HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/02/1958 ,.. 608 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington OdQl>er 2, 19~ .." . ","''', .,."",.,."-,",, ".."".,..... ..... lTh.e City Council mer >n reguur sesswn ar 7: 30 P.M. 'Meehng was called to orc1er oy Mayor R>cnardson. Officers present were: Councilmen Sandison, Maxfield, Thorne; Caldwell, Manager Slankard. Attorney I Moffett and Clerk Law. ' , I ,i It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Iseconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. Under ,the head of unfinished business, the City Engineer subm>tted the second (September) estimate of work done and material furnished by Paine and Gallucci for construction in L.I.D. No. 178 in amount of I 1$38,000.00. It WaS moved by Councilman Caldwell that pay estimate be approved and,a warrant issued on , L.I.D, No. 178 Construction Fund in payment of same, and the City Clerk authorized to issue warrants no. 1 ill to 48 inclusive on L.I.D. No. 178 Fund in amount of $1,000.00 each, bearing interest at the rete of 4 1/8% iper annum, dated October 6, 1958, proceeds to be depos~ted in the L.I.D. No. 178 Construction Fund. Motion I I seconded by Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried. :council considered appointing individual to represent.the City on the Washington State Committee for United I I'N~tions Day, October 24, Allen Clayton having rejected appointment due t~ previous commitments. Appoint- I ment was referred t~ the City Manager to contact and report .to the Council as to appointment made. 1 (I ,~ 111 Next discussed was appointing a member to serve on the Park Board. It was moved by Councilman Sandison ,"',It l4 that, appointment be tabled for further consideration. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and earned. I l'?J, The.lease and agreement between the C>ty and Clallam County for use of Children's Hall having expued, it was moved by Councilman Thorne that the same be renewed for five year term. Seconded by Councilman Maxfie Id and carried. Fixed estimate claims against L.I.D. No. 178 were approved for payment as follows: Joseph E.Baron, car mileage. Sept. . $14.91; Jack ling, prints, $9.08; H. N. Hansen, hubs and stakes, $23.25. It was moved by Council~an Thorne that fix~d estimate claims be approved and warrants issued in payment. Seconded by I Icouncilman Caldwell and carried. Icouncilman Maxfield reported on !'Ieeting with the librarian and County Commissioners to discuss possibility I of merging City and County libraries. If problems can be worked out, the Count)' is in full agreement. this being only in discussion stage. Councilman caldwell stated 'that the Library Board wants City Library building program tahled indefinitely. Under the head of neW. business, claims payable were approved in total amount of $24.576.02. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that'claims be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. [Fred Norton ,having moved'to California requested that the City repurchase Lots 5 and 7, Block 29, Section I, in Ocean View Cemetery. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell th,:t the City purchase the lots. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. !JosePh H. Johnston appeared with request that the Ci ty vacate certain streets and alleys in upper Variey Creek area. Mr. Johnston being ""ner of the property, wants to improve and install trout rearing ponds, the same to be returned to the City with Park supervision. It was moved hy Councilman Maxfield that request be ~eferred to the Planning Commission f.,. recommendations. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. . William Fix of Hughbanks, Incorporated, having offered the City opportunity to purchase warra~s and bonds of L.I.D. No. 178, it was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the matter be referred to the City Attorney for study. Seconded ,hy Councilman Thorne and carried. I Departmental reports were filed for Council approval as follows: Light and Pewer and Water, monthly jhudget and .Tr~astirer 's financial report. It was mov ed by Councilman Caldwell that all reports be accepted land placed on hie. Seconded by Co~ncilman Thorne and carried. jRembert Carter, 424 E. 12th St., asked Council to consider exempting the Shrine Club from admission tax on activities their organization sponsors as benefit for crippled children. It was moved by Council~an Maxfield that the Attorney check Ordinance to ~scertain if such exemptions are permitted. Seconded by Icouncilman Caldwell and carried. , . IThe IJ. S. Postal Department filed claim for damages to one of thei. r trucks in amount of $24.55. It was rmoved by Councilman Maxfield that the claim be referred to the Attorney and insurance company. Seconaed by Councilman Sandison and carried. IThere being no further business, the ne eting was adjourned. Q,8~ t1 City Clerk rr~~~ yor OCTOBER 6, 1958: 'ICity Council met at 7:30 P.M. with the followi ng officers present: Mayor Richardson, Councilmen Maxfield, Thorne, R~dall and Caldwell, Manager Slankard. Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. jPursuant to Statutes governing, the public hearing on the budget for the year 1959 was opened. I 'The Man'!-ller reviewed resume of budget assembly as submitted by the Mayor. I Requests for adjustments were: Police Department, Chief Kochanek expressed desire of his department to I accept the budget as originally prepared, starting wage at $360.00 Chief Wolverton stated that the Fire and Polic e Departments have been on equal basis. Cited Captain's salary as extra $10.00 in 1958. Also item perl!'itting unifcrm al1ovlance. Ed. P. Fountain and C. G. Beutler appeared for the Light Department stating that linemen's l'l"ges "are 2% I below prevailing s<;ale as of last March. Also requested the 2% adjustment plus the $15.00 '" ovided in preliminary budget and consideration of $3.10 hourly wage soale. Considered substation attendant and ~ I I I ,I