HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/06/1952
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
October 6
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The City Council met at 7:30 P.M., and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of Officers
showed the following present: Mayor Smith, Councilmen Powell, Brown, Neer, Sandison, Wolfe, and
McFadden, ~~nager Vergeer, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law.
Pursuant to Statutes governing and noti ces published, the public hearing on the Budget for the year
1953 was opened.
City Manager Vergeer recommended budget item changes as follows:
Librar.1 'Fund: Periodicals $300.00, and Records $100.00 from Maintenance and Operation
to Capital Outlay
Light Fund: From Extra Labor to Janitor r s Salary &96.00. Also change item seven on Page
29-3 to read Line Material, Transformers, and Meters.
Current. Expense Fund: Reduce Councilmen salaries and Wages from $960.00 to $840.00.
Former Commissioner Ed. B. Taylor asked ~~ager Vergeer if he hrl ascertained from t.he Examiner whether
or not items in the Light and Wat.er budgets payable to the Chamber of Commerce are proper expenditures.
Mr. Vergeer informed that. to his knowledge t.here are no objections. Mr. Taylor went on record as
opposed t.o t.he payments. He also questioned including interest for street. improvement bonds before bonds
are issued or sold. Manager Vergeer informed that t.he EKaminer has recommended including bond interest and
At.torney Trwnbull advised t.hat. there are no object.i?ns.
Neil Pendley, Frank Webster, and Norman Johnson, from t.he Central Labor CounCil, appeared on behalf of Cit.y
employees requesting that a cost. of living salary increase be included in t.he budget. Mr. Pendley informed
that this....."I the only City he had heard of which has not included the increase. It was t.he opinion of
Mr. Johnson t.hat if a few top officials could get. the raise, all should be included. Va'; Webster concurred
with t.he same and requested that all be included in a cost of living adjustment.
The Council informed that if a blanket raise were justified am funds available, the same would have been
included in the budget without request.
After further discussion it was moved by Councilman McFadden' that the changes be acc!,pted' and the Budget
approved and adopted with alt.erations as reoDmmended. Motion seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously
There being no further business, the budget hearing was closed and meet.ing adjourned.
City Clerk