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Port Angeles, Washington
October 5, 1976
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Councilmen Anderson, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross, Wray.
Members Absent: Councilman Buck.
Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish.
D. F1odstrom, R. Orton, H. Kochanek, D. Frizzell, P. Carr,
J. Honnold, R. Parrish. .
Guests Present: L. Sunny, K. Thoraldson, K. Renner, J. Bori1, J. Ward,
H. & E. Berglund, D. Rudolph, D. Price, D. Main, M.
Greubel, M. Driscoll, K. Carlson, E. Coughron, D. Adams,
K. Greubel, D. Diimme11, W. Edis, J. Estes, R. Richards,
A. Miller, C. Rennie, M. Smith, M. Coffee, M. McCall, R. Priest. I
Mayor Olson announced that the ship's bell from the U. S. Coast Guard Cutter
"Winona" has arrived at City Hall and will be displayed in an appropriate
place for all the people to view and appreciate.
Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the September 21, 1976 meeting be accepted
and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray
and carried.
1. Bid Award.
Councilman Wray moved the Council award the bid for two (2) 300 KVA three
phase padmount transformers to RTE Corporation, Tigard, Oregon, at a total
bid price including sales tax of $6,755.83, as recommended by the Light
Department to be the lowest responsible bid received. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council.
A total of eight transformer bids were received, two of which were not
considered as they did not meet specific bid specifications and requirements.
Westinghouse's low bid of $6,221.00 did not include sales tax, contained
no current price indicator for escalation clause, and did not meet the re-
quired delivery date. Graybar's bid of $6,691.72 including sales tax,
the next low offering, was for transformers that did not agree with bid
The remaining bids considered, which met bid specifications, and included
sales tax, were Cascade Planning Dynamics proposal of $6,973.39, Anixter-
Pruzan's $6,978.64, Graybar Electric Alt. No.2 of $7,012.27, Graybar
Electric Alt. No.1 for $7,019.63, and Utility Supply's bid of $7,857.28.
2. G1enbrook L.I.D. No. 199.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the first (September) and
final payment of $13,435.52 to Angeles Pavin9, Inc., Port Angeles,
contractor on L.I.D. No. 199, for work done and material furnished by said
contractor, and accept the completed project, as established by City
Engineer John B. Warder in his Certification letters of September 24, 1976
and October 1, 1976. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed
by the Counc il .
3. Payroll.
Councilman Haguewood moved the Council approve $105,520,75 Payroll. Council-
man Anderson seconded the motion and it carried.
October 5, 1976
Karen Carlson addressed the Council and asked if the City is having any input
in the Trident Base decision for the Navy to dump dredge spoils off Ediz Hook,
and, if so, what the City's position is on this matter.
A discussion ensued during which it was determined that on November 11, 1972
the City of Port Angeles issued a Shoreline Management Permit to the State
Department of Natural Resources for the establishment of two off-shore waste
disposal sites; one site is located 1,000 feet off-shore from the west end of
Ediz Hook and the other 3,500 feet off-shore from the east end of Ediz Hook.
The permit was a blanket permit which did not preclude each operator from ob-
taining its own permit for each disposal from the Department of the Army,
Corps of Engineers.
Manager Whorton reported that during a recent discussion with Corps of Engineers
representatives, an inquiry was made as to whether the dredge material could be
used as feed material on the beach, with the Corps indicating that the materials
were primarily of clay composition and therefore unsatisfactory for that purpose.
It was also pointed out by K. Carlson that the Navy is currently waiting for the
Corps of Engineers to issue them a permit as the public hearing has been held,
and, time is of the essence if the City intend to pursue this matter.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council direct Manager Whorton and Attorney Taylor
to investigate the City's jurisdiction regarding the disposal sites as there are
alternatives for disposing of waste materials other than deep water disposal, and
to report their findings to the Council at the October 19, 1976.meeting. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
Another inquiry was presented to the Council by Jack Estes which related to his
.conflict of interest charge levied against Councilman Ross. Mr. Estes was
informed that the Council intend to hold the special public meeting requested
by Councilman Ross as soon as arrangements can be completed; unavailability of
the principals has delayed the scheduling of a firm date.
1. Councilman Wray moved the September 21, 1976 Advisory Oil Port Election Results
subject be taken from the table. Councilman Haguewood seconded the motion
and it carried.
It is noted for the record that by majority vote the citizens of Port Angeles
advised the Council that they were opposed to an Oil Port being located on
Ediz Hook in Port Ange1es, Washington.
Councilman Hordyk moved, with Councilman Wray seconding, that the Council
Concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission regarding an amend-
ment to the Comprehensive Plan as proposed by No Oil Port, Inc.
, Attorney Taylor advised the Council that if Council wish to amend the
Comprehensive Plan, an Ordinance is required. Mayor Olson then read in
full Ordinance No. 1893 entitled,
AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1885 up-dating the
Comprehensive Plan for the City of Port Angeles.
Councilman Hordyk withdrew his motion presently before the Council, with
Councilman Wray withdrawing his second.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt Ordinance No. 1893 as read in full
by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried with
Councilman Ross voting I'NO." Councilman Ross explained that her opposition
to the motion was on behalf of the citizens who voted in favor of an oil
port being located on Ediz Hook.
Councilman Anderson moved the Council direct Attorney Taylor to file a brief
with the Siting Council regarding the action taken by the Council. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Council.
October 5, 1976
1. cont.
Councilman Anderson moved the Council direct the City Planner to complete
the necessary amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 1709 in accordance with
Ordinance 1893., The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and
carried with Councilman Ross voting "NO."
Councilman Haguewood moved the Council direct Manager Whorton to send a
copy of the action of the City Council regarding the oil port to Governor
Evans. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried.
Attendees Clay Rennie and Ron Richards commended the Council for taking
the aforementioned action on the oil port matter.
2. The next agenda item related to Cresthaven Subdivision Development.
Developer Eleanor Coughron requested an appearance before the Council
to discuss the possibility of acquiring continued assistance from the City
toward the development of Liberty Street within Cresthaven Subdivision.
It is noted that it had been City policy in the past to provide City
staff engineering assitance to developers. This practice, however,
was determined to be discriminate in favor of developers and was curtailed,
with the current policy being to charge developers for all engineering
services provided by the City.
Public Works Director Flodstrom's memorandum to the Council reviewed the
historical and current information relating to the development of Crest-
haven Subdivision dating back to 1954. Mr. Flodstrom indicates in his
report that although significant engineering assistance has been provided
by the City on the development of Cresthaven Subdivision over the years,
the first charge made to the developer was in September 1976 for services I
provided by the City during August 1976. He also points out that developer
Coughron was notified that future engineering and surveying work will have
to be done by someone other than the City upon approval by the City Engineer,
as this appears to be the fairest procedure and does not commit general
taxpayer money to work that benefits individual developers.
Mayor Olson invited Mrs. Coughron to speak at this time. During her pre-
sentation, Mrs. Coughron informed the Council that she has been seeking
assistance from the City since about 1971-1972, during a period when
engineering assistance was being provided to developers at no charge,
and that she now understands that this practice has been discontinued;
however, in her opinion, she had received a verbal commitment from the
City Council in the past for some engineering assistance, particularly
on Liberty Street.
Mrs. Coughron stated she was never notified of the change in City policy
regarding engineering assistance to developers and resented being charged
for this service; had she known about the charge procedure, she would have
put the work out to bid. Continuing on, she explained the construction
problems being experienced on the Liberty Street project, and indicated
her communications with Public Works Director Flodstrom have been more
than satisfactory.
Mrs. Coughran's request to the Council at this meeting was verification
that engineering assistance would be provided by the City on Liberty I
Street, primarily in the area of relief on the billing of $1,181.41
she received for August 1976 engineering services.
The Council discussed this matter with Mrs. Coughron, Manager Whorton
and Public Works Director Flodstrom. During the discussion, some Council
members expressed conflicting opinions as to whether or not a specific
commitment had been made by the City Council to Mrs. Coughron.
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October 5, 1976
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council instruct Manager Whorton to have the
City absorb the $1,181.41 engineering costs. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Anderson. The discussions continued in regard to the 1976
preliminary budget, which included this project and others, subsequent
budget work sessions, and the final 1976 budget wherein seve~a~construc-
tion projects, which included Cresthaven LID, were cut from the Street
Department budget in an effort to attain a balanced operational budget
for 1976.
Councilman Haguewood moved this matter be tabled. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Anderson and carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO."
The Council requested Management Staff to research this matter and report
back to the Council.
3. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize Mayor Olson to sign the
Certification of Ad Valorem Taxes. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Wray and passed by the Council.
4. Mayor Olson introduced and read by title Resolution No. 21-76 entitled,
"A Resolution of the CitYl:Council of the City of Port Angeles authorizing
the execution of a document entitled Assignment Agreement with the Washing- ~
ton Public Power Supply System relative to power supplied from Nuclear
Proj ects Numbers 4 ..and 5.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt Resolution No. 21-76 as read by v'
title by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and
passed by the Council.
In reference to Light Superintendent Honnold's Memorandum to the Council
relating to "Load Growth and Future Cost of Power," Mr. Honnold explained
that basically the area being studied is the impact new customers will have
on the City's purchase cost for power. After reviewing the estimated
projections through 1984 on'the number of customers, their energy require-
ments, and the associated cost factors, Mr. Honnold recommended that a
policy be adopted whereby at some specific point of time all new customers
or existing customers that request service to connected loads of 750 KW or
greater be advised that they may be subjected to second tier or thermal
rates at a future date.
After a brief discussion on this subject, the Council decided to hold a
work session to discuss the matter in more detail prior to taking any
6. Application for cabulance license from R. Wright was passed over at Mr.
Wright's request.
7. Under late items, Mayor Olson read a letter from the Golden Agers Club
which informed the Goundlthat they have purchased thirty-two more chairs
for use at the Senior Citizens Center.
Mayor Olson also read a letter from Dorothy Munkeby, Executive Director,
Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, which extends the Chamber of Commerce's
compliments to the City on the City's recent purchase of two pieces of
property north of Railroad Avenue.
Attorney Taylor presented a report on the October 5, 1976 hearing before
the U. S. Coast Guard in Seattle in connection with another $500 suggested
penalty assessed against the City because of oil seepage into Peabody Creek.
Mr. Taylor indicated that the City's case was well presented by Management
Staff and although the Hearing Officer complimented the City on effort
expended to solve the seepage p~oblem, he still assessed the $500 fine.
It was Mr. Taylor's recommendation that the City appeal the $500 penalty.
The $18,000 clean-up cost-matter was not taken up at this hearing as the
Hearing Officer indicated he had no jurisdiction on this charge.
October 5, 1976
7. cont.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize Attorney Taylor to appeal the
$500 penalty assessed against the City by the U. S. Coast Guard. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
In reference to the sale of City-owned property adjacent to Shane Park I
which was referred to the Real Estate Committee for a minimum price
recommendation, Councilman Hordyk indicated a recommendation was ready for
Council consideration.
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council put lots 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15,
Block 113, Townsite of Port Angeles, up for bid at a minimum price of
$4,250 per lot and that the City assume the obligations of the LID on the
property. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried with
Councilman Ross abstaining.
Attorney Taylor reported a request to vacate a street has been received
and the Engineering Department has reported that the City has no forseeab1e
use of the street. The situation is one where the street was automatically
vacated many years ago by acts of law, and, in order to clear title, the
Title Company is going though the process of bringing an action and will
assist a Mr. Rodocker if the City does not resist the action. Mr. Taylor
requested Mayor Olson be authorized to sign an answer letter which in
effect would say the City has no objection.
The Council discussed the location of the street in question with Manager
Whorton and Attorney Taylor.
Councilman Ross moved the Council authorize Mayor Olson to sign the letter
as requested by Attorney Taylor. The motion was seconded by Councilman I
Wray and carried.
1. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the Staff Reports. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
2. Councilman Hordyk:
Recommended the Council consider holding
the Council meetings on Wednesday evenings
commencing January 1, 1976 for the con-
venience of the Staff, and requested an
input from the Staff on this matter.
3. Councilman Anderson:
Inquired whether the City had any trails
projects going on above the Highway on
South Valley and was informed that the City
does not have any projects going on in
that area but the area is addressed in
the Trails Plan.
Requested a report on RCW 84.34.200,
Acquisition of Open Spaces,. .....
4. Manager Whorton:
Requested an "Executive Session" be
scheduled on Thursday, October 14, 1976,
at 7:30 on a Personnel matter.
The meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M.
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City Clerk
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