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Mayor Whidden called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Whidden, Councilmen Hallett, Hesla, McPhee,
Quast, Schermer, Stamon.
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Public Present:
Councilman Schermer moved to accept and place on file as presented the
City Council minutes of September 16, 1986. Councilman Stamon seconded and
the motion carried.
Port Angeles, Washington
October 7, 1986
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Anderson,
P. Carr, M. Cleland, R. Orton, S. Brodhun, L. Glenn,
A. Rose, D. Wolfe, L. Cochran.
1. Payment Authorized to Riddell, Williams for Legal Representation on
WPPSS Issues
Councilman Hallett moved to approve payment of the September 16, 1986,
Riddell Williams bill in the amount of $1,527.35. Councilman Hesla
seconded and the motion carried.
2. Landfill Recycling Bids Rejected
Councilman Quast moved to re- advertise a call for bids for landfill
recycling. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman Quast then amended
the motion to reject both bids received, one as being non responsive and
the other as being too expensive. Following discussion, on call for the
question, the motion carried.
3. Electrical Transformer Bids Awarded
Councilman Stamon moved to award the bid to the bidder with the lowest
evaluated cost for each item as follows:
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
1000 KVA padmount
300 KVA padmount
2 100 KVA padmount
Western States Electric
Portland, Oregon '4
Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried.
(incl. tax)
Councilman Quast moved the Council accept the items listed under the
Consent Agenda as follows: (1) Correspondence from Washington State
Liquor Control Board; (2) Vouchers of $1,504,115.07; (3) Payroll of
9 -21 -96 of $286,829.15. Councilman Hallett seconded. Councilman McPhee
then moved to amend the motion to exclude the voucher approval list as the
list had been received just prior to tonight's meeting. The motion died
for lack of a second. Following discussion Councilman Stamon moved to
amend the motion to delay decision on the voucher approval list until later
in the meeting. Councilman Schermer seconded the amendment which carried.
Following further discussion, the motion to accept the remaining items on
the Consent Agenda carried.
Carl Alexander, 1712 West Fifth Street, addressed the Council regarding
secondary treatment. He explained that he and his wife had written to
state legislators and had received response from Senator Paul Connor. Mr.
Alexander then read the letter which stated that Senator Connor had drafted
legislation which would establish water quality guidelines in place of
mandatory technological guidelines for review by the Natural Resources
Committee. He urged individuals to contact other members of the Natural
Resource Committee in an attempt to get this item passed through the
committee and on to the Senate to be voted upon. Mr Alexander stated he
had also contacted State Representative Jim Hargrove in an attempt to
persuade him to do the same thing in the House with the House Natural
Resources Committee. He also stated that he had written a letter to the
Governor urging an investigation of the financial capability analysis
report completed by the State Department of Ecology.
Pat Gilbert, 933 East Front Street, listed complaints he had about the
recently adopted animal control ordinance.
Randy Johnson, 104 North Laurel, recommended to the Council another
category in the PBIA assessments which would reduce the assessment for
smaller businesses, specifically 0 -500 square feet being assessed at $30.
1. Yard of the Month Award Presentation
Mayor Whidden presented Yard of the Month certificates
Harold and Margaret Hartness, 1527 West 12th; Martha
1005 South "G Ray and Janet Morgan, 2916 Oakcrest;
Mudd, 1015 South Lincoln; Richard and Susan Boyd, 325
and Don Judd, 1351 East Seventh.
October 7, 1986
to the following:
and Bill Enos,
Jeanette and Don
East Sixth; Gladys
2. Public Hearings
A. PBIA Boundaries Amended
Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing regarding a request for enlarging
the boundaries of the Parking and Business Improvement Area.
Billie Hogland, 401A East First Street, explained that the three lots east
of Cherry and south of the Port offices were the properties for which the
request was being made. She explained that the applicant, William Cohen,
assumed that those lots were being included in the original PBIA, but it
turned out they had not. She stated that the owner, who resided in
California, would be happy to pay the assessment if this property were
added to the PBIA.
Mayor Whidden asked for further comments. There were none, he therefore
closed the public hearing and read the ordinance by title, entitled,
B. Request for Rezone -Moose Lodge Denied
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
enlarging the boundaries of the
Parking and Business Improvement Area
and amending Ordinance Nos. 2351 and
Councilman Hallett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Hesla seconded. Following discussion, on call for the question
the motion carried.
Mayor Whidden reviewed a background memo and opened the public hearing on
request for a rezone of 7,000 square feet from RS -7, Single Family
Residential, to CSD- C1- Commercial, located at NW corner of Ninth and Pine.
George Stramper, 1013 Campbell Avenue, an officer of the Loyal Order of
Moose addressed the Council. He stated that parking is not adequate at
times for the Moose Lodge and noted the activities provided by the Moose
for senior citizens. He stated that a rezone would provide safer and more
adequate parking for the facility.
October 7, 1986
Al Jones, past Governor of the Loyal Order of Moose, discussed the
application for rezone with the Council. Mark Seward, 3786 Liljedahl Road,
acting Governor of the Port Angeles Moose Lodge, then addressed the
Council, urging them to approve the rezone request. Mr. Seward reviewed
benefits to the community from the Moose Lodge including dances for senior
citizens, and youth programs. He stated that events were planned in the
future. He urged the Council to make an exception in this case and approve
the rezone.
During discussion, Councilman Schermer voiced his concern with the fact
that this was a pre- existing condition at the time the Moose purchased the
facility and that the purchase had occurred just recently. He then moved
to deny the request for rezone. Councilman Hallett seconded.
Councilman Hallett felt that the Moose does make a fine contribution to the
community but there was a pre- existing condition here and the zoning
ordinance should be upheld. He encouraged the applicant to pursue other
alternatives including their original plan.
Following discussion at length, on call for the question, the motion
Councilman Quast recommended improved lighting and zebra striping by the
City and improvement of the lot on the northern side by the Moose. He also
recommended the Moose restripe the lot adjoining their facility.
Councilman Schermer, upon recommendation by the City Attorney, moved to
establish the findings of fact of the Planning Commission as follows:
1. The subject property complies with Comprehensive Plan Residential
Policies Nos. 1,4 and 11. Thus, residential zoning is the most appropriate
classification of this parcel and achieves Land Use Objective No. 1.
2. The subject parcel does not comply with Commercial Policy No. 2 because
it is too small and would be an isolated commercial parcel surrounded by
residential zoning.
3. Commercial zoning cannot comply with Commercial Policy No. 4 because it
would begin a commercial strip on Pine Street.
4. Commercial Zoning cannot comply with Commercial Policy No. 18 because
the area is not a pre- existing commercial strip.
Councilman Hallett seconded. Councilman Stamon suggested including the
findings of fact•Nos. 5 and 6. Councilman Schermer concurred, amending the
motion as follows:
5. Rezoning of the property to commercial is not in the best interests of
the community because it would introduce commercial zoning into an area
that it zoned residential, weakening the residential character of that area
and introducing unplanned intermingling of incompatible uses. Thus,
commercial zoning would not achieve Land Use Objective No. 2.
6. Commercial zoning would primarily benefit the applicant and not the
City because there is adequate land available in the existing commercial
district nearby and rezoning of the subject parcel would delay development
of that existing commercial district, contrary to the Comprehensive Plan.
The amended motion carried.
C. Rezone Request Denied- RZ86(9) 5 -9th and Pine Street
Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing on consideration of a request to
rezone a parcel of property located south of the Eighth Street bridge and
east of the 8th /9th Pine Street intersection from PBP to RS -7, Single
Family Residential.
Sally Corning, rezone applicant, addressed the Council. Mrs. Corning
explained that the mobile home previously located there had been vandalized
and subsequently demolished. She explained that she was requesting the
rezone in order to place a mobile home in the location until a home could
be built there.
3. Planning Commission Minutes of September 24, 1986
October 7, 1986
Councilmembers discussed the matter with the applicant extensively. Mayor
Whidden asked for further comments from the public. There were none,
therefore he closed the public hearing.
Following discussion, Councilman Stamon moved to deny the request for
rezone citing the findings of fact of the Planning Commission as follows:
A. The remoteness of the proposed rezone from other single family zones
and its small size; B. There has been no change in conditions since the
original zoning; C. The existing PBP zoning complies with the
Comprehensive Plan Open Space Policies Nos. 2 and 3. She included in the
motion that the Council state with the denial the understanding for the
record that Mrs. Corning will be able to replace the previous mobile home
with a single wide mobile home even though that mobile home may be built to
HUD standards within the time limit stipulated in the zoning ordinance.
Councilman Schermer seconded.
Councilman Schermer was concerned with the restriction to a single wide
mobile home. Councilman Hallett spoke in opposition to the motion feeling
that a rezone would not be detrimental to the PBP zone in this particular
situation. Councilman McPhee also spoke in opposition to the motion and
favored granting the rezone. Following discussion at great length,
Councilman Schermer moved to amend the motion to eliminate the words,
"single spacing This motion died for lack of a second. On call for the
question, the motion carried with Councilmen Hallett and McPhee voting
A. Conditional Use Permit Granted -Ester Webster Fine Arts Center
Mayor Whidden reviewed the Planning Commission minutes with regard to a
request for a conditional use permit to allow the Fine Arts Center to
locate in the RS -7, Single Family Residential district located at 1203 East
8th Street.
Councilman Hesla inquired as to the hours of operation. Councilman McPhee
moved to approve the conditional use permit for the Fine Arts Center and
associated parking subject to the following conditions:
1. The parking lot layout and landscaping shall be as shown in the attached
site plan. Parking lot lighting shall be directed away from the
residential areas by shading or similar devices. Significant revisions to
the layout will require revision to the Permit.
2. The days and hours of operation be Thursday, Friday and Saturday from
11 AM to 5 PM for the general public with occasional City use for
approximately seven meetings per year with approximately 20 people or
fewer Significant increases from these hours and days or other uses will
require revision to the Permit.
3. The City install "No Parking" signs on the east side of Jones Street.
4. Jones Street not be improved to 28 -foot width between the Boulevard and
the 8/9 alley, except for the installation of a curb or other design
element that separates the proposed parking lot and landscaping from the
street, and a barrier across the existing driveway to the Fine Art Center.
Councilman Stamon seconded. Councilman Stamon inquired of Duncan
McKiernan, Director of the Fine Arts Center, if the hours of 11 AM to 5 PM
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday would be adequate.
Duncan McKiernan, 1133 East 8th Street, explained these hours were
adequate to serve the needs of the public interest in this area. He stated
there would be occasions when there would be a special evening opening.
Upon recommendation of the City Attorney, Councilman McPhee cited the
following findings:
A. The proposed Fine Art Center is located at a unique site with panoramic
views and sufficient area (approximately 4 acres) of naturally wooded and
landscaped grounds, for existing and future parking needs to enable the
area to be adequately buffered from adjacent residential uses.
B. With the attached conditions, traffic and activity impacts should be
compatible with the existing residential uses.
October 7, 1986
C. With the attached conditions, the proposed use would be a benefit to
the entire community.
D. Given the steep slope on the north, the short distance of Jones Street
from Lauridsen Boulevard to the 8/9 alley, the local access nature of Jones
Street, the potential to discourage parking on Jones Street, the
alternative access to the Center through the parking lot, lack of
identified public benefit from full improvement to Jones Street, and the
potentially detrimental impacts to the local community as expressed during
the public hearing process if the street is fully improved, it is in the
best interests of the community to not pave or widen Jones Street to 28
feet at this time.
On call for the question, the motion carried.
B. Minutes Accepted
Councilman Stamon moved to accept, with a correction on page 3 to Jim
Hulett, the September 24, 1986 Planning Commission minutes.
Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Hesla inquired as to the status of the Conditional Use Permit
for the Thunderbird Boathouse and discussed this matter with staff
4. Halloween Overnight Skate Event Authorized for Family Skate
Center /Robert Sybil
Councilman McPhee moved to grant the request for an overnight skate party
at the Family Skate Center for the Forks Assembly of God and the Family
Skate Center. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried.
5. Discussion of Joint Brochure Completed by Marine Lab, Chamber, and
Museum (continued from 9- 16 -86)
Mayor Whidden reviewed the issue before the Council, i.e., Has the Marine
Lab completed its committment in producing a brochure? And should the
budgeted funds ($1,500) be released?
Councilman Stamon stated that the purpose of the discussion tonight was not
to find fault. She suggested following the recommendation of the City
Manager to meet again with the agencies involved to develop a brochure
that would meet the needs of all the agencies involved for Council
Bob Steelquist, Director of the Arthur Feiro Marine Lab addressed the
Council. Mr. Steelquist indicated that the Lab had entered into discussion
with the other agencies involved to develop something they thought was in
the scope of the expectations of the City Council and that it was quite
clear,that had not been the case. Mr. Steelquist stated it was his
responsibility to see that the needs of the Lab were met primarily. He
stated that he needed to proceed with a publication that promoted the needs
of the Lab first and foremost. He displayed a draft brochure. Mr.
Steelquist felt there had been a lack of communic4tion as to what was
expected in the development of the brochure. Mr. Steelquist then reviewed
at length the procedure undertaken in the development of the brochure.
Councilmembers voiced concern over their expectation and directions which
had not been met as well as the late date of the printing of the brochure
(after the tourist season).
Following further discussion, Councilman Quast stated that tonight was not
the proper time to establish new policies as to the procedure for
development of future brochures. He then moved to reimburse the Arthur
Feiro Marine Lab for the $269.50 expended by that agency in the
development of the brochure. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman
Stamon inquired if prints of the brochure had been shown to staff or
representatives of the City prior to printing. Manager Flodstrom and
Mayor Whidden both answered no. On call for the question, the motion
Erl Hansen, Director of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce then addressed
the Council. Mr. Hansen stated that the piece developed had not been
intended to be a brochure. He stated the product in question was an
informational piece. Mr. Hansen explained his concept of the intent of the
brochure. He stated that there had been problems in producing the brochure
and that there had been problems at the museum with changes in personnel.
Mr. Hansen stated there was a large amount of information included in the
article making design difficult. He also stated that the photographs did
not reproduce well but that he was not willing to hold up production to get
new photographs.
Following discussion, Councilman Quast stated that the City could produce
brochures using the public information committee and the public information
officer with Hotel /Motel monies and encouraged those involved to think
ahead toward that end. Councilman Quast noted concern that in traveling to
Victoria on the ferry he had not seen brochures representing Port Angeles
either on the Port Angeles side or the Victoria side. Mr. Hansen felt that
Councilman Quast had boarded the ferry just as the supplies of brochures
had run out.
6. Taxicab License Granted -Mr. Gary Underwood
8. Contract Authorized with Clallam County for Senior Center
October 7, 1986
Mayor Whidden reviewed a memo regarding the request for a second for -hire
vehicle license by Gary K. Underwood for Blue One -Blue Top Cabs.
Councilman Hallett moved to approve this request for a for -hire vehicle
license. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried.
7. Acceptance of Work and Final Payment for Campbell Avenue Sewer LID
Councilman Stamon moved to accept the recommendation of the Public Works
Department that the City of Port Angeles approve and accept the work
performed and authorize final payment in the amount $1,028.00 as well as
the retained percentage in the amount of $2,319.13 after the 30 -day lien
filing and upon receipt of releases from the Departments of Revenue and
Labor Industries. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Schermer moved to authorize Mayor Whidden to sign the contract
with Clallam County for the Senior Center. Councilman Stamon seconded and
the motion carried.
9. 1987 Property Tax Certification
Councilman Stamon moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the certification
levy to the board of county commissioners. Councilman Hallett seconded.
Councilman McPhee felt there was an increase in taxes as a result of the
City Hall project. During discussion, Finance Director Wolfe explained that
the amount of taxes collected had remained the same and had this tax money
not been allocated to the City Hall fund, it would have been allocated to
the General Fund. Following lengthy discussion, on call for the question,
the motion carried with Councilman McPhee voting "No
10. Acceptance of Work and Final Payment for Pine Street Slide Repair
Councilman Hesla moved to accept the recommendations of the Public Works
Department that the City of Port Angeles approve and accept the work
performed and authorize final payment in the amount of $12,557.05 as well
as retained percentage in the amount of $3,962.58 after the 30 -day lien
filing period and upon receipt of releases from the Departments of Revenue
and Labor Industries. Councilman Stamon seconded. Councilman Quast
inquired if the contractor was responsible for the loose dirt piles around
the project. Assistant Public Works Director Rose explained that work not
covered in the contract would be completed by the City street crew. Upon
inquiry, Assistant Public Works Director Rose explained that notification
as to the opening of the street would go out at the end of the current
week. On call for the question the motion carried.
11. Acceptance of Bonneville Power Administration Conservation Grant
Councilman Quast moved to authorize Mayor Whidden to accept the financial
assistance grant award from BPA. Councilman Hallett seconded and the
motion carried.
12. Low Income Weatherization Verification Agreement
Councilman Stamon moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement
with Community Action Council for low- income verifications for the
October 7, 1986
weatherization program. Councilman Hallett seconded and the motion
carried. Councilman Stamon added the notation that the cost not exceed
$15.00 per account.
13. Proclamation Fire Prevention Week October 5 -11, 1986
Mayor Whidden proclaimed the week of October 5 -11, 1986 as Fire Prevention
Week and asked that all citizens of Port Angeles show their concern and
"learn not to burn
14. Proclamation Toastmasters International Month October
Mayor Whidden proclaimed the month of October as Toastmasters International
Month and commended the Toastmasters for all their accomplishments.
15. Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Scheduled
The Council concurred to schedule a Utility Advisory Committee committee
meeting for October 22, 1986 at 5:00 P.M. in the City Light Conference Room
to discuss: Industrial transmission rates and yard lighting rates.
16. Park Board Minutes of September 18, 1986
Councilman Hallett inquired as a result of the second paragraph on page 2,
whether electronic doors would be installed in the new City Hall. Manager
Flodstrom explained that electronic doors would not be installed, however,
doors that were handicapped accessible would be installed with a bell to
ring for assistance.
The Council discussed with staff the proposed removal of trees from Jesse
Webster Park. Councilman Stamon supported a two pronged approach; the
first being the removal of trees that were dead or partially dead that
would create a liability to the city in the event of a storm; the second
being a series of public hearings to receive public input on how the City
should proceed with this park. The Council concurred to conduct a public
hearing on the matter. Councilman Schermer instructed staff to publish
notice and make certain the public was very aware of the public hearings.
Councilman Quast moved to accept and place on file the September 18, 1986
minutes of the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission. Councilman
Stamon seconded and the motion carried.
17. Neighborhood Meeting Scheduled Mrs. Muriel Welt
The Council concurred to conduct a neighborhood meeting October 28, 1986 at
7:00 P.M., in'the neighborhood of Mrs. Muriel Welt with Councilmembers
Stamon and McPhee, Mayor Whidden and Public Works Director Pittis and
Manager Flodstrom to discuss roadway maintenance, major east /west arterial,
miscellaneous topics of interest to the City, and to respond to questions.
18. Draft Oil Spill Contingency Plan
Deferred until next meeting.
The Council then discussed the voucher approval list, specifically the
payment to the architects for the City Hall facility, BPA bills, payment
for Fire Marshal advertisement, Cemetery vases. Councilman Schermer moved
to accept the items on the Voucher approval list as part of the previously
approved Consent Agenda. Councilman Quast seconded. The motion carried.
Councilman Schermer reported on a State Transportation conference,
specifically a human resource audit workshop he had attended at the
conference. He stated he would share information on this workshop with
Councilman Hallett in pursuance of a performance audit recommended by
Councilman Hallett as one of the City Council goals for the biennial budget.
Councilman Quast thanked Lisa Cochran for volume no. 2 of the Port Angeles
Public Information newsletter.
Councilman Quast relayed a request he had received to instruct Public Works
to install small traffic buttons at the end of 16th street before reaching
the closed gate at the landfill. Councilman Quast inquired as to the
status of the contract with Teamsters. Manager Flodstrom and Personnel
Manager Coons stated the contract would be ready for the next City Council
October 7, 1986
Councilman McPhee commended staff for development of an agenda information
sheet and stated he had some suggestions for inclusion on the sheet. He
agreed to call staff the following day with those comments.
Councilman McPhee questioned Fire Chief Glenn on the definition of ALS and
BLS as related to Medic 10. Fire Chief Glenn explained that BLS
represented basic life support and ALS represented advanced life support.
Councilman Stamon requested Councilmembers submit any comments on proposed
by -laws for the Tourism Association to her tomorrow so she could relay them
at the meeting Thursday night. She also announced that Port Angeles had
been selected as the site for the 1987 Western Regional Babe Ruth
Councilman Hallett inquired as to wood stove inspections. Fire Chief Glenn
explained that wood stoves were now inspected by the Building Division.
Councilman Hallett suggested conducting executive sessions prior to City
Council meetings. Councilman Quast felt this would need to take place
after the construction of the new city hall or executive sessions would
have to be held in the old City Hall prior to coming to the County facility
so that members of the public who arrived early would have a place to be
protected from inclement weather.
Mayor Whidden reported on a Team Washington Tourism conference he had
attended recently in Yakima. He stated that tourism is now the fourth
largest industry in the state of Washington.
Manager Flodstrom also complimented Lisa Cochran and the Public Information
Committee on the October issue of the City Report. Councilman Quast
commended Lisa and the Committee for developing the new City ad formats
which appear in The Daily News.
Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting to executive session at 10:22 P.M. for
the purpose of discussing real estate and litigation.
The meeting returned to open session at approximately 10:55 P.M.
Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting at approximately 10:57 P.M.
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Clerk Mayor