HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/10/1934 Proceedings of' the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington October 10, 19li4 193_ ., 243 I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Commissioner Lutz, Acting Mayor., Roll call showed the following officers present: Commissioners Lutz and Masters, 4ttorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head 0 f Applications for Building Permi ts and Licenses. the following were granted: Celesta Mayberry, Addition to Residence, Lot 20, Blk. 240, Townsite Commeruial Hotel, 26 Rooms Reliable Used Furniture Co., Second Hand Dealer 100.00 26.00 15.00 Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions, the following Resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION TO SELL PROPERTY WHEREAS, the City of Port An@81es is the owner of the following described property in said City, to wit: Lot Eleven (11), Block Four Hundred Twenty-seven (427), Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam Countw, #ashington, which property has been ac~uired by the City on foreclosure of delin~uent local improve- ment assessments under Chap. 205 of the Session Laws of 1927, and VMEREAS, one Andrew Johnson has offered to purchase the said property above describ~ ed for the sum of $30.00, one-half to be paid in cash and one-half to be paid within one year from date, ani ~EEREAS, the City Commissioners have viewed the said property and given full con- sideration to its value and the offer made is good value for theproperty and represents the full amount of general taxes and improvement assessments levied against the same. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the offer of the said Andrew Johnson, be and the same is hereby accepted by the City Commission and that the Uity sell the property for the price and at the terms above mentioned, subject to all liens, excepting the charges included in the foreclosure proceedings; that a contract be drawn by the City Attorney to conform to the above terms and that the Mayor and City Clerk be and said officers are hereby auth'Jrized to execut~ the said contract on behalf of the City on receipt of ttte cash payment, and that the ~ity Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the purchaser a deed to the said property upon the comp~etion of the payments provided for in the contract of sale. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing Resol ution be approved ahd adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION ON APPLICATION FOR REFUND OF U.S. ELECTRIC ENERGY TAX '~HEREAS, through National Utilities Association, it may be possible to recover, wi th interest, portions of the Electric Energy Tax paid by the Ci ty to the U. S, Internal Revenue Department during the past two years, with fees for professional services in connection with such work contingent on success and not to exceed 20% of the interest on the amounts refunded, and WHFREAS, it becomes necessary and required in the work on this matter before the Internal Revenue Department to grant to competent representatives of the National Utili ties Association a Power of 4ttorney to act for and on behalf of th e applicant at Washington D.C" in urging the claimsof the Uity. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That it is for the best interests of the City to make the claim for refund, with interest, of the Electric Energy ~ax heretofore paid and to authmrize representatives of the National Municipal Utilities Association to act as attormey in fact for the City in performing the work relative to the claims, BE IT RESOLVED, That the ~fO~,~~-k.m be and said officerll :a'B8';hereby authorized and instructed to make and execute on be~alf of the City, the Power of Attorney heretofore submitted, and that same be forwarded to the proper officers of the National Municipal Utilities Association. , It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing nesolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all me mbers voted aye. T~e Mayor deolared the~otion carried. Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinances the follOWing Ordinances were read by title and plaoed on their third readings,- AN ORDINANCE Adopting and approving the City budget of and for the City of Port Angeles, for the fiscal year, 1935, and declaring an emergenoy, It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the fm'regoing O:rdinanc e be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members ' voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion car:il:ied. AN ORDINANCE Confirming the estimate of expenditures for the City of Port Angeles for the yeat 1935, and fixing tax levies for said year 1935 as heretofore made and levied by the Oil ty Commission meeting and si ttint~ for that purpose on the 1st day of October, 1931, and declaring an'emergcncy. It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on mts final re ading and adopted. ~econded by Commissioner Masters. On roll oall all members yoted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Unfinished Business, Frank L. Plummer and S.J: Lutz reported that they had attended the meeting of the Associated Cities of Washington, held at Spokane, October 4th and 5th. A good meeting was had and well attended. Many matters of importance to all cities in the Jtate were taken up for consideration. I Special attention was given to having a law passed by the LegislatUre allocating a portion of the State Bas Tax to be used in Cities and towns of the ~tate and a special Legislative committee was apPointed for this \ .... ,..- (244 October 10. 1934 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ purpose. A written report was filed. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- CURRENT EXPENSE Q.uick Print Ulmer Off,ice Equipment Co. Pacific leI. & Tel. Co. Trick & Murray Evening News Lowman & tianford Co. Thos. T. Aldwell Garvin Auto Co. Eubanks Drug Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Gehrke & Johnson James Hardware Co. Willson Hardware Co. Howard-Cooper Corp. Garvin Auto Co. Vim. Schrader Puget Sound Navigation Co. _Washington Pulp & ~aper 60rp. P.A. Concrete Products Co. I. C. Groves Pac. Tel & Tel Co. n n II Sup~lies Service Supplies Publica tions Disbursement Record Insurance Repairs Supplies Servic e Gas Nails Hardware Repair Parts Spark Plug Sharpening Sawa Freight Lime Pipe Meals for Prisoners Service _ City Treasurer J. ". Pringle Howard-Cooper Corp. j IT ~I 11 " Stamps Repairs to jail Expansion Rings Fire ext. recharges Supplies " Ulmer Office Equipment Co. Pac. Tel & Tel Go. Willson Hdwe. Co. Standard Oil Co. Gehrke & Johnson E. A. Jacobs Johnson Transfer Co. J. W. Hooker State Treasurer Service Supplies Gas Gas & Oil Wrenc h Hauling Gravel Insurance Ind. Ins. & Med.Aid WATER FUND V. A. Samuelson & ~o. Antone Smith Grocery W:fllson Hdwe Co. Washington State B~k Willson Hdwe Co. Paris Motor Co. Richfield Oil Co. State Treasurer Fan Belt Oil Supplies Rent Supplies Service & ~upplies Gas Ind. Ins. & Med Aid LIGHT FUND J. Lloyd "ldwell Puget Soupd Navigation Co. V. A. Samuelson & Co. n II II & Tl Kissner Motor Co. James Hdwe Co. Willson Hdwe Co. ~! n Insurance on Ranges Freight Repairs Services Lamps Nails Supplies Flashlight Cells Rent Fuses Supplies Cross Arm Braces Gasoline Sept. Power Bill Ind. Ins. & Med Aid Washington State Bank Olympic Utility Supply II I. " Richfield Oil Co. - Puget Sound Power & Light Co. State Treasurer LIBRARY FUND Pac. Te 1 & Tel Co. Washington Bindery A. R. Clark City Treasurer puget Sound News Co. Servi ce Binding Recasing Books Ligh t & \/a ter Books P ARK FUND Fred Wescott Helen R. Deane McDonald Servic'e ~tation State Treasurer Repairing Lawn Mower Gas (f O~l Ind ins & Med Aid LIGHT INVESTMENT FUND Ci ty l:reasurer Warrants Purchased ~ 2.00 5.05 1.25 60.66 51.17 89.66 47.25 28.70 2.40 4.50 226.82 5.00 44.23 3.80 .65 2.10 .75 60.26 32.95 15.75 3.75 1.75 1.00 10.00 3.13 7.91 7.46 1.15 7.35 2.79 27.30 94.80 po. 5.25 II o~ ;.-- 125.50 74.90 50.57 .55 2.10 25.75 45.00 "'(.. 2.75 )01 -- 6.59 1.23 25.29 13.93 1.00 4.45 8.75 66.53 1. 75 .72 .20 85.00 7.10 '1-<1- 36.32 p$'). --- 174.58 97.50 5836.18 18.43 4.25 -+f 88.94 10.92 J?S - 10.83 20.54 4.00 ..2~ ''1: 5.87 2.91 13.36 1898.10 I I I I I October 10. 19~4 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ .., '245 EDIZ HOOK WATER EXTENSION FUND I Water Dept. Federal Pipe & Tamk Co. Marshall-Wells Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. Harris & Schu~ler Willson Hdwe Co. n It iI Paris Motor 1,;0. State T:t'easurer rtichfield Oil Co. Repairs Ind Ins & ~ed Aid Kerosene PaN Roll Pipe Torches Freiil:ht Asphalt Supplie s " /,,0 )....-,..1 - There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. I 97 ?n1~~ C1 ty Clerk. I I I #-~ Mayor. 184.50 1941. 61 10.29 18.75 .75 .94 4.42 . 1.39 51.39 7.56. ~