HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/09/1984
Special Meeting
Port Angeles, Washington
October 9, 1984
Mayor Duncan called the special meeting to order at 7:07 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk,
Quast, Schermer, Whidden.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, P. Carr, M. Cleland,
J. Marsh, J. Pittis, R. Orton, J. Hicks, S. Brodhun,
L. Danks.
Public Present: R. Dyker, D. Foster, L. Brisbin, J. Bailey, J. Jacobs,
G. Alger, S. Roberds, , L. Toser, B. Philpott, C. Gay,
C. Mogck, H. Buchmann.
1. Discussion of City Hall Facilities and Compliance With Revenue Sharing
Handicapped Requirements
Manager Flodstrom informed those present that the City is required to bring
all of its public access facilities into compliance with Federal Handicapped
Requirements if the City of Port Angeles is to continue to receive Federal
shared revenues as well as other Federal funding for City operation and
capital improvement. He further reviewed reasons for the need to discuss a
new City Hall, one reason being that the City Council had established the
construction of a new City Hall as a high priority long-term goal. The
Council had also established "one-stop" permitting as a goal. He stated
that another reason for the need of planning a new City Hall is that the
space we are currently in is not efficient space and is quite cramped in
some places.
Finance Director Orton then addressed the Council. He stated that in the
interim, prior to construction of a new City Hall, satellite offices may be
needed to meet the goal of "one-stop" permitting. Finance Director Orton
updated the Council on the self-study completed by staff on the accessibil-
ity of the City's facilities to handicapped individuals. He stated that of
the 39 public facilities operated by the City, 26 are inaccessible in part
or completely. He stated that much improvement was needed in the City's
restrooms, entrances and fixtures.
Councilman Quast suggested informing the Federal government that the City
is most desirous to build a new City. Hall which would include all of their
specifications, and at the same time request funding from the Federal
government. He stated that if funding was not available, staff should
request an extension of the deadline of October 17, 1986, for a plan to
meet handicapped requirements. Finance Director Orton did state that funds
had been made available for handicapped compliance through technical assis-
tance grants. He also stated that there was no indication that any exten-
sions of the deadline would be possible. Councilman Quast then moved that
the Council reiterate its desire to make the City Hall construction a
priority. Councilman Schermer seconded. The motion carried.
Manager F10dstrom indicated that it would be possible to submit estimated
costs of alterations in City facilities to the Federal government with the
plan for meeting handicapped requirements. Councilman Quast then moved
that the Council prepare its intent to identify those facilities which
would not fall into a City Hall function and instruct staff to prepare the
plan to accommodate and implement Federal regulations by the deadline.
(The deadline for developing a plan is October 17, 1984.) Councilman
Schermer seconded. Councilman Hordyk asked if inaccessible facilities,
such as the Police Department, could provide service to individuals if the
individuals came to City Hall. Manager Flodstrom stated that this was a
October 9, 1984
possibility. Following further discussion, on call for the question, the
motion carried.
Councilman Quast then moved that the City Council reconfirm the 1976 Com-
prehensive Plan determination of a future City Hall on the Oak Street site
and schedule a public hearing concerning that at the October 16, 1984, City
Council meeting. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman Hordyk stated
that he could not see determining a site right now. He stated that more
study and information was needed before a site was determined. Following
further discussion, Councilman Quast stated that he would change his I
motion: That a new City Hall site be considered on any site found that
would meet the parameters of facilities needed within a City Hall. The
Council then discussed with staff the following: The need to determine
which facilities will be included in a new City Hall; and to obtain a
preliminary design and cost estimates. Following further discussion,
Councilman Quast again amended his motion: That the public hearing be
scheduled for November 6th in order to allow time to determine what
functions will be included in a new City Hall and to obtain estimated
square footage. He then withdrew his motion, and moved to schedule on
October 16, 1984, staff and employee input to Council to determine the
functions to be included in-house in a new City Hall facility. Councilman
Whidden seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Quast then moved that the Council schedule a public hearing for
November 6, 1984, to have input from the public as to site determination on
the basis of the requirements for square footage found on the October 16th
meeting. Councilman Schermer seconded. The motion carried with Councilman
Haguewood voting "No".
2. Plans for Vern Burton Memorial Community Center Discussed
John Marsh updated the Council on revenue and costs of operating the Vern
Burton facility. Mayor Duncan then read a request from the Port Angeles
Parks and Recreation Commission that the City Council defer any long range
decision on the Burton Gym for at least two months. In this two-month I
period, the Parks and Recreation staff would provide the City Council with
usage charts and try to schedule as many as possible the special events .
proposed for the Port Angeles Civic Center. During this interim period,
the following recommendations were made for the Department to follow: (1)
Continue present practice of scheduling special events and recreational
activities from the Recreation Division office, located in the northeast
corner of the facility; (2) To maintain the building within budget, and
make minor improvements that would continue to enhance the improvements
already completed within the last ten to eleven months; (3) To look for,
and/or provide additional (non-General Fund) dollars to revamp the heating
system, energize the showers, and refinish the main floor in the gym por-
tion. Councilman Haguewood stated that he had been a proponent of this
type of activity in the Vern Burton Gym for a long time. He supported
allowing the Parks and Recreation Department to make a full report and
suggested to them that they set up a "two-bit" by "two-bit" improvement of
that building. He then moved to concur with the Park and Recreation Com-
mission recommendation and hold off on a decision on the Vern Burton Gym
for two months. Councilman Hordyk seconded. Manager Plodstrom stated that
the time frame would need to be five or six ~eeks rather than two months to
bring it into compliance with the City Council's review of the preliminary
budget. Councilman Haguewood then amended his motion that decision not be
made until November 13th when a joint meeting of the City Council and the
Park and Recreation Commission would be held. The motion carried.
A joint work session with the City Council and the Park and Recreation I
Commission was then scheduled for November 13, 1984, at 7:00 P.M.
3. Civic Center/Tourist Bureau
Manager F10dstrom informed those present that interest had been indicated
by the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce supporting the Council's intent to
use present and future hotel/motel tax funds to support economic diversi-
fication and tourism promotion. Carl Gay, representing the Chamber of
Commerce Board of Directors, then addressed the Council. He informed them
that the Chamber of Commerce would be meeting the following Friday and
would at that time make a determination on a specific site to proceed with
the development of a tourist information center/bureau. He then requested,
on the Chamber's behalf, the support of the EDC and the City to help with
acquiring the property or acquiring revenue for the rental of property for
the facility. Councilman Hordyk indicated the importance of having a
700 ~~~~ I 700 :~:~
~~i~~~~~~rC~~~I~~~ Q~~ndtn;oO'rd~;ogn~:.N~~~~h~~~
Chapter 15.~ of the Pori Angeles Municipal Code.
8E IT ORDAINED by th.. City Council ollho City 01 Pori An.
~ O.-dinonce No. 1886 and Chop1~ lS,().tI of the
Pori Angallls Municipal Code are hereby amended to rood
os tallows: .
15.0~,010Stoje Environmel'\lol Policy Act gdopted.
lS.O-t.020SEPA rules adopted
15.04.040 Thresl10ld DelerminaliC>/'ls
IS,{l,1.070Using Ex["ling Envlrgnmentol DQ<:uments
:;:g::i: ~~~i~l~~IAgllrq Decisions Categorical Exemptions
15.1)<1,110 Agency Compliance
1 5.04.120 forms
I 5.04.130 Additic>rlQI De-finitiorls
lS.I).4.1~O En",lronmenlally Senslll",e Areas
IS,04.1S0lead agency delennlnatlon and responslbilltles
15,04.160 Use of Elremptlons
15.0~.170 Useal En",lranmenlal Checklist
15.0~,IS0Useal Miligated DN5
15.04.190Addilianal Timing Considerations
15.04.210 Addilic>f'lal Elemen~ to be Covered In on EIS
15.04.220 Designa110n of Of/Idol 10 Perform Consulled
Agency Responsibilities for the CII}I
15.04.230 Designot1ol'lof Ii.espol'lsible Official
15.04.250 Fees
15.04.260 Authority to deny arco",dition aclian to Miligate
15.04.270 Pl..blic Noti<..
clj~'ior::o~~~ b'i;";:I;:~';;";h:";:i~:~i~ ~~ ;t~~:I~~I;r:n~
mental Polier Ad os eKpreswd in Ii.CN ~3.21C.Ol0 and
15.04.0'10 SEPA rilles OOODted. The City adopts by refer.
ence the section~ or subsections of Chapter 197-11 of the
:~~:r~n th:~~it:isg,~I~~U O~oE~:ir~~:en~~f;~lk:t:~~;
ore spl!Cllieotly id.mtifledhereln.
1504 D:lO G..n.ral Reaulremllnts. This port conloins tM
boslc requirements thQt QPply 10 the sePA proceu. The
City ooopls the following sections of Chapter 197.11 of the
Woshington Administrative Code by reference.
WAC 197.11.040 Defil'litlol'ls
-055 Timing ot the SEPA process
.Q6O Content of envlral'lm..ntol review
-070limllotlon.orlaclionsduringSEPA proce,"
-080 Incomplete arunallClIoble Inlonnotion
.090 Supparting dacumenll
15:~~~nrio.fu~~h~\d6::;:~m~~:r!~1~.07his port e~ntolns
the rul~ tor deciding whether 0 propo.ol hos 0 ~proboble
signlflcan1, adverse envlronmentlll Impoct" requiring On
onvlronmentollmpoct slotemel'lt (EIS) to be prepared. This
port also contains rulos lor evoluoting the impacts of pro.
~::t~:n~b~ r.:t;:;"~e~n EIS. The City adopts the following
-310 Threshold d..t..rmlna1ion r""Iull'Bd
.315 Environmentalchecklis1
_33Q Threshald determination process
-335 Additional informat!c....
.340 Determinotiorl of nonsigniFkonoo{DNS)
_350Ml1igated DNS
.360 DetermiMtilll'l of slgnillconee {DS)!lnitlotlan ot
15.04.050 EnvirOl'llnentol Impact Slalement IEISl. This
pori contains the rules lor prepor,ngenvlronmenlolI mpoct
stotemenls. The City adopts Ihe 101l0....lng sedions by
WAC 197.11..00PurpasBof EIS
-402Cenerol requirements
-406 EIS liming
11;. ru.06O, Commentinll. This. port comolns ,rules .,for_
consulting, commenting, orld responding on' 011 environ.
~oet~:~1 a~~uhr::I~~~~heS~~' ~d~t~I~I":t:u~lio:rnts~~~
tlonsby referBrlce: '
WAC 197.11.500Purpose 01 this part
~ _502 Inviting comment
-50l,c~;;:':~t~~lllty and cost of environmental,
-508 SEPA register
-535 Public hearings ondmeetlngs
-S4S EffeClol no comment
::: ~~:s:~~~I~~:e~::~n;,sRnts
.S70Con9ulted agencycosl9 10 ossistleod agency
1S.04.070 Uslna EK;sllna Envlronmentol Docum..nts
~~\~tl~;~n~i~.~~o~neSnt~l~~cuf~~n~:i~ep~~:d :":~~SE?n;i~~
Natianol EnVironmental Policy Ad (NEPA) tor Ihe Clty.s
o....n Bnvironmental compliance. The Cil}l adopts the loll ow.
ingsecliansbyreferenoo: .
WAC 197.11.600 W'hen to use eKistll'lg environmental
.610 Use 01 NEPA dotuments
-620 Supplementol environmenl01 impact stotemenl
-630 Adoption . Procedures
.635 Incorporolion by r..ference. Procedures
.6-40 Com'olnlng documenl,.
15.OJ.080 SEPA ond Allencv Declsion5. This parlcontOirls
rules (ond policies) lor SEPA's sub.lonlive authority, such
os decisions to mlllgate or rejeCI proposals oS a result of
~~~~. d:~~s~i~~ti:~~o toCO~:ei~:ie~r~~~h;e~O~~;s.o~h:o~~~
odopt.tn.iol!o....lng sections by reference'
WAC 197_11-6SOPurpos.ea/ Ihis pori
:m ~,:~~:,~~:I~~7hofity ond miiigation
IS.nt.1N{) DAtinillons. This part contolns uniform uscge
and d~linitlons of terms under SEPA. This City adopts the
~~~~~~O:tIICns by reference. as su~plemen~ed by WAC
WAC.197-11.700 Delirlitian~
-702 Act
.704 A~tian
-706 Addendum
.708 Adopllon
.712 Atloctlng
:~:~ :~i~~i:~:rcnment
-720 Categorical eKemption
.722 Consolidated appeal
:;;~ ~:~tS_b~~f~g:~~ysis
.730 Doclslan moker
.732 Deportment
.734 Dehmnlnolion ofnonsignillcance (DNSl
.736 Determination olsillnlflconce (OS)
-7~0 Enviro"'ment
-742 Environmentaleheckllst
-744 Envlronmentoldocument
_7~8Enviranmentolly sen.itiveorllQ
.754 Incorporation by reference
.758 Lead agenq
_'64 Major aClion
.760 Mitigaled DNS
.768 Mjtlgollon
.774 Nonproject
NO. 4316
A Minar Child Under lhe
Age 01 EIghleen yeors
W~.~~nl;:n U~I~~;ot\~~:' ,:
UK., ..toL. DeteMonl.
KINS. Judgment Debtor.
The Superior Court of CI
10m Counly hcs direcToo t
undersigned Sh~rill of CI
10m Counly 10 soil the pro
erty described below to.s
idyo iudamentlnlheobo
700 ';;:,:~ 1700:'::.:'..
.7S~ Probable
-18BResponsible official
-7:r.l $~oplng
-796 Slole ogency
-79' Tnrcshold determination
-799 Underlying go",ernmontol action
Od~~%iObny r~~~~~'~: tn~a:~~~~:~ r:~::nt~~IO~~~g~~~ol ~~
emptions, as 6uppJemented in thlsordlnonce:
WAC 197.1l-800Cotegorlcol CKcmptlon.
-880 Emergendes
.ll90Petltlonlna DOE 10 chonge eKempticns.
ru~~~rn al;eo:,;/ ~~::I~:~e ~~fi'~~~~.' i~~l~crn~t :~:~o~~;
charging tees under the SEPA process. designotlng
environmer1toUy serlsitiveorll<ls.llsting ogencieswllh erNI.
rOl'lmel'l101 eKpertise. selecting the lead ogeney, and
':~~t';lli:h~lia:j: .~c,i~~~eb; ~.i\~~:i1vlte.. The Cil}l
WAC 197.i1.900 Purpa.e ai this port
_902 Ag..ncy SEPA palici..s
-916 ApplicQt;on toongoingOclio"'s
-920 Agencies with envlronmenloleKperlise
-922 Leod agency rules
-92~ De~rmining the leodogeney
-926 Leod ogency for governmental proposals
.930 Lead agency for privoteprolects with OrlC ogency
enses Irom mare Ihon one agency, when one 01
.934 LeCld ogency lor private projects requi.r;ng II.
cense-strom alocologenq.natocaunty/coty, and
one or more stote ogencles
-936 Lead agency for prlvote projects requiring li-
.93BLead ogendeslor speciFic propo.als
-9~O Tronsler of lead ogency stotus to 0 state agBllcy
-9~2Agreemenlson leod.agency status
-9~4Allreementsondivisian of lead agency duties.
an~Ss~i:J~s ~~r~e~'er~~~e~lty adopts the following forms
WAC 197.11.960 Enviroomenrol ched<list
-905 Adoptlon nollce
:~g ~:~:~:ll~~t:I~~ o:f n~;~ii?i~~~o:~en~D~~Plng notke
.9a5NcticooloSiumption allead agency stotu.
.990Natkeof action.
15.(t.4.130Addltionol Definitions. In oddltionto those def.
initions contained w,thin WAC 197.10.040, the following
tenn. .1\011 hav'ii th9 lollowing meonil'l9s. unlll!s the con.
A. .'Departmerlt" means any division. .ubdlvlsion or or.
gonirallonal unit ofthe<:lty estobllshed by ordinance, rule.
8. "SEP~ RulllS" means WAC Chopter 197-11 adopted by
the Counc,; an Environmental Policy ond amended by th..
Deporlment af Ecology.
C. "Early notloo" means Ihe City's NlspoMe to an oppll_
carll sl011ng whether it considers Issuonceaf 0 determino-
(~~ti;~t::pn~~~enr~lnl~~~~Yn f~rt t~~n~f:~:f~cn~~c:r'b~~j
A. The mop filed under City CI..rk File Na. D.~. which Is
adopted by reference, designates th..locot'OJl of the
envlronmenlolly sensitlveoreos....ithin1hedty.
8. MojorOClion. which will be locotedwholly or partially
....Ithin an envlranmentally sensilive oreo ore to be treoted
nodillerently than other major actions under thesegvlde.
lines. A threshold delerminotlon sholl bemadelorolllllch
actlorlS, and on EIS sholl not be automat;cally requlrec' for
o proposal mf!l"elybecouse It is proposed lor laC01ion In On
C. Thefollowll'l9 cotegorkolexemptions sholl natopply
~~~~I~C~I~~I;onre(~w~r ~hr~s~~he(~{(;):, (S), (6)(0). (U){c),
(2~)[a) through (g). ond (2S)(d), (f). (h), (I) at WAC
Official sholl determine the feod ogllnCy for thot prcpa.al
pursuant to the crileria.eI farth in WAC 197.11.050 and
19'.11-922throuah 1<77.11.940. This determinallon sholl be
modeforeochpropasollnvol...in o major action unlesslhe
~t~~ :~~~~~lbtl~n~ff~c\~I~;f~..i~~tyC~Koi,~ :~e '~~eO~:~:
~ionCe with the mreshold detenninol,on. on~f arl EIS '5
ne<:essory. sholl supervise preparation 01 the droh and Ii-
C. In Ihose InStOnCllS in whid1tlle City is no1 the leod
ogencyfar a praposol,all deportments 01 the City sholl uli.
nomlgniFkance or the final E1S ollhe I....d agency in con.
junction with the decisions of the City on the propllsol. In
~ueh Inslances, r\O City deportment shall prepare or reo
quire preparotion of a declalotion olnansigniflconce 01 EIS
In addlllontothotprepored Dy the leadogency.
D. In the .....ent that the City or any deportment thereol
rec:eive~ 0 ieod agency determinetian made by a.nomer
agency, whkh does not appear to be in o<<or~ w,th the
crlt..ria of WAC 197.1l.922lhrough 191.1l.9~0. It mayob.
1ec1 thereto. ArlY such objectian mu.t be made and rc-_
~olved ....ithlrl fifte..n days 01 reclliptof the determination.
or the City mu.t petition the Department of Ecology lor 0
~:Ina~h~cfil~e:~.d:t~n~~~ ~~~I~udn,^~ ~~hC p~;ri,~~9~~
billion of tile City ~hall be initiated by the city manager.
E. Deportments 01 the City ore Quthorl:ed 10 moke
agreements os taleod ogl.....Cy $totus pursuOrlt to WAC 197.
11-9~20ndWAC 197-11-94.4; provided. tholony such agree.
ment Involving ossumptiorl 01 lead OgCflCY slOIUS ~y Ihe
Cil}l will filsl be approved by th.. re!pon~lble of~lcial ler
~~:po~:rblli~t:' o:h:lre::~ 01e::yrt:~hto;~:;;e:'I~il;n~~
prOlle the ogreement. ('"'
F. Any deportm..nt moklng 0 lead agency de~erminot!on
lor 0 prlvole project sholl r..quire s\llficient II'lformot'on
from the apf'lkoni to alcertain whicil other ogencles hav..
jurisdiction over th.. propo.al.
15.04.160 Use 01 bemDtions.
'(11 When the L,ty rece,ves on application for olicllnse
~~iti~~e:h~ c;:~:oFa;h;n;re~~':~sr~:06H~~iai :h!ilr~';t~~~
mlnewh..th..r the.license and/or the proposal Is eltemp!.
The Respansible Ollicioi's de1erminotiot1 thot proposolls
exempt snoll befinolondn01subled10odmlnisfrotivere.
view. If 0 proposal is exempt. none of the procedural reo
qulrements of this ordinonce apply 10 Ihe prof"'sol. The
City sholl not require completion of an anvironmentol
d1eckllst lor on eKempt proposal
(2)ln d..termining whether or not 0 proposol il ex&mpt,
the Ilesponsible Officiol .holl make certain the propasol~.
properly defined and sholl identity lhe_gov..rnmeI'l101 I,.
censes required (WAC 197.11.0601. If 0 proposoi incl~d.es
~:Ii~~t~~~i~:~h:el':~ ~:~~~: ~:n ~r~~nl~~~~s~f~~~~
eotian that triggers the deportment'. considerat,oll '5
(3) If a prapasol indudes bolh exempt and noneKernpt
wl1hhold opprovalaf on eKemptoction lhot would leodfll
modlficotlon of the pr.y~icol environment. whon such modi.
~~t~~~;;~~~~ ~~d~ d:::;!::~tl'.:0~n:~W:6:do~~~~:J
exemplocliorls Ihatwould lead to substantial flnancitilelt-
peooitures by a private applicant when th.. expenditures
would serve no pUrpOI& if naneKempt oCIions were not
aPfs~'170U...ofEnVironm..nTnll.h..rl<li~t j
A. A compl1l1ed environmen101 checklist (or ~ copy). in
thelorm provid..d in WAC 197_11-%0. shall~.. f,led olth~
same time as on opplicotlon lor 0 permit, ;,c,mse certlf,.
cote crother approval not speclHcollyeltempted In !hi!ar.
dlnonce; eKcep1.ocl1eckIISlisnatnHdedlftheClty and
applieon' oaree on EIS Is requked, SEPA com~liance hos
baltn compleled. ar SEPA compiion~e has been ,~jt'oted by
another agency. The City sholl use the ..nv,ronmental
checklist 10 determine 'he leodogencyond, iF The Cltyi.
~~d ;:~dm~,~n;~h:~hr~:~:ld~~~;r:~~~;i:s:.onslble otfici~1 -
8. For,privot...propo.alo, the City will re"lUlre~eopplo.
~~~~~~f:9 a:h~e~~~~7ol F:haijlt~o~~f.::~alt~eth~~~:~~net~l
dlecklist lor tf>ot proposal.
L The City may r..quirethol It, ondnatlhepriva1eaf"
;1~ft~s, i~~ ~O;~I~:: pa~p~~or.o~ e~~h;~of e;h:r~~I::ni~~
J 00 =~:~ I J 00 :~~~~s
(1) The City f>astedmicollnlormotlcnon<lquestion,,,
questi(lMthat Is unClllollableto the privo'''''ppliccnt;or
(2) The applicant he. provided inalA:urole informgtion
~~n~d:~~~~n proposal. or on proposals c"rrently under
~~.~~l~~o~~;~f ~i~i~j~~~~~' and in WAC 197.11.350,
Ihe responsible of/lclal may Iss"e (I DNS ba.ed on condi.
lion"attoched 10 the pr."p<>$01 bylhe responslhleoffidlll or
on ch''''g''' 'a. or dcnli~Qlions 01, Ill... proposal made by
B. An applicant may request in writing eorty notiCE! of
whether an EIS i. likely under WAC 197-11-350, The M
quest must:
(1) Follow suhmlsslonofa permit application ondenllj.
ronmentol checklist lor a non&~empt proposal lor which
Ihedeportment 15 leod "gency; and
(2) PrEt(:ede the City's octuol threshold determination
lor th<t proposo!.
C. The responsrbleollicial should respond to Ihe request
lor Body nOlice within Iliteen (15) working doys. The reo
(l)Be wrillen;
(:2) Slala whether the City currenlly considers issuan~e
oi 0 DS likely and, iF so, indicale Ihe generol or specific
erells of concern Ihat arB leading the Cily to consider a
DS; and
(3) Slote thatlhe applicol1l may change or clarify the
p.ropo~1 to mitigote the indicated Impacls. re...lsing the en-
""ronmenlal checklisl and/or permitopplicallon as neces.
lOry 10 reflect Ihechonges or c1arlFlcalions
D. As much as possible, the City .hould as:;istlhe oppli
cantwilh idenliflcatlonol Impa"," to lhe extent necessary
to formulato mitigotion measures.
E. When an applicants~bmits a changed ordorified pro.
pasal, along with a re""sed or amended enl/lronmental
checklisl, 1heCi1yshall base ils threshold d<ttermlna1ionon
the chonged orclariliod proposol ond should make the d...
termination within Iitleen (15) days of recei...ing the
ChO"0jdH o;h~lC:;iifi"i~Xi~~~::~~eCijlc mitigalion measures in
~~n~e~~~~~:~o ~~ec~er(I~:dt :~; e;r~~o:j'c::; ~~:I:~: ~~~~
spe~lli<:mitigatian measures. the City sholl Issue and circu.
late a DNS under WAC 197.)1-340(2).
(2} If Ihe City indicated areaa 01 con<:arn, but did not
issue a DNS, the City ahall maka tha threshold determina.
tion, Issuing 0 DNS or OS as appropriate.
(3) Tha appli~ant'. proposed mitlgallon measure. (dor-
iflcatlora. changos or car'lditians) must be In writing and
mu.t besp9cilic. Forexamplo. propa50lsto "control noisa"
ii:!~~~:s~r'~;Esa~:if~~~~';~:~: d;!b~~'~~!~;:~.;;0l
14) Mitigallon maasur.... which iustily issuanco 01'0
mitigated DNS m be incarporoted in the DNS 1)1' refer.
lesor atherdocumenh.
under WAC 197-11.3~O{:2),
period and public notice
porated in the miligated
01 approval of the permit
dacislan and moy be enlorced in 1he.ame manner Os ony
term or conoilianal thepormlt. or enforced In ony manner
specially pr....cribed by Ihe City.
H. If thliClty's tenlatl...edm:islan on 0 permit or approval
doeanat indude mitigation measures that woreincorporat.
ed in a millgated DNS lor the p~oposal, Ihe City should
e...aluate Ihe threshold dotermrnal,an to ossureconsisjency
with WAC 197-11..J40(3)[a) (withdrawal 01 ONS)
.~;~~es;~tr'~07r~:ec:~:t~~ds~su~~::1:ru~is::,i~~ :f ::g~~~~
Iconce. In odditian. preliminf;HY dis<:ussion of clarifications
or changes 10 0 proposal, os opposed to a written request
dariFications or changes in its threshaldd..t..rmination.
l~'~'rl :~e:d~~~~a~r~i;:;~sC~h,:ig~rsa~~~~~al EIS far the
proposal ahall accompany the City's 51011 recommendotion
10 the Plaroning Commissian or similor advisory body
B.I/ the City's only action on 0 proposal is 0 ded.ion on
o building permit or olher license that requires dalailed
inro~~l:I:~at~~~~~e st'~if~~t~~~~ 'e~h...~r~~~~~~I~i ~~~e~f~~
to submission 01 tl1edetailed plans and speciHcollans.
A. Thedrr:rit and lina! EIS sholl be prepored either 'oy the
::::O~:I~I~o~~~lit~nfrr~~I~:jl~~~hll o~r~~a~e p~~:I:~a~tP\ i~
..,Jhe !l.~~'~the, resparWble.,.Qmcial d<t!llr;nines .lhat :the~-"p:
plicant will be required to ,prepare an EIS. Ihll applicont
shall bll so nOlllllld immedIately after completion of the
threshold determlrlatlan. The ro'ponsible oflidal sholl also
tion induding approval 01 the DEIS and FEIS prior to
8.ln the event lhatan EIS is to beprepar..d by a pri...ate
the responsible official shall assure Ihat the EIS is
prepared in a responsible manner and wilh appropriate
methodology. The responsible oilicio! sholl direcl theoreas
of research and exomination to be undertaken. os well as
th~~w:nl::;~~~~bl~eoH~~I~:i~o~a~~;;:,~~~. a privale oppli-
cant 10 provide dolo and information which is nat in the
passession 01 the City relevant to any or 011 areas to be
co...ered by the EIS. Hawllver, the applicant is not required
~~:~:pi It~Z;~~t~ein~a:~U~~ltede~~~~d a~:~h:/h~~:~~:
(This does na1 apply to informalian the City may request
under onother ordinance or stotute.].
D. No malter who parti~ipotes in 1he preparatlo" 01 on
EIS. it mustb<t appro...ed by the responslbleoflicial prior to
E. In all o<<osionsof EIS preparotion, theapplicontis
encouraged to provldll Informalion 10 the responsible
1!'.C14?IOAdd'lionnIFI~mentsto bllCa...erad Inan EIS.
A. Thelollowlng additianal elem<mts ore portal the en.
...ironment for tha purl"'seal EISeanlenl. but do nat odd to
the criteria for thrllshald determinations or perform any
other lunction ar p~rpose under this ordi"ance or subject
the EIS to adequocy analysis an soldelemen1s'
\. Ecanomy
2. Social Policy analysis
B. Thesllsectlonsmoybeco......-ed inan EISupona de-
tlon presented in the propoaal,permltapplicalion. envlron.
15.001.:120 PMianatiM 01 ollielal to oerlarm consulted
oaerlCII resoonsibilitieslar theCllv
A. The city monagersholl be responsible far the prepa.
~a:~S~il~~i:nw;~~~~s~;~~nl~ ~O~h~~~h~l~ ~:;:r~nn;t~o~~
participation in pre-droit ~onsuhotlon. or r.....iewing 0 droll
8. The city manager shall ba responsible lor campllance
by the City with WAC 197-11-550 whllre...er t11e City Is 0
consulted agency, and he is outharl~ed to d.....elap
operating procedures which will ensure that respa.nses to
consultation r<tquests ore prepored in a timely losh,an and
~~ O:o~3?h~;;i~:~~f: ~~o~hsi~b~el~~;~~ is the lead
agenq-, Ihe responslbla offidolshall be the diy manoger
or his designee.
B. The responsible a1liela! sholl make the threshold de.
t<trminatian, supervise scoping and preparation al ony
roquired EIS, and perform any athar lunctions ossigned10
the laod agency or responsible official by those se~lions 01
the SEPA Rules which are adopted by relerence in ihis or.
dlnanca lor 011 propo~lslor which the City is the lead
as;';~' :2<l0 SEPA o"blit inlormallim... All documC'nfs
rsquired by th.. SEPA Rules (Chaple. 197-11 WAC) sholl be
retained 'oy the City and made available In accordonce
~I~~tc;c~rler 4:2.1;0: RCW (Washlngt"" State Open Goyern.
15.04.250 Fees. The follawing lees sholl be required for
this chapter
A. Thresl1ald de1ermlnalion. For every environmentlll
r::s~~::V~oa 'l:eP~ffri~~O~~r~h:h~I\':~:~uit~ ;SYI~~
proponent 01 lhe pro!:.sal. Th.s lee sholt be collncled prior
~~r~;~:~~:~7a~h~; ;hi~h~~~:I~t~rF,;;~n~~k~~ga~d ~hr:s~~d
dlllterminatian shall not begin 10 run until poymen1 of the
B'l~n~~:~~;~:~I:rsa~~~~:i~~:.n~sEIS lor which the Cily
is Ihe lead agency and lor which th.. responsible oHiclol
~:~ef~~~~~h~il~h~o~Sch~~~le b~ndr~~~~~ ~~e~~b~~bi:sl~;
from any appllcont to co...er costs incurred by the Cliy In
Ihepreporatianafan EIS.11 il is determined Ihalon EIS is
required. appliean1s shall be adl/ised of and sholl post
IInyironmentol doc\Jmenls lor aeli...itias initiated by somll
persona or IIntily ather than 1he City and moy bill sudl
costa and e><ponsesdlr..ctlytatheapplicont. Suchcansul
~o..rl!$a;;~~la~t a~:~~~,Ho;"::~;~s~~;~;:~:o ~:8 t~eayC~~
required to post bond or olherwlse l"surepoyment of su~h
Port Angeles, Wosh.. Thursday. Oct. 4, 198,4
I 700 M",
J 00 ~~~~
3. In the.....ent that a proposal is modilied so lhat an
fund any costs collnded under di...ision. ) and 2 01 this
subsedion which were collected For ~osl~ !lol incurred.
C. No lee shall bI! collllcted by the City lor performing
Itsdulies as aconsulied agency.
D. The Clly may ~harge any person lor copies 01 ony
~h~~:~~~:df~~r~~I~~;~h;:~t ~~" a r~~~~:~:~::, id~dt~;
RCW Chapler <l2.17
E. TheCily moy colle"t 0 reosanable lee from on oppll.
cant to co...er Ine cosl 01 meeting the public nalic.. r""ulre-
ments 01 this ordinance reloling to Ihe applicant's
aal~.%.~;~~~~1~~~s~ ~~:~r:;~::~0~;~~i:~~t::nC~:d:ii~i~
an action sO os to mitigate or prel/ent odl/erse environ-
mental Impacts. This aUlhority opplies to all city actil/ilies,
induding actions os defined in this chapter, wh&tkerotnal
B. Thc policies and goals sel lortk in this ordinonce ore
supplcmentory to those in th.. exisling autharizolion 01 the
Cltyol Port Angeles.
C. The City may oUach condlllons to a permilor approv.
01 fo'o proposal solang os:
1. Sv<:h conditions ore necessary 10 mitigato specilic
prabableaclllerseenl/ironmenlal impacts identiliedinen...i-
ronmentol documents prepared pursuant 10 this ordinance;
~: ~h~11 ~ft~:~~il~~S ~':~:r;:i;'~~r~d~dd In such <:andillans
ore rr~~:a~:~y ah~s c~~~S~:~~db~~~t~~~o:h~~hl~~~~~tale
arlederal mitigalion measures applied 10 tha proposal are
sulf;~;.e~~~h ~~~~~:~::~:~eb~~~d ~~:~s~ra~arc policies
olhar decision docume"t.
D. Thll Ci1y may deny 0 permit or approl/al for a propos.
01 anl.th~ bli~idi~~ S~:Am~o~Ont~~t approving the proposol
would result Inproboblesignificanlad...er$eenl/ironmen1ol
impoct$ that ore identilied in a FEIS or final SEIS prepored
pursuant to this ordinance: and
2. A finding is made that there ore r\O reasonabla mit.
igolian measures capable 01 being accompli$hed lhot are
.uHicient to miligale th.. idantiliod Impac!; and
3. The denial is based an arte or more policies
identilled In subsection E of .his :;eclion and identllied In
wr~li;~~n ~~~ ~~;I~~~t~~C~nde~~ ts by ralarence the fol.
lowing poli<:ies as the bosis for t~e City's exercise 0; ou.
thoritYl'ur.uant to this section
I. The City shall use all practicabie means. consistenl
with ather euential consideratlon~ 0; state policy. to im-
prove ond ~oordinate plans, lun~toons. programs. and reo
sources 10 the ..nd 1hat Ihe Slate and its c1tl~ens may'
o. Fullillthe r..spansibilities of each gen..ration as
trusleeof the en...ironment lor succeedlng generations:
b. A~sure lor all people 01 Washington sale, hoallhlu!.
producli...e, ond C1esthetl~olly and culturally pleasing
c. Altaln the widest range of benaliclal uses 01 1he en.
...ironme"t wllhaut degrodalion, risk 10 health or solely. or
othed.o)~~::~r~~~r::;~r~~~~1h~~:~iC~'j~ sc~~~uer~~:'""~nd nOlural
aspecls 01 our. notional heritoge:
supports di...ersity ond ...orlety of Individual choi~e;
f. Achie...e a balonce between population and rllSOurCe
usewnich will permit high standards of li...ing ondo wide-
shoringollife'samenllles: end
prae~t, Ejnhh: n~~~~~.:a~t~~~bl:e~;~~li~~so~;e~~~~~abi~
2. Th..City recognin's thaI each person hos of undo men-
tal and inolienable right 10 0 healthful en...ironmont and
thot each person has 0 responsibllily to conlribute to the
pr..so....a1ion and enhoncement 01 tl1.. en...iranmenl.
3. The City adopts 'oy r~fer~nce the palicios In lhe fol.
lowing City codes, ordinances, resolutions, plans
a. The City Comprehensive Plal'1 (Ordi"anee No. 1885.
os amended);
b. The Ciiy Zaning Ordinan~e (OrdinOrlce No. 1709, aa
amend..d): .
c. The City Subdivision R..gulotions (Ordinanco No.
16-31. os amended);
d. The Shoreline Master Program (Ordinance No. 20:13.
-=.lI:.~~:~:r E~.;rtie-::'k;lPolicy A~; (PAMC '15.0<1);
I, Any at~er policies ol the City which ha...e been In.
C. Any conditior\al opproyal or denial of 0 prapasal ~
:~: ~~~~~~~~ ~~i~l~ ~;~~a1~d'"r~~h:d~r~0~:Cjfb~II~r.
ing a written noticllwl1h the city c1erkwl1hin Ian daysial.
lowing lne date 01 decision by the responsiblll official. AI
Its "e><l r..gularly "heduled meellrtg, the city council shall
set the dot.. lor o public hearing. nOlicemwhi<:hshallbe
publi:;hed in a newspaper 01 genllraldrculatian at loost
len days prior 10 sold hearing. Re...iew by Ihe City Council
shall be on a de novo basis. in accordonce with require,
ments 01 .2BO B, C ond D. After thll publi<: hearing. Ine
council shall aHirm the decision of the rllsponslble ollicia!.
......erse 1he decision. modify the decision. or remand the
decision in lighlollocts not previously available tolh.. r...
spomiblllalliciol. .
1504.270 PublicNQtice.
A. Whenever the Cily 01 Port Angeles issues 0 DNS un.
der WAC 197-11-3401:2) or a DS under WAC 197-11-360(3)
Ihe City shall gi...e public notice asloliows: .
1. II public notice is requirlld lor a nonex:empl I;cense,
Ihe notice shall stote whether a OS or DNS has beert
proval. the Cay sholl give nollce 01 the DNS or OS by:
o. Posting the property, 10rslte.speellie flroposals:
lion in Ihe County, Cilyor general area wherc1he propo'-
3. Whenever the City Issues 0 DS ur>d..r WAC 197.11.
360(3). the Cily sholl state the scopingprooodure lor the
proposal in Ihe OS as required In WAC 197-ll.<l08 and In
8. When.....er the City issues 0 DEIS under WAC 197.11_
45S(5). ora SEISunderWAC 197-11.620. noliceofthaavail-
ability al1hose documenls shall bagiv..n by:
1. Indicoting the a...ailabillty 01 Ihe DEIS I" any public
notice required fora nanexempt licertsa: and
:2. Posting thn property. lor slte-specllic proposala;
lion ~~ ~~:I~:~~~~C~i~~ ~~ ~e~~~~F~~: :h~~;~: ;~~~~:
a! is located.
C. whenev..rpossible, theCiiy sh,:,1I inlllgrate the public
notice required und",rthisseclionw,theMislingnollcllpro,
"edures lor the- City's nonllxempt permits or approvals
required lor the proposol
D. The City moy raquir.. on appliconl to complet.. the
public nollee requl.remllnts for the appliconh proposal at
hIS or her expense
th~~~~n:~a~~i~t~~~v;i%p;~~O;~0~3~~:~ ~~~a:)I~~
43.2IC.075 and WAC 197-11-660
A. Any a~ency or person may appeol the City's proce.
dural =mphance with Chapter 197.11 WAC lor issuance of
1. A finol DNS. Appeal 01 the DNS must bll made 10
the Planning Commission within len (10J days af the dale
theONS isfinol (se..WAC 197.11-390(2)(0))
2, A OS. The appeal must be made to the Planning
Commission within ten (10) days 0; the dole 01 the OS i.
3. An EIS. Appeal 01 the FEIS must be mode 10 the
Planning Commission wllhi~ ton (10) days af the data the
permit or oiher approvol is Issued.
8. For any appeal under this subsection, the City shall
proyld.. lor a re<:ord thotshallconsi.tol the loltowlng:
1. Fin.:!ings ond ~oncluslons:
2. Teslimony under oath: and
3. Ataplld Or written transcript
C. Thll Ciiy may require the app..l1anl tapro...lde anele<:.
!ronk transcript.
D. The procedurol determinatian by the Cily's responai.
bl.. allicial sholl carry substanlio! weighl In any appeal
~~t~:i:t~lIgive oHiclal notic~ under WAC 197.11.68015)
whllne...er il issues a permit or approval lor which 0 stat-
utll or ordinance establishes 0 time limit lor commenting
~"'ction 2 Severabiiitv. If al'\Y provisions 01 !his ardi-
~~~d~~:~1 i~~ ;t,P:1 ;~~i:'~;~r o;l t~:r~~di~~n ~i:u;;S~p~cl~c~~
lion 01 thepral/isions of the ordinance 10 olher persons or
circumstances Is not olfected.
Seclian3. Elfe<:tiyedate. This Ordinancashall takeefleCl
PASSED by the City Council 01 the City 01 Pari An'llelesat a
regular meetir\g of said Council held on lhe 18th doy ot
Dorolhy Duncon. MA\'OR
ATTEST: Merr; A. lonnoya. City Clerk
Craig D. Knulson, CilyAllorney
Pub.: Oct. 4. 198-4.
earned and Income derived virtue 0 ,ue investments of the System to ply and s.ecure t e payment 01 the prlnel.
shatl remain In the Revenue 80nd Fund lJnd be used to pal of and ,...tereSf on the So"d, "lfOilpl os follows:
m~\~hHI~:f:~ ~::~i~~~~:nli;cC:U;~C!~h:~ finds Bo~ds"t~ t~lypur;;::~te right to Issue Futv... Parity
~O~lnF~~~~u~:fotl,~un~v~e :j~h;ntsv:::m~el~eh~~ fu!!..... providing funds 10 otqulre. eor"lruc1. nmm.
exercised due regard for the Cos~ 01 MalntenonCe and ~I~~~~' ~=~e~:~t'~~O:h:~Yco~~~rT~~~v~~~~ss.,:~~~
Operation 000 hos not obllgoted Ih. City to sel aside and System for whIch II is ou1horl~ by law 10 Issue revenue
pay Inlo such Fund 0 grOOler amount of such Revenue them bonds, or. .
~f :i~n~~: =~~ ~pea::I~~. over and above the Cosh revens:;:n~rr:~~~('o:~t:~rnl: ~~~I\:~t~r::~:t
Section 7. Provision lor OefeaslJn~ 01 tn. Bonds. In the obligations payable aut 01 tne Revenue 01 the System.
event that manuy and/or 'Government Obllgotlon~," os The City also rfl$ervlis the right, In Issuing 11Id, Future Por-
,'. ;9~t~~~a~~n:nd:.'~o; oi~ hes=:so~el~~:Utl:, R~ a~~: ~t::s,~o ~~~~t~h: ~~:hth::~IR~e~~~e&~td o~~~d
maturing or having guaranteed rede-mptlon prk;M at the and the- R_rve AlXOunt theteln to' pay and secure the
~:::~ t~' ~': ~:: :e~= ~~m:u~~ ~=:n~~o::~n~u:h~ ~I~e~:md's:,e op~nr~~~I~~ th~d~;;;~t~~ ~~~: ~~~~
': d:::n (~~e':'.~~reW~~rto:~ ~~I~~e~~~::~n~:~~oan: :u';::~ O:ndoll~::' Rlhee;~~:: :tc~n:u~~ln~~:OIA~f
." with their lerms, are hereafter Irr9ll0<<lbly set aside In a and Inter.st on any Parlty Bonds then outltandlng, upon
special account and pledged to effect sum redemption ond ~mpliarn;e with th1t fallowing o;ondltlons;
retirement, then na lurther payments need be mode Into (11 AI the time 01 the ,ssuonee of ony future Parity Bond,
the Revenue Bond Fund or any account therein lor thepoy. . there is no deficler'lqr in the Revenue Bond fund or the Re-
rnent 01 the principal of ond Interest on the certain Bonds servG Accovn1.
so pra...ided for and such Bonds shull then ceuSEl to be (2) The principal 01 and Interest on the future Porlty
entitled to any lien, benefit or security of 1hls ardlnanw, Bonds sholl be poyable out of the R_nue Bond fund and
.xcept the right to rewl...e the funds so set aside and the requirements for Reserve Acco...nt payments In Section
pledged. and such Bonds shall no longer be deemecl to b. 6 hereof shall iMI met.
aUl$landlng ooreunder. (3) Prior to the dellv.ry of any Parity Bonds the City sholl
v ~,io~i':"'~n~:.:::t~geroll0n. The City shalt 01 aU have ,n flte Id the d'fflce ,of .th. "err 01 the City a ceW!}j/
11mes maintain, pres8l"\l' and KMp the properties 01 the ~~~II~ o~~'::'da~ '::1 '::o:~ th~t~da~~ c;~~r~o
~:i:~n tl~o:' :~:~'m-::kl~ ~::s:;' a~~~~rar~ ~= ~:~ ~:e~:~~~:' fd~~~J' :o.t~~J::;
~:t~~~~~~' ;:~'II~f=sn~h~ e~~~~=~~t:a~o;~~;~ :;~~~~~~~:~~~: ~~i::nd:(~~:~':dl~~~.~r R::~
., nection therewith witt be properly and odvontageausly nUfl'") will equal elt least 1.30 times 1hZ. uol DQbt Ser.
conducted, and fhe City wilt 01 011 times operate or col.Ise vlwln IUch year. /'
to be operated $Did properties of the System and the busl. The Adjusted Net Re....nue sha~1 be . Net R....enue for 0
~s In connection therewith In on efficient manner ond ot peTlod 01 any twelve o;onsewtiv. months 0U1 01 the
o reosonobl. coli. twenty-four months Immedlotely. &dIng the dote of de-
oo:~O;:t~:v=nctha~sC:Zr ~':lIu~:a:~I~~~ ~::::::;.~ ~~ livery 01 such proposed Parl~ nds os odjusted by such
facilities of and alt commodltl.s lold, fumlshed or supplied ~nnt:~;~~u~o=t~:~~ :~cnu~ :d~lrd:~o;l~~ =r:g:i
:dt~~oT~j:;~t ~~~h r:~:~1 el~d ~~,::~ f~~~dl~~~m~~~~~ ~~ s':'i~~~n:s ~~d~~f:r:c':n~i:Jln~tfh.s~:I;~~
10 thot; proposed to be ISS.ted Ihalt be outstondlng
llcl.~:) (~~:::nth: ~~: 3~~7'r.;;~~~:eo~n~~:e:ti:~: wal.ll~) ':2~t,~~~h~":e~~;e:n a~d'c::;9e;:oood::
2:) :n~ne lh;n;::;:~ ~h:"d~=td~~ ~~:~~~~~~l =rn~7J~~ o:":~: ~~~~h::r~ ~:s=~n:ntfo~
::~:~7d~~~~/;h:ld:;0~lIt~=~~~~~~eTC~~ ~'(e;':'nyf~~cr~~~e:~:~~~~~, N.t Revenue estimated
Is obligated to make Into 1h. Reserve Accourl and all oth- A..~um engIneer Ol" accauntont to r.sult from any oddi.
: =~~It:o=~a~~e(~l~o l::b:r::e:~ :~~~s~~~~a~:." ~~;sfa:~::s":t"~~~~~hW ~lKO;::i~ii;I:;;'~'
other gov.mmental charges lawfully Imposed on the s~- tlanal during sum twelve monlh period (II) were und...
tem or the revenue therefrom or p~ments in l1eu t~eof constructIon at the time 01 such certificate or (Ill) will bfl
h.~e:h~ro::~:t':'bli;r~n~~ w~ f:~: ~i~ ~2e:~: :1 f::us~~eted from Ihe procueds at the Parity Bonds to be
the System by law or contract; and t,f" (cl the additional Net Revenue which wol.lld have been
(2) The Net Re"enue In each calendar r wlll'be 01 recolved if any customers added to the System during such
least equal to 1.30 times the AVOf"oge An.9 01 Debt Se""lce. tw.lve month period o...er customers lar the entire period.
C. .Payment of Costs 01 Maintenance and Operation. AI. Such .nglneer or atcauntont sholl base his certification up.
~:.:~~n'u~~:~::~.:dr ~ =:~ h.~:t~rn:':~1i ~I~'I ~t:o~~c:rt~~I~e S;~~~ ~dlt:aC~.I;~:oEX~~~:
, . =a;::I~~I,::~~: ::e~~~:n~Ii~6~d ~~:~~~~~c,:o:nerO~ er (unless such on audit Is not avolloble for a twelve-
eratlon of the System on 0 current basis. =~~~ ;I:~n ctt;; lr='~:r~ sh:~~~I~~~o:~n~nsJ
D. Sale or DIs :lltlon f"the lem. The City will not e.penses lor the- period upon which the same is baloOd.
lell or is. spose at" Slem in its entirety un- The certificate of such engineer IOIr ocoountanl shall be con-
~~~l:i:lIull~o:~'Jt~: ~m:t~n~; t~:~':;~:s~~ci ~~~iv:n:n::y~s:~~ :~~:i==stoot':'; ':ur;~~7:
~: d:~:d ~~~~~r;:~~~~~~~~~:~'~'ed~ ~,a~U~::: ~~3~lthstcindlng the loregolng requirement, If fu~r. ParIty
sor statute, If any, sufficient together wlth lnterest 10 b. Bonds ore to be issued lor the PUrpoS8 of rflfuni:!ing 01 or I
eorno(nheroan to pay th. principal of and Interell on the prior 10 their maturity any port or all 01 the then outstand-
thenoul$tondlng Porlty Bondi, nor will It selt or otherwise Ing Parity Bonds and the IUU(lnce of such refI.Indlng Parity
dispose 01 any port of the useful operating properties of Borlds I'EIsults In 0 debt service- savings and doel nat re.
the System unless such lo~ilitles ore replated or pro...lslon quire on increase of more thon $5,000 In any yeor for prln.
'/~r.':~:I~ ~1~~,.;n::I~n~ the Revenue Bond Fund 1011 the ;11~~,:n~~~~=::~ub~:r~:~u~1~)~r:h::Vs::~'n~ C::~;
.' (1) An amount wh~ will be in the same pra~rtlon to be obtained.
the nel amount of Pority Bonds then ou1stooolng (defined 8. Nothing hereln contained shall provent th. City from
OJ Ihe totol omounl of the Parity Bonds less the amounl 01 issulng revenue bonds or other obligations whlch ore 0 I
cash ond Inveltments In the Revenue Bond fund and oc- choTge upon the Revenue of the S~fEtm luniar or Inferior
counh therein) that the Reverl\Je from the portion of thfl to too payments required by this ordinance 10 be made out
System sold or dlspoud of for the preceding yeor beerl to 01 such Revenue Into the RlII\lenue Bond Fund ond Reservo
the total Net Rovenuo far such period; or Accounl to pay ond SlKure thl- PlJ)'ment 01 any outstondlng
(2) An omount which will be In the some proportion to Parity Bonds. '
tM net .amount-,af~:~~l~~u~'~o:~~~~~~~n (~ -11~n~~~~u~-~ifJ~~e:nd~~t:inYg~~:~~:~.'
the System lokl Q( disposed '01 for the pr~oding year the payment of whl.;h moneys ore not otherwlse available.
~)?~~:~:h~tt;~ite~~ns~~ ~:~~d~r':partlOn'i6-, ~"~in:Ot:m7rm. The Bonds Ih~lI_be In substantially
:tfln':Jt o=~)tth~lt ~h~l~e~:C~~l~e~~u~~I~:I~y I(i:;- '-No~- ~- _UNITE_D STAI.ES OF AMERICA $~
fodlitles sold or disposed of bears 10 the d.preclated oosl -----STATE OF WASHINGTON
vorulI of the enfire System Immediately prior to such sole CITY Of PORT ANGELES
or dlspasl'lon, SOLID WASTE UTILITY
The proceeds of any lu~h lale or disposition of 0 portion of REVENUE BONDS. 19IW
the rroportles 01 the System (loth. e:<tent required above) INTEREST RATE: MATURITY DATE: CUSIP NO:
~~ ::n:.ald Into the Reserve Accgum In the R....enue :~t~s~~~~WJE~R CERTAIN DEFINmONS
:~:~s=:vd~~l :Yot~::I::"di~~~e ~f ~h~; :~~~:-~~k~ p~~a~l~ ~~o~. Angeles, WtlShfngton, 0 :~~;~
:':;n~lo~*~.;n:!o~;~:~:~~ 0: ~r~Y:ie:hears::::e ~~I~h o;orporotian organized and existing undllr ond by vlrtur of
shall ha.... become uns8fVlceoble, Inadequote, obsaletll or !'~~1:'S~;;:~~~~~I.d=~sth~:~a~: ::,:~nr:"...~t:
unfit to be used In th. operation 01 th. System, or no received promlsel to pay to the Registered Owner
~~~t=I~~'n:~~~~:t t~l~r .;:~eR~~~~u~:n1:~~~~n. ~::if:~en~~ade, a~~~I::r1rl~~f~ls~:ut: s~~I~~
.~ E, lien. or Encumbrances. The City wlll not at ony time abo...e unless redeemed prior thtIreto os provided herein,
, ~o.:~~a~~:;":~J~b=::s:ru~~~~ ~:t~: :: ::,t;e:e~~ =:~:~~t~/~::~:~nr=~t =~i~~Iw'h~:u~~":'r:: ~:
nue of the System, or any porttherool, prior or superior to b4HIn paid or duly provlded for of thllt Inter.st Rote set
"_ the lien thereon for the poymont allhe Parity Bonds, and forth abo...e, poyable April I, 1985, and lemlonnually
wltt pay and dl,chorge, or couse to be pold and thereolter on each April 1 ond October 1 until pgyment of
~~s~~;~~; :hrc,,~n~ ~~P~~~~I~~::,:':~~a:i~~nm::d:~~~ t~hP;~~~~~~ls~fmonhda~n:=t ~~dttl:r~nud\~~:I~~~
ge upon Ihe Revenue of the System, or any port thereol, lowf..1 money of the Unl1ed Stotes 01 America. Interell on
or upon any lunds In Ihe honds of thfl City, prior to or 51.1' this bond Is payable by cl'leck or droft of the Bond Regls.
perior to too lion 01 the Porlty Bonds. or whim might im. tror moiled Ion the dote such int.n"t Is d....e) to the
po~~ tl~~uS;:~;~~ ~h~l~o~~ a::'~'lhe ....orks. plants ond Registered Own.r hereol 01 the address appeorlng on the
I Illtl rising the Sysiem Insured and will oorry ~=~~sll~~)n~n,~1 ~~ :~n:~~e::YII~;%eO~nt~~:~ep:
' s~~ :~~~~~IUrCnCe, with res~slbl~ Insurers, with menl dole. Principal sholl be paid to the regiltereel owner
pollel.s payable tll the City, against risks, otcldents.o'r hereof upon presentation and surrender 01 this bond at the
casualties, at leost 10 the extent that Insurance II usually principal aHices 01 either 01 the flsto' agenclet of the State
carried by .prl...ot. corporatlons operotlng like properties, 01 Washington In 5&o1l1e, Washington or New York, New
or wilt lmpl.mellt 0 self-Insuronce program with rflServ9S York (callect;"ely, the "Bond Reglslrar").
odeqUllle. In the ludgmoot of the Council, to ,protod the Relerence \s hereby mode to odditional pro...islons 01 this
City a.nd ..... hoklers of the Bonds a"Olnst 1051. In the Qvent bond 581 forth on the re...erso side hereaf and such oddl.
... 4 any ~osd:r da;:doge, ~e 11% w:1 pro:rp1!y re,:;lr d reo tlanal provlslonl sholl for 011 plJrposes have the some el.
:;:~ :roc:d~ of':n~~~s~ran~e ~~ I:~~:t ~~po~~ ~l:~:~~~ft~~~s~f~~' :~:~te~: ~"1~~
ar In the e...ent the Oty should determine not to repair or (herelnalter. Ihe "Bond Ordlnonee") as more fully
~;:,u:. s~~=o~~~~~S~::fI~~e sh~ir:l~ldf 1~';: =:~~~I:~ ~: t::,d~a~~ r;l~e~~ ~:i;~~h~r: ~I~~-;
" :,e :::=aery~~;kZ ~~e ;~IQdn~fltc~~~~u~~ t;~~s1:~s~~~ ~~n~ cI~~~a~~b:=~:df:::::lng on the bands Milch are
Account and the balance, If ony, shall, at the option of the This band sholl not be volid or became obllglrtory for any
~~~~ars~dl~il~~~r1~a~~~~~,e~:~~~ ::S~~~enn~i G~~~~=:tl:~~1 t~h~nYC=~r~~:r orA~~~~::~~~~
. P~~ :::;' :~~o~~=;~.in~~~h~I~8I~hoiIAk:~ntproper hereon shall hove been manuolly signed by the Bond
::"r~~I::~n;r::tb:lrd;~ S~;:~ ~O:~~;=n r~h= ~~ll~~~~by certified and dedoNKl that this bond Is ISlued
. City sholl prepare and any owner or holder of Porlty ~~~ti~: t:, ath~ ;;~I~l ;::~:~;;:n V:~d t=d~~:u~~d
Bonds may, upon written request obtoln coplM 01 balance resolutions of the City and that all acts, conditions and
:i:tde~ :h:;~n~~~l~~~~~~tll=e~t~~~~~:ini~:~hn~ ~~i~ :ti~lrled ';dbea~d'n:h:r=:t;, :h~~ II~'::_ ~::;
:~~ 7~i:d~:~~ ~::0~~~11~7d~n~~h:x:~=:f~~~ ::~=Ss~~~~~~~:e~~r;:;~~rt Angeles, Washing.
the RIl...fI1lue Bond Fund, ond Into any and all special funds ton, has caused this bond to be signed on behalf 01 the
or (l(tounts created plJnluelnt to 1he praYisions 01 this ardi. City with the lacslmlle Ilgnature 01 Its Mayor, to be
~~~~,~I~~:m~,::~~e:~~~0~lf,;0~sa~~1:'ttnea~C:;e:" allested by the foeslmllfl signature of tfMl Clty Clerk, and
. H. No free Servic.. Except to the extent required by r~~:o~ 0~&::n,~7 a~h~h~er:'Ofc~C'I~b~:~:~le or
low, the City will not lurnish or supply or pflrmlt the r' CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON
. ~T~~~:~~ b~trl~~n~a~ln:dIo~:~r~~' =~t~:.r ~~~~ By Mayor
.' ~6~:,~:r~i':t~C1:2.Io~ga~~ ~~~o~nf~~m:~ ~~rsa~~~~~g ATTEST:
,..; a"l~ un I:~'nl ond 1m ravements. The City ....iIl n01 Gllpend City CI.rk
ony of the r....enues e1'lv It rom the operation 01 the
Syllem or the proeMs of ony indebtedness payable Iram
the Revenue 01 fhoSystem for any edenslons, bellermenh
" 0/' lmpro...ements' to the System which ore not legally
required or economically so...nd, and which will not
properly and advantageoully eontrlbute to Ihe tonduct 01
th~, ~:i':~a~f ~~~~:~~ ~~~~~~njh~aCi~~ill. on or
beforfl April I at eoth calendar yltOr, determine all ae-
:~nttSo ~~o~: d~~r;::~~;"Jn:ucl;llIac-=n~~1 ~~~::~s~
prapt.rty owners whose oc:counts are delinquent.
t:=;: :~~~~~~~eo~~ ~~::sP~~~:rt~~n::n:~: ;~d :I~:~
of each of the Bonds for os long as any of the some reo
moln outs10ndlng that the City will not iSlue any bonds or
afher obllgallons having 0 greotor or equal priority ai lien
upon the Revenue 01 the System to pall and lecur. the
payment of the principal of and Interest an soch bonds or
other, obllgationl thon I~e l1en <:reoled upon 1he Re...enua
~I~e ~~uti~o~~~~~n;he bonds described In the wllhln. j
referenced OrdlnonClll NlL...-of City of Port Angelel,
Washington, ond ls one Qf the Solid Walle Utl!i!)' Re...tmU8 '\
bonds 1934 doted October 15, 19804, of such City.
as Bond Registrar
This bond is one of on issue of solid waste utility revenue
bondl olllke dato and tenor, exc.pl as to number, rate 01
Interesl ond dote 01 maturity In the aggregate principal
omounl of -nd $565,000 Iss...ed pursvant to the- lows of the
~~:'ecf~ ~llfp~~to~:::le~rd~~lnc~~:' :;:u~ry '=~
including the Band Ordinanw. 'lor the p.urpose ofprovldln
. funds /le<;lIuary to acquire cer1(1fn additloos and better. change in accordance with the pro'#isioos af ;UChB'OOds
meols 10 the System. .The principal of and Interest on such and th!~ resolution and ~o corry (lll! all of the Bond Regis-
bont.s a.-u IT..~I&'' only oul of the revenue of the ~~I:~~:i~~~~S~~{II~Se llr:~~\bl~e:~u~:~~~presenta.
I~: ~~~;~ji'dtn~~f~u u~~ 1d;:Y::~ o~fl~~tyCi~~~W~'1It' I'ons contained In rhe Cerllllcate of Authentfl:Olion on the
City .!O.-bt1 paid into the 1984 City of Port Ange!es Solid Bonds. The Bond Registrar may becomQ Ihe owner 01 any
Waste Utility Revenue Bond Redemption Fund of fhe City Bonds with the &ame rights It wollld hove il it were not the
~~Id ;~&:h~ i:~dd;~n~~d (Iul of income from investments :n~s ~;'~~i~~~O;: :;h:er:t::;::~~7,~I~k7rsl=di~
The Cily rl;l$ervEls the right to redeem the bonds of this is. lors 10 oct as a member of, or in any olher topodty with
=::~:~~~~:f~oi':'W~~I~~ i~r;:,nina~:~~::r=~ :~:~~,ny commlltee formed to protect the righls of
der 01 maturity and by lot within a molurlfy in such man- Section 13. Lost or Desh"oved Bonds. In cose the Bonds or
nar as thl!r Bond Registrar shall de1ermine, out of any mon- anI' ot Inem Sholl be lost, stolen or deslroyl!rd, the Bond
"Vs ovGilable from anI' saurC(l. at tl1. lollowing limes and Registrur may exeeute and deliyer a now Bond or Bonds of
prkBS expreul!rd os percontages 01 Ihe principal amolJnt, like amount. date and tenor 10 the reglsterod owner Ihere-
plus accrued Inlerest to the dOle 01 redemption: 01 upon the owner's poying the expen~s and charges 01
g:: ~:~~:~ l: ::: ~~~ ~~;;: :: ~'::: : ~~:g;. ~~~ D~::c1 h~~t~el~~~d ~~is:~r ~7Iyco;;e,::~~~/h::d~~;
.On October I. 199" ond thareofter. at 100.0% Bond Rugistror eviden~ satisfactory to sold Treasurer and
I n the eYentlhis bond is call1!rd lor payment prior to III mo- Bond RegistJ'Qr thaI such Bond or Bonds were Qctually losl.
~rlly, e noltce- of such redemption shall be mailed first stolen or destroyed and of his/her OWl'lOr$hip thereol, and
~:d' ~t:a:dJ::~~Q~~p:~ri~ge 0~~~e:~rd7:~ln~~I~~ ~~~~:;~~~~~~h ~~ :r::u~~~ :~31~~:i ;~~~slt~~~ni1y
~y the Bond Reglslror not less than thirty (30) days prior to Sedion 14. Sole of Bonds. The $Gle of the Bonds to
.uch r.demption date. Interest on any bond or bonds so Boettcher & Company - Northwest. SeGttle, Woshlnglon
lOlled lor redemptions shall cease on Ihe dote lixed lor pursUGnl to their proposQI doted October 2, 198.4, and
~uch redemption unless such bond or bends ore not. upon the terms, conditions, covenants and price os set
~med upon presentGllon made pursuonl to such colI. fONh In $Qld P:f:ol and In this ordinance, Is hentby
~h~h~~O:I:~~O~s~,e~~s= ~~ ~U~I~~%i~u~f:~ ~~:'~r~'a:tl~reb~a~~~~~::\~~e t;=ed O~iC~~s~:
lhereof. provided thaI no bend sholl represent more than Ihlngs necessary lor the prompt execution and dellve/)' of
one mal\.lrity. Upon surrender 10 the Bond Registror. bends Ihe Bonds and lor the proper use and application of the
ore inter.chongllGble for bonds in any GUlhorized denoml_ proceeds of sole thereol.
natlan of an equal a~l"fIfJale principal od'unl and 01 the ~;;~0~h~5's~:D~~a,::n &fn~~o=;,::~~ ~~~~:o~o{:~~'ePI
~~e~~h:s:e:~dsa~o~~~~'b~~:~n~s ~:~sStfr~~~~ for accrued Interest, wh,ch shall be paid into,the Dobt Ser.
thaI purpose upon Ihe surrender of this bond by Ihe vke Accollnl In the Revenue Bond Fund} sholl be utilized
registered owner hereof or his/her duly authorized agent os follows:
and only II endoned In the mariner provided hereon, Gnd A. The CitY shall Iirst pay Eighty.flve Thousand Dollars
therellpon 0 n~w fully registered bond of like principal (S85.000} of the proceeds of the Bond Into the Reserve
amount, maturity and Interest rote sholl be Issued 10 the Accounl.
::"~Ih~ ~ ~~~~~e ~~r:rtt.:~';i~~~~:.ro:n~tan~; k":~~h~h~ ,~~ ~~':~g:I:~S~~~ ~~teoL:17;;' 7~
Ironsler". The City may deem the person in whO!le name provement Fund, 19B<l." All of the proroeds of Ihe Bonds
:~s ~;;,~ r:ri~::~I~~ '::;~~~:~I:: o;~n~~;ir:lfol~d :~~~ni~~~~:~~i57~)ts~r;:,i ::;'e ;~d~ ~~d.u7~;~~~:
interest on the bond and for any Gnd all alher purpGSes ments Fund and utiliU<! 10 pay the costs of the acquisition,
whatsoever. construction and InstQIIGtlon of the Praim, and casts Inci.
The Bond Reglstror Is not required to issue. reglsler, Irons, dontol thereto, and 10 pay aU costs Incurred In connectlan
fer or exchange any of the bands during a period with the issuance and sale of the Bonds.
beginning at the ap...ing of business on the twentieth Such bond proceeds nol immediately needed 10 PllY Project
(20th) day next preceding Goy Interest payment date and costs and the costs of issuance Gnd sale 01 Ihe Bands may
ending 01 IlIe clote of business on the interest payment be deposited in or with sllch institutions or Inyesled in
t~~s,o~fl~~ :~: ~~sl~n;F Q~n:o~~~p:fS~e ::f:r:I~~h ~~~: slJeh obligations os may now or hereafter bu perml"ed
for rndemptlon. ~~~::f ;~:r S~ t~~ Wd":,~n~t~n W~lelhwlk~nd ';;~~~S w~
The City hereby covenants and agrees with the OINncn 01 deposlled or investod sholl be needoo. All Intefflo5t earned
~~:: :~~ ~~ ~I~~ k::~d aO~;~rem .:1~~brc~:k:;~I~:J ~:'I~n~hcli re~:~~t~h~er~~ O~U~:r:ul~ :~i~U~hY:~~
pwformed. Reference Is made to the Bond Ordinonce for a ceeds ha~e been deposited .and be lIsEKl for the plJrposes
r:H~~: t'~~tl:~d~ ~~:I~:;r;I~:d;~~~~li~ ~h:~:~~ r:O=ic;:'~fr:~~d~0~r:xbpe~~3~s~,:~ ~PF;:::;'I~;
nile of the System wJll be paid inlo ils Revenue Fund (os Project, may be used, Ilrst, fa mGke additions and 1m.
such terms are defined In the Bond Resolution} os collected proyements 10 the Syslem os deemed necessary by the
and that it will set aside out of said Revenue Fund and poy City Council: and seumd. to pay the principal of and inter.
inlo the Bond Fund ond Ihe ReleNe AlXOunt creoted there, est on any PGrlfy Bonds,
In the various amounts required by Ihe Bond OrdlnQnce to Sll'Cfion 16. Amendments.
be pcIid into and maintained In the Bond Fund ond Reserve A. The Council from time 10 time and at onl' time may
AlXOunt, all within the limes pl"O't'lded by SQid Bond pGSI on ordinDl1<e or ordinances supplemental hereol,
Ordinance. whkh ordinance or ordinances thereafter shall become 0
~~~d ~~t~U:;':: t~~ ~:c:r:i~ooi:e ofQ s~~dia~eri:~u:~J roI~:n~h~Su~;:~~~:nce. for anyone. or more or 011 of the
charge upon such Revenue 01 the Sl'stem superior 10 all (l) To odd 10 the covenanls and ogreements of the
other liens and marges of eny kind or nature ex<:ept the City In Ihls ordinance. other covenonls ond agreements
costs of .maintunance ond operollon (oo defined In the Ihereafter 10 be observed, which sholl not odversell' affect
Blmd Ordinance) of the solid waste utility system and any the inlerests of the holders of anI' Parity Bonds. or 10 Sllr,
charge, that may herealter be mode on such Revenue of render any right or power herein reservOO.
Ihe S~stem 10 pay and secure the payment of the k,lnclP\11 any ~~I~~l~e~k::~t !ur::~~~IOc":r::tl~: ~~r:::,:~~~~:~..
~~ea~i~n~~~ C:Q~ia::itewfss:~:11~:r ~e;~~I~ WI~slh.: del II . . . ed h
bands of the issue. ~~inan: QV~,fo~i'~~ofv~~::~~rity I~J~ ~n~;:;r~e I~r:::
The City has fuNher bound Itself to mointGln the Sl'stem In ters or quesllans arising under such ordlnonces os the
good repair, working order and condition, 10 operate Ihe Council mol' deem necessary or desirable and nOllnconsis,
same In an efficient manner ond a1 0 reasonoble cost, and tent with such ordinances and whIch shall nol oovenely 01-
-: ~~y :f~h~aibo~~ ;1:: I~a:uees :r:d o~~~:dl~~r t~~ l:m ~:~"s:~~s~aterial respect, the intere51 of fh<J holders of
mokflo ayailoble, for tl\o poymonl of the principal thereof Any such supplemenhzl ordinance mQY be adopted wlthouf
and Inlfloresl thereon as the $Ome shall became due, Net the consenl 01 the .holders .of any Parity Bondi 01 any time
1tevenue (os delined in Ihe Bond Ordinance) in Gn amount outstundlng, notwlths1Qndlng anI' 01 the pravilions of
whim will be equal 10 ot leasl 1.30 limes the Maximum subsectjon B olthi$ seclian.
~~~1n-lheflond-erdtnane&l._____ _ _B..JNlth.the.consent of_the.holdlUS_of..naI~leq-tkon..~
~~~ ~~:::~h~e ~n~h~~~=C:~a~~ d~~;~~~:i ~~m:g2~3~~dl~~~~a~~~n~:: ;~:s PoO:ldrl~~:e ~ ~r~ .
ot or prior 10 the malurity or_redemptlOr:l of the bonds of " dlnances supplemenJgl.here1o.for_the_purposn of addIng j
I~:~~sr:u:n uft:.n t~~~:~n~~~Ftr:~=~~~-'Flr;w~: t~~lnr ~~~~r.v~~~~s~~n~~I~~ni;J;;rafil~~f\t~~~~:~~ -=--=-
'Ordinance. fIl(Inlol ordlnGoce; provided, however, that no such supple_
Reference 10 the Bond Ordinance ond any and oll.modillca. mentol ordinance sholl:
tlans and amendments thereof is mode for a descrlpllan of (I) Extand the fixed maturity 01 anI' Parity Bondt, or
the nature and extent 01 Ihe .ecurlty for Ihe bonds of this reduce the rote 01 inlerest thereon, or elltGnd the time of
issue, the funds or reVelllJeS pledged, and the terms and payment of inlerest from their due date, or reduce Ihe
conditions upon which such bands are Issued. amalJnl of the principal Ihereof, or redvCll any premium
It is hereby ceNilied cnd declQred that this bond and the po~a!lle on the redemption thereof, without the consent of
bonds of this issue are issued punuant 10 and In strict Ihe holder of eQch bond $0 affected; or
~:h:~~nt~~ ~~~ ~~dl;:;c~;u~:o;h:n~I~::Sn;ft~~~ ~jl~ect~~ reqll!~~ R-:u;::::.of~~sa:~r~:~j:~e~fol~~~~:~~:~
condilions and things required to be done precedent to wilhOlJt Ihe consent of the holders of 011 of the Parity
and In the issuance of thIs bond hove happened, bailn Bondslhen outstanding.
done Gnd performed. It shall not be necessary for the consenl of bendholdors
under this subliection B 10 approve the portlcular form of
any proposed supplemenlal ordinance, but It shall be luffi,
den! If such consent sholl opprovethe substance thereof,
C. Upon the adoption of any SUpplemenlal ordinance
~h~ir:t ~~~~~~~o:ad~i~~r a~dt~a~~n~~ ~~di~~=
donee therewith, and therespec:tlye rlghls, duties Qndobll..
gallons of tho City under this ordinQnce and QII holder.; of
Parity Bonds outstanding hereunder sholllhereaFler be de-
termined. exercised and enlorced thereunder, subiect In
011 respects 10 such mocliFicolion and amendmenls, and all
lernu and conditions of ony such supplemental ordinance
shall be deemed to be poN 01 Ihe terml and conditians of
Ih~.op:7~n~~~d: ~:~c~~~a~~1;j~:;vd after the execu.
tion ,of any $upplemen~ol ordInance passed plJrsuont 10 the
prol'l5lons 01 this sedlon may hove 0 nola1ian os to anI'
matler PfQyided for in such sUPP!IH'II&ntal ordillonce, and il
sllen supplemental ordinan~ sholl so provide, new bonds
sa modified os to conform, in the opinion of tho Council, to
~;:pr:t~~~ti~~di~fo~~:, ~~n~(ep;:;~~~d~nid :=rry=~j
withollt cosl to the holders of any affected Parity Bonds
(PlllGse prlnl or typewrite name and oddr&$s, including zip then outstanding, upon sUrrI:nder for concellation of such
code of Transfere&) .
The follGwlng Gbbreviotions, when used In the Inscription
on the foce of Ihe within Bond, shall be construed os
though thoy were written ou, in full accordlllg to appllco-
ble laws or regulollons.
TEN COM ' as tenants In common
TEN ENT. as tenanls by the entireties
JT TEN, os joint lenonll wllh righl of survivorship and
not 01 tenants In common
under Uniform Gihs to Minors
Addillonal Gbbreviotions may also be used although not
listed above.
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the underSigned hereby sells, 05-
signs and tronsfersunto
Ihe within band Gnd 011 rights Iherm.mder and does hereby
irrellOCObl~ conslllu" ond appolnl
of , or its SUCClnor, as
Agent 10 transfer ~id bond on the books kepI by the Bond
Reglslror for registration Ihereof, with full power of sllbstl.
tu1lon In the premises.
~O~~~I~:~~~:Cfi~~~ C~typ~nPf:: ~~~~~;s'a:~t~~~~~~d
bel1ermonls 10 the solid waslO utility system 01 ,he City:
outhorizing the issuonce and sale 01 solId WO$1o ulll1ty rev-
enue bond, in tho principe I amounl of $565,000 for tbe
purpese of providing part of ,he lunds required for ocqut'.
~r~I/=~~~n~:nS~I:ds:~~~: ~~~~I~yO:::;i~S tt:: C:;:
=~l~~~h~ ~:;':~~~sf~~~ ~r t~;e~~ Il~~df~~~~n~~~o~~
01 solid waste utility revenue bonds; prol/iding the cov.-
nants, terms and condillons under which such bond, onl:l
future perily bonds sholl be Issued; and oppro\ling ,he 5CIle
~~~~~s t~:re~~70r:.f ~06rd~~~~~e'NO~lo;;n:=el~
:r :~~~~~~tojo~~~da ;~:~:~rl~~~'~~~:~~~ln~sr::
cordance with Ch. 35.92 RCW;
WHEREAS, Ihe City', solid wo"e- collection, disposal ana
processing sysh3m preslil'ntly need. cerloln Impro\lements,
a4c!itlon' and bollermen1,; ond
WHEREAS, II Is now doomed necenery ond odvlsoble 11101
the City Issue and ,ell lis solid waste utility rev.nue bonds
In the aggregole principal ,um of $565,000'0 prol/lde port
of the funds necessary to pay Ihe cost of c.rtoin oddihon,
ond improvemenl5 to the solid wo,te colledlon, dl,pasol
ond prooossing,y,temof IheCity.
NOW, THEREFORE, Th& City of Port Angele, does ordoln:
~ Dellnltion'. A, used In Ihls ordinance, th. fol.
lowing wordlshall hove the following meaning':
A. "Annual Debl Sa1vice" means, for any year, Ih.
emounl r.qulred in such year for Ihe paymenl of the prln-
dpglof and Interes' on the Parity Bonds; pro\lided Ihal. III
~eo:t~~t~~:&~IZnl~h~e~~~~; ::;:5~: ~:Ii~d:~~::~
e:o:dude from "prindpol" an omoun' of Term Bonds "
to Ihe mandolory deposllS of money lnlo any Sinking Fund
Account to provide for poymllnl 01 the principal of ,uch
Term Bonds, and from "inlere,t" Ihe inll(e,t on .uch Term
~d~o 'i~~i~J~ei~' I:ul~he~:f :111 ~~nda:l:;I~k~~~~
:::It;r~:id~;hl~rdb~ :uec~uj:po~~~ ~;~~: :he t~:t::r~
,he respective dapo,lIs.
8. "Av&roge Annual Debt Sorvlce" means ,he (JV9f"oge
omount 01 Annual Debl S&rvice which will become due In
on~,f~.~~I~a:9rs~:~,e ~:~Z, ~db~~k~ ~~IS:~::d;.maln.
to;lIed, by the Bond Regislrar containing the nome ond
moiling address 01 the owner 01 ooch Bond or nominee of
sum .owner arld the principal amount and number of Bond,
held by each owner or nominee.
D. "800d Reglstror" means the fiscal ogandu of Ihe
Slole of Washing' on. currently Seattle.Firsl National Bcmk.
Sootlle, Washington orld J. Henry Schroder Sank & Trusl
Compon)', New York, ~ew York, or any fiscal agent ollhe
SIOTe of Woshinglon Inot I11DY hereoft.r be do,lgnoted al
suo::essarlo such bonks.
E. ..Bonds" means the $565.000 City 01 Port Angeles Solid
Wa5fa Ulility R8\lenue Borlds, 1984, authorized by this
ordlnonce. '
F. "Oly" meolls1he City of Port Angeles, Washington, a
munldpal corporotion duly orgoniz<"!" and exi"lng under
and by 1/irtue of the lows of the Slale 01 Washinglon.
G. "Costs at Malnlenonce and Opara,ion" mean, all nee-
enary operating expanses, curren' maintenenoo expenses,
expenses of reasonoble upkeep and repolrs. ond insurance
ond odminlslrative expense. bul lll,cludas depreciation,
payments lor d&bt service or into reserve accounts, costs
of copilo! additions to or replacements 01 tho Syslem, mil'
njr,I'~~~~ij,?r=.:e~~~ l;e~e~~;7e~7':~~I/~1 b~d;'~f the
Clty 01' the ,ome sholl be duly and regularly COII,fitUt&d
t. "Debt Service Accounl'. moons the accoun' ot that
nome creoled fn the Revenue Bond Fl.Jnd.by Section 6 of
Ihl,Ordlnanw. ~
J. "Future Parity Bonds" means the ParIty Bonds Issued
by tho Oly ofler It Issues-the Sand,.
ga~~s"I:i[3~~:;;:s J;"~~"'t~~~~~:~:~ZB4F~~ ~:,~~
Section 150f this Ordinance.
L "Maximum Annual Oebt Service" meens the mw:imum
amount of Annuol Debt Service which will become due In
any future yoor on Ihe Parity Bonds then outstanding.
M. "Nol Revenue" means the Revenue 01 the Sy,tem len
the Costs of Maintenance and Operation.
N. "Pority Bonds" means 'he. Bonds ond any saiki wosle
h~~i:Xgr~I'r;~:~onn~he ~~I;~n~:e o~l:he ~~t;~r::tfhel~~
ment of Ihe prIncipal Ihereof and intere,t theroon &quollO
Ihelien upcln Ihe Revenue of Ine Sys1em of thll Sands.
. o. ..Projecl" moons Ihose additions ond improvements 10
. lite System authorlwd by Sll'Clion 2 01 thiS Ordinance.
P., "Purchaser" means BootIcher & Company, Inc. Seo"le,
Q. "Re-,&rve Account" means the Bond Reserve Account
crealad in Ihe- Revenue Bond Fund by paragraph B 01 Sac-
tlon6of IhisQrdinonce.
R. "Rel/lnue 8?nd Fund" or ''Bond Fund" milan' Ihe 1984
City of Port Angelq.s Solid Waste Ulility Revenue Bond Fund
created In the office of 'he Treo,urer of Ihe City by Section
6 oltn;s Ordinance. ,~
S. The words "Revenue Fund" meon, ,he Solid Woste
Utility Revenue FUlld of the ,City creoted by Section 5 of
,his Ordinance. "
T. The words "Revenue of the System" moon all 8Orn.
ings, re1/enu& and moneYll received by the City from or on
accounl of Ihe operallon of the System, induding the in-
come Irom Inl/estments of moooy In Ihe Rl'lenlJe Fund ond
1M Ravenue Bond Fund or lrom ony other Inve,tmen1
Iheraof except tho Income from investment:! irrevocobly
~e:J'se~vl~~~~t ~~~%~fof~~I~~~=~~ :~;~~dr::~h:
words "Revenue of Ihe System" shllll also Include any led-
::~~~; :~a:h ~~;&bn~~:~~;~n~:ud:a~~gc::e~e~~~~: .
no~~eTh;~~::~~f:k~gl~~~JS=~unt" moon any ao::ount
crealed In the Re\lenue Bond Fund to amorth:.e tne princi.
po! of Term Sands
V. The word "System" means th& ,olid waste collection,
~;:~ ~~d trro:::~i~~o:,v':~::;;~ l:r.;:rre:n%u:J:~ ~h~
Council may e"pond the Sys,em by ordinance to Include
any other public ulility syslem that Ihe City mo)' by low
W. The word, "Term Bonds" mean any Pari/}' Belnds
Iclon1ll1ed 0' such in the ordir!once authorizing th9 Issuance
Ihereat the paymenl 01 which Is provided lor by 0 requIre-
ment for mondolOf)' depo,lts of money into a Sinking Fund
Accounl in Ine Re\lenue Bond Fund.
:::~~: a~~~d~p~:1~~o~I~:~~; ~l~~f:~ i~: ;~~u~s~:~~~
con,truction and inslOllolion of certain additions and bet-
~~~~:~~lIg1'oc~I~'~e' ~}Ic:oow~s:t:m~oi~:t~~ ,~~i~~~lui~
new machanlled solld woste colfac,le.n ,y,lem rgqulring
the acquisition of twe. (2) new me<:hontzed Irucks, one
Ihe.usorld se1/er! hundred (1.700) new three hundred (300)
vollon gorbage con" !wo Ihouwnd thre9 hundred (2.300)
new ninety (90) gallon gorboge cons, fifty (50) new si"ty
(60) gallon garboge cons and necessary reloted equipment.
The City may moke such change, in or addllions 10 the
:~~isn~~~nch~n~: ': ':~;b:CI:~~~~~ora~:~lr'h~epu~
pas-esof the pion.
The estimafed cost of lIuch plan 'oi addilions and batter.
ments and 011 costs incidenlol ,hereto, is h.r9by declared
10 be os nllOlly, as"prOClicab/e,1ha.,sum of $6(1.531. of n
wl'tlch amount ,oppro:o:imotely $565,000 is to be providod
viding port 01 the fund, necessary to poy I e- cosl5 01 the
Project ond 10 pay Ihe expanses incidelllol 10 Ihe ill&uance
ollhe Bond,. The Belnds ,noli be dasignotad Ih. "City of
Port Angeles Solid Wos.te Ulillty RevenUII Bonds, 1984"
shaU bll doted OClober I, 1984; sholl be issued In fully
registered form in the denomination of $5,000 ooch or any
inlegrol mulliple thereof, provided lhot 00 Bond sholl r.p.
reunt mar. thon on& maturity; shall be numbered sepo-
rotaly and in the manner and wl,h any additional designa.
tion as Ihe Bond Regis.tror deem' necessary for ,he pur-
po::lS-esofiderrtificatlon: sholl bear lnler&s' Irom their date,
un,il the Bond, nove been paid or their paymenl duly pro-
vided for, ot ,uch rates os the Purchaser nos propom In
ii, proposol doled O<;lober 2, 198-4 and the City accepts,
the rates par onnum payable on April I, 1985, and semian.
nuolly thereafter on each April I and October I; and shall
mature e.n April 1 of ooch year os lollows:
Maturity Year Amount
1985 $30,000
1986 35.000
1987 35,000
1988 .4.0,000
1989 '-5,000
1990 50.000
1991 55,000
1992 60,000
1m 65,000
199.- 70,000
1995 80,000
t;:~o~l%rh~h:b~o~d~c~~;r:;~ o~~h~ '~~t,:s:~~n~~ r~~:
mllleo, ond,ne fiscal ogenc;lIs 01 the Slate 01 Washington
in the cilie, of Seoltle, Woshlnglon, alld New York, New
York, ,hall ocl 0' outhanticOlirlg truslee, fronlller agent,
~~'1 ~:;I~~~~. r~~tr~ri~~~p~e o~o~~d (f~~~~;;Q~~. :~:
Bonds sllall be poyeble In lawful money of the Uniled
Stote, ef Am&rlca. Interest on the Bonds sholl be paid by
chBck or droit of th& Bond Regislror melled (en '!he dote
,um Inloresl is due) to Ihe registered owners or nomirlees
ot the oddresses appeorlng on the Bond Ragi$ter on the Ilf.
teen,h (15Ih) day of the monlh prtx:ading each Inlerest
poymenl dote. Principal 01 the Bonds shall be poyable
Upcln presanlo,ioll and svrrender of Ihe Bonds to tne 80nd
:~~I;~I o'f?;c:eelr:~:r: tI1~t7s~~1 ~~e~~i~~n:lo:heQ~~:
of Washing/on in the clties. 01 Soo"lo, Washinglon, or New
York. New York.
The Bonds may be tranlllerred only on the Bond Register
mainlalned by the Bond Reglstror for thot pvrpose upon
the ,urrender Ihereol by the registered owner or nominee
or his/her duty ov'horized agenl ond only II endor,ed In
the manner proYld~ thereon, and therllupon 0 new fully
regl,lered Bond of like principal amount, mOlurity and in-
:~~~:~:r~le S~~hllt:n~~:~~~~lIlh:e Ir:~~ru~ ~~sfx~~a~~
regislered owner or Iransferee. The City may doom the
person in whos& nome eoch Bond is registered to be the
~b.::~t 1h:;~{n:~:le~: ~~ :~~e:eus~p:~esu~'h r:~~~~
any and 011 other purpe$8lI whot,oev(lf.
Upon surrender Ihereof to the Bond Registrar. tho Banda
ore Interchongeable lor Bonds III any oulhorized d~oomi.
nalion of on equal 09gregale prlnclpol omount and of the
sllme;nloresl ratesond maturities.
The Bond Reglslrar ,halt not be requir~ to issue. regiS'er,
tran,ler or excnonge any of Ih& Bond, dvring 0 period
beginning 0' Ihe opGrllng 01 business on the twentle'h
(20Ih) day ne..-I preceding any inlerest poyment dole ond
erldlng at Ihe dose of business on the inlere,1 poymenl
:~~s.o~i,~~ :~: :asii;n~1 of"Xo:;:;~~~~er::I~~r:i~;h %~~:
SOClion A. Redemplion. The Clly re,erves Ihe right to re-
deem outstanding Bond, In whole, or In pori in inverse or-
der 01 molurity and by 101 within a mlllurlty in ':such man.
ner os. I~II Bond Reglslror sholl delarmlne, out of ony man-
:~ o:'~~lto:t:~n~nrlms:~r~~d ~~Ic~~y e~~~~::~/~';:~~
cerltoges of the principal omount. plus oo::ruad inleres' 10
Iho dote of redempfion
On October 1,1992 and April I, 1993, all02.0%
On October', 1993 and April 1, 199.4., 0110i.0%
On c<:tober 1.199'- and ther&oher. 01100.0%
~~:~~~nu;~'n o:u:~een.f::rl~t~~~m:~;~ ~: Ihr: p~7n~p~~
offioo 01 Ihe 60nd Regislror, Ihere shall be issued 10 the
regl,terad ownor, without charge Iherelor, 0 new Belnd or
Bonds, ot the option of the registered owner, of like matu-
rity and inlere,t rote in OrlY of the denomlnollons
o~tt10rlled by Ihls resolution.
~~lliCcle~~ ~ril~u::s;~~~n::'~~;,e~~::~:n ~~~~~=~e~
01 the Bonds to be redeemed at Ihe add rease, oppeorlng
on the Bond Register not len thon thirty (30) days prior to
such redemption dote. The raquiremenfll of thls- ,ectlon
,hall have been complied wltn when notice is moiled 0'
herein prollldad, regardless of"-wh&lher II is oaually
rece~1/ed by the owner of ony Bond. Interes' llll 'he Bond
or Bonds so called for redemption ,hall cease on the date
fixed for such redemption unless such Bond or Bonds are
not redeemed upon presenlotlon mOOe pursuant to such
The City further reserve' Ihe right to vse 01 ony tlme any
surplus Rel/enue olth& Syslem ovoilobJe oher pro1/ldlng for
lunds, 10 purcha... any of tha Bonds in Ihe open market lor
relirement only, if the ,ome may be purchased 01 0 price
nol exceeding thai (It whicf. 'hey could be called for ra-
demption on Ih& firs' succeeding dote on which they may
becoll&d. plu, eccrued intere,t.
Sedion 5. Priorllv of Paymenls Irom Revenue Fund. A 'pe-
cial fund of the CIty known os the "Solid Waste UtIlity Rev-
enue Fund" i:s hereby been established In Iho office of the
TroallJrer 01 the City Inlo which shall be deposited the
R8\lenue of th& Syshlm as collacted, except Ihe inlllres'
earned and income derived from inveslmen's of moneys In
the Rel/&nue Bond Fund and the occounlS therein. The Re1/.
fu'~ds ~un't a'~~I~n~ ~r~tesal~~~ 0': ~~~Zn~~~1 ~~eo~~
tern depo$ited in such Fund shall be used only for the fol.
lowing purposell and In the following order of prIority:
~ to pay the C:OSIs. llf MolntlHlanoo and Operotlon
01 the Syslem:
~ to pay the inleresl on any Parity Bonds;
Third, '0 pay the maturing prlnclpol 01 ony Parity
Bonds; ,
Fourth, 10 moke all pa)'ments required 10 be mode
into tile Reserve Ao::ount creoted 10 ,ecure the payment of
the Pority Bonds;
Ei.!!!!... 10 makB 011 payment' required '0 be made Into
any revenue bond redemption fund or rel/enue warrant re-
demp,ion lund ond debt se""ice occount or reserve occoun1
cr80ted 10 pay and secure the paymenl of tho principal of
~h: ~7;;rh~i~ ~n~:ne:ep~~e ~n::,,~~~:v~f~hewS~:I~~' ~~
nlor and Inferior 10 the IlIHl thereon for the payment of t
princlpoJ of and Interest on the Pority Bonds;
mar:~~t~n;o :~:~~~n~::'r:~:~~; b::d:c~~s~~~~~: O::~
ronts of the City, 10 moko nec:essory ockllllon" beller.
menlS, improvements and repairs to or ex/ens Ions and reo
plaoomonls ot Il1e Sy,tem, or lor ony other lowful City
Section 6. POIImools inlo Revenue Bond Fund. A special
fund 01 the City known os the .'198-4 City of Port Angeles
~a:uur:rBoofd :hend~~ h':reblt;re;:~pdo~ t~; a:'al:~f ~~d
~:~~nLtis P~~~~S~~~g~a~~ ~~d'he~;bl;n~~a~:~
~~~d b~~~ ~~s~ll:t:toltll~:e~~~ o~~~~Ost~:. R&vonue
A. Pavmenfs 'Into Deb, Service Ao::oulIl. A ,peclal ac-
count known 05 the Debt Service Accounl I' hereby
creatll'd ill the Revenue Bond Fund lor the purpoS9 of pay-
ing the prinCipal of, premium. If any, and intere,1 on the
As long all ony of the Bonds remain ountandlng, the Cltv
hereby Irrevocobly obligates and bind, Itself to set a,lde
=n~:;~~;':nR~I/~=:,s.~;' ::'I~heer ~~~~ ~~~eA~f
the SystElm collected and depoSited and such o,her moneys
os ore on hand ond O1/alloble therefor In Ih. Debt Servioo
AO::OUIlI, 10 pay the in,eresl or principal and'lnmesl nex'
coming due on Ihe outstanding Bonds. Such paymentl from
Ihe Revenue Fund shall be mode on or before the !wentl-
(I) Beginning with 'he month 01 October, 196-4.. and
:d'I:~~J;J,oro~$ ~~~gu~: :h1~ ~hBoo~~~ra~0~~~0~1
able Ihe.refor in the Debl Service AO::llunt, will be aquol to
at least ona-sixlh (1/6fh) of the Inleres' to become due
ond payable on lho ne:o:t illterest payment dote on all of
the Sands then oulstondlng; and
{2} Beginning .....ith the month of Odober, 198A, and
:dti:~~~J.oro~~ a%~gu~: :~r~~ ::hB~~~~rO~o~:;:O:~~r.
(exclusive of Term Bonds) 10 become due and po)'oble on
1he next principal poyment dote.
~he ~~r:~~~~':o~ :~~~$o:~;~"mt~nd::~: ~I:is;:
v{:Je In each ordinance outhoridng the ISlIJonce 01 the
,orne lor the- creation of 0 SInking Fund Account ond lor
~dlorn;:o;~~~ :k~:n~u::d ~cc~~~: ~~ff~I~~ ~:;:t"h:
;~~~ ::h:rn:~~y~h:,~~:e~n h~'~~O~~e~~bf:i:~~:
in ,uch accoun' 10 amortize the principal of ,uch future
~i~lja~:~~:r::,i~~ ~~ep~~~~~~~r~m~~~btl~~~t~~~~~
os ,uch obligation, ore now or hereafter defined In RCW
Ch. 39.53, os amended, llr its ',uccessor slalute:11 ony, suI.
ficientlo accomplish such omortlzatlon.
B. Povmenls Inlo'Reserve AcCOlJnt. A ,pedal oc:covnl
known as' Ine "Re,erve Account' " he.i'-aby created' If' Ihe
Re\lenue Bond Fund for the purpose of securing the POJ'-
ment of the principal of ond Interes' on 011 outstanding
"arity Bondi. Th& City c.(lvenonl, and ogrees that upon re-
=so~~ !::t~:o=~~ ~~~~I~~g~,.~~:: ~~~:::d
Dollars ($85,000). The City olso cOWlnants ond agrees that
It wIll PllY into the Reserve Accounl out of the Rel/enueof
;~~d~y~I:'ho~'ar::d~ ON~I~~~tot~: ~7~:cht ~~~e)'~
less thon approxima~ equol anlluol payments 5ufflclenl.
with o,her money I~";~e R&serve- Account and otherwise
required 10 be poid Iherein, to hove on depollit therein bJr
O<;lober 1, 1989, a 10tal omount which will be at,reast
equal to the Averag. Annual Debt Service.
The City hereby further coyenonts and agrees thel In the
8\lent it issues ony fulure Porlly Bond, 11 will provide in the
ordinance oulhorlzlng the Inuance 01 tha ,ome Ihat It will
POl' into the ReSlrve Accovnt out of Ihe Revenue of the
System (or. at the option of the City, oul of any other
lunds on hand legolly ol/olloble tor ,uch purpo,e) not less
:~~~ b~P~~~x~~:::~ro~Uthle~~~I~f~~a~~~~lo~d:~~:
Parity Bonds. there will hove been paid into the Re,erve
Account on amount which, with Ihe money alrflJdy on de.
posit Ihorein, will be olleas.t equatlo Ihe Maximum Anrtu.
~cc~~~ ~~ib; ~~ho ~~~I:;~~%:n&~~~~e~h; ~t~:~h
~UI~:J' d~~7::S h:~n=n o~~r~:' ~a~e= ~c~
counl, It will at all times molnloin therein on amount at
leest equol 10 the Averoge Annual Debt Service. The City
:~~h;~~~;e:~~,a~d ;"[:s ;:iltl~;:e.n~li~t~~~u~ ~ ::
sllrve Accoun, en amount 0' lea,1 aquollO the MaxImum
Annual Deb' Service. Whene\ler there is 0 sufflc:lent
omollnt In Ihe Rovenuo Bond Fund, Including 011 accoun',
therein. 10 PO), the principol of, premium, If any, and lnlor.
::V~n ~~~~:I~~~ln~e P~ :,o;~;. :~~h m;~n:~~, t~~e~:
~~ ~Is:h~ r:~~~.:~'~ ,=:~na~~ereRI~::rva~dAf:,a~:;
the pramlum, if any, and Inler&st due 10 such dote 01 re-
dampliorl, on any outs,anding Parlty Bonds, 0$ long cil the
~r~n:r~~es~ ;;:li~~nt~eO~~~:~ ~~:~tri:b~:e~f::.unt
In the Ol/entlherEl shell be 0 deficiency in Ihe D&bt Service
ACc.(lunt to meel moturing ins,allments 01 &llher Interest
on or principal 01 and intere,t Or! Ihe llutstOndln~ bond,
~d~J:P f~~;flh~u~::,,:uZ~~~~\;e'~ie;i~d~~~' ':;
moneys therefrom. Arty deficiency created in the R&serve
Account by reason of ony such witfldrowol aholl 1hen be
mede up out of Reven~c 01 the Sy,lem after making naces-
sory provision for the- payment, required to be mode by
slJbparugrophs First Ihrough Third Incluslveaf Section 5 01
thisordinQnce.~ ~
C. Priorllv of Lien of Povmoots InlO Revenue Band Fund.
The amoUrlts so pledged to be pold Inlo the Debt Servico
Accovnt and the Reserve Accoun1 trom 'he Revenu& Fund
ore hereby dedared to be 0 prior lien ond charge upon Ihe
Revenue of the System superior 10 011 other charge' 01 any
kind or nolure wholsoever excepl Iha Cas's of Mainle.
~~:;n~n~o ~i::;:d"ar~ :~qS:::i::~ ~~h~X;~~;g~h,o~~~
~~~~~n~n~~rt~ :~r:m&nt ollhe prlr!cipol ~ an~ lnler.
Bo~d ~co~~~~n~ It~~es;::tntse%i:r;..eC":o~~t ~~~
serve Accounl may be inveslaO 05 permi"ed by la~. In.
;~s=nJ~t~n ~~e ,;'h~~~ Ss:7~ca.n~:v~~;:i~e m"a~~:t~~
requjred interes' or principal poyments. Irlveslments in th&
Reserve Account sholl matur& not loler Ihan Ihe lost molLl
rlty ol_.an~ Ihen ou!stand!n.g Pority Bonds. All int~res,
COUNCil will nold a public
hearing on October ~ 6 t 1984 ~
7:00 P.M., or os soon there-
after as possib Ie. in the
County Commissioner's
Meeti"9 Room. Room 160,
Claflam County Courthouser
223 East Fourth Street. to
consider a ..equest to: Ci reu-
late 0 petition for anne)(o-
tion of 0 parcel of property
3450 squa re feet in size, j m-
mediately west of Foirmoun1
Street, between Spruce and
Lauridsen Boulevard, to the
City of Port Angeles.
LOCATION: The north side of
Spruce Street west of Fair..
mount Avenue.
namedr vacoted right-of-way
abutting the east side of Lot
32, B tock 5, Mollettes 2nd
APPLICANT: Gerold Austin
All interested parfies may
appear at the hearing and
express their opinion on 1his
DATE: October 5 f 1984.
Merri A. Lannoye
City Clerk
Pub.~ Ocf. 9, 1984.
COUNCil wilj hold a public
hearing on October 16J J9S4,
7:00 P. M.. or as soon there..
after os possible, In the
County Commrssi,oner's
Meeting Room, Room 1601
Clallam County Courthouse,
223 East Fourth Streefr to
consider a request to: Annex
a parcel of propertyl 4..plus
acres in size. iust south of
Lindberg road and east of
the Peninsula Golf Courset
LoeA TrO N: 90 L in dberg
tio" of the NE quarter of the
NW quarter of Section 13,
Township 30N.t Range 6
APPLICANT: Alan W. and
Jon Hare
All inferested parties may
appear ot the hearing and
express thei r opi n ion on this
DATE: October 5, 1984~
Merri A. Lannoye
City Crerk
Pubt: Oct. 9, 1984.
October 9, 1984
facility that would be open at least at 8:00 A.M. - preferably 7:30 A.M. in
the summer - and would remain open until at least 10:00 P.M. Councilman
Quast then moved to allocate $20,000 for capital cost for the development
of a visitor bureau and up to $2,000 a month for the first year for mainten-
ance and operation of the facility, in the hours prescribed by Councilman
Hordyk. The source of these funds would be the hotel/motel tax. Council-
man Hordyk seconded for the sake of discussion. The Council discussed
possible sites. Councilman Hordyk emphasized the need for adequate park-
ing. The Council and staff concurred that the monthly maintenance costs
paid by the City would replace the $15,000 currently being requested by the
Chamber. Councilman Gerberding indicated that he agreed with the motion
basically, but did not at this time wish to limit the amount or to prevent
the Council from considering other requests. Councilman Quast stated that
his motion did not preclude any other reasonable request. Councilman
Schermer stated that an amount should be set before the end of the year,
but not at this time. Mr. Gay, of the Chamber of Commerce, stated that he
was unsure of what the costs would be; that a staffing budget would have to
be developed. He was pleased at the amount of funds the Council was will-
ing to commit per year for the project. On call for the question, the
motion carried.
Mayor Duncan then directed the Council's attention to discussion of a Civic
Center. Councilman Quast stated that a facility is needed that will accom-
modate over 200 people. He stated that Port Angeles currently does not
have a facility of this nature available. FOllowing further discussion
with members of the audience, Mayor Duncan indicated that the Chamber of
Commerce should decide the direction it is going to take on Friday and that
until that is done, what the Council was proposing was a form of support
but beyond that, not a specific amount. She stated that all those things
would have to be resolved as the project proceeded.
Mayor Duncan"adjourned the meeting at 9:21 P.M.
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