HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/07/1957 ,.. 564 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Or:tohpr ~ 19--51. .... '"_..~..."...,,~... ........ ..... .~ ,The C1ty ~oun~il .met" in ~egular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of officers showed the following present: Councilmen Brown,' Sandison, Matthieu, Wolfe, and McPadden, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. It waS moved by Councilman Sandison that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Council- man Wolfe and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, the City Engineer informed that construction by Matt Malaspina & Co. 'IOf L.I.D. No. 173, Lincoln Heights sewer, and L.r.D. No~ 175, sewer and paving of alley through blocks 33 and 34 has been completed and recommended acceptance of the projects as Oll>mpleted. It was moved by Council- man Sandison that recommendation be approved and projects accepted as completed. Seconded by Councilman IMatthieu and carried. ,CounCil approved fixed estimate claims as follows: L.I.D. No. 171, L. I.D. General Fund, reimbursement of ~ preliminary expenses, $599.34; Bussing Office Supply, $14.51;; L.I.D. No. 173, City Water Dept. for labor and materials, $148.70; L.I.D. General Fund, reimbursement of expenses, $120.51;: L.I.D. 174, L.I.D. General Pund, reimbursement of expenses, $65.52 and L.I.D. 175. L.I.D. General Pund, reimbursement of exp- enses, $117.75. It was moved by Councilman Brown that fixed estimate claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carr1ed. Under the head of new business, claims paid September 24,26,30, October 2 and 3,were approved in total amount of $98,456.92. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Itolf e and carried. jIt was moved by Councilman Matthieu that budget reports of receipts and disbursements of City departments I be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. lIt was moved by Councilman Matthieu that the Police Judge report for August, also report of Fire and Police Department activities during September, be accepted and filed. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. Mable E. Garvin having purchased Lots 7 and 8, Block 68, Section Il in Ocean View Cemetery by Deed No. 401, Idated March 4, 1920, now having no use for Lot 7, requested that the City repur,chase lot at original price .paid, or $10.00. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that lot be repurchased by the City. Seconded by Icouncilman Matthieu and carried. ;Petitions requesting street improvement were received as follows: Sixteenth Street between B and C, by Igrading and graveling. Teneth Street between Washington and Chambers, by establishing permanent grade and 'opening for public use. It was moved by Councilman Brown that requests be granted. Seconded by Councilman 'Sandison and carried. [ William J. Morris filed claim for damage to his car in amount of $147.30, the same having been struck by a City vehicle. It "as moved by Councilman Brown that claim be referre40 the attorney and insurance company. ,Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. I Charles Beutler appeared for the Light Department employees asking Council to consider a 4% salary increase 'in the 1958 bUdget which would conform with Seattle linemen wage scale. Council questioned as to why one 'department should get mOre than all others, also cited adjustments made last year lIld advantages of being paid by monthly salary rather than hourly scale. I Piremen Schrader and Seat appeared before Council requesting that positions be included in the 1958 budget 'for another captain and a meChanic. It was the opinion of Council that it is possible to arrange for officer on aU shifts, a meeting to be held with the Chief and others regarding same. t Council discussed street light fixtures, theClty Manager citing advantage of. certain types for areas in proposed street lighting syltem. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the City Manager be authorized to purchase 100 ..; 4000 lumen incandescent fixtures when available. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. I Councilman )'Iolfe informed of traffic hazard On North end of Tumw~ter bridge at Marine Drive caused by high railing abscuring oncoming traffic. Possibility of lowering railing willre investigated. Under the head of introduction of ReSOlutions, the following was introduced for Council approval: RESOLUTION NO. 22 - 57 A RESOLUTION providing for the removal of certain Local Improvement District bends from the Local Improve- ment Guaranty Investment Fund and transferring cash remaing from the districts ccncerned into the Local Improvement Guaranty Fund. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing ReSOlution be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Mc- Fadden and carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the fOllowing was introduced, read in full and placed on first reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1402 I'll ORDINANCE relating to the operation of the Engineering Department of the City of Port Angeles providing for application forms for the survey of line and grades for proposed installation of sidewalk and curbing, lor both, by private property owners; creating an Engineering Deposit Fund providing for a deposit for such I applied for survey, and authorizing refund of such deposit and for forfe1ture thereof. 'It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregOing Ordinance be passed first reading. Seconded by council_I lman Matthieu and carried. 1 No ether business appearing, the meeting was declared adjourned. r). G ~aur C City Clerk ;/k~ Mayor OCTOBER 7. 1957 The City Council met at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Officers present were Councilmen Brown. Sandison, Matthieu, WOlfe, MCFadden and Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. Pursuant to Statutes governing, hearing on the budget for the year 1958 was opened. Council questioned Chief Wolverton as to approximate cost for repai r of damaged fire trUCk, Tohre Crhepi~fr. replied that the company has admitted pre"10US defects and may make gOOd the necessary pans f, _ ~ I . ; I' I I I I I- I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .... 565 Or.'tnhpr' 7 r.nntin1Jp.d 1957. ".. . ""''''. ""M. "'..0.", .."".. ..... ...., , Due to uncertainty of parts replacement, Mr. Vergeer re~olJ1l11ended that expenditures in Fire Cumulative I Reserve be changed f"om, New Equipment to Transf er" to Current Expense Pund, $2,000.00. Fire Department Budget, $74,359.00. Total Current Expense Fund, $307,722.00' I I Other alterations were: Police Department, office clerk, $257.50 - $267.50. Extra cycle wage, $10.00, $120.00. Fire Department: Truck operation and Maintenance, $4,000.00. Total Maintenance and Operation Class, $12,950.00. Light Department: Four Linemen, $25,296.00. Line Truck Driver, $5,220.00. Extra Labor and Overtime, $4,998.00. Pole Contract Rentals, $1,600.00. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that hearing be- closed and budget for year 1958 be adopted as amended. SeCOnded by Councilman SandisOn and carried. il The following Ordinance was then introduced and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1403 AN ORDINAK:B approving and adopting the budget of the City of Port Angees for the fiscal year 1958. It Was moved by Councilman Brown that 1he foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Council- man Maxfield and carried. Mr. Vergeer read notice of invitation to Official Conference of American Municipal Congress being held in San Francisco, December 1 -'4, all mayors being invited. It was moved by Councilman Brown-that Council authorize Mayor Smith to attend the ~iunicipal C!:ongress. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. It-was moved by Councilman Brown that Council extend to Manager Vergeer a vote of thanks for efficient- work in preparing budget for the ensuing year. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. There being no further business, the meeting Was adoourned. Jl. G .;L CUu-' U Ci ty Clerk II JUlSOLlrl'i05 lfO. 23-57 NOTICE OF EEA.BJNG . iA JU:SOL11TI021 of the City connet~ FINAL ASSESSMENT BOLL i Of the 01t)' of Port Ana'ellll5 rtnngil NOTTeg jf; hereby given that the the t1m. ft2i4 place for hearllqr Cily Council of the elt)". of Port 'tIpoD the ......xne:n1; roll for Loca.l. Angele~ will hold a heanup; upon 1mproV~e:nil bLstrict 11'0. 175. I ,llle I'-'Iual ARseSl'ment Roll as pre-, f~~\'~~o~~1~pr~~~m:~~eD~~~~t r:;~~' r..~~~(~ l~i~r~~.l:me~lttY Di~t~f1t~*~~, 1 ~3 1,5 tJ~s been prepared and the City or lhe City of Port Angeles" known CounCil now desIres tu fix a time m; ,"Vest LIncoln Heh::hts Saultary and place for hearing thereon- now Sewer, which general boundary ls ,h('refore, ' . th.. allp. between 5th Street and BE IT RESOLVED by the city 11th Street. on the North; the alley ~~:~~l~g~~nth:s Cl~loo;s?>ort Angeles ~~L\Vth~] ~~~lh~tr.~~~, a~~r~;{h o~tri~~ lBe.ction 1= That 'l'hursdll.Y the 21st Ea'sta.il(j7'H"Strcet on the West, da~r of No....embcr. 1951 at 7:30 <<clock hy constructing Trunk and ,Lateral P. M, of said date In the Council Sewers' and doing all other worl( Cha.mber at 120 North Oak Street necessary in connection therewith, be, and the same I$, hereby flxed all a~ more partIcularly'deserloed in ~aR the time and 'Plaee for hearing Resolution No. 173, approvod and upon thc assessment roll for r~lIcal passed the 7th da~' of JUne, 1956. Improvement District No. 175. Suid hearing to be held on '!'hu!'l'l- S.OUOl:l. A: That the City Clerk is dny, December 19, 1957, at the hc;ur hereby dlrccted to gh'e DoUce of the of 7:30 o'clock P. M. ,at tile C"ity time and place of said bearing at Council Room at 120 North Uak least tlnecn days before the cate Streot Port Angeles, IYQ!';hlngtoll. flxed therefor by maUlng to the At the timc and place fixe<! and at owners or' reputed owners Of the. such other Urnes liS the llcarlng may property, w!loae names appear on Ile conUnucd to, the City Council tile assessment roll"at the arldreSlles. will sit as a. Board or JJ:qualization 1O,hown on tbc tax ro-lI of the Co-onty for the purpose of C011sidering sue}l 'Irell.sllrer, and In 'ltddJtion thereto Roll, and at such hearlng, or near- to cause said notice to be published ings, wlll consider objections made In two conaeeuth'e Issues 01' the thereto, or any part thereof and PenJnsula Herald, the last publica.. will correct. revise. lower; change or lion to be at 1ea15t fUtllen days modifj." such ron, or an)' part there- before .the- date fixed for such hear_ of. or set aSIde SUCh Ho'l1 and order ling. that >>uch assessmont;,; to be mado , PASSED by the CouneJl ot the de novo, as to such bod>" sha.lI ap" City of Port AngeJc5. Washington !lear just and equitable, and then :;a.ncl approved by its Mayor at a proceed to conflrln such Roll by regUlar mcetfrlr of said elty Coun_ OrdInance, ell held on the 17th day ot O~tober, All persons who may desire to' 1967. . object to sal(! :'lfiSeSsments are noti- W, lYOR Slo,nTH. fled to malce such [lbjection In writ. Mayor lng ~nd to tile tile SIUl1C with the 1.Ti~~~=w, City C1erJt fii~~'d ~~e:ksu~~ ~~a~r~~l' to the datil Approved as to form: J. E_ LA IV. City Clerk Andrew SeVeTJ"na,: ,City Attorney, Published' :-;"ovember 14 and 21,1957 Published: ..october :t and. :'l1, 15I151,! ~~ Mayor .......lI1l