HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/06/1955 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 6 11135_ '""' . '''''", ..m". "',,_..,. ,,,.'.... .".. ..... The City Council met, in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of officers showed the following present: Mayor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Matthiau, Wolfe and Mcfadden., AttornflJ" Severns and Clerk Law. . It was moved by Counci1lllan Bnl>m that minutes of the previous meeting ani October 3d budget hearing be approved. Seconded by Counci1ma.n Matt~eu am carried. Umer the head of unfini$hed business and pursuant to publications, no bids were received for purchase If Lots 9 and 11, Block 160, Townsite. Thomas Dickinson appeared regarding -Claim previousl;y fUed for damages to elevator motor at Masonic Temple.. The City Attornflj" will contact insurance compal\\" as to dispostion of claim. ~ll City Engineer filed for approval, pa;r estimates for work done and material furniShed as follOl's: OS~ CONSTRUCTION CO., Ninth Estimate, (Sepb.) Tumwater Access Road, Unit "AU, L.I.D. No. .167, $11,760.19 Excerpts of Council proceedings of October 6, approving pa;rment of estimate: It was moved by Councilman NeeI' that pa;v estimate be approved and warrant issued on L.I.D. No. 167 Const- ruction Fund in :pa;rment of same, ani the City Clerk authorized to issue warrants numbered 351 to am in- cluding 361 for il,OOO.oo each, and warrant no. 362. in amount of $760.19, on the L.I.D. No. 167 Fund, bearing interest, at the rate of 3 3/4% per alIl1U111, and dated October 20, 1955 to suppl;y the necessarY funds, , to be deposited i.J;1 the L.I.D. No. 167. Construction Fum. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison and un- : animousl;y carried. F. H. JARNAGIN, First Estimate (Sept.), Penn Street Area Sewer, L.I.D. No. 169, $22,505.25 Excerpts of Council proce~s of October 6, app;-oving estimate payment: It was lIIOved by Councilman NeeI' that the foregoing pa;r estimate be approved am warrant issued on L.I.D. No. 16, Construction Fund in pa;yment of same, am the City ylerk authorized to issue warrant number one on the L.I.D. No. 169 ]fund, bearing interest at the rate of '/J% per anIIUIII and dated October 20, 1955, to suppl;y the necessary fums to be deJXlsited in the L.I.D. No. 169 Construction Fum. ~lotion seconied by Councilman Sandison aniunanimousl;y carried. ' . , . . It was then moved by Counci1lllan Brown that the following claim vouchers be approved covering fixed estimate expense in L.I.D. Nos. 167 and 169, and warrants issued on respective construction funds in pa;rment of S~: . ,L.I.D. NO. 167, Department of Labor and Itnlistries, 1m. Ins. and Medical Aid, Nailor LUJDber Co., 5 lb. . concrete naile, Ci~ Treasurer, recording fee, H. B. Hanson, stakes and hubs lldbert Clawson, use of crew car, September. $66.64 3.10 1.85 34.87 15.05 L.I.D. No. 169, H. B. Hanson, stakes and huDs, 2.1.70 Motion seconied by Councilman Sandison am carried. Umer the head of new business; reports showing operatiorl of the Light and Water Departments for period of eight months, January through August, 1955 were submitted for Council approval. It was moved by CouncU- lDaD McFadden that reports be approved and placed. on file. Secomed by Councilman l~olfe and carried. lMayor Smith read letter from Wesl~ He am Lois K:l.dd of 1137 ~est 16th Street, expressing appreciation for improvillg 16th Street by blacktop paving same. . . . . Claims paid Sept. 19, 20, 23, 27, October 3, 6 were approved in total amount of $52,078.13. It was Inoved by Councilman NeeI' that claims be allowed. Seconied by Councilman McFadden. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Requests for beverage license transfers and renewals were received as follows: RENE\~ALS: Duck Inn, p. A. Marine Dock, Palace Tavern, Gat~ Tavern, Blagdon's Grocery, Estes Grocery, Sa1ad,.Bo"l'l, ,Cherry-Eight Grocery, BailflJ"'s Grocery, Shamrock Tayern, Sunrise Grocery, Quick Service Grocery, Little Brick Tavern, Harrington.am Giles, Aerie No.. 483, F.O.E., Phifer Distributing Co. It was moved by Councilman HcFadden that requests for renewals be approved. Secomea by CouncilJMn Brown and carried. TRANSFERS: From Thomas W. Owens Estate to Beatrice M. Owens; From Claude R. Phifer to Ed lWan and Elmo Curtco. It was IIlOved by COWlcillnan NeeI' that transfers be approved. Seconied by Councilman Sandison am carried. Petition signed by abutting property owners requested vacation of South ~ of the allW running north 'am south through Block 3, Cains Subdivision, of Lot 18. It was moved by Councilman Mcfadden that petitbn be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation.. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye~ Motion carried. iMayor Smf.th read iIlritation from Lorenz Goetz of the State Highwa;r Dept. requesting public officials to jatteni a no-host dinner at Harrington's Grill October 25 at which time Director of Highwa,;ys and Staff I members will be present. Council members agreed to attend if JXlesible.. The Na;vor also informed that jresidents of Cologne, Gennal\\", would lilre to meet with Council. The Mayor will try to arrange joint ;meeting with County CollllIli.ssioners at which the travelers ma,;y be guests. , !'Umer the head of introduction and reading of Resolutions, the following were introduced and read in full:' RESOLUTION NO. 17-55 WHEREAS, the construction of the Tumwater Access Route 1'equired that certain houses be moved \from certain properties necessary for the right-of-wa;r of said truck route, ani WHEREAS, the same were removed by Frank Pollow tor the 5IIIlI of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) and the said Frank Pollow has agreed to accept in pa;rment therefor a Quit Claim Deed covering , (POrtiOns of Lot Eleven (11) am Twelve (12) of Block Ninety-Six (96) of the Townsite of Port Angeles not . necessary for the right-of_way for said truck route. ^' . I NOW, TIlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE CITY COUNCIL <F TflE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as follows: 1. That the offer of Mr. Frank Pollen, be accepted as pa;rment for the. cost of moving the ihoUlles from said truck route rigpt-of-wa,;y. . I 2. That the ~or and. the City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a Quit Claim Deed 'covering the portions of Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (14) in Block Ninety-six (96) of the Townsite of ~ort Angeles, less the Tumwater Access Route right-of-way in consideration am as payment. for the cost iOf moving the houses from said truck route right-of-wa;v. 465 ~ .... 466 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ 55 Qeteber e eentinued "., . '''''', """. .."'"""., "..."..... .... It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconied by Council- man Wolf~ and carried. RESOLUTION NO. la-55 A RESOLUTION of the Cit;y Council of the Ci~. of. Port lingeles granting the RADIO P~FIC INCORP- ORATED ayermit to 8lctend a goIY wire from its anchor poles located on Lot 4 to its brcadcastl.llg. tower loc- ated on Lot 17, both in Block 13 of the TOlmSite of Port Angeles. ' . ' , ;. WHEIlEAS, RADIO PACIFIC INOOBPORATED has been for more than seven years operating a radio broad- casting tower located .on Lot 17 and for the SUpJXlrt of said tower has extended a guy wire in the north end of Lot 4, in said Block 13 south of said Lot 4 and thence across the allflJ" in Block 13 of the Townsite of Port Angeles to support its tower,.and . ~1IlE1lEAS, said goIY wire is approximatel;yfifty (50) feet above the surface of the allflJ" am does in no wlliY' interfere with e:ny of the facilities operated by the City of Port Angeles, either now- , or in the future; now, therefore, I BE IT REIDLVED BY '!HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT ANGEIES that RADIO PACIFIC INCORPORATED be, am is hereby, granted a. pennit to continue the utilitation, of its f!}J:Y wire as the same is now . constructed. ; This pe:nnit, however, is granted with the reservation that in the event it is found that I said guy wire will intelll>re with any future needs of the City of Port Angeles or the inhabitants thereof that RADIO PAeIFIC INCCRPORATED will make IJUch necessary adjustments or remove said guy wire to I. such extent as may be necessary in order that the interference with the operation of the alle,y may be removed, ,. . " , . , I It Was moved by Councilman Mcfadden that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by I Councilman Neer. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ' i Umer the head of 1htllPOduction ani reading of Ordinances, the following were introduced am read in full for Council consideration: . ORDINANCE NO. 1356 AN ORDINAN:E of the Council of the Cit;y of Port Angeles, Washington approving and confirming the 'asseesments .am assessmet roll for Local lmprovElIlent District No. 168 created for the improvement of certain streets by the construction of curbs, gutters, .sidewalks am corner curbs am by doing such cX;her work necessary in connection therwith as atIthorized am ordered by Ordiname No. 1344; am levying I and assessing the amounts thereof against the several'lots, tracts, parcels of land md other property , as shown on said assessment roll. ' I I. It was moved by Councilman McF. adden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved am adopted. Secomed by Councilman Sandison am carried. ., ,.. , ORDINANCE NO.i357 . I AN ORDINAI<<:E approving and adopting the, budget of the. Ci1;y of Port Angeles for the 'fiscal iear 1956. . . ' . . It was moved by Cou!1cilman Neer that the foregoing Ordinance be approved am adopted~ Secomed by Council- lDan Sandison and carried. I ' ORDINANCE NO. 1358 AN ORDINANCE confirll!ing the estimates of ElKpenditure for the Ci1;y of Port Angeles for the ye'ar J:9,6 'and I aff. ixtllg , the tax levies for said year as heretofore made 'and levied by, the City Council of the Ci~ of Port Angeles, meeting and sitting for BUM purpose. . jlt was moved by CounCilman BrOwn that the foregoing 9rdinaa:e be approved am adopted with date of budget jaring corrected from October 4th to Oct~ber 3. Motion seconded by Councilman Mcfadden and carried. It was ~ed by Councilman McFadden that Harold E. Dodge be appointed Acting City Manager WitH October 15th,dunng the absence of Mr. Vergeer.Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Ave Motion carrJ.ed. .. No further businese appearing, the meeting was declared adjourned~ Q f. {I. ,71 fl..i.J,,-' City Clerk 'rf~k M!ijror . , .. CAIJL FOR BIDS Bfd'.oi.wm be.:i'ooe1ved up to 5:00 Q'Cloeki p .M:,.~No\'ember 1st at the oHice of tbe City Manager. 140~ ~~~t:g~~f~'!~A COsl1~~j~g p~~~ ~~~. 6lt:1o~~i~~b~r ~iW~~~~ to Price 'quoted :co he flrm f.o.b. urt Angeles . or freight a Hawed. ';a.~~~der must Indicate, delivery ~_ G. S. VERGEER, City Manager Pu,b; Oct. 21, 28, 1955;r. I I I .'~ I ~ I. I 1 I