HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/10/1969 106 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON (Special Meeting - October 10, 1969) The City Council met in special session at 12:05 p.m. Officers present were Mayor Wolfe, Councilmen Maxfield, Thorne, Bettger, Schroeder, Basom and Cornell; Manager Herrman and Clerk McNeece. The purpose of this meeting was to deter- mine and fix, by ordinance, the amount to be raised by ad va'lorem"taxes" for the Budget for 1970. The following ordinance was read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1665 AN ORDINANCE confirming and affixing the amount of taxes to be levied for the year 1970 by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, meeting and sitting for such purpose. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried to adopt the foregoing ordinance as read, " I The purpose for which the meeting had been called being completed, the meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m. d j} 7J}.o'91t ''''0...) City Clerk I CALL FO. Ems , '1 ,Sealed ~)id:1 wiH be ]'ecoived by CIty (~f Port Angeies, \Yal:lhington at ~140 \, ~st .Front Street Port AngC'lc~ I;YaRhfngton ulltl! Ucto'lJer 16. l~ti!l [~.t 1.1 P.M. for Alteratfoll9 to The POl"t 'Angeles Public Library; and The fsenlor Center. at -Vd1lch tll11(! the bids: wll) be ope-11erl and J'ood, Shhi prescnte{] after that time" cannot uc USl.'d. , Plans, speclfi('ntion~ an(l r.QntraetJ (locl!"Wllts may be obtain{'u at offit-C. of J',dward M. Young, 'j'acullla. \\'USh~1 lng-toll, :237 Bro:l.d\\-a~- Qr at City (;If IPort Angelef:l, \Vashington upun H! (\('Jlosit of $25,~O fOl" each 'set. Such! (.lCPOS.it will he .'eturnl,;;u i! .a bill if;; !: ;~~~jU~~~gd I~r~~l. th1fr~~n:s.r1\t~~~CJed t~~ I Llddeor must ~e('hl'\)> {U Lid 01' return the dO('lirrH'~'ntH Qr furfeit t'he deJlOflit. Plans & SI)CCS fjlNl with DODGE! ~S9.AX, iiSlfi (lth Axe. So., Seattle. 1\\ a.....hmgton. Ene]~ hirl must be flccompanied bJr ,n ('('rtltINl clH'ck, cashier'!:; eh~ck or ('hid lWIH.l, in a"n amount no.t lesR than Fl% of the hid, made. payahle to the elty or Port Ang{11es, \Vn~h\ng-tQn, I r ~u,('{"e!'lSful bidder ,yllJ be rl'QU,lred lito file a ]ler1"ormancp 1Ioml in full tamollnt of ('ontraet \l.'Hh Burelv ac- ~ cerr1~~]~I~hl o~ne~~~("ry('(t to ;eiCCl r any nr all bid!'; nnd to wah'e lnfo1"_ ,'nmlltles. ~o hiddel' (nay \YithdrRwl ~hls bin R!ter tlme for npenlng thC'1"e- ot, 111l1("~~' nward of contrRct I~ a~- I'l.YC(\ fOl' n.- I>eriocl cxce-eclll1g thirty 'ualT5. I DON~\T..n D. HERR::\1AX . g:i~ ;;a~~)~fr Ange'r'~, 'VaRh, I T'ubllshed: Od. 2 Rnd 9, UIG!I. .J