HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/05/1982 346 CITY COUNCIL MEE.'l'ING Port Angeles, washington October 5, 1982 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Council1ren Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast and Whidden. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstran, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye, M. Cleland, L. Cosens, D. Frizzell, L. Glerm, R. Orton, D. VanHemart, A. Rose, K. Ridout. Public Present: L. Sunny, L. Severse, L. Allen, D. Rudolph, H. Berglund, D. Hughes, L. Ross. III MINlJI'ES Mayor Duncan noted an amendrrent to Register Page 341, Allen Street Vacation, last paragraph, last sentence, which had been changed to read ". . . west side of Tracts 36, 35 and 34 . . . II Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received and amended the minutes of the September 21, 1982 regular meeting and September 24, 1982 special meeting. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the rrotion carried. N CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk rroved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda, including payrrent #4 to United Western Construction, Washington State Liquor Control Board correspondence, vouchers of $570,492.09 and Payroll of $187,314.30. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the rrotion carried. V FINANCE 1. Surplus Equipnent - Award of Bids Councilman Hordyk rroved the Council concur with Finance Director Orton 's reccmrendation to accept and award the high bid of $1,000 to Ken and June Anderson for two (2) surplus 1980 Dodge St. Regis Police Sedans. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the rrotion carried. Councilman Hordyk then moved the council concur with Finance Director Orton's recamendation to accept and award the high bid of $179.95 to Thanas Carr for one (1) surplus propane-pcwered tar pot. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the rrotion carried. 2. Award of Prescription Drug Contract Mayor Duncan referred the Council to Finance Director Orton's IlEllDrandum regarding the award of a prescription drug contract and read Resolution No. 36-82 by title, entitled RESOillrION NO. 36-82 A RESOLUI'ION of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the Port Angeles City Manager to enter into a prescription drug contract with the Pay-n-Save Corporation. Councilman Quast rroved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title; Councilman Whidden seconded and the m:Jtion carried. J 1- r I~) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 5, 1982 VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOr ON THE AGENDA Lisa Severse, Port Angeles, noted her opposition to a ban on IT'ale stripping activities in Port Angeles. The Council had instructed Attorney Miller to prepare an ordinance barming such activities at the September 2l, 1982 rreeting at the request of concerned citizens. Attorney Miller noted the procedures whereby the Council would consider this ordinance. I Donald Hughes, 1322 West lOth, Port Angeles, read a statement requesting the Council investigate the possibility of having Port Angeles Harbor designated "an environrrentally sensitive area" so that bocming would be required of all ships bunkering fuel in or around the Harbor. Fire Chief Glenn con=ed that the City should have the facilities to boan should a spill occur but that requiring every tanker to boon would be difficult to enforce. ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL Nor ON THE AGENDA Councilman Quast requested the Council send a thank-you letter to Battelle Northwest for the invitation to the open house of their new facility. He also thanked the skipper and the crew of the Navy mine sweeper for the open tCMn party they sponsored at the Elks October 1, 1982; and suggested the City reciprocate should the crew return to plant trees for the City as they have volunteered. Councilman Gerberding rroved the Council allow the Fire Chief the authority to pemit the use of the City ambulance outside the City limits in emergency situations and Councilman Quast seconded. After Council and staff discussion the m::ltion carried. Attorney Miller indicated this action would come back to the Council in the form of an amendment to the existing resolution outlining policy for the use of the City ambulance. VII LEGISIATION I 1. Plarming Ccmnission Minutes of September 22, 1982 Mayor Duncan reviewed the Planning Carmission minutes of September 22, 1982 and noted there were no specific items requiring Council action. Councilman Hordyk rroved the Council accept and place on file as received the Planning Ccmni.ssion minutes of September 22, 1982; Councilman Whidden seconded and the m::ltion carried. 2. Allen Street Vacation Ordinance The Council had approved Lloyd Allen's request for a street vacation at the September 21, 1982 rreeting. Mayor Duncan read by title Ordinance No. 2234, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2234 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating the south 747 feet of an unnarred 30-foot street south of Park Street. Councilman Hordyk m::lved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title, with Section 2. CCxrpensation. to be negotiated by the City Manager. Councilman Whidden seconded and the m::ltion carried. I 3. Certification of Ad Valorem Taxes - Budget Year 1983 Mayor Duncan read a letter to Mike Wilson, Administrative Coordinator for the Board of Clallam County Ccmnissioners, certifying the arrounts of Ad Valorem Taxes necessary for the City of Port Angeles Budget for the year 1983. Councilman Quast rroved the Council authorize the Mayor to sign the certification letter; Councilman Gerberding seconded and the m::ltion carried. 347 r B~"iE~ 5j~le~ ~~:g-ElIl:'~~...'~ ~s~ oO..I~.~i E"'l,,,.s~t:O.~~- gsili ~E.Eg:5-u~1"i2 i-6g'l'l~,~.e~E~~.f~l"'i-,,E~!~~~ -i~so~.,-~.o':'~ ~15~,,"O Go. 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On @ ~ HI ~ fil. with the City of Port, rT as (') Q Angele. to vacate the .outh t;. 00 I-' 5 7~7 feet of on unnomed'::s 9 00 QI 30,foot .treet south of Park . !i:i e ~ '"' . Street; and lD 00 ~ ~ rn WHEREAS, the r.. rt rt 3 0.. quirements of Chapter ~3.21C It 8' (') RCW, the State Environmental f.1;;! '"' 0 QI Policy Act. hove been met -. ~ g I-' ., and 0 public hearing has been Ill!t rt ro . held by the City Council (') 0.. lD ><: rt following public notice pur. g It .uont to Chapter 35.79 RCW; ::; It (') i. f.1 and n lD t-" WHEREAS, said vocation' I-'r' ~ g appears to be of benefit to (') . ond In the Interest of the Q Q ffi public; now, therefore, ,c: HI 1-" ~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CI. Gl R Q ro TV COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ro t-'. 'J:l ,.., PORT ANGELES o' fallows: go I-' g ~ :E: Section 1. Vocation. Subjec1 11l rt 00 ~ to the term. and conditions of '"' Q> ~ Ql thl. Ordinance, the following ~ g~ S' ~ g d...crlbed portion of a .treet::l I.Q ~ is hereby vacated: I.Q ro That portion of the unnam. oo~' fO 1-" f ed street from the prolonged ro N {lJHI north line of Tract 36 to the 8 ro 'j5" prolonged south line of Tract::; tll ::l 301. Alderwood Acre Tract.; 0.. g a.o \j;' and abutting the east 307' of ro (I) .0 rT rt , the NWV. of the NE'l. of Sec. 0.. ro::r '"' tlon 16. Township 30 North, Q>:s: rt ro ~ Range 6, WWM. ::;l III 1-" Se<:tian 2, Compensation, p. 'Cl 8' ~ -;: . Purusant to RCW 35.79.030. rt. Ii '"' 5 ro the compensation requlred::r C R for th" vacotlo" of this street I (I) & g ~ l:l is $1 ,~S6,50. ::of 0 ro 00 t:1 Section 3. Special Terms \ 0 ~ and CGndIIlGn.. The owners p-. 00 '< 0 ' of the property abutting the O,b' ~ HI vacated portion of the un. ' ::J ::; 11 : named street shall tran.fer to , ~ 6: g th" City af Port Angeles an rt I-' Ii "asem"nt for uSe by the City, ::r \D ~ HI for the installation and 1 Ii ro ~ I-' 0 maintenance. of utllltl"s, a. ver!~' . 0 Ii the following de.cri!>eq real 0.. @ i property: " 3 The north 20 feet of Tract ..27. Alderwood Acre Troell, cloUam County, Wa.hl.!!ilIQQ. , Secllon ~; Q"lt.GlalIl'fDeed. .' Upon "compliance with the term. and condillon. of this I Ordinance, the owner of abutting property entitled to the vacated .tr....t/alley. pur, .uant to RCW 35.79.0010, may present 0 quit claim deed to the City of Port Angeles for execullon by the Mayor, wIla is hereby authorized and dlrecled to execute such quit claim deed. Such quit claim deed .hall Include all r".er. vatlons. conditions, or ather qualifications upon the tille established by thl. Ordinanc". Section 5. Effectlv" Dote, This OrditlOnce shall be effec. tlve only upon the sotlsfadlon of the terms and conditions of thl. Ordinance. and the Clerk I. hereby directed to file, record and publl.h this Or. dlnance upon that sallsfadlon. PASSED by the City Councl! of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting af soid Council held on the 5th day of Octob"r. 1982. Dorothy Duncan, Mayor Attest: Morlan C. Parri.h, City Clerk Approved a. to form: Craig L Mill"r. City Attorney Pub.: Oct, 13, 1982 .. t? p'.~ 5 l! ~ n 11l n f~.i ~g::I: ~.~ g ~g.~ 00 ::l 6 8~[ 6: B. 01 a g f-' g ~ g ~ p.eng g:~o ro~ (I) b' ~ ::of ? Q> 00 g. 0.. 1 1-" grB a ~~; (I) 11::1 l1> rt ~..2l H1 ~ a~ g ~ . t;'~ OC !j' I.Q ~o '"' gi P-@ i~ ~~ .~ w Q it 1-'. HI t-'. @ rt 1-" g o H1 I-' \D co W w<:~ OQ>O ~@~ 8 ~'~ rt.o (IJ ~ fi 0 (I) HI rt~ ~~g ~g(') g: -J 1-" o ~~ HI HlO 'UffiHl ~rt'U X" 0 Ul~:+ ~~E rt(ro . 1-' (I) rtl ~ ~ ~ ~~~ Hi 1-" NI-' f-' ~~ '" COQl N'1:f m~ ~.a lOt-< '1-' .Q ~o.. g~ 8' 0_ g ~ m~ p.~ ~8' Ii rt ~'QI lD'{IJ Ri ~; n @ rort 1-" ~g . PI NrT N ~g ~ ro N N W .c:. N a~[af o p. ><: ::1 '"' ::1 00 X"o n ~';;! OC g ~ g::! Q f-" 2 [ g. 5 a 5' ro gg~~ ro ro :f.: ~. g~~l n ::; ~ 1-" 0 g. lil~ ,",'g.~s N n 5' N ~ 1-".0 ~:ii. CO I-' !'! @ ~'"' 00' no l!l. ~::; : g p,~~ ~ f:~~ ~U1::1{IJ ::f '"' p, 0 ~~I-'HI ~ ~,~ ~ .... rt'd !fl [t;'!i 8g.?g- a (I) Ii lB.,'U&N I-'gN a3 p.~ !j" ~ '" g:.o gj ~ to ~ [ (I) rt m rt ~ @ 11. g a ~' n (I) .. ;' ~ H (I) ~ ~ ~, ~ i. en 00 1-" g ~, c @' 00 o HI Ul l1> i '"' N N ~ I-' '" co N ~ H '8 g. g: gl.16 ~ I-'(D to rt!:l!j fj' (') a ~ f::. n '< Q 0 rt rt 1-" 15 rt 1-" ~ g p. g' ~ g gj I-' i 5' ~ a ffi ~ c g.~' & 0 [ iIlCDp.~Hlp. '::;l ~. ~ 8' ):' D, g.o g.grt~(')~ (I) 0 g ~ I-'.::i (')Hlg9~a ~gj~~Illg: ~1j;.rtg-tD ~ ~@~~ ~ ::1 @ n ::1 ~. 0.. 1-" @rtp.!B..gl-' . 1-'" rt QI rtn 001-' o SIl 1-" I-' gOC~ft~ ro @" rt ~g'"'gg \j;,~'g (') I'l:j rt- Q> g I-"~' !j' g. D.~ CD .0 1-" I-' ~ o I-' ~ ::; ~ ~: ro' ~~p.rtHl I-'CUlUlg ~ b: S' 1-" ro 1-" HI ~ ggHl PJ 8 ffi ~m ~ rt U1~O I-' @" 8 ~ ~. !j'o U1::J rt ~' :>> ~..Q '< o.qg8 g a ~'@ l!.~o 8~'~~~~ mR!taffi~ liQ>rort-rt~ a @"'< i5 HI o~ 00 00 UJ Ii 5'] p. rt UJ cUl:gi5rt ~o~ g [~ ~: ~ ~P..!t(j) n rtlt ~ g: g: tJ. a ~ ro (I) ::l ~~~gg g~~g~ ! ~ fi~ ~ ~liz::r~ rtl-'~gS, ~ '< (j) ~ CD III rn ~~'~i U1Nro ~. ~ g~~h~ g: 0..16 ~ g (I) ~ Ii ~ (') ~ HI ro 1-" ro 0 HI rtmli~ ><: It 1-" ~ ~g~ rt gg~,::: (I) (I) '< (') ::I: g~~(1l -;: '< PI III I-' Ul o 348 CITY COUOCIL MINUTES October 5, 1982 )(4. WPPSS 4 and 5 Participants' Ccmnittee Meeting and Tenniriation OVersight Camlittee Light Director Cosens reIX>rted that the WPPSS 4 and 5 Termination OVersight Ccmnittee has currently been working on the following three major issues: 1) Consultant Reports on Possible Salvage Sale of WPPSS 4 and 5; 2) Review and Approval of the WPPSS 4 and 5 1983 Budget; and 3) Review of Construction Contract Settlements. I Both Attorney Miller and Light Director Cosens attended the September 27, 1982 WPPSS 4 and 5 Participants I Camlittee neeting at which the Shearson/AIrerican Express, Inc. ProIX>sed Financing Program and WPPSS 4 and 5 1983 Budget were considered. The Shearson/Am2rican Express, Inc. Financing Program was briefly presented to the participants who were then asked to vote on it. Approximately 74% of the Participants approved a one-rronth study by Shearson/Arrerican Express to further refine their proposal. Both Light Director Cosens and Attorney Miller abstained as they had not been provided an opportunity to study and/or present the proposal to the City of Port Angeles Council. At the reccmrendation of Attorney Miller, Councilman Quast noved the COuncil instruct staff to direct a letter to the Participants' Carmittee protesting the procedures used at the September 27, 1982 weeting. COuncilnan Gerberding seconded and after further discussion, the IIDtion carried. Attorney Miller also reIX>rted the 1983 WPPSS 4 and 5 budget was presented at the Participants' Meeting, of which the City of Port Angeles must approve or disapprove by October 8, 1982 or an autanatic approval will be recorded for the City. Due to the lll1certainty of pending litigation the City of Port Angeles is involved in with regard to WPPSS 4 and 5, he reccmrended the City abstain frem either approval or disapproval of the 1983 WPPSS 4 and 5 budget. Councilman Quast !lOVed the COuncil concur with the reCOltl11endation and abstain I from either approval or disapproval of the 1983 WPPSS 4 and 5 budget. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the mtion carried. 5. Hood Canal Bridge Toll Coalition Meetings Report Councilnan Quast reIX>rted on the Hood Canal Bridge Toll Coalition Meetings he has attended on behalf of the City. The COalition has asked the Deparbrent of TransIX>rtation to place the ITI3.tter of the Hood Canal Bridge Tolls on the agenda of the October 20, 1982 meeting. Also, the coalition would require a tax-exempt temporary depository for legal funds should the COalition bring legal action or an injlll1ction against the tolls set by the Washington Department of Transportation. One suggested depository for the funds is the C1allam County Econanic Developrent Council and Councilnan Quast inquired if the COuncil had any objections to this. After further diSCj.l.ssion, COuncilman Whidden rroved that should the Econanic DevelofiTIā‚¬l1t COuncil be unable to provide a deIX>sitory for legal funds, the City of Port Angeles would provide that function for the Coalition. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the notion carried. 6. ReIX>rt on Valdezlwng Beach View Trip Mayor Duncan and Fire Chief Glenn had recently returned frem a fact-finding view trip of the oil IX>rt facilities at Valdez, Alaska, and wng Beach California, at the invitation of EFSOC. The purpose of the trip was to inspect crude oil terminal and pipeline facilities similar to those proposed I by Northern Tier and Trans Mountain in the Clallam County and Port Angeles area. Fire Chief Glenn reIX>rted that he wet with fire suppression, port facility, Coast Guard and terminal personnel at both harbors. He indicated the City of wng Beach, California, has total control and regulation of their harbor area which the City of Port Angeles should investigate further:' l-Iayor Duncan reIX>rted on the scope of the tours at Valdez, Alaska, and wng Beach, California. She indicated EFSOC would notify the City of any new developrents with regard to the Northern Tier application and that a slide show of the trip was being prepared by EFSEC and would be made available in Port Angeles for viewing in the near future. I I I 349 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 5, 1982 Council discussed with staff at length the City's authority to regulate the harbor and instructed Attorney Miller to research the matter further and to also look into the City's responsibility for providing fire suppression. 7. Schedule utility Advisory Conmittee Meeting This was discussed under legislative item #4 on the agenda. Advisory Cam1i.ttee Meeting was scheduled for Monday, October P.M. The next Utility 18, 1982 at 5:00 VIII lATE ITEMS Manager Flodstran noted that the County has assumed. administrative responsibility for the Clallam County Disability Board and that the Department of Revenue has reported that 71 cities and 2 counties implemented the ~ of 1% local option sales tax effective October 1, 1982. This number is anticipated to double by January 1, 1983. IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/CITY COUNCIL NOr ON THE AGENDA Lorraine Ross, Port Angeles, noted a dropping off of Front Street just west of Peal:x:rly Street and requested it be repaired. Councilman Hordyk noted there is also a constant flow of water coming down Peabody Street at this sane intersection. Councilman Quast noted there is litter in the Downtown Parking Association's parking lots which is not being cleaned up. Mayor Duncan relayed a citizen I s concerns regarding lighting at Civic Field during sporting events. X ADJOURN 'lD EXEUJ'l'IVE SESSION The rreeting adjourned to an executive session at 8:30 P.M. XI REI'URN 'lD OPEN SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT The rreeting returned to open session and adjourned at approximately 10:00 P.M. fj;~~ e. ~ City Clerk ~n$J~A