HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/06/1970 ,..- ...... PR.OCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASH. 167 OCTOBER 6, 1970 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were Mayor Wolfe, Councilmen Edwards, McRevey, Olson and Ross; Manager Herrman, Attorney Moffett and Deputy Clerk Hobbs. Councilman Basom was absent due to illness, and Councilman Hordyk was out of town on vacation. A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani- mously carried, to accept and place on file, as received, the Council Minutes of September 15, 1970. I A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani- mously carried, to concur with the Service Garage Superintendentfs recommenda- tion and accept the low bid $2,595.40 plus tax of Murray Motors for a new 1971 ~-ton pickup for the Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani- mously carried to approve and pay to Morris Construction, Inc. the second (Sep- tember) estimate -of work done and material furnished on Cresthaven L.I.D. No. 191, in amount of $30,000. (Revenue Warrants to be drawn against L.I.D. No. 191. Fund bearing interest at the rate of 8.25% per annum dated October 8, 1970; the proceeds from said warrants to be deposited in L.I.D. No. 191 Fund and a Cash Warrant to be drawn on said Fund in favor of the contractor in amount of $30,000. for work performed.) A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani- mously carried to approve for payment $618.02 due CH2M for engineering services from July 25 through August 25, 1970, in connection with Ennis Street Improve- ments. A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani- mously carried to approve for payment $1,454.30, the retained percentage of the cost of work done by contractor J. D. Shotwell Company on the Tumwater Truck Road Resurfacing. I A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilwoman Ross, and unani- mously carried to approve for payment Claim Vouchers in amount of $119,464.12 and Payroll Transfers in amount of $58,121.17. The public hearing on amending the Zoning Ordinance was re-opened and continued from the September 15th meeting. Petitions and letters against allowing apart- ments in the RS-7 and RS-9 Zones on conditional use basis were presented to the Council by Councilman Edwards. After some discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unanimously carried to con- cur with the Planning Commission's recommendation that the proposal to admit multi-family dwellings, larger than duplexes, into the RS-7 and RS-9 (single- family) zones on a conditional use basis be deleted as a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani- mously carried to close the hearing and authorize the City Attorney to draw up an ordinance covering the amended Zoning Ordinance. A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani- mously carried to concur with the Planning Commission1s recommendation that the required 20-foot leg along Mr. Richard Glen's driveway, at 1034 Caroline, be reduced to 10 feet and that the fence be set back to the property line. I A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani- mously carried to refer back to the Planning Commission the request of Anthony R. Galgano, of 715 East Caroline, to permit the establishment of a travel trailer as living quarters for an aged relative in an RS-7 Zone, for reconsideration. A motion was made by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani- mously carried to concur with the Planning Commission and approve the request of Mr. V. L. Waldroup, 1039 West 5th Street, to permit a garage and deck addition to an existing single-family residence. A motion was made by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Councilman McRevey and carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the request of James and Agnes Willis for setback and excessive lot coverage vari- ances to allow construction of a triplex with accessory garages on the north side 168 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGE LES, WASH. OCTOBER 6, 1970 (ConTt) of Front Street between Peabody and Vine Streets. Councilwoman Ross abstained from voting. A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani- mously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the request of Mr. Del Mathis to install a septic tank on Lot 7 and east one- half of Lot 8 Elock 401 Townsite, on south side of 13th Street between tlHIt and "lit Streets. A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Coumcilman Edwards and unanimously carried to authorize the Building Inspector to establish a hearing date on the proposed rezoning of an area between Lauridsen Boulevard and Park I Avenue and Between Peabody Street and Peabody Canyon, and if possible to ad- vertise this meeting in the daily newspaper. A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unanimously carried to accept and place on file the Planning Commission Minutes of September 28th and October 5, 1970. The Minutes of the Port Angeles Eoard of Appeals for special session of Sep- tember 28th were read and noted. The following Resolution was read in full: IMPROVEMENT RESOlliTION NO. 192 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles declaring its intention to improve a certain area within the City by the construction and installation of sanitary sewers, including manholes, lamp holes and tees where needed, and by doing all work necessary in connection there- with, and creating a local improvement distri~t for the levying and collection of assessments for such improvement, and fixing a time and date for the hearing on this Resolution of Intention. I A motion was made by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Councilman Olson and unanimously carried to adopt the foregoing resolution, amending hearing date to November 2, 1970. A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unanimously carried to hold the regular meeting of November 3rd on November 2nd, due to the 3rd being Election Day. A notice of Public Hearing reo Ediz Hook, from the Department of Army Corp. of Engineers was read and noted. A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilman Edwards and unanimously carried to accept and refer to the Budget Committee the budget re- quest of the ClallamjJefferson Alcoholism Information and Referral Center. A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani- mously carried to acknowledge receipt of the Notice of Violation Docket No. DE 70-133 from the Department of Ecology and authorize the City Manager to obtain a report from the Department of Ecology clarifying subject of Engineering Study and report to them the progress the City has made. A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Edwards and mously carried to acknowledge receipt of and refer to the Safety Committee letter from the Cliamber of Commerce re. intersection' _at Boulevard and Race Streets. unani- the A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilman Olson and unanimously carried to acknowledge receipt of and refer to the Park and Beau- tification Board the letter from Mr. Kent Brauninger reo beautifying our city. I A letter from Mr. John F. Futchs of Colorado reo his recent stay in Port Angeles and commending those he came in contact with was read and noted. A letter from Mr. D. D. Utter, President of Pizza Pete, Inc., commending Mr. Gordon Sexton, owner of the Port Angeles Pizza Pete, was acknowledged and noted. PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASH. OCTOBER 6, 1970 (Con't) 169 A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani- mously carried to acknowledge receipt of a letter from County Commissioner Lydi- ard, authorize Mayor Wolfe to relay message that the City needs the two lots in question for a parking lot, and authorize the City to continue plans for comple- ting this as budgeted for in the 1970 Budget. I A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani- mously carried to accept and place on file the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority Board of Directors Minutes of September 2nd; Port Angeles Center for Youth Services Quarterly Report July to October; Emanon Report September; and Water Department Work Report September. A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Counciiwoman Ross and unani- mously carried to concur with the Park & Beautification Board's recommendation for new policy on reservation of facilities of the Club House at Lincoln Park, and amend the recommendation to include the facilities of the new Long House. This new policy being that the person or persons, who reserve the clubhouse, must be of legal age, and be responsible for any resulting damage; they must sign in person, ahead of time, for the reservation and pay in advance. Theproposed resolution of the Park & Beautification Board to ban off-shore_dril- ling, and slant-drilling from shore to underwater, for oil in our area was re- ferred to a work session. The Park & Beautification Board's recommendation that no brush picking be allowed in any City park was referred to a meeting with them and the Council. I A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani- mously carried to concur with the Park & Beautification Board's recommendation reo practice policy of groups at Civic Field. This policy being that night practice use of Civic Field (other than games) be limited to kick-off drills, by any group, with each incident judged by Mr. Mullins as to whether it may take place, on the basis of the condition of civic field at the time, and the weather, also no one other than coaches and players will be allowed through the gates during these practices. A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani- mously carried to accept and place on file the September Minutes of the Park and Beautification Board. In response to a request from Mr. Lou Sample re load limit on Pine Hill, a motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Edwards and unanimously carried to re-open the study on the recent truck ordinance for review. Lou Sample to have representative attend study session. A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Edwards and unani- mously carried to suggest to the Police Chief that a permit for an increased load limit over the 15 ton, with a reduced speed of 10 m.p.h. between the hours of 8:DO a.m. and 4:30 p.m., be allowed to Mr. Sample while the truck ordinance is under study. The following ordinances were read in full: I ORDINANCE NO. 1698 AN ORDINANCE confirming the estimates of expen- ditures for the City of Port Angeles for the year 1971 and affixing the tax levies for said year as heretofore made and levied by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, meeting and sitting for such purpose. A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani- mously carried to adopt the foregoing ordinance as read. ORDINANCE NO. 1699 AN ORDINANCE relating to the flag and amending Ordinance No. 1691. A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani- mously carried to adopt the foregoing ordinance as read. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE providing for local organization for Civil Defense, and granting powers necessary to cope with wars or peacetime catastrophes or disasters threatening life and property in the City of Port Angeles. 170 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASH;' OCTOBER 6, 1970 (Con1t) A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani- mously carried to table the foregoing ordinance for study. A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani- mously carried allow the Angeles Ambulances to be parked at the Lyon residence on Whidby Street, long enough for servicing of equipment. Other items of discussion were water line extension or inclusion of Seamount Area in proposed L.I.D. for West Lincoln Heights; Public Opinion Workshop schedule; rip rap being placed on Ediz Hook now; baffles being installed in Peabody Heights Reservoir; Association of Washington Cities Meeting at Haguewoods October 27th; CH2M Representative here October 18, 19, and 20th to begin study on Multi- I purpose Center. Meeting adjourned at 10:25 p;m. .---L 2;(~ r Deputy City Clerk ~riCEOF CA= 1'011. BIDS "I" I bl~ot~fll i1~l)~le~~~~I;~~'CJ~)}~h~~~'i(l~1~~~ Manager of the Cit), Df J"ort Angeles at HIJ 'Vest Front Street of flald cUy untU 2:00 PM.. OctfrlJer (: ltJil) [or furni~h1ng the foJlo'i\.'lllg ~qujpment and/or material: One N'ew 1!)71 *-1011 PJc.ku]l- FlrQ DepartmCl'lt All bids i>hnH he o])ened Rml t.nh-' ulatcd for the Citr ClJoullcil wlth n r~commcJ1datjon aLtrtehcd for con sid- l!~'u.t1()n by ::;ald Councll in S(;ssivn Octoher 6. 1970. A ecrtiflc.1l check or bld bona 101' G% of the amount bid ~haU a-CCOm- IJUn>' each bid, AU bids to include r;i~~~{:Y F.Q.B. Pon Angeles. \Vnsh- .1'hl:! City Council re~erves the ]'lght to cOlHdder delivery time a.nd to aCCC]lt 0\' reject any 0]' all bids or an;)" pat't thereof , DONALI) D, HlmHMAX : CI ty l\1.anagcl' . r:J~.i~hed: Septemher 24 and Oct. 1. I I