HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/06/1947 I I :1 :.~. ',- 'F'" , '''If .. -,'J~-:~ I I' Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 385 October 6. 19SL . ~"""M",_'~n.~_,~,.." ~ The Conunission met at 10.00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call showed the following: officers present: Mayor Epperson, Conunissioners Steele and Johnson, and Clerk Law. ,FUrsuant to law, and notices published, the iCorruniss;i.on \>Pened hearing of the .bldget for the year 1948. Conunissioner Steele spoke regarding the construction of a Public Comfort Station, and the Current Expense Cumulative Reserve l\1nd being set aside for that ~PQSI.l., It,wl;\s,14s.opinion that the majority of local citizens were in favor of the said station. It was .mQved, by I{.r, Steele, that $40,000.00 of the Current l,Expense Cumulative Reserve Fund be set aside for the construction of a Public Comfort Station. Motion was ~not seconded, and did not carry. Mayor Epperson e:xplained. that the budget ,as now set up, did not include : lithe retirement system, but since then the opinion of two members had been reversed. The Mayor could not see I ,way clear to entertain motion to set asieje that amount until further consideration be given to retirement " and other funds. I I .:Mr. Conniff spoke for the retirment plan and cited amoWlts to be raised for each department by taxation. It I i~as his opinion that one mill of the levy v,ould be sufficient far pension plan, and could see no valid 11 i,reason why system should not be installed. Mr. Steele read total figures to which tax levy must supply over i 1$11,000.00, and if the State Examiner would permit transfers from Light and Water Funds to provide matching' 'Ifunds for pensions, he Viould approve the plan. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the City of Port -+- Angeles adopt the retirement system and that two mills be taken from the <Current Expense Cumulative Reserve End and set aside for the City's share of the retirement Fund. Motion secoooed by Mayor Epperson. Mr., ,Steele did not vote. The motion carried. I :' s. Jensen of the Park Board requestedcthat changes in the Park FUnd be made as follows: $1,000.00 be Itransferred from Recreational Development to Recreation and Athletic Supervision. The request was granted and transfer made. Mr. Steele read a reque st from the Light linemen for a five cents per hour inorease, fixing wage scale to i'conform with other cities. Conunissioner Steele moved that due to the hazardous duties performed by the ;linemen, the re'lu~,~t should be gr~nted. Motion was not seconded, and did not carry. ;r.ight Supt. Lean inforD;O: tMt,'bayiDg adopted the retirement sJ'stw, provisions should be included in the lbudget . for two apprentice linemen. It was moved by Conunissioner Johnson that the light fund be changed to include the two apprentice linemen. Seconded by Conunissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I No fUrther objectiollS to, or alterations of the budget appearing, it was moved by Commissioner Steele that 'the hearing be closed, and the bJdgot for the year 1948,as revised, be approved and confirmed as follOl'fs: Departments Mayor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commissioner of Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements Treasurer Clerk . . Engineer Attorney Police Court Mis cellaneous Fire Department Police Department . Street Deparw.ent Heal th Department PlalUling Commission Total Current Expense Fund Estimate Less Estimated Receipts 2,460.00 2,189.00 2,189.00 8,589.00 8,845.00 5,185.00 2,795.00 2,545.00 25,595.00 48.042.00 65,695.00 8,780.00 5,269.50 500 .00 186,476.50 174,559.50 il, 957.00 102,959.94 75.259.94 27,720.00 15,166.00 5.296.00 11,870.00 51,487.00 7,982.00 25,505.00 4,810.00 585.00 4,225.00 8,497.00 -1.. 997.00 6,SCO.00 8,125.00 6.500.00 1,625.00 45,118.00 55.000.00 10.118.00 97,500.00 650,049.00 650.049.00 265,125.46 265,125 .46 42,850.00 42,850.00 59,665.00 ~665.00 18,000.00 18.000.00 42,000.00 --44QOO..o!l City Street Fund . . . . . . Less Estimated Receipts Library fund .. . . . . . . Less Estimated Receipts Park Fund . . . . . . . . . . Less Estimated Receipts Eighth street Bridge Bond Fund Less Estimated Receipts Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund . Less Estimated Receipts Cumulative Reserve Fund-Library Less Estimated Receipts CUmulative Reserve Fund-Current Expense Less Estimated Receipts Light FUnd ...... Estimated Receipts Water Fund ... . . . Estimated Receipts Port. Angeles Water Revenue Refunding Bond Fund of 1944 Estimated Receipts Sanitation Fund . . . . Estimated Receipts Parking Meter and Traffic Control Fund Estimated Receipts War Liquor Tax Fund . . Estimated Receipts (aver) .... 386 October 6, Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ Departments (continued) Motor Vehicle Excuse Fund . . . . . Estimated Receipts . . . . . . City of Port Angeles Fire and Police Station State Development l\1nd ........... Estimated Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . " I' '~\otion secomed by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. There being no further business, the session was deolared adjourned. Q,~L, tf City Clerk ~ 12,000.00 12.000.00 111,636.95 1ll.636.95 I ~,( ~ALV/~I/ Mayor I I I I