~[a:int. &. Operation to Capital Outlay. Total Of Uaint. & Op. $17,815.00; Capital. Outlay
Page ll, Mester mechaniC, $360.00 per mo., $4,320.00. Salaries and Hages $49,920.00. Maint. and Op.
$9,060.00 Capital Outlay. $980.00. Radio Tech. Services from salaries and wages to Maint. and Op. New
hose from $800.00 to $980.00
Page 25. Street sweeper, add $10.00 per mo. Annual salary from $3720.00 to $3,840.00
Extra labor and overtime reduced $120 to $2,880.00
Line 21, changed to read New Equipment, sweeper, dozer, trailer, $16,000.00, hill cost on 2 year basis.
Trailer to be purchased as soon as possible to comply ,;ith State Highway Dept. requirements.
Page 28. From 4 caretakers to 1 caretaker. Line 14, to office and misc. supplies.
!lage 34. Library Line 5, changed to read "Sick leave, vacation and additonal help". Line 6 to read
IIJanitressll only.
Fire Chief 1101verton requested that sale of used equipment in amount of $4500.00 be included in the
"Cumulative Reserve-Fire" receipts, this amount. to increase receipts to $8,500.00, total including
millage, $14,165.00. . Material to be sold is ladder truck and trailer pump. It was strictly ulIlerstood
that unless equipment is sold, the funds cannot be spent and there will be no.increase in millage. ~.
IVolverton advised that a tentative purchaser has expressed desire to acquire used equipment.
Also that the order for Civil Defense equipment may be cancelled by Council authorization and new truck
purchased by the same authority. It was moved by Councilman I.olfe that the item of Sale of Used Equipment
in amount of $4500.00 appear.as receipts in the Fire-Cumulative Reserve Fund, and that the Fire CUIIto Res.
expense item be increased to $14,165.00. Seconded by Councilman t1cFadden. All voted kJe. Motion carried.
I Page 53 Light Fund: City ~ger (Utility Uanagerl Rate $800,OO.p.;r yr, $5;100.00
I Substation Electrician, Radio. Rate $415.00, 4980.00
I Billing ~!achine Operator, ~1650.00
! Extra Labor and Overtime, t6,35.0.oo
1 Radio Parts and Equipment, $500.00
'Ullappropriated Cash Balance, $28,465.00
! Page 53A, Line 12, strike out. compt. and typewriter.
!page 55' 1I'ater Fund: City Manager (Utility Manager) $800.00. Scratch 3 months
Extra Labor-Overtime, $2,950.00 _
: Billing Machine Operator, 6 Mos. $1,650.00
Clerk Typist, 6 Mos. at the rate of $250.00
lilli&e 55A. Pipe Fittings and Misc. Supplies, $50,000.00 from Capital Outlay to Ylaintenance and Operation
I Page 55, Line 9, scratch meter residence.
(OllOwing notation of the foregoing changes, the ~!a;vor asked if there were any comments.
!Former Commissioner Ed B. Taylor pretested the item of $500,000.00 in the Hater Fund for new reservoir,
I connecting mains and standby pump and ~"stioned as to whether anything is .on file. Ii' not filed and
items not properly itemized, Mr. Tay~or objected to the budget as being illegal. Furthermore, as an
I election is scheduled for ne>..i; Harch, such an expenditure should be decided by the voters.
l1'1anager Vergeer advised that the expenditure is properly itemized. That spending is entirely up to the
lCouncil and public hearings may be held regarding improvement. Also cited shortage of water during
summer months due to lack of storage facilities.
,Mr. Taylor then admitted that his protest was not for criticism, just to make sure of thorough study
. and investigation before improvement is undertaken. This was assured by the Council.
I'Neil Pendle,r of the Teamsters Union, spote on behalf o~ the street sweeper in the Street Dept. and considerd
him entitled to salary increase the same as other street employees received. Manager Vergeer agreed,
:and advised that with purchase of automatic equipment as anticipated, the sweeper duties would be much
,decreased. Also questioned if this is considered common labor and at what wage scale. After some
,discussion it was moved by Councilman Neer that the salary for street sweeper be increased $10.00 per
'month the same as others in that department. Motion seconded by Councilman l'lolfe and unanimously
,I'm. H. Smith, President of Carpenters Local, appeared on behalf of Police patrolmen, citing their meMor
',salary of $340.00 as provided in the budget. Also quoted Attorney General Brownell as commenting that
~nforcem0nt officers allover the United States are underpaid. Mr. Smith also pointed out requirements
~f patrolmen as of high quality personell and courteous, as they are usually the first to contact
tourists and the general public. It was the opinion of Mr. Smith that if the Council arra.'1ged to allm<
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Proceeaings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
October 5
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a $35. salary increase for patrolman, the same, wo)lld have support of organized labor.
Menager Vergeer cited aifficulties in preparing a budget for over ~ne hundred personnel and try to please
all concerned. Also informed that all City employees are of high type personnel. Mr. Vergeer further
advised that this City is well above other cities in regard to Police salaries and if increased, it would
precipitate dissatisfaction in other departments including the fire, department.
Walter Jensen, Park Department employee, asked the Council to re-consider and allow salary increase for
'I' that department., as it costs them to live the same as others., Hanager Verlleer informed that some Park Depts.
only work on summer basis. The Council questioned as to type of work the park employees do to which l-lr.
i J.enaen replie? that his department does all the .fOrk summer and winter, inclUding carpentering, plumbing,
concrete, pruning and spraying. After considerable debate it was moved by Councilman Neer that the
Park budget remain as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Brown., All voted !we. Motion carried.
It Was then moved by Councilman' Neer that the budget for the year 1954 be adoPted with changes as noted.
Motion seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. Hotion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting was decLared adjourned.
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(j Clerk
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