HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/06/1943 I""" 568 October 6, 1943 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ The CoDlllission met pu'suant to adjournment and was c ailed to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call sbowed tbs followirlg officers present: lIayor Robinson, Commissioner Masters and Clerk Hawkins. The ConIniBslon then took the further hearing of the mdget for the year 1944. Arter going over and care- fully consider1n& each item of the budget, it YlIS moved by Colllll1ssioner Masters that the bldget for tha year 1944 be approved and adopted as follows; and that tbe City Attorney be instructed to prepare ordinances approving and adopting the bldget and confirming the estimates of expenditures and fixing the tax leVYI Departments I 1!qor Commissioner of f1nsnce CoIIIIl1s81oner of Streets end PIl.blic Improvements Treasurer Clerk Engineer' Attorney Pollee Court City Hall Miscellaneous Police Department Fire Department Public Pound Street Department Garbage Collection 2,500.00 1,895.00 1,895.00 3,240.00 6,540.CO 6,775.00 2,485.00 2,140.00 900 .00 16,195.00 31,540.00 27 ,OBO .00 555.00 6,925.00 20.000.00 130,245.00 ll8.645.00 94,100.00 54.660.00 9,146.00 1,896.00 18,000.00 6.400.00 5,760.00 1,410.00 2,100.00 940.00 Less Estimated Receipts City Street Less Estimated Receipts librarY Less Estimated Receipts I Park i Less Estimated Receipts 8th st. Bridge Bond Less Estimated Receipts Firemen's Rellef " Pensions Less Est1meted Receipts Special L.r.D. Revo1viDg L.r.D. Guaranty Light Department Expenditures Est1meted Receipts 281,264.00 281.264 .00 1ll,215.oo 111,215.00 58,360.00 58.560.00 Water Department Expenditures Estimated Receipts Elw!la R1 verBond Expenditures Estimated Receipts State .Aid Fund Expenditures Estimated Receipts War Liquor Tax fUnd Estimated Receipts IIotor Vehicle Excise Fund Estimated Receipts 9,250.00 9,250.00 9,545.00 9,545.00 5,000.00 5.000.00 ll,600.oo 59,440.00 7,250.00 ll,600.00 4,550.00 1,160.00 ll,600.00 17,400.00 104,400.00 There being no further bwliness the Commission then adjourned. The motion was seconded by Mayor Robinson. On roll call all members voted aye. Tbe Mayor declared the motion carried. ?7mH~ City Clark lIr..... ~Jdf~ Mayor I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ""'Il 569 October 6, 1945 19_ T~;";;-.i. "'u;."... ...;.n.<.. ,.:,..-,.,~........;",~,."., 11...00 - - I I I I I Tho Cosmission met inregular session at 10 A.Ie. and YlIS called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call sbowed the following officere presnet: Mayor Robinson, Commissioner lIssters, Attorney Johnston and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previoue session were read and approved. Pcl1ice Judge, W. F. Phillips, reported 179 cases tried and $1,856.18 collected in fines for the month of September, 1943. Report ordered filed. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses the follOlli.ng were granted: Harry Peerson, Fix Roof of Front Porch, Lot 3, Blk. 339, Townsite James Blundeau, Addition to Building, S. 50' of Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 175, Townsite Karl L. Kirk, Repair Roof, Lot 14, Blk. 250, TOJmSite 150.00 200.00 150.00 , Under tbs head of Introduction of Ord1nancee the following ordinances were introduced, read in !'u.ll and placed on their first and second readings: AN ORDINANCE confirming tbe estimates of expenditures for the City of Port Angeles for the year 1944, and fixing tax levies for said yoar 1944 as heretofore made and levied by the Ci t.y CoIIIIl1sBion meeting and sitting for that purpose on the 4tb day of October, 1943, and declar1n& an emergency. AN oaDINJIi CE adopting and appro~ the City Budget of and for the City of Port !aeeles for the fiscal year, 1944, and declaring en emergency. Under the head of Introduction of Reeolutiona the follOll'ing resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION liIIEREAS, the City of Pclrt Angeles, on account of tbe military dimout, is desirous of having certain streets painted with traffic stripes. AND WHEREAS, the City ofPcll't Angeles does not have the necessary eq1iipl8Dt to do the said painting. NOW, TllER~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that tha Ilirector of Highways is hers by authorized to perform tbe said work, estimated to be 15 miles in length at 81 estimated cost of .600.00 and the State Treasurer he and he is hereby authorized and requested to transfer the cost of said work from tbe funds credited or to be credited in the 1I0tor vehicls fund to the City of Port AD6e1es to the proper State lliglmlf fund to reim- burse ssid fund for the expenditure above referred to. It 1IllS moved by Colllll1ssioner lIssters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by J.layor Robinson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declarfld the motion carried. Under the bead of New Business: The resignation of IIrs. Dan Provo as s member vf tbe Psrk Board then camil before tbe COIIIIldll Bien. It wae moved by 1!qor Robinson that lire. Provo's res1.gnetion be accepted and a letter written to her thanking her i for hflr servicee on the Park Board. Seconded by c-1ssioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye.1 The lfayor declared tbe motion carried. The CoIIIn1ssion appointed the following named persons as a llQarQ' of Apprili8flrs to appraise values at Lincoln Park: Phil Armstrong J. II. Davis L. H. Hubbard The CoIIIIl1ssion also appeinted R. T. King ae photographer to work with Board of Appraisers. The CoDInillllion ell8lllined and a11ewed the followiTJj! claUls aaI ordered warrants drawn for semel CURRENT E%PEIlSE FUND Harry LeGear Insurance n.1l6 Port AD6e1es Evening News PIl.bllcations 19.18 Ol1mpic Stetioners Paper 4.89 Hoare & Headrick Lubrication 3.71 Ollmpie Stationflrl!l Office Supplles 8.76 Tidawster Associated Oil Co. Veedo1 011 114.87 Richfield Oil Co. Gasoline 130.50 City Treasurer Light & Water lO4.118 . II . . . 41.44 . . 4.95 Park'& fbop Sosp, etc. 3.58 O:11mpic Stationers Paper T01fe1e " fypewri tel' Repair 5.60 City Treasurer Light 8< Water 798.45 . . Casn peid for Revolver " Car Licsnse 29.90 Larrick's Cafe lleilla fft Prisoners <II 1154.8S Fire Departmlln t Volunteer Firemen's Pay Roll ,/ 198.00 Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Pipes /5,(7 1.03 CITY STREET FUND D. A. llasters, Sr. Car lI1leage 35.00 Clallam Count,.. II1glnray Dept. 2 Brooms " Core ~~ 165.50 I",Z -- WATER FUND We sley Sm1 th State Ilndit (Expense Account) 120.00 . II . . 235.00 City Light llept. Rent & Lights qJ M.27 Little-BollL Tire Co. Tire Repair 9.59 AII8e1es Gravel" Suppl;y Co. llaterial ~.,,'1 30.13 LIDHT FUND City Treasurer Stamped Envelopes 70.00 ~ r- 570 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 6, 19~ 19_ II..... LIBRARY FUND lire. De8ea Sandnees Encyclopiedis. Brittann1ca, Ine. City Treasurer PARKFlmD J!Ilitor Wark 5.20 Yearbook :r'Y 13.80 Light" Water /}:/ 8.52 ;. Sand, Gravel, etc. 2S.~9 Light " Water at Parks ~~( 22.99 , Lime 2.06 !,~ Light & Water at Playf1eld 7';0 26.41 Taxes ~","f'; 157.ll AeeesSlllsnta 249.85 I Angeles Grsvel & SUpply Co. City Treaeurer Ang~es Gravel " Supp~ Co. City TreKsurer L.I.D. GUARANTY FUND City Treasurer n " Thare being no further business the ColIIrlseion then adjourned. I 1J~~~ City Clerk ~J!!~ I I I !