HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/06/1948 I I I I ..:'\. :',} , I Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 6, 19~ 487~ Officers b'OOO.oJ 13,000.00, 100.00, 185.00'. 6,000.00' 1,000.00' /,,000.001 Under the head of ur1inished business, the hearine on the budget for the year 1949 was re-opened. There being no objections made or filed, it was moved by COJl'.missioner Steele that the budget be adopted as sub- I m1.tted, and the City Attorney be authorized to prcpare Ordinances approving and adopting the budget and '.1 confirming the estimates of expenditures and fixing the tax levy. Eotion seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Fotion carried. :1'1 Departments rayor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,385.00 I, COIill11i!jsioner of Finance ......... 2,185.00 Commissioner of Streets & Public Improvements 2,185.00 Treasurer 7,030.00 Clerk . . 9,420.00 EnGineer 1,745.00 Attorney 2,772.00 Police Court 2,487 .00 l~iscel1aneous 19,858.00 Cemetery 11,160.00 Police 69,741. 67 Fire 54,025.00 street 9,481.00 Health 4,490.00 Pllli'l1ling Commission 100.00 Total Current \<;xpense Fund Estimate 199,064.67 Less Estimted Receipts 174,904.67 24,160.00 City Street Fund . . . . . . Less ~stirra.ted Receipts 107,650.00 63,650.00 17,817.00 5,017.00 33,173.65 7,573.65 4,525.00 125.00 4,400.00 44,000.00 Library Fund L858 Estimated Receipts 12,800.00 Park Fund Less Estimated Receipts 25,600.00 Eighth Street Bridge Bond Fund Less ~3timated Receipts Firemen's Pension Fund Less estimated Receipts 10,100.00 2,100.00 8,000.00 Fire--Cwnulative Reserve Fund Les5 [~stimated Recei.pts 2,040.00 -..bOOO.OO 8,300.00 ~300.00 47,500.00 1,7,500.00 1,040.00 120,000.00 Library--Cumulative Reserve Fund Less ~stimated Receipts Current Expense-Cwnulative Reserve Fund Less ~stimated Receipts Light Fund Estimated Receipts 637,485.00 637,h85.00 313,790.00 313,790.00 1,3,180.00 1,3,180.00 51,790.00 51,790.00 Vlater Fund . . . . . . Estimated Receipts Port Angeles ~ater Revenue Refundinf, Bond Fund of 1944 Estimated Receipts Sanitation Fund . . . . 3stimated Receipts Parking leeter & Traffic Control Fund ~stirrnted Receipts 19,500.00 ..l2., 500.00 City of Port Angeles Fire & Police Station, State Development Fund estimated Receipts . . 111,636.95 21b636.95 Under the head of new business, Robert Sullivan and Committee representing the Humane Society, Inc., spoke reearding control of animals and Ordinances ~overning, requestine that certain changes be fJade in present regulations. After due consideration, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an Ordinance declaring trespass by animals a nuisMce, and fixing license fees for dOGS at $2.00 for male and $3.00 for female, and 50~ for each cat. The L:essers. 1:ills and Porter appeared on behalf of the Parents Forwn, regarding two lots at Tenth and Oak I Streets, and presented a petition requesting that a tennis courts be installed on the said lots. The Conunission informed that proper procedure is to contact the Pp..xk Board, v,ho then make recommendation to the Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the petition be referred to the Park Board. :1 Seconded by J.:ayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ~ "...- 488 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 6, continued, 191JL , Commissioner steele referred to a meeting of the County and City Comrrissions to discuss the unsafe condition II of the G.A.R. Hall and arrange for repair or moving. One County Comrrissioner had informed that the City ,; Commission had not met with them reearding the matter. Er. Steele referred to the Aueust 11th issue of the' .. Evening News, and it was his opinion that the statement should be corrected. , The report of Police Judge Taylor for September showing 96 cases tried and $1,020.00 fines collected was ; approved and ordered filed. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following were introduced: ORDIflANCE pre. 1201 I, II AN ORDI:-!ANCE adoptine and approving the City budget of and for the City of Port Angeles for the fiscal .. 19"9 and declaring an emereency. ORDINANCE NO. 1202 AN CRDIllAllCE confirming the estimates of expenditures for the City of Port Angeles for the year 1949, and fixing tax levies for said year 191,9 as heretofore made and levied by the City Commission meeting and sitting for that purpose on the 4th day of October, 1948, and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Commissioner Jehnson that the foregoing two Ordinances be placed on first and second reading. Seconded by !"'yor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ORDINANCE IJO. 1203 AN QRDINAlICE relating to finance and establishing a cumulative reserve fund. It was moved by ltayor Zpperson that the foregoin{l Ordinance be placed on first and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. liotion carried. ORDIllANC:<: HO. 1204 II AN ORDINANCE relatine to the welfare of children; providine for their care by those having custody of them and fixing the penalty. It was l'ioved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on first and second readine. Seconded by Eayor ~pperson. All voted Aye. notion carried. mmnrANCE !lO. 1205 Nor f'",,"se.d :t~.r "'r:.d r-e.d'''9 Ar~ ORDUrANCE relating to Ocean View Cemetery, establishin8 a consideration to be paid for certain services and providing for the care of graves. I'I It was moved by COInrr,issioner Johnson that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on first reading. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All votod Aye. Uotion carried. " ! Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced: RESOLlJI'ION VffiEREAS, in.the Port Angeles ~ater Revenue Refunding Bond Account of 1944 there is, at the present time, th~ sum of Seventy-five Thousand, Seven Hundred Forty ($75,740.00) Dollars which is in excess of the current I needs of said fund, and ViHEREAS, there has been offered to the City of Port Angeles bonds against said fund subject to retirement in 1958, 1959 and 1960 of the face value of Seventy-two Thousand ($72,000.00) Dollars, which bonds may be purchased by the City of Port An{leles at a discount of two (2%) percent, and rlHERr~..1S ~ the plU'chase of said bonds by the City Ylill repre3cnt a substantial saving, I!O~l, Tl'.EiEFOiE, as authorized by Chapter 92 of the Session Laws of 1943, the investment of Seventy Thousand; Five Hundred Sixty ($70,560.00) Dollars of the excess ,funds, above referred to, in the bonds of 1958, 1959 . I' and 1960 herein described, .is hereby approved and the City Treasurer is authorized and directed to purchase I : said bonds with said excess funds. II It >Ias !!lOved by Commssioner Steele that the fONgoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by I Com;nissjoner rJohnson. All voted Are. gotion carried. Under the head of introduction of resolutions for .the sale of real property by the City, the follorling was introduced: Calvin L. and Darlene L. :Bartholomew Lot 8, Blk. 415, Townsite 75.00 year i I I I I I It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolution be approved and the property sold. .,..... , Seconded by r.:ayor Epperson. All voted Aye. JEotion carried. The Commission examined and approved the follrn'ine claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: : CURRENT EXPEl'BE l'UHD: IFt,/::< 7 .. Wm. S . Johnson Luvaas Firestone Service Peninsula Printing Co. Peninsula Herald Pioneer, Inc. Columbia Ribbon & Carbon ],:fg. Co. City Treasurer Pacific Telephone & Teleeraph Co. Dept. of Labor & Industries Hazel' 5 Cafe Olympic Stationers Downs Auto. Electric Richfield Oil Corp. Seattle Radio Supply, Inc. Smith Ice & Bottling :",rorks Olympic Laundry & Cleaners Regional J.leeting Expense Seat Covers Paper, Stitching Books Legal Publications Registration Supplies Supplies Exp., St.Lites, Fire Hyd., Sts. & Sew., L,'il.G. Services 126, 1627, 1332, 800, 872, 3611'1 Ind. L.,s. & )led. Aid ::~eals for Prisoners Chair Sprines Parts llotor Oil Tube Fire Ext. Rcf ill. s , Paper Towels La undry 3.06 10.76 5.04 32.1,1 15.69 44.25 1,360.04 67.01 85.90 , 129.881 2.06 43.74' 24.72 2.9211 17.00 16.79 I ..... 11-'"" I I I I I ';.-.... ~ I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 6, continued, ._~",~'~m_.~~..,,.,,, -.. ICITY STREET FUND: I&tj{) , /J'r :fl. ,G. Horstman IStandard Oil Co. of Calif. !'Port Angeles Concrete Products l':cHahan Fuel Co. Il'Hankins Hens Store Dept. of Labor & Industries '.J. '3. r'iTatheVlS Glass & Co. rDm'IDs Auto :electric I,Port Angeles Upholstery & Furn. ,lTruck & !':quipment Co. '[.'Iestern Tractor & equipment Co. ,IATlli( Fmm: .23/J:l Dept. of Labor & Industries Port An~eles Auto Supply Co. DQ1:ms Auto Zlectric J. B. rae-thews Glass Co. ,Hooker Electro-chemical Co. . j,port Angeles Concrete Products LIGHT FUND: ~ 0 .s- 97'- C) 7 IGlalia!!! County F. U.D. No. 1 ,IOlyr.Jpic Stationers lit,(cJ,;ahan Fuel Co. iDept. of Labor eo Industries )' J errJ' Nelson Agency liiddleton Eotor Parts Co. City Treasurer Carl IT. Price . 'Schreiner Chevrolet Co. l[peninSUla Herald IPuget Sound Power & Light Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. James r!. Caven General Electric 'Co. Olympic Electric Co. Gencral Electric Supply Corp. j'AnGeles'GraVal & Supply Co. a7 'SANITATION FUND: /0 r; , Dept. of Labor &'Industries [City Treasurer Kenneth Owen LeRoy Jagger I!LIBRARY FUND: /(,I?,z : City Treasurer I Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. IJennilU Norris Ol;-'rn1pic .stationers Olympic Electric Co. A. C. J.:cClurg & Co. Headers Digest Assn, Inc. 'Doubleday & Co., Inc. ,Great Books Foundation Nathaniel Dame & Co. F"ncyclopacdia Britannica, Inc. Superior Publishing Co. /,f !PARK FUND: IJ'J ~ . Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Radio Ser~ice Appliance Co; IPacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. I Dept. of Labor & Industries rlillie V. DeVine City Treasurer "City Fuel Co. 'P. M. &. T. C. FUND: 1001" ,A. L. Thompson Studio Ii.. H. Rhodes, Inc. : General Electric Supply Corp. Kenneth O\ven Dept. of L~bor & I 'LIBRAilI J':,2<ORIAL FUND: Punet SOlUld l~e\'/s Co. ,,~ .... Industries f:J 33 - '15 L. 1. D. H:<;VGLVING FUND: "..... City Treasurer , Co. Final--Rent of Lots for Stock Piling Liquid Asphalt Sewer Pipe, etc. Labor and Fuel--Steamine Car 11 Pr. Rubber Covered Gloves Ind. Ins. & !.led. Aid Install 1'Iindshield, Back Lights; Lights Parts Seats Upholstered One Brake Spring Parts Co. Co. Ind. InS. & Eed. Aid Parts Pats Repairs Chlorine .0. Pipe Sept. Power Supplies Oil L'1d. Ins. & l\;ed. Aid Bond Premium Parts &'p. Charges Washing Cars Repairs Adv. Test lceters Lamps Fittings for Signal St. Light Brackets Conduit, etc. Socket-covers, l~tersJ Lamps 3teel Ind. Ins. & /led. Aid '.'tater Garage Rent Car lIileage for Sept. Light, ',"Tater, Garbage 3ervice h67 Postage stamps Scratch Pads Lamps, Starters Books Book Books Books 300ks 1%8 Year Book Books Sand, Cement Phono Needle Service 15301'; Ind. Ins. & Hed. Aid Typ ing Light, Water, Garbage Fuel Oil Traffic Sign Photos Co. 's Share of Sept. Collecticns Parts ~'Jarehouse Rent Ind. Ins. & l.~ed. Aid Books There being no further business, the session VIas then adjourned. Taxes & Costs; Lot 8, BLk. h15 ~ ~~lerk :tv) ~~=-- IJayor 19.IiL .~ 489 I 30.001 964.481, 172.97[ 61.80 8.50 56.50 80.66 .1.87 25.75 .88 197.48' , i 105.96: 2.94 .74 38.631 33.90; h9.65, 19,607.40 : 1.39 27.131' 85.04' 5.00, 11.89.1 1.001 10.00 5.96 2.34 29.60, 275.13, .61 78.281 11.62' 129.13 326.55 I 37.09' 1.60' 30.001' 37.38' 10.09 7.00 2.451 1.031: 9.27; 102.94 1.69, 7.10" 9.60': 2.70 2.951,.1: h.90 52.53 1.03 3.00 17.54' 7.75 81.10 24.23 I 3.09 957.18 23.59' 15.00 9.20 I) 33.33 il 11. 9.:5 I ~