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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
55 ~
October 9.
,"" . ""'" ....... "''''''''. ........ "". ....
The Commissi.on met in regular session at 10:00 A.ll., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers
present were: !fuyor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Truwbull and Deputy Clerk Carlson.
. '
Minutes of the previous session were corrected as follows: Commissioner Taylor explain~d that he vot;ci no
on 1~yor Feeley's motion to increase the item "salaries" in the budget of the Sanitation Departoont for the
reason that he understood that an actual increase in salaries was being voted upon. That upon the under-
sta~ing t?at the moti~n was to increase budget items to pro'r.We for an increase when the annual salary
ord1nance 1S ad~pted, 1f the ComnnSS10n so chooses, he withclrew his objection to the motion. That upon the
same urrderstand1ng he voted affirmatively on the motion to adopt the tudget as revised. The minutes were
then approved.
Under the applications for tuilding permits and licenses the following were granted:
tluilding Permits:
Andrew Casilio Construc~. Garagej S2 Lot 9, Elk. 22, Norman R. Smith Add.
Stanley Yoder _ Remodel existing store; Lot 20, rllk. 15, Townsite
Leola L. Smith New Roof, ~iding &. Foundation on Existing Dwellingj Lots 11-12, Elk. 2~g~!Site
Ray Dwier Addition to Existing I117elling; Lot 2, Blk. 55, Townsite
Harbor Tavern
Harbor Ta vern
Harbor Tavern
Harbor Tavern
Universi ty Plbg. & Heating Co.
k'usic Machine
Soft Drink
1 Card Ta ble
1 Amuseme nt ltac bine
!.laster Plumber
'I under the head of unfinished business, the request for discontinuation of rent control was brought up.
A letter was read from the Port Angeles Local No. 155, International Brotherhood Pulp, Sulphite and Paper
1 Mill Workers ad~ising that they were ag~inst de-controlling, of rent. Commissioner Hobinson, stating the
matter had prenously been thorougnly d1scussed, made a mohon resolving that rents be de-controlled as
, soon as legally possible. Seconded by ~~yor Feeley. Commissioner Taylor raised the question if the
1 necessity of keeping controls was due to shortage of housing or that rents might be raised heyond reason?
The shortage of housing had not been brought to his attention. !.iayor }'eeley stated the Rent Advisory Board
was not in favor of de-control, and he felt their decision should be abided ~". Commissioner Robinson was
, in favor of de-control, with the lOnderstilnding that landlords would'be very fair and reasonable 'in the ".
event of any rent raises. On roll call Commissioners Robinson and Taylor v oted Aye. Mayor Feeley voted
, Nay. Motion carried. Attorney Joseph H. Johnston, in behalf of those present, thanked the Commission
for their action.
under the head of new business bids sutmitted for the construction of a channel and jetty with rock rip rap
lat Elwha River in "ections 3 and 10 T-30 tI Range 7 W.W.hl. were as follovrs: J. l~. Bruch Company ~3b,913.00;
Owens Brothers $25,545.00. Commissioner Taylor again requested that before any contract is awarded for
I proposed project there be a written agreement or contract with the ttayonior, Inc., setting forth all details
, of former verbal agreement. Cpmmissioner Taylor moved bids ba referred to the City Engineer and Supt. of I
I Water Department. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
I Bids also were submitted for the construction of a pile and timber plank tulkhead on the Northerly side of
Ediz Hook as follows: Owens Brothers...Bid ~9,749.16j Alternate Bid $12,14'1.50
I Port Construction Company.. .Bid ~14,543 .08; Illterrnte Did $16,893.08
I Commissioner Taylor moved that bids be referred to the Engineer's Department. Seconded by l!.ayor Feeley.
All voted Aye. [otion carried. It was suggested that meeting recess and meet at 4:00 P.M. at the City
I Hall to accept bids that are recommended.
I Under the head of new 'cusiness a claim for damage by J.rving Bloom, in amount of $25.00, regarding his
automobile which had submerged in section of road vThere City had repaired a water main, was read.
I Commissioner Taylor rnde a motion that the above claim be referred to the City Attorney and the Insurance
ICo~pany for action. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. ~otion carried.
, Cormllissicner Hobinson requested that bids be called to furnish substation equipment for the Light Department:
I and made a motion that bids be called for substation equipraent, to be opened 10:00 A.M., October 23, 19.50, I
at Commissioners' Meeting, equipment to be delivered to City of Port Angeles at earliest date possible. ,
I Deta iled specifications to be obtained from office of Light Superintendent. Seconded b'J Commissioner
I Taylor. All vpted Aye. Iiotion carried.
: Ers. ,;lert Rampton asf:ed information reearding Cherry Hill Local Improvement District. Commissioner Taylor
I answered her that after the bond election which was submitted to the people for arterial streets was
i rejected, and the fact that Cherry Street, which was witbin the Local Improvement District, was not
included in tha Local Improvement District tut in the arterial program, it appearad to ba wiser and advisable
. to hold up from going ahead with the Local Improvement District, until such time as it could be co-ordinated
so as to insure an ir'provement on Charl"J Street. That after final check of the signatures that had been 1
' coming in, it was found that over 51.7% instead of 47% had objected, and due to the fact with the Korean
War situation and scarcity of material developing, which was not anticipeted, vre could not get 2 bid vihich
would be wi thin the engineer '5 estimate, it vras felt it wmld be better to refrain from going ahead with ,
Local L~provement District until such ti~e as conditions warrant. 1
Com:nissioner Taylor made a motion that meeting be recessed until 4:00 P.M., at City Hall. Seconded by
I.cayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Hotion carried.
October 9, 1950.... .City Hall... .4:15 P.M.
Pursuant to recess declared, the meeting convened 4:15 P.M. at the City Hall, and was called to order by
h:ayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, COIllJ'lissioner Taylor, httorney Trumbull and Deputy
Clerk Carlson.
Under the head of unfinished Jusiness, City Jongineer AhlverE recollllllended OYlens tJrothers bid on conEtruction I
I of a channel and jetty with rock rip rap at l!;lvrha !liver as the lowest and best bid. Commissioner Taylor ,
inquired if YlTitten aereement or contract had been "",de protecting the Cit:>" relieving them of claims that '
might arise fror.l vrork being done. Contrac t will be so arraneed that there will be included provisions I
required by the State Game and Fisheries Departments. Commissioner Taylor did not approve letting contract
before written agreement was received from liayonier. The Attorney agreed to see that written agreement I'
with Hayonier was drawn up and received, as requested in writing by Commissioner Taylor J and on these
candi tions Commissioner TaJrlor agreed to vote in favor of letting of contract. Question VIas rrade regarding
payment of expen,es and legality of emergency ordinar.ce previously issued. The Attorney did not think the
! COffi1\ission vrould get into any legal difficulties regarding expenditures as long as money will be re-imtursed
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
October 9th, continued,
"'" . ""AA". "'''''. '''''_''. ....""..... ....
immediately by.llayonier. IJayor Feeley made a motion that the bid of Owens Brothers be accepted. Seconded
by Comnissioner Taylor. Attorney Trul!lbull stated the written agreement would be ready tOl!lorro-.- or the next
day. ,All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Under tne head of unfinished business, City Engineer Ahlvers recommended Owens Brothers straight bid on
construction of a pile and timber plank bulkhead on the Northerly side of Ediz Hook. He stated he had met
with representatives of the Standard Shingle Company, Rayonier, Fibreboard, and CrolVll Zellerbach, and they
had agreed and approved of tne straight bid of Owens Brothers. It was stated that the City is to contritute
engineers services per agreement, plus otner equipment that would equal amount others are puttine in.
Commissioner Taylor made a motion that Owens Brothers bid be accepted. Mayor }'eeley seconded .moti.on. All
voted Aye. Motion carried.
. The request of DelGuzzi Brothers to use all or a portion of streets at Oak and llth Streets, where Catholic
Church is being built, was presented. Commissioner Taylor rr,ade a motion that the Building Inspector be
gi.ven the authority to tell DelGuzzi Brothers they may have. the use of one-third of the street. Seconded
by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. !,lotion carried.
There beir..g no further business, the meeting ir8S then adjourned.
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