HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/09/1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 9. 1935 193_ """IIIl 329 I I 1 I' I The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll callshowed the following offic ers pre sent: Mayor Davis, Commissi oners Lutz and J,1asters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of Bctober 2nd and the minutes of the hearing of the budget for the year 1936, held October 7th, were read and approved. Under the head' of Applications for Licenses the following Viere granted: Jennie Ross, 1 Beauty Parlor chair E. L. Elocridge, 1 Barber Chair Ploof and Kilby, 3 Barber ,Chairs R. E. Erickson, 1 Barber vhair H. e. Vandecar, 1 Barber Chair Clarence Glass, 1 Barber ~hair 1.00 l.OO 3.00 1.00 1.00 l.00 Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances the following Ordinances were intro- duced, read in full and placed on their first and second readings: .AN ORDINANCE adopting and approving the City Budget of and for the City of Port Angele s, for the fiscal year, 1936, and declaring an emer,3ency. AN ORDINANCE Confirming the estimate of expenditures for the City of Port Angeles for the year 1936, and fixing the tax levies for said year 1936 as heretofore made and levied by the City Commission meeting and sitting for that purpose on the 7th day of October, 1935, and declaring an emergency. Under the head of NeVI Business,- The matter of contracting for the purchase of gasoline for the year 1936, came up and was moved by Commissioner Masters that the Ma.yor be instructed to sign contracts with the various companies. Seconded by Commis~ioner Lutz. On roll call all mcmbers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The ';ommission eXl!l1llined ani allONed the following claims and ordered warr'ants drawn for same: CURREN':C EXPENSE FUUD The Pc Tel & Tel woo City .l:reasurer I. ..;. Groves The Pac Tel & Tel Co. Ci ty ':CreasUr er The Pac Tel & Tel o. Gehrke & Joimson ~ Ulmer Office l!;'l.uipment ";0. The Pac Tel & 'rel wo. The Pac Te 1 & Tel '"0. Davis, the ilelder Gehrke & JohnsJ n City Treasurer Ci ty Treasurer J. B. Mathews Washington Pulp & Paper ";orp. Servi ce Stamped Envelopes Meals for prisoners Service Cash Advanced for P.O. Box rent Service Gas Sup pli es Servic e n 1.25 7.26 17.85 2.70 .60 3.75 66.15 5.59 6.75 .60 5.00 207.14 3.12 .70 53.75 69.17 1 Drill Stand Gas Overhead on relief labor Cash advanced for express Pai n t Lime if frl- \7ATER FUND Bill's Tir e Shop City Light D~pt. M. R. Alleman Tie & Lumber ao. Hooker ~lectrochemica] Co. Gust Del Guzzi Tire Repair .25 Gas & Oil 16.29 Lumber 6.02 Chlorine .N ,! 14.,'58 Labor 7.00 ,'later Substation 1.95 ilood 4.50 Ma ter ial 67.70 Cash l'ayme nts 9.89 Brackets 6.73 Ser vi ce 13.25 Power Bill 6262.27 Office "'upplies 20.:30 Insurance on ranges 15.98 Meters 20.61 Painqng, etc. ':! 31. 43 Lamp "'lobes b 10 8' I 87.17 ;'Iire 134.97 Repairs 4.50 Service IJ 4.25 Light & /later II 10.92 Insuran ce 116:20 LIGHT FUND Ci ty '/a ter Dcpt. R. M. Morgan Olympic Utility ~upply o. City TreasUrer Olympic Utility Supply go. Pac Tel & Tel Co, P.S. Power & Light Co. Olympic Jtationers J. Lloyd ~ldwell,.Inc. Genera 1 Electric o. Johnson & Bork " Knudson Variety Store General Electric Supply Co. Viok's Body & }'ender '(larks LIBRARY FUND The Pac Tel'& Tel woo Ci ty 'rreasurer 8th STREET BRIDGES The 1~rt1n General Agency ~ ,.... 330 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 9, 19:35 193_ ~ GUARANTY FUND Ci ty Treasurer LIGHT INVESTMENT FUND Ci ty Treasur er Purchase of Lots 622 .98 ;/arrants Purchased 2298.98 ;V~ I There being no further bUSliness the Commission then adjourned. ?J, m4J7vW7~ City Clerk. Mayor. I 1 1 I