HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/06/1981 179 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington October 6, 1981 I CALL TO ORDER I The .special meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 6:30 P.M. The purpose of this meeting is to interview a candidate for the Board of Adjustment vacancy. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Clerk Parrish. P. Carr, M. Cleland, A. Rose, L. Glenn, D. Frizzell, R. Orton, G. Booth, R. French. Public Present: A. Rud, P. Cronauer, D. Bragg, R. Steele, M. Ranta. III BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT INTERVIEW I During the September 15, 1981 Council meeting, the Council interviewed Mr. Robert B. Hill for the vacant position on the Board of Adjustment. At this meeting, the Council interviewed Mr. Stephen F. Paz an , who could not be present at the September 15th meeting. Mr. Pazan was questioned at length by the Council in regard to his interest in the Board of Adjustment and City govern- ment, and the responsibilities associated with a Board of Adjustment position. The Council then took a brief recess to discuss the two candidates. Following the recess, the Council, by written ballot, selected Mr. Stephen F. Pazan by majority vote to serve as a member of the Board of Adjustment, filling the un- expired term of William Lindberg. IV CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:00 P.M. V MINUTES Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the September 15 'and 29, 1981 meetings. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During discussion on.the motion, Councilman Duncan re- quested a correction to the September l5th minutes, Register Page No. l75, council/Staff Reports, to read that EFSEC will vote on a proposed order October 16th. The motion to approve the September 15 and 29, 1981 minutes, as corrected, was then passed by the Council. VI CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent Agenda including Vouchers of $736,248.40 and Payroll of $174,652.75. The motion was seconded by councilman Quast and carried. VII FINANCE I l. GUND PLAZA: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the final payment to Fakkema and Kingma Inc. for the Gund Plaza EIS preparation, in the amount of $4,950 (which includes the 20% retainage). The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. VIII ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. 180 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 6, 1.981 IX ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Quast: Asked Manager Flodstrom to explain the recent ad in the local newspaper regarding a poor water bacterial count. Requested the various departments, and especially the Parks and Recreation Department, include infor- mation in their 1982 budgets as to the maintenance costs associated with the pier and downtown improvement features. Mayor Haguewood: Presented Certificates of Appreciation in recognition of meritorious service to Greg Booth, Power Manager, and Richard French, Chief I. Engineer, for their efforts in negotiating a substation metering modification with the Bonneville Power Administration, which will result in an annual savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars in power costs. X LEGISLATION l. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Rezone Request: Ranta Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Ranta's request to rezone 2l,000 square feet from CAD to CBD, located on the north side of First Street, approximately 200 feet east of Lincoln Street, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. Mr. Ken Sweeney, Clark and Associates, then addressed the Council on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Sweeney presented several facts on the proposed rezone, and pointed out that the reason for requesting the change is to permit an office building in excess of 30 feet; additionally, the westernmost lot is already in the CBD Zone and the zoning change would place all of the applicant's property in one zoning district. Mr. John Layson, a Real Estate Consultant from Seattle, also spoke to the Council in regard to the economic feasibility of the project. Follow- ing these presentations, the public hearing was closed. Councilman Quast then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the rezone request because: (1) the rezone complies with Comprehensive Plan Commercial Policies Nos. 1 and 2, with greater emphasis on Policy No.6; and (2) the rezone would put all of the applicant's property within one zone. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, Council- man Buck questioned Planner Carr in regard to the impact on the community if the property is not used in a business office capacity. It was Planner Carr's opinion that the impact would be very small. The Council and Planner Carr also discussed the parking requirements for the pro- posed property use, and the feelings of the bordering property owners to the proposed rezone and property use. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. I Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2171 entitled, Ordinance No. 2l7l AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying property on the north side of Front Street, approximately 200 feet east of Lincoln Street from CAD to CBD. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk .and carried unanimously. I 2. REVISED PRELIMINARY PLAT: CRQNAUER prior to any discussion on this matter, Attorney Miller pointed out that a public hearing is not needed on the Cronauer replat if the Council con- curs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. However, if they do not concur, a public 'hearing should be scheduled. Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Mr. Cronauer's replat to con- sider the revised preliminary plat of the Cronauer rep1at consisting CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 6, 1981 X LEGISLATION 2. Cont. 181 of four residential lots on 3.2 acres, located north of Milwaukee Drive, between uN" and "0" Streets, because: (l) the proposed subdivision conforms with the Residential Policies of the Comprehensive Plan; (2) the proposed lots comply with the RS-9 Plan; (3) basic public utilities and streets are available to the proposed subdivision; (4) the circulation patterns in this area are minimally affected; (5) public schools, parks and recreation facilities are not impacted by this subdivision; and (6) the public use and interest will be served by approving the plat. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, the Council, planner Carr, Manager Flodstrom, and City Engineer Rose discussed the requirements recommended by the Public Works Department ( 24-foot paved roadway on the Milwaukee Drive right-of-way from the proposed subdivision eastward to "N" Street, and extension of the storm drainage system to the western edge of the proposed subdivision), and why these requirements were not made a part of the Butler replat which was approved by the Council in May, 1981. Fol- lowing a lengthy discussion regarding the CronauerjButler replats, improve- ments to other roads by other developers, and why the Planning commission did not impose the conditions recommended by the Public Works Department, the question was called for and the motion passed with Councilman Polhamus voting "NO." I 3. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file as received the Planning commission minutes of September 23, 1981. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 368l entitled, RESOlUTION . NO.36.B1 . . A RESOLUTION of Ihe City of Port Angeles setting a hearing dote for a petitioli to vacate thot portion at Highland Drive whi<:n (TOSSeS Lot 15. Block 129. TPA WHEREAS. t~e owner of interest in lot 15, Block 129, , Townsite of Port Angele$. has filed a petilion wit~ t~e City , Clerk 10 make vocolion of by . that portion of Highland Drive b . which crosses said lot; aod WHEREAS. said petilion appeors to t,ove been signed by the owners of more than twa-t~irds of the property. 2112 . abutting upan the right.af. the City J way sought to be vacated; thorlrJn9) NOW THEREFORE BE IT to Mrs. J RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL am the,; OF THE CITY OF' PORT " ANGELES as follows: 1m for) Section 1. The petition to f $15.98' make such vacation shall be of Part. heard on-d determined by this. h~rmQdr'l h Council on the 1 st day of 81. an . ~': December, 1981, which is not CounCil;, mare than siKty (60) days nor best In-;., less than twenty (20) day. 01 P.ar! ' hereaher. claim; Section 2. The City Cle,k is hereby directed to give BY THE twenty (20) doys notice 01 the HE CITY pendency 01 said petillan ES a. oc(:ording 10 the pro'Vis1ons of RCW 3S 19 020. horeby PASSED by the Council of he .elf. I the City of Port Angelos thh. sum of. 6th doy 01 October. 19B1. ~B/l00' ' Samuel J. Haguewood rf the r MAYOR a Mrs. ATTEST' n the: Manon C. Pamsh. City Clerk non off APPROVED AS TO FORM:' lion a Croi9 t Miller, City Attorney d' Pub. Oel. lB, No.. 1. B. 15. ",once 19BI. li.e os 4. .RESOLUTION: STREET VACATION PETITION: PEARCE I Resolution No. 36-81 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles settin a hearing date for a petition to vacate that portion of Highland Drive which crosses Lot 15, Block l29, TPA. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing da 1981, and refer the petition to the Planning commissi tion. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast an 5. ORDINANCE: PAYMENT OF CLAIM: MRS. S. IVERSON Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title I Ordinanc I AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles author~ ing payment of a claim to Mrs. Sherman Iverson j the self-insurance fund. j Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoi by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded and carried with Councilman Buck voting "NO." Ordinance No. 2172 6. RESOLUTION: BPA WHOLESALE POWER CONTRACT Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Power Manager the new BPA Wholesale Power contract, and introduced Resolution No. 37-8l entitled, Resolution No. 37-81 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles authoriz- ing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a power sales contract between the City of Port Angeles and the Bonneville Power Administration. "'K~,U:... lo1y III., .....'/ Cou:ncil of the City ot ParI Angoles 01 r a regular meeting held on the 16th day of October. 1981. So,,"uel J. Haguewood i MAYOR ATTEST: Marion C. Parrish, City (Jerk , APPROVED AS TO FORM: r Craig l. Miller, City Attorney : Pub.: Oct. 13. ,9BI. L . . ~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 6, 1981 181 X LEGISLATION 2. Cont. 3. of four residential lots on 3.2 acres, located north of Milwaukee Drive, between "Nil and "0" Streets, because: Cl) the proposed subdivision conforms with the Residential Policies of the Comprehensive Plan; (2) the proposed lots comply with the RS-9 Plan; (3) basic public utilities and streets are available to the proposed subdivision; (4) the circulation patterns in this area are minimally affected; (5) public schools, parks and recreation facilities are not impacted by this subdivision; and (6) the public use and interest will be served by approving the plat. The mor------- ---'--j Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, thl .... 1I"CIl'.""'I Ul', Carr, Manager Flodstrom, and City Engineer Rose diSCUS1. '.': ,--= recommended by the Public.Works Department ( 24-foot p. I :. .. ~ Milwaukee Drive right-of-way from the proposed subdivil .. ~ Street, and extension of the storm drainage system to . ~'~.~-~1 the proposed subdivision), and why these requirements I PP'..ol.leflO...,._.....tt of the Butler replat which was approved by the council'. IIllIY.. IH.lN1 AN' HJ.IOM 1 . '" Le . PO III un p' ow~ng a lengthy d~scuss~on regard~ng the CronauerjBut; )I~O.LS' lJ- ments to other roads by other developers, and why the ~ ., ~ did not impose the conditions recommended by the Publil 1 the question was called for and the motion passed witl1l nllYSnS J voting "NO." II I . ~b~t oIto,DSil>OE_'bl PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES . I I Snl ~ ~ and place on il 23, 1981. T~I 1U80r"d II . RESOLUTION: STREET VACATION PETITION: PEARCE II ttOQ Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title ResolutiJ, " A ",SOLUTION of :::o::::~fN:~r:':::OlO" eottin ; 1f-II.Il.~~ a hearing date for a petition to vacate that t ~ portion of Highland Drive which crosses Lot 15, __~"--'.. ., Block l29, TPA. I councilman Buck moved the Council accept Planning Commission minutes of September by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 4. I Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Power Manager the new BPA wholesale Power Contract, and introduced Resolution No. 37-81 entitled, Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of December l, 1981, and refer the petition to the Planning Commission for a recommenda- tion. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried.. ORDINANCE NO, 2172 AN ORDINANCE of the City' of Port Angeles outhorizing paymenf of a claim to Mrs.;; Mayor Haguewood .;ntroduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2}5hermon Iverson Irom the' .&. . 58lf~insuroncEl' hmd. '~ WHEREAS, 0 c10lm lor" damages in the sum of $75.98':.l was filed wilh lhe City of Pori i Angeles by Mfr.. Shermon"ij Iverson on May 21.198" and ;.~ . WHEREAS, lhe Cl1y Coundl ~ linds il to be in the b..l In< teresl of the City 01 Port . Angela! to pay such claim: 1 now. tnerefore. 1 Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordi: CI~ ~6~~gtl~~DT~: C~~~ by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by CO),L OF PORT ANGELES os' , lollows: and carried with Councilman Buck voting "NO." I Section 1. There is hereby' opproprioted Irom the self. . insurance hmd the sum of ~ 'Sevenly.Five and 98/100' ($75.98) Dollors for lhe; payment of tt'te daim of Mrs. . Greg Bo, Sherman Iverson, upon lh..' ancr rea execution bV Mrs. Iverson of' o rele(lse and sa1i:s.a-c:tion of I claim. , Secfion 2. This ordinance I sholl betome effective os provided by low. . ~ PASSED by the City Council , ollhe C;ty 01 Port Angel... ot ~ a regular meeting held on:the " 61h doy 01 Oclober, 1981. I SOr'nl,lel J. Hogu8wood .' MAYOR I ATTEST: Marion C. Po-rrjsh, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig L. Mille" City Anorney Pub.: Oct. 13, 1981. L ORDINANCE, PAYMENT OF CLAIM: MRS. S. IVERSON 5. Ordinance No. 2172 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles authoriz- ing payment of a claim to Mrs. Sherman Iverson from the self-insurance fund. I 6. RESOLUTION: BPA WHOLESALE POWER CONTRACT Resolution No. 37-81 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles authoriz- ing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a power sales contract between the City of Port Angeles and the Bonneville Power Administration. J CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 6, 1981 X LEGISLATION 2. Cont. I of four residential lots on 3.2 acres, located north of Milwaukee Drive, between liNn and tro" Streets, because: (1) the proposed subdivision conforms with the Residential Policies of the Comprehensive Plan; (2) the proposed lots comply with the RS-9 Plan; (3) basic public utilities and streets are available to the proposed subdivision; (4) the circulation patterns in this area are minimally affected; (5) public schools, parks and recreation facilities are not impacted by this subdivision; and (6) the public use and interest will be served by approving the plat. The mor------------r Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, thl ......'.o1...U.'.u'1 Carr, Manager Flodstrom, and City Engineer Rose discusl-- '..: I ...~ recommended by the Public Works Department ( 24-foot pi:. "~ Milwaukee Drive right-of-way from the proposed subdivi. .. ~ Street, and extension of the storm drainage system to . ~~'~~~i the proposed subdivision), and why these requirements I PftllA"'l_""_"'~ of the Sutler replat which was approved by the councill' 1II11VW IN! NIINV IWlOM 1 ' '" U: 'PO I'lun pl ow~ng a lengthy d~scuss~on regard~ng the cronauer/Bu1i )I~O.lS',,- ments to other roads by other developers, and why the: -' ~ did not impose the conditions recommended by the Publil I the question was called for and the motion passed Witlilll nllY8nS J voting "NO." I I ~~ and place on II - , 23, 1981. TlJ!1 - A.800") 1U80r RESOLUTION: STREET VACATION PETITION: PEARCE Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolut~Ji A "'O",,'ON 0' :::0::::0:,"::,:':::.,.. ""'"f 1I-iI..II.~~' a hearing date for a petition to vacate that , portion of Highland Drive which crosses Lot 15, _ _""""--'~_~ Block 129, TPA. 3. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Councilman Buck moved the Council accept Planning Commission minutes of September by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 4. I Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of December 1, 1981, and refer the petition to the Planning Commission for a recommenda- tion. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried. 5. ORDINANCE; PAYMENT OF CLAIM: MRS. S. IVERSON Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2172 entitled, Ordinance No. 2172 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles authoriz- ing payment of a claim to Mrs. Sherman Iverson from the self-insurance fund. I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried with Councilman Buck voting "NOa" 6. RESOLUTION: BPA WHOLESALE POWER CONTRACT Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Power Manager Greg Booth, explaining the new SPA Wholesale Power Contract, and introduced and read by title Resolution No. 37-81 entitled, Resolution No. 37-81 "8 8Xl"II8()' I 'pe -dD liD 'S~IDq t~e~~fl"mS .4S!UJn~;w~~C?;Wa9 '$"I,oq _ ()lit.~ t "a,'uD6e\8 exnlea , t a' S~UJnl oaNO:> ONVlNnS , p ~ . SW!N3~ !N3HHn:> l . ~-t89 '-DUlfSBtS '~lnb j ~esS V! '\t~D~ % l 'HS'" 3,1N ~ , 'Q~\It.tB9 'ero~-t89 -l!sc<lap (SLl~ '~jUDUl :ad _ o,~~$t f '.e6oJO''ll fO 5,01 "1,oq Z; j '99tt. Lt"-l I.., , dap SOld OQt~ . H 50 's60 ON "esJnoJ ''5~,nP-J~eu '''l~e-e 'f!:8:JD~deJ.H j~s~ddD '4jDQ ~ He t d '6u!puo",fI:"no . M010n, ~~~ 9 JeHD '()().6LaHi:JD;'5,1~:~ 8loq!suods8J :UO'S0911 . MeN ~:~,,~e:ll~~ ut '~g.t' ^'3^O' -Q90~-tB9 'dep 'lSOl S~':~U'\l':~~~~ "IOOl.PS '"I61H ',lei SoM 'SlId 8^OqO"' Jelup .. "1 dJ} t 'WJ .do "J06JD3t 'Illl H.V, "8,1 ''ll1.f.'oq ./cl ~9.t ;~ A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles authoriz- ing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a power sales contract between the City of Port Angeles and the Bonneville Power Administration. 181 182 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 6, 1981 X LEGISLATION 6. Cont. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan. During discussion on the motion, Mr. Booth briefly outlined several important sections of the new contract. Following several questions from the Council, the motion passed unanimously. 7. AGREEMENT WITH PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Public Works Director pitt is in- forming the Council that in order to properly design the intersection at 8th and "C", it is necessary to obtain a small amount of right~of-'way~'from the Port Angeles School District. The City has received approval from the School District for trading services in the amount of $2,596.68 for the right-of-way. Following a brief description of the proposed improvements to the 8th and "C" intersection, Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to execute an agreement with the Port Angeles School District. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. 8. CRAIG/CAMPBELL AVENUE IMPROVEMENT FUND ORDINANCE This agenda item was passed over by the Council. 9. PORT OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DEDICATION Mayor Haguewood read a letter from D. G. HendriCks, Executive Director of the Port of Port Angeles, requesting the Council approve no parking on First and Cherry Streets on the north and west side of the new Port Admin- istration Building between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM October l7, 1981 for the I Port's dedication and"open house. Mr. Hendricks also requested a partial . closure on First Street in front of the new building during the period of the planned band concert and official dedication ceremony for the time period 9:00 AM to l2:00 noon. Councilman Quast then moved the Council approve the Port's request for the above-mentioned street closures on October 17, 1981. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 10. INTERLOCALAGREEMENT: CITY/JEFFERSON COUNTY Mayor Haguewood read a letter from B. G. Brown, Chairman of the Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners, regarding a proposed interlocal agreement that they have developed for the distribution of paid-back loans from the Housing Rehabilitation Program that recently concluded operation under a Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant. During discussion on the proposed agreement, Attorney Miller advised that Section 7, line 4 be amended to read "the City of Port Angeles" instead of "any City and/or County." Councilman Quast then moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the Interlocal Agreement between the City and Jefferson County, as amended. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. ll. SALE OF PROPERTY TO CITY: MARTIN During the August l8, 1981 regular Council meeting, the Council considered an offer from Mr. and Mrs. T. Martin to sell their property' on the north- east corner of 4th and Francis to the City for possible expansion of the Erickson Playfield. At that time, the Council referred,. the Martin offer to the Park Board for a recommendation. At this meeting, Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Parks Director Frizzell informing the Council that the Park Board recommends not to pur- chase the land at this time, based upon the current General Fund condition. Mayor Haguewood also read a letter from Mrs. Jean Irvine, past president of the Women's Tennis League, urging the Council to give deep consideration to the purchase of the Martin property. I I I I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 6, 1981 183 X LEGISLATION 11. Cont. Following a lengthy discussion on the advantages of acqu1r1ng this property, Councilman Buck moved the Council defer this matter until discussion on the 1982 bUdget. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried. I 12. CONSULTANT INTERVIEWS: CONVENTION CENTER Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Manager Flodstrom informing the Council that the City had received seven consultant proposals for the schematic design phase of the Convention Center. With the assistance of Don Jewell, four finalist firms have been selected for interviews as follows: October 7th 9:00 AM, Makers and Associates, 9:30 AM, BJSS; October 8th lO:OO AM, Ellerbe & Associates, lO:30 AM, Walker, MCGough, Fultz & Lyera. Councilman Buck then moved the Council follow Manager Flodstrom's recom- mended schedule for consultant interviews for the Convention Center. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried. 13. ENDORSEMENT OF HJR-7: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BONDING I Mayor Haguewood read a letter from the Clallam/Jefferson HJR-7 Yes Committee regarding HJR-7, a proposed amendment to the Washington State Constitution that provides for the sale of tax free revenue bonds payable only from private sources to finance pollution control, job and economic development projects. The letter requested the Council's feelings on two questions: (ll Does the City's legal counsel concur with the statement that construc- tion of major energy facilities cannot be financed through these bonds? In particular, do the Council members concur the bonds should not be used for the Northern Tier project?; and (2) will the Council give serious considera- tion to endorsing HJR-7? During discussion on these questions, Attorney Miller stated that he did not agree with the statement in question No. l. It was his opinion that portions of the Northern Tier project could be funded through this type of funding device, with no limitation as to the amount which could be used. Attorney Miller also briefly reviewed the Internal Revenue Code section which is applicable to this, and the limitations contained in the Washing- ton State Statutes. Following a brief discussion on the Council's previous policy not to endorse political issues, Councilman Quast moved the Council respond to the Clallam/Jefferson HJR-7 Yes Committee in terms of Attorney Miller's interpretation of question No. 1 and not take a position on endors- ing HJR-7. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. 14. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE STRUCTURE AND ASSIGNMENTS During the September l5, 1981 regular Council meeting, Councilman Quast requested that the matter of City Council Committee structure and assign- ments be discussed at the next regular meeting. I At this meeting, Councilman Quast explained why he requested that this matter be discussed. He also pointed out that several similar committees could be combined, and suggested a description of the committee, its func- tion, the chairman, meeting dates, etc. Mayor Haguewood concurred, and noted that several of the committee appointments are voluntary. The dis- cussion concluded with Mayor Haguewood agreeing to restructure the committee assignments prior.to January, 1982. l5. MAYOR PRO TEM APPOINTMENT Councilman Quast moved the Council appoint Councilman Hordyk to serve as Mayor Pro Tem at the October 20, 1981 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO." XI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. 184 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 6, 1981 XII LATE ITEMS None. XIII COUNCIL/STAFF REPORTS Councilman Hordyk: Asked Fire Chief Glenn if the Payless store at the Plaza has a sprinkler system and expressed his concern regarding the entry turnstiles in the event of an emergency. Councilman Quast: Thanked those citizens and City staff members who assisted in removing the finger piers prior to a recent bad storm. Commented that the Police Special Harley Davidson motorcycle is manufactured in the U.S., not Italy as~aspreviously stated. Discussed the location of airport signs with the staff. Commented that he had received complaints that children were jump- ing on the batting cages at Civic Field during a soccer game and requested the activities at Civic Field be supervised more closely. Manager Flodstrom: Announced that a trip is scheduled for October 7th with Don Jewell and County officials to the ForkslClallam Bay area, and the Sequim area on the 8th in regard to the proposed Convention Center. Informed the Council that Public Works has drafted some alternatives for the bus terminals at Front and Oak Streets for Councilmen Buck and Quast. The Transit Board will be considering those alternatives at their October 12th meeting. Announced that the Marine Lab has 'received a $5,000 contribution from Safeco Insurance and the Council has been invited to tour the Marine Lab prior to the October 20th meeting. Reported on the AWC Mini Conference that he and Councilman Quast attended September 25th in Bellevue. Pointed out two interesting items in the Informational Packet: an explanation of manning levels on the Water and City Light service crews, and a letter from the Port Angeles Eagles Club regarding the 1985 Eagles Convention to be held in Port Angeles. Informed the Council that there was a very interesting and informative article in the Chronicle on the Fire Department. Informed the Council that a petition was received from approximately thirty residents of the Queen of Angels Church area concerning the parking problems in that area. Handed out information he had received at ITT Rayonier's Open House to those Council members which could not attend. The Council then instructed Manager Flodstrom to write a letter to ITT Rayonier thanking them for the invitation to their open house and reception, and con- gratulating them on their first 50 years. XIV ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. to an Executive Session. xv RETURN TO OPEN SESSION/ADJOURNMENT The meeting returned to open session at lO:40 P.M. and was adjourned. 1A-I.Nf"'~ t'!. ~~~ City Clerk . QR.-~t M -yor,... re::- 1, I I I