HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/08/1951 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 179 , October 8 19~ ..", . """''". ...". ""'~'''. ..'......"00.. .... 'IThe Conunission met in regular session at 10:09 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers ,present were Mayor Feeley, ~ommissioners Robinson and Taylor and Clerk "'aw. I 'Minutes of the previous seseion were read and approved after correction as follows: Commissioner Taylor's ~eason for voting opposed to adoption of the budget was not that he had been personally advised by the ~tate Examiner regarding certain departments, but that the Commission as a whole was advised in the 'Examiner's report regarding the same. "t was the opinion of Commissioner Robinson that the state has no 'authority to dictate regarding expenditure of funds if expenditures are for departments concerned. I :Under the ~ :fuilding Permits: 'Gerald Page Stan Yoder I Stan Yoder Pete McGoff Wayne Williams Wayne Williams Carl Larson Allen. Waldron A. W. Doty head of applications ;:&. 3, :\0'0, U' fui.ld a single garage; Lot 2, Blk. 5, Lutz Sub. Lot 17 Iluild a washroom; Lot 7, Blk 271, Townsite Build a double garage, Lot 4, Elk. 177, Townsite Reshingle half of roof and remodel front porch; Lot 11'., Blk. 430, Construct 5-room dwelling, Lot 8 - 9, Blk. 4, Sub. Sub, Lot 17 Construct 5-room dwelling, Lot 10, Blk. 57, N. R. Smith addition Remodel (enclose) existing porch, Lot 11, Blk. 541, Townsite fuild a 2-room cabin, Lot 15, Blk. 5b7, Townsite Enclose front porch and build fireplace, Lot 16, Blk. 155, Townsite for building permits, the following were approved: 200.00 400.00 800 .00 Townsite 500.00 . 12,000.00 8,000.00 100.00 500.00 1,000.00 Under the head of unfinished buSll~SS, one bid was submitted by Joe Cecil Lumber Co., Inc.; for purchass of Ennis Creek timber. Bid was $15.00 per M for all of saWlllilL logs of all species, $50.00 per M for /II, /12, and /I 5 Douglas f'ir peeler logs, and $2.50 per cord for the pulp wood. Alternate bid in lump sum, (61700.00 for 'all timber on property. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the bid be given due consideration and 'decide at 9:00 A.M. Tuesday. Seconded by Commissioner "aylor. All voted Aye. ~otion carried. Joe Hoare submitted the only bid for portions of Lots 1 and 2, Block One, Tidelands West, Townsite, in amount of $5,000.00. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the bid be accepted. Seconded by ICOmmiSSioner Taylor. All voted Aye" eMotion carried. . ;Berl~rd Neary, in behalf of Queen of Angels :Jchool, bid $700.00 each for Lots 11 and 12, BIk. 292, Townsite. J.t was moved by Commissioner l'obinson that the bid be rejected. Seconded by GolJllllissioner Taylor. All 'Ivoted Aye. Motion Carried. . I . ',One 'bid was received from }'elix Gallecci for purchase of Lot 12, Block 390, Townsite. It was moved by 'Gollllliissioner Taylor that the bid be accepted, subject to approval by the Attornay. Seconded~' Commissioner iRobinson. All voted Aye. r.totion carried. , ~The ~lanniQg Commission filed recommendation as previously requested concerning petition for vacation of an 'alley in "lock 355, ','ownsi te. l'he Planning Board recommended that the alley be vacated. It was moved by ,Commissioner Robinson that the recommendation be accepted and the Attorney instructed. to prepare a resolution fixing November 5th as date of hearing for tha said vacation. Seconded by Commisaioner Taylor. :All voted Aye. .'ction carried. I 'Under the head of new business, Joe Hoare requested permission to install a Rotary Club sign on City .'property at Lincoln and Boulevard. As this is under supervision of the Park 1loard, the request was referred to them. l Emerson "'awrence reported regarding Civil Defense meetings in Olympia and Wenatches at which he and Chiefs Ide and Wolverton were in attendance, and informed that plans and personnel are now organized to go ahead. Jilao discussed possibility of representatives conducting a local survey. That Seattle is the only city' in.the State designated as critical or target area, being a city having 40,000 or more industrial workers. Mr. "awrence announced another meeting this month at which time cities will report activities, ,budgets, etc. Illso that meetings are planned for this area in the future. Mr. Lawrence futher advised that' the County Commissioners have appropriated approximately $5500.00 and hoped that the program can. be \vorked out in a satisfactory manner. . j , ',Mght Superintendent Mclennan filed a contract between the City and Housing Authority to furnish 'electrical service for a three year period. As the service is not requested until later, the contract will Ibe considered at a future date. Don Sleeper requested permission to place road blocks on 4th Street between Jeincoln and, Peabody, and on ,Chase Street between 4th and 5th during the hours of 6:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on consecutive Saturdays from October 15 to November 27. Having been approved by the .Police Chief, it was moved by Mayor Feeley that 'the ~e'luest be approved. Seconded by 'Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. lIlotion carried. Pursuant to resolution recently adopted, it W?S moved by Commissioner Robinson that the resignation of the Deputy Glerk be accepted and the position filled by IIrdith Bechtold. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All Voted Aye. Motion carried. ' IThe ~ommission received a letter from the Planning Commission, wherein the PlaI".ing Commissio~ recommended .'continuing the betterment program in the domestic water system end with as little delay as possible. Also 'that'the Planning Commission approves the proposal of .ohn W. Cunningham and Associates, and urged the :Commission to secure their services at the earliest date possible. It was the desire of Commissioner :Taylor that the Commission cousider proceeding with the improvement as the future water supply depends upon ,the same. klr. Taylor also recommended tla t the improvement n()t be abendoned as he feels a personal 'responsibility and wants to carry out his duties of office. J.t was moved b,;; .Commissioner Robinson that the !letter be filed for future consideration. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion ,carried. I , Notice of assessed valuation for the year 1952, as returned by the State and County Boards of Equalization, was submitted qy the County Assessor as follows: I i ) ASSESSOR CLAIl.AJ.! COUNTY PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON October 1, 1951 Mr. J. E. Law, City (,lerk, City' Hall, Port Angeles, Washington Dear. Sir: ith t t t govern'ng, I submit herewith as of September 4, 1951, the total assessed In compliance w s a u es ~ .... r 180 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 8 (continued) 19~ ,.., . ""~H, ...m., '''''~'M .,.".. "... .... value of Real and l'ersonal l'roperty in vlallam County, for the year 1951, as returned by the County and state Doards of Equalization, as slotted to the City of t'ort JAngeles, as follows: It was moved by ~ommissioner Hobinson that the notice be accepted and filed. Seconded by l4ayor Feeley. All roted Aye. Motion carried. the Conmi~sion examined and approved the following claims and ordered werrants issued in payment of same: iCURRENT EXPENSE Futm: a/1' 1 Q ;Olympic Ste tioners Olympic t'rintery 'Olympic Tribune 'City Treasurer fAngeles Flying Service Emerson G. Lawrence I C lIT STREET FUND 'Port .angeles Concrete Froducts vo. ' Clallam Gounty Equipment Revolving l'\md Crown Zellerbach Corporation City Shop Dept. Willson Hardware Co. ~ussing Uffice Supply 'City Treasurer I CITY SHOP FUND 'il/1Q, &71 City 1'reasurer McMahan fuel Co. .olympic Stat.ioners G & W Fire Service !Pacific Telephone & Telegra,ph Co. Willson hardware Co: Richfield Oil 00rp. 'Dobson Auto t:leotric 'Automoti va Parts Service Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Union Oil Co. 0 f California Standard Oil Co. of California I ,:/ g,t'/ 'WATEr! !<UND :2-; , Clellam Adjustment Corp. :Olympic Stationers 9ity Light Dept. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. City Shop Dept. The Texas "0. , , f'ugh G. Purcell Co. housing Authority of Clallam County Harold Hibbs Plmb. & Htg. ,~ames W. Caven 'Port Angeles Goncrete Products Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply "'0. :Eklund Lumber Co. lIGHT DEPARTMENT FUND 01. ~ If 9. 'i~/ ) William ''11 bner Clallam County fUn No. 1 ClaJ.lam Adjustment Corp. City Shop Dept. The Texas Company . ' j City Water Dept. , AI's !'.ouse-Cleaning & Janitor Service I General ~lectric ~pply Corp. Grayber "'lectric Co. united Seal Co. Boyd's Wood ~pecialties Frank Polloy, Angeles Pittsburgh Paints Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. TOTAL CITY OF PORT ANGELES 111-76 PARK FUND ;;. 3 g , I>' Wheeler Hardware & FUrniture Co. City Sl;lop Dept. City Treasurer Pacific Telephone & Telegraph vo. PARK! NO METER AND TRAFF'IC COlll'ROL .z (", I).. G & L Paint Supplies ' I Puget Sound Ijavigation Co. Willson "ardware Co. I , CEMETERY J<l11ID /,j', is City Shop Dept. City Treasurer l I. I D REVOLVIIW FUND Ulympic Tri oo.ne I , I \ RespectfUlly submitted John :I.. llusung Clallam County Assessor File fb lders, city maps Office supplies Legal publ ication Water, light, vrBter, garbage Travel expense Travel expense Sewer pipe, etc. Gasoline Lime Gas, oil, repairs, Shovels, handles Pencil carbon Water etc. I.ight, water Smithing coal Clips Fire extinguisher fluid Service 3540 Rivets Motor oil Parts Parts Lever, support, tank Domestic diesel Starting Huid Collection expense Office supplm Light at reservoirs Phone service Gas, oil and repairs Anti-freeze Pipe fittings Pipe "ittings Pipe S Boxes #25758 Concrete, etc. Lumber, e tc . Meter base retuxmed August power , Collection expense Gas, oil and repairs Lub oil and antifreeze Water rent Clean Gity l:lJ.dg. Service wires, meters Drill Seals Cross anns Moving sub stn. transf. Rent sprayer Concrete Tools, hdwre, grass seed, steel tapa Gas, oil, kerosene Light, water, garbage Services 5288, 5851 Paint Freight Steel tape, nail" Uas and oil Water Notice of sale $9,859,254 6.29 5.02 .90 255.85 2S.1~ 46.48 59.66 6.22 19.96 651.91 44.115 5.09 66.66 12.20 2.60 .16 4.95 9.01 .28 42.86 11.08 79.00 15.56 , 105.71 I 1.26 ' 4.92 4.64 6.05 4.00 I 205.81 50.42 I 1,856.iLl I ' 60,80 7.33 4.22 56.71 30.19 77.67 5.00 I 25,160.56 4.42 I 147.08 I 37.27 3.80 160.00 289.64 45.26 54.84 59.25 102.00 1.55 145.30 113.39 52.55 75.99 16.22 20.95 5.72 1.47 5.45 I ' 10.00 I 1.26 I 1 I I I I, I I ,I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Dc tober 8 'continued) 19S1 ~_ . ""~><, ...,... "'''~'', ....n.. ..... .... ! LID GUARANTY , . City Treasurer < LID GENERAL IOlymPiC Tribune iOn motion b,y Commissioner Aobinson, :1 Documentary stamps, county excise Legal publication. too meeting was recessed until 9:00 A.M. Tues~ay., ::1,' r a. t :f(M-(/, j City "lerk ;t"",A& ~~ ~ ~y I l~sda"" October 9, 1951 ~hec,()oIiJn.is!;ion reconvened at 9:00 A.M. pursuant to recess declared. All officers present except Attorney i Trumbull. . IThe !;ommission considered bid sutmitted by "oe Cecil ~ber Co., Inc.; for timber in the Ennis Creek , itwatershed. Superintendentlllodge recommended that the bid be accepted on unit besis ac.cording to scale. 1 .l.t was moved by COll\lllissioner ltobinson that bid submitted according to scale basis be accepted and the Attorney instructed to prepare an agreement between the City and Mr. Cecil. Motion'seconded qy Commissione jTaylor. JI"'yor Feeley voted opposed. Motion carried. I,' , . There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. o t. ;;i~, (j Gity Clerk .7f-~4~f - &y 181~ 2.55 7.26 .....