HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/06/1950 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 2. continued, 19 SO . -. ""' . """'''. ,,"'... .,,"~"'. ."..."...... .... I Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was placed on third and final reading: OT{DlNANCE NO. 1258 I A~ ORDINANCE stating the f~c~s of an emergency affect~ng the public safety, welfare and convenience of the C1ty of Port Angeles; req\Hr1ng the unforeseen expend1ture of funds; providing for try, issuance and payment ! of emergency warrants and declaring an emergency. I It was mcved by Commissioner itobinson that the fcregoing Drdinace be passed third and final reading and adopted. oeconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Comm1sslOn exam1ned and approved the following claims, and ordered vrarrants issued in payment of same: I II CURRENT ~XPENSE }1Jl~: 3o.y Aiken Motors Lube Cycle :WATEllJ}JND: rf?~.J ~f "~' i H. E. Dodge IE. .F. Houghton & Co. I Western Utilities Supply Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Federal Pipe and 'Iank CO. Sf> LIGHT FUND: tJ~ 7 - Eugene E. \1illiams Westinghouse Electric SupplJ Co. 17estinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. k. E. Uptegraff Mfg. Co. Line Material Co. Graybar Ele ctric Co. ,J\ngeles Gravel & Supply Co. Car Expense Oil Tapping Saddl,~, Chlorine' ' Cement, 'etc" Pipe and Bands 17.50 5.SO 9.16 52.66 31.36 137.51 Tu bing Cutters Car Mileage Meters Charts Transformers Service Screw Knobs Service Screw Knobs Sand 27.58 419.30 61.58 298.25 86.36 71.98 2.51 1'here being no further business, the session was declared adjourned, until }riday. , ~4~ ~ City Clerk ,-If-./ d -?f:1 Mayor i I 1 I I I j October 6, 1950. The Commission met at 10:00 A.~!., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley with all officers present. Pursuant to recess declared, the hearing for the 1951 budget was re-opened. I Donald l,utz, Library Board member, appeared regarding items in their proposed budget having been reduced itl the prelininary budget, requesting that salaries, grounds and certain other 1tems be restored in amount of I approximately t700.00. I It was moved by Commission'Sr Robinson that the meeting be recesseO for thirt.c minutes while the GOll11lission j recheck certain budget items. Uotion seconded by A1ayor Feeley. Motion carriea. I After the recess declared, Commissioner Robinson suggested certain corrections and moved that funds and items be fixed as follows: Animal Control, restore 1!;1,000.00. Park lund, provide ~3, 500 .00 for flood light repair. Library, restore ~500.00 to the item of books. That increaBe of $15.00 per month be pro- vided for employees paid out Of Current \ixpense Fund. Source of revenue for increases would be derived as follows: Parking Meter and Traffic Control fund. ..eliminate $9,500.00 from Parking l,ot item, reduce PAint and Repair item ~2,OOO.00, reduce New ~[eters item ~500.00, reduce Traffic and Control item :;1,000.00 ...total~13,OOO.OO. Light Fund to assume ;;1,700.00 labor for flood lights. Light Fund, increase Lieu of Taxes, $550.00. Water Fund, increase Lieu of Taxes, li5S0.00. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. On roll call, all members voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Commissioner Taylor then made the following motion: that salaries for park employees be increased $15.00 per month which applies to all up to and not exceeding $4,200.00, increase to be derived by transfer from '1 Light and ITater funds. Cemetery: salary of sexton increased $15.00 per month, to be derived from I Matching Contribution item. Street Dept.: salary increase of li15.00 per month except those receiving ;14,200.00 or more, to be derived from ;;20,755.77 item for !!aintenance, etc. Water Dept.: increase salaries ~15.00 per mcnth except those receiving ~4,200.00 or more, to be derived from Salaries and liages item in Capital Outlay. Mr. Taylor explained that increase is definitely for offset to advance of cost of living, and it was his opinion that those receiving from ~4,200.oo up are getting sufficient. ';he foregoing motion was seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Moticn carried. The Library Fun:! was next considered, and it wea move<1 by !.layor Feeley that an increase of ;;p15.00 per month be added to salaries. 'lhis and the $500.00 restored to books item to he provided by increasing I the estimated cash balance to ~,500.00, if' necessary. The motion Vias seconded O<J GOllunissioner Robinson. I All members voted Aye. f:rotion carried. I I I ! Sanitation Dept.: !\layer Feeley moved that an increase of ~15.00 per month he added to salaries, derived from increase in estirr.ated income. Parking ~_!eter Capt.: t;15.00 increAse in salarJ' item by increase in estimated revenue. The motion was seconded by Corrunissioner Robinson. Commissioner Taylor voted nOJ I informing that he thinks they are being paid sufficient. CDJJllIlissiDner RotrLnson informed that it is now a matter of getting the budget fixed for year 1951, the same being ,u bject to change when the salary ordinance is drafteci. 53 .., 3.09 ~ ,.. ... 54 ':.." Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington <\'.;....., "., . W"". ".", .,,",,~. ,,,...... ".., ... October 6, continued, 19~_ It was moved by Commissioner ltoinson that a blanket raise of $15.00 per month be added right dm-m the line, this to be deducted from Line Material and Transformer item in Capital Outlay. Ilot.ion se"onded by Mayor Feel~y. All voted Aye. llotion carried. Co=issioner Robinson then mcved. that t.he Budget as revised be adopted as above described. !lotion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. On rcll call, all IDCmbers voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. At this time Commissioner Taylor explained that the reason he voted on the motion to adopt the revised budget is that he considers those getting 114,2oo.00 per year or over, are not included. On motion by Commissioner Robinson, the meeting was adjourned. ~~ ~/-A'd ~'l Mayor . I ' . ' I I I